25. If such owner shall not make or repair such sidewalk within such time or in such manner; or if he be not a resident of said village, the trustees shall cause the same to be made and repaired; they shall keep an account of the expenses thereof, which shall be a tax against him or her, and a lien upon such lot; and they shall issue their warrant for the collection thereof, and the same shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes in said village. for such § 26. Every such warrant shall be returnable and may be Warrants renewed like other warrants for collection of taxes in said expenses. village; and it shall set forth plainly by some brief description, the lot charged with the lien, as it is required to be set forth in warrants for the collection of taxes by the town collectors, the name of the owner, the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the side walk to be made or repaired, under which the expenses charged on such lot were incurred, the amount of the lien and the street and side. thereof on which such sidewalk was required to be made or repaired. Expenses how re § 27. Whenever the collector of said village shall return under oath, that within the time specified for the return uncollected thereof, in any warrant issued for the collection of taxes, or covered the expenses of making or repairing side walks therein, he was unable to find within said village any property out of which he could collect any such tax or expenses specified in such warrant, the trustees may, in the corporate name of said village, prosecute the person liable to pay such tax or expenses, in any court having cognizance of such case, and recover the amount thereof with costs. 28. The president of said village shall preside at all President meetings of the trustees thereof when he shall be present; of village, he shall call special meetings of the trustees, when in his opinion the interests of said village shall require it, and whenever he shall be requested to do so by two or more of the trustees; he shall take care that all the by-laws of said village are faithfully executed; he shall prosecute, in the corporate name, and for the use of said village, for all the penalties incurred by any violation of such by-laws, and he shall perform such other duties as shall be imposed upon him by law, or by the by-laws of said village. Trustees § 29. All meetings of the trustees of said village shall be public, and all persons may attend the same; aud it shall be general the duty of such trustees: 1. To appoint from time to time one of their number to duties, be president of said village, and also to appoint one of their number to preside at any meeting of the trustees, when the president shall be absent; 2. To appoint some suitable person to keep a poll list at any meeting of the electors of said village, when such a poll list shall be required to be kept, and the clerk shall not attend. 3. To fill any vacancy in any office of said village, except that of trustee, by appointing a person who shall hold the office for the residue of the term, unless sooner removed; 4. to provide for the care, custody and preservation of the public property, records and papers of said village; 5. To see that the officers of said village perform their duties faithfully and correctly, and to cause measures to be taken to punish any neglect of duty by any of them; 6. To call special meetings of the electors of said village, when in their judgment the interests of said village shall require it; 7. To give notice in the manner prescribed by law, of the annual and special meetings of such electors, which notice shall specify the officers to be chosen thereat, and to preside at such meetings; 8. To present at every annual meeting, a detailed statement, signed by them, showing when and from what sources all monies paid into the treasury of said village during the preceding year have been derived, and when, to whom, and for what purpose all moneys paid from such treasury during the same period have been paid; how much of any sum of money raised in said village during such year for any specific purpose, or directed at the last annual meeting, or at any special meeting in such year, to be applied to any specific purpose, has been so applied, and how much thereof remains on hand; what side-walks have been made and repaired in said village during such year at the expense of the owners, what at the expense of the village, and the amount of the collections on account of such expense, the names of the owners of lots from whom any sums are due on account of such expense, and the amount due from them respectively; which statement shall be filed with the clerk; 9. To present to every annual meeting a detailed statement, subscribed by them, of the estimated expenses of said village for the ensuing year, to meet which taxes may be lawfully raised, specifying each item of anticipated expense; which statement shall be filed with the clerk; 10. To carry into effect every resolution adopted at any 2 meeting of the electors of said village legally convened, which such meeting shall have authority to adopt ; 11. To audit every claim of the pound master for fees and compensation in respect to any animals found going at large in said village in violation of the by-laws thereof, as provided by law; and to hear and determine any application of the owners of any such animals for a remission of the penalty incurred by their so going at large; 12. To fix the penalty and decide upon the sufficiency of the sureties in the official bonds of the treasurer, collector and constable of said village; 13. To fix the compensation of the assessors, treasurer, clerk and collector of said village; 14. To issue warrants for the collection of taxes assessed in said village, and for the collection of the expenses of making and repairing side-walks of the owners of lots on which such expenses shall be a lien, which shall be returnable in sixty days from the time of issuing the same; and to renew such warrants at any time during their term of office, for any such taxes or expenses which shall be returned as not paid; 15. To execute leases of real estate leased by them ; 16. To enter, or to authorize others to enter, in the day time, when in their judgment the interests of such village shall require it, any building or dwelling house in said village, in which there shall be a fire-place, stove or stovepipe, for the purpose of examining the same, and to make such regulations in regard thereto as a proper security against fire shall, in their judgment require; 17. To compel every male resident of said village, of the age of sixteen years or upwards, attending any fire in said village, to assist in extinguishing the same, when required by any fire warden or trustee, or by any officer of any fire company, or hook and ladder company in said village; 18. To compel all persons in said village to keep their ashes safely; 19. To direct the manner of making and repairing sidewalks and cross-walks in said village; 20. To prescribe the manner of repairing highways and streets, and laying out the money raised for highway purposes in said village; 21. To perform all the duties imposed on them by this act, or by any other law of this state; 22. To make such by-laws not inconsistent with the Discretion⚫ary pow. ers. Assess ment rolls. laws of this state, or of the United States, as they shall deem proper to carry into effect the provisions of this act, or of other laws applicable to said village, and the powers vested in any officer thereof, and to prescribe penalties not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each violation of any such by-laws; but no such by-law shall prescribe any penalty for any act which shall be prohibited, and for doing which a penalty shall be prescribed by the laws of this state; 23. To post up a printed copy of every by-law made pursuant to this act, to which penalties are attached, and no such by-law shall take effect until four days after a printed copy thereof shall have been posted in ten of the most public places in said village; of which posting an affidavit shall be made and filed with the village clerk, within six days after it shall take place. §30. Such trustees shall have power in their discretion: 1. To restrain cattle, horses, sheep, swine and geese from going at large in said village, under a penalty not exceeding five dollars for every such animal found so going at large in violation of the by-laws of said village, which animals so going at large shall be liable to be distrained, impounded and sold as provided by this act; and the owner of every such animal shall be liable to such penalty, which may be sued for and recovered with costs, in the corporate name and for the use of said village; 2. To prohibit the encumbering of the side-walks of said village with any materials whatever, and riding and driving thereon, except to cross the same; 3. To compel persons to remove snow from the sidewalks opposite to and on the same side of the road or street with lots owned or occupied by them, within such time as may be prescribed by the by-laws of said village for that purpose; 4. To compel persons to remove dead animals and stagnant water from their premises; 5. To prohibit flying kites, rolling hoops, and playing ball in the streets of said village or in any of them; 6. To compel occupants of buildings in said village in which a fire shall be kept, to keep fire buckets; 7. To prohibit or license common showmen, other than those restrained by law; for which license so granted, a sum not less than five dollars shall be charged by the president of said village. 31. Whenever the electors of said village shall, pursu ant to the provisions of this act, direct any sum of money to be raised by tax, it shall be the duty of the assessors of said village to assess the same, and make out and complete an assessment of such tax in the manner, as nearly as practicable, prescribed by law for making assessments by town assessors; and they shall deliver the same to the trustees of said village within sixty days after the meeting at which such tax was directed to be raised. bond. §32. Before the collector of said village shall receive any Collector's warrant for the collection of taxes, or the expenses of making or repairing sidewalks, he shall execute to said village by its corporate name, and deliver to the trustees thereof, a bond with sufficient sureties to be approved by them, by a certificate of approval, signed by them and endorsed thereon, conditioned for the faithful performance of his of ficial duties; and if he shall neglect to execute and deliver to the trustees such bond within three days after being notified by the president to do so, his office shall be vacated. §33. It shall be the duty of such collector, within the Collector's time prescribed in any such warrant for the return thereof, to collect all such sums of money as he shall be thereby required to collect, which can be collected by him, to pay over all such sums collected by him to the treasurer of the village, and to return such warrant to the trustees with his return thereon written, subscribed by him, and specifying any such sum or sums of money not collected by him; and if any sum be returned by him not collected, his return shall be accompanied by his affidavit that the statements therein made are true. duties, § 34. Before the treasurer of said village shall enter up- Treasurer, on the duties of his office, he shall execute to said village by its corporate name, and deliver to the trustees thereof, a bond with sufficient sureties to be approved by them, by a certificate of such approval, signed by them and endorsed thereon, conditioned for the faithful performance of his official duties; and if he shall neglect to execute and deliver to the trustees such bond within three days after being notified by the president to do so, his office shall be vacated. §35. Such treasurer shall receive and safely keep, and he shall pay out when lawfully required to do so, all mon- His dutier. eys belonging to said village; he shall keep accounts of all such moneys as by law he shall be required to keep the same; he shall preserve all vouchers filed in his office; he shall comply with every law of this state, and with every |