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Chap. 52.

AN ACT to authorise the Dexter, Brownville and
Pamela plank road company to borrow money.

Passed March 9, 1855.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows:

row $3,000

§ 1. The Dexter, Brownville and Pamela Plank road May borcompany is hereby authorised to borrow any sum of money the directors of said company may desire, not exceeding three thousand dollars, to be expended in paying for repairing and relaying the road belonging to said company, and in paying the existing debts of said company.

§2. The president of said company is hereby authorised Bonds. to execute, for the purpose of securing any amount so borbowed, his official bond or bonds of said company, for an amount in the aggregate not exceeding three thousand dollars, on lawful interest, and payable at such time and times as the said directors may determine, and also to secure the payment of said bond or bonds, the said president is hereby authorised to execute, acknowledge and deliver a mortgage or mortgages on the road of said company, and the franchises of said company, conditioned for the payment of the amount or amounts of money secured by said bond or bonds in the manner and at the time specified in said bond or bonds.

§ 3. And if the said mortgage or mortgages shall be fore- Salo under closed, and a sale had of said road, it is hereby declared mortgage. that the corporate rights and franchises held by and belonging to said company, at the time of the execution of said in mortgage or mortages, shall by virtue of said sale, pass to and vest in the purchaser or purchasers of such corporate property, and the said corporation shall not thereby be dissolved.

§ 4. No dividend shall be made by the directors of said company until the said mortgage or mortgages shall be paid.

§ 5. This act shall take effect immediately.

Present system abolished.

Policemen and their powers.

How appointed.


Police ordinances and penalties.

Chap. 53.

AN ACT further to amend the charter of the city of Oswego, and to establish and regulate the police system of said city.

Passed March 9, 1855, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Sen· ate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§1. The present system of police constables and watchmen, and the office of city marshal, in the city of Oswego, are hereby abolished.

§2. There shall hereafter be in the said city, one chief of police and eight policemen, to be appointed as hereinafter provided; but the common council of said city, may, by a vote of three-fourths of the aldermen elected, increase the number of policemen. The policemen appointed under this act shall have the same power and authority as constables now have by law, except as to civil process and proceedings, and shall be subject to the same liabilities and regulations, except as herein otherwise provided.

§3. The common council of said city shall by ballot appoint the said chief of police and policemen, who shall hold their respective offices at the pleasure of the common council. The mayor may also appoint, in extraordinary emergencies, an additional number of policemen, to hold their appointment until the next meeting of the common council.

§4. The common council of the city of Oswego shall annually, and before they shall appoint the said chief of police and policemen, determine and enter upon their minutes, the amount of salary or compensation, and its mode of payment, to be paid to the said chief of police and policemen for the coming year, which salary or compensation so determined and entered shall not be changed during said year.

$5. The said common council is hereby authorized and empowered to enact such ordinances with or without penalties to regulate the powers and duties of the chief of police and policemen, and to adopt such measures not incon

sistent with this act or with the charter of said city, except such parts thereof as are by this act modified and repealed, as they shall deem expedient for the purpose of carrying out the details of the police department of said

city. No fees or compensation, other than as herein pro- No fees.

vided, shall be charged or received by the chief of police or any policeman for the arrest, confinement, or discharge of any person; or for mileage, or for serving any process, or warrant, or for discharging any other duty required by this act to be performed by him.

receive pre


§7. No policeman or chief of police shall receive any Forbid to present or reward for services rendered or to be rendered sents or reunless with the approbation of the mayor, such approbation to be given in writing, and entered in a book to be kept in the mayor's office. Any chief of police or policeman who shall receive any fee, present or reward in violation of this section shall forfeit his office.


§8. The chief of police shall possess all the powers of a Chief of constable, and also the powers of a magistrate to entertain complaints for criminal offences, and to issue warrants for the arrest of persons charged with such offences; but such warrants shall be made returnable before the recorder of said city, at his office. He shall also have power to commit persons charged with criminal offences until examination shall be had before the recorder or a justice of the peace, authorized to act in his place.

§ 9. It shall be the duty of the chief of police, under His duties. the direction of the mayor, to superintend the police department, of which he shall be the chief executive officer. He shall at least every month, report to the common council, the state of the department, and particularly whether any members are delinquent in their duties.

chief of

§ 10. The common council shall provide an office for Office of the chief of police, where all reports to him shall be made, police. and he shall keep in such office a book in which shall be entered the names of all the members and a record of the transactions of the department.

recorder in


§ 11. The recorder of said city is hereby authorised to Fees of the charge and receive for the use of the city of Oswego, in any criminal proceedings, such fees as are now allowed by proceed. law to justices of the peace for like services; and all fees and charges for services performed by such recorder, and which are chargeable upon the county of Oswego, or any

Fees in

civil proceedings.

Certainfees to be char ged to

towns by


Constables and their fees.

town therein, shall be audited and allowed by the board of supervisors of said county, to and for the benefit of said city of Oswego.

12. The recorder of the city of Oswego shall for the use of said city, be entitled to charge and receive from all persons the same fees and perquisites of office for any official services or duty performed by him under the constitution and laws of this state, as are chargeable againts any person by a commissioner of deeds, and he shall on the first day of May in each year, and at the expiration of his term of office, pay over all sums of money so received by him, to the treasurer of the city of Oswego, and shall accompany such payment by an affidavit made by him that the account rendered is a just and true account of all such fees by him received.

§ 13. The said city of Oswego is hereby authorised to charge to the county of Oswego, or any town therein, for services performed by the chief of police and policemen in criminal proceedings, such fees as are allowed to constables of towns, and chargeable to said county or towns therein; and the same shall be audited and allowed by the board of supervisors of said county, to and for the benefit of said city of Oswego.

§ 14. The constables elected in said city of Oswego, or in the different towns in Oswego county, shall not as such, be compelled to serve within the city of Oswego, any summons, warrant, subpoena, order, notice, paper or process whatever, issued or directed by the recorder as police justice of said city, or any justice of the peace of said city, in execution of the laws of the state, for the prevention of crime and the punishment of criminal offenders, or of the police laws or regulations of the state, or of the said city, or in any proceedings collateral to or connected with the execution of such general laws or police laws or regulations, nor shall the county of Oswego or any of the towns therein, or the city of Oswego be liable to pay any such constable any fees for services under such paper or process. § 15. The common council of said city are hereby authopolice de rised to raise by tax, for the support of the police department, a sum annually not exceeding five thousand dollars, in addition to the sum authorised to be raised by title five section two of the charter of said city.

Tax for

support of


§16. This act shall take effect on the second Tuesday of March next.

Chap. 54.

AN ACT to apply the provisions of an act entitled "An act to facilitate the dissolution of manufacturing corporations in the county of Herkimer, and to secure the payment of their debts without preference," passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, to the Empire Faced Brick Company of Richmond county, and Seneca Woolen Mills Company at Seneca Falls, Seneca county.

Passed March 9, 1855.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. All the provisions of an act passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, entitled "An act to facilitate the dissolution of manufacturing corporations in the county of Herkimer, and to secure the payment of their debts without preference," are hereby made to apply and shall apply to the Empire Faced Brick company of Richmond county, and the Seneca County Woolen Mills company at Seneca Falls, Seneca county, provided the last mentioned companies shall not have given either or any of their creditors, at any time before this act shall take effect, any priority by payment, assignment or otherwise, in contemplation of insolvency, or when the said companies was in fact insolvent.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 55.

AN ACT to extend the time for the collection of taxes in the town of Catskill.

Passed March 9, 1855.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. If the collector of the town of Catskill, in the county of Greene, shall pay over all moneys collected by

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