Chap. 46. AN ACT to authorise the people of the town of South Hampton, Suffolk county, to choose an additional assessor. Passed March 3, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. The people of the town of South Hampton, in the county of Suffolk are hereby authorised to elect, at their next annual town meeting one additional assessor, who shall hold the office and perform its duties for one year next following his election; and the persons to be voted for as such additional assessor shall be designated on the ballot for town officers at such election as "additional assessor." § 2. The assessor elected at said annual town meeting, to fill the vacancy then to occur, as now provided by law, shall hold the office and perform its duties for two years next following his election, instead of three years as now provided. §3. At every succeeding annual town meeting in the said town, there shall be two assessors chosen, to hold their offices for two years next following, besides the number necessary to fill vacancies. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 47. AN ACT to provide payment for lands purchased by the commissioners of the land office for the manufac ture of coarse salt. Passed March 6, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: 1. The treasurer shall pay on the warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not other wise appropriated, to Richard F. Stevens and Benjamin R. Norton, the sum of nine thousand one hundred and thirtytwo dollars, in payment for certain lands purchased by the commissioners of the land office, under and by virtue of chapter one hundred and thirty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-four, being an act entitled "An act to remove certain coarse salt works in the city of Syracuse." Chap. 48. AN ACT for the appraisal and payment of canal damages to Clark S. Potter. Passed March 8, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: § 1. The canal appraisers are hereby authorised and required to examine and appraise the damages to the property owned by Clark S. Potter, situate in and adjacent to the village of Albion, in the county of Orleans, consisting of a woolen factory and saw mill, and the water power and privileges appertaining thereto, incurred by the deposit of earth and other materials in the pond and race connected with said property, occasioned by a breach in the canal in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and by sewers and sluices constructed and opened by the state; also the damages to said water power and property, occasioned by deepening the bed and turning the course of, and diverting the waters leading to said factory and mill, and removing, changing and lowering the dam and waste-wier belonging to the same, by the state or its officers; also, the interruption of business, occasioned by the causes aforesaid, or by the construction of the enlarged canal or any of the works connected therewith, through the village of Albion, and such further damage by the construction of said sewers, to said property, as shall not have been obviated by the contemplated improvements recommended by the canal commissioners, to prevent future deposits in said pond and race, and make such award thereon as shall be just, not exceeding the sum of seven thousand dollars for dam ages sustained up to this time, subject to appeal to the canal board as in other cases. § 2. The amount which shall be finally awarded under this act, shall be paid by the treasurer upon the warrant of the auditor of the canal department, to said Potter, out of any moneys in the treasury appropriated or to be appropriated for the payment of canal damages. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 49. AN ACT to extend the time for the collection of Taxes in the city of Oswego, in the county of Oswego. Passed March 9, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. If the collector of taxes in the city of Oswego in the county of Oswego, shall renew his bond as now by law provided, within the time in which he is now required to make his return, and shall within the same time pay over all moneys by him collected, the time for collecting taxes in the city of Oswego and making returns to the county treasurer, is hereby extended to the first day of April next, and any bond given by said collector to procure such extension under and by virtue of this act, shall be obligatory and binding as a collector's bond. §2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 50. AN ACT to amend the Revised Statutes, relative to the time of sending in the annual reports of academies ́ subject to the visitation of the regents. Passed March 9, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: ademic year. § 1. Every academy or institution of learning, subject End of acto the visitation of the regents, is hereby required, as early as possible after the passage of this act, at a legal meeting of the trustees, to declare on its minutes, the termination of its academic year, and which in all cases shall be some period between the fifteenth day of July and the fifteenth day of September in each year. report. §2. Every academy shall make up its annual report for Annual said academic year, and shall transmit the same to the regents on or before the first day of November in each year, stating in the same the termination of their academic year. § 3. The regents are hereby required to present their Report of annual report to the legislature within ten days after the regents. opening of the session in each year. § 4. All provisions in the revised statutes inconsistent Repeal. with the above are hereby repealed. tion of lite § 5. The distribution of the annual appropriation from Distribu the incomes of the literature and United States deposit rature fund. fund, for eighteen hundred and fifty-six, shall be the same as if the academies had reported for a full year. § 6. This act shall take effect immediately. May borrow $2,000. Bonds. Sale under mortgage. Dividends. Chap. 51. AN ACT to authorise the Dexter and Limerick Plank Passed March 9, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. The Dexter and Limerick plank road company is hereby authorised to borrow any sum of money the directors of said company may desire, not exceeding two thousand dollars, to be expended in paying for repairing the road belonging to said company. §2. The president of said company is hereby authorised to execute, for the purpose of securing any amount so borrowed, to the person or persons loaning the same, his official bond or bonds for said company, for an amount in the aggregate not exceeding two thousand dollars, at lawful interest, and payable at such time and times, as the said directors may determine; and also to secure the payment of said bond or bonds, the said president is hereby authorised to execute, acknowledge and deliver, a mortgage or mortgages on the road of said company, and the franchises of said company conditioned for the payment of the amount or amounts secured by said bond or bonds, in the manner and at the times specified in said bond or bonds. §3. And if the said mortgage or mortgages shall be foreclosed, and a sale had of said road, it is hereby declared that the corporate rights and franchises held by and belonging to said company, at the time of the execution of said mortgage or mortgages, shall by virtue of said sale, pass to and vest in the purchaser or purchasers of such corporate property, and the said corporation shall not thereby be dissolved. § 4. No dividends shall be made by the directors of said company, until the said mortgage or mortgages shall be paid. § 5. This act shall take effect immediately. |