Assessment rolls. Warrant. conditioned that he will faithfully collect such taxes, and pay over the same according to law. The bonds of the collectors, with the approval of the supervisors thereon, shall be delivered to the clerk of the county of Oswego to be filed. The said county clerk shall enter and record each of said bonds in the book provided for entering and recording the bonds of town collectors, and every such bond shall be a lien upon the real estate of said collector and his sureties, in the same manner and to the same extent as now provided by law in relation to the bonds of town collectors, and in case of any breach in the condition of said bonds, or either of them, suits may be maintained on the first mentioned bonds, or either of them, by the city of Oswego, and on the last mentioned bond or bonds, by the supervisors to whom the same were executed, or their successors in office. Each collector and his sureties shall also be liable to the same proceeding to enforce the payment of money collected on any warrant issued by the supervisors of the county, as are prescribed by law in respect to town collectors and their sureties. In case any collector shall refuse or neglect for ten days after being notified of the amount of taxes directed to be collected by him by warrant of the supervisors of the county, to execute and give the bonds herein required, such neglect or refusal shall be immediately reported by the supervisors of the city, or some one of them, to the common council, who shall thereupon declare the office of such collector vacant, and proceed forthwith to appoint ́another in his place, as such neglect shall be deemed a refusal to serve. §3. The assessment rolls mentioned in section three, of title five of the act to incorporate the city of Oswego, as amended, shall be delivered, the one for the first and third wards to the collector of said wards, and the one for the second and fourth wards to the collector of those wards; and all provisions contained in said section as amended, in relation to the duties and liabilities of the collector shall be applicable to this act, and shall be deemed to be in full force in respect to each collector elected or appointed in pursuance thereof. §4. Every warrant authorised by the charter of said city, for the collection of any local tax or assessment, and of every highway assessment made or imposed by the common council upon property in the first and third wards of said city, or either of them, shall be delivered to the collector of said wards, and all warrants for the collection of like taxes or assessments, including the highway assessment, for the second and fourth wards, or either of them, shall be delivered to the collector therein. All provisions of section six, of title five, and section four, of title six, of the act to incorporate said city, as amended, shall be applicable to this act, except so far as they may be inconsistent therewith. of warrants § 5. Any warrant for the collection of any tax or assess- Renewal ment authorised by law to be issued by the common council of said city, may be renewed by the mayor under the direction of the common council, or a new warrant may be issued, provided the time for collecting such tax or assessment is not extended beyond the expiration of the current fiscal year of said city. §6. All provisions contained in this act to incorporate the city of Oswego, and the several acts amending the same, and all laws prescribing the powers, duties and liabilities of the collector of taxes therein, shall be applicable to each collector elected or appointed under this act, except so far as they may be inconsistent therewith. All such parts of said acts as are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. § 7. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 39. AN ACT to reduce the expenses of recording convey- Passed March 1, 1855. § 1. From and after the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, the fees of the clerks of the counties of Chautauque, St. Lawrence and Onondaga, for recording conveyances of real estate, which by law may be recorded, shall be six cents for each folio, instead of the fees now authorised by law. § 2. All acts or parts of acts so far as they conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Chap. 40. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Williamsburgh Ferry Company," passed April 10, 1849. Passed March 2, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: 1. The second section of the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Williamsburgh Ferry company," passed April tenth, eighteen, hundred and forty-nine, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: The capital stock of said corporation shall be three hundred thousand dollars, with power to increase the same to five hundred thousand dollars, whenever a majority of the directors shall determine, which capital, stock shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap, 41. AN ACT to change the names of certain minors. Passed March 2, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. Maria Louise Shew, Alma Cecilia Shew, and Henry Chapin Shew, minors, of the town of Flushing, in the county of Queens, are hereby authorised to change their names, respectively, to Marie Louise Houghton, Alma Cecilia Houghton, and Henry Chapin Houghton, by which names they may be hereafter designated and known., 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 42. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Buffalo and enlarge its boundaries," passed April 13, 1853, and the act amendatory thereof, passed March 21, 1854. Passed March 3, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: § 1. The first section of the fourth title of chapter two hundred and thirty of the laws of this state, enacted in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, is hereby amended by the following addition to said section: "He shall possess and execute, in the city, in criminal cases, all the powers and duties of a justice of the peace of a town, and may perform the duties required by section thirtyfour of title seven of the said act to be performed by justices of the peace. § 2. The thirty-fifth section of the seventh title of said chapter, is hereby amended by the following addition to said section: He shall possess and may execute and perform the duties required by section thirty-four of title seven of the said act, to be performed by justices of the peace, for which he shall receive such compensation as the common council of the city of Buffalo shall determine. §3. The eighth section of chapter sixty-nine of the laws of this state, enacted March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 8. After the return to the comptroller of any roll or rolls of unpaid taxes, as in the last preceeding section provided, he shall proceed to collect the same in the same manner and with the like effect as if the said taxes had been levied under and by virtue of the act hereby amended, and for that purpose the same proceedings shall be taken as are authorised by said act, for the collection of the class of taxes returned; and all the provisions of said act shall be applicable thereto, and shall regulate the proceedings of the comptroller, constables and other officers in the collection thereof. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Real estate. Survey. Chap. 43. AN ACT to authorise the Hudson Aqueduct Company to take and hold real estate and to divert water from Springs now owned by said company, and providing for the appraisement of the damages occasioned thereby, and to borrow money for that purpose. Passed, March 3, 1855. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. The President and Directors of the Hudson Aqueduct company, may take and hold any real estate for the purpose of supplying the city of Hudson with pure and wholesome water, and by their directors, agents, servants, and other persons employed, may enter upon the lands of any person or persons, which may be necessary for said purpose, and may take the water from any spring or springs now owned by said company, and divert and convey the same to said city, and may lay and construct pipes, aqueducts, trenches and embankments necessary or proper for said purpose, upon any lands so entered upon, taken and held by said company. §2. Before entering upon, taking or using any land, or diverting or using the water or any part thereof flowing from any spring now owned by said company for the purposes of this act, the directors of the company shall cause a survey and map to be made of the lands intended to be taken, or entered upon for any of said purposes, and by which map and survey the lands of the owner or occupant intended to be taken and used shall be designated, and also a survey and map of any spring or springs taken or used, or the waters of which, or any part of the water of which is intended to be used or diverted, and of the stream or streams flowing therefrom, and of the lands adjoining such stream or streams, and through which the same may flow, designating the owner or occupants of such lands, and which map shall be signed by the surveyor or engineer making the same, and the president of said company, and filed in the office of the clerk of the county of Columbia. The company, by any of its offi |