the corporate bonds of the said city, for the support and maintenance of common schools in that part of the said city lately known as the city of Williamsburgh, from the thirty first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, to the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, the sum of fifty-one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars, (less the distributive share of state school moneys which that part of the said city may be entitled to receive in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five,) and cause the same to be placed to the credit of the board of education of said city for the aforesaid purpose. §2. The common council of the said city shall cause to be added in the first taxes to be levied after the passage of this act, upon the real and personal property of that part of the said city lately known as the city of Williamsburgh, the sum of six thousand dollars, and annually thereafter the sum of six thousand dollars, until the whole sum authorised to be borrowed by the first section of this act shall be paid, together with the interest that may have • accrued thereon. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 32. AN ACT to alter the name of the first Baptist Church and society of the town of Camillus, at Elbridge, to reorganize the board of trustees and to authorize the sale of their house and lot. Passed Febuary 24, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: § 1. From and after the passage of this act, the first Baptist Church and society of the town of Camillus, located at Elbridge, instead of their present name shall take and use the name of "the First Baptist Society of the town of Elbridge." § 2. For the purposes of reorganizing the board of trustees, the present board are hereby authorised to call a meeting for the election of a new board of trustees, and notice of said call and election as far as applicable, shall be made according to section six of the act to provide for the incorporation of religious societies, passed April first, eighteen hundred and thirteen. §3. The trustees of the said first Baptist society of the town of Elbridge, when elected as provided for in this act, shall be authorised to sell and convey their present meeting house and lot. Chap. 33 AN ACT to extend so much of chapter 313 of the Laws of 1849, as relates to incorporated banks that shall continue the business of banking until the expiration of their charter, to the Ontario Branch Bank. Passed, February 24, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. So much of chapter three hundred and thirteen of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-nine, as relates to incorporated banks that shall continue the business of banking until the expiration of their charter, shall apply to the Ontario Branch bank, as though it were a distinct and separate corporation with a capital of three hundred thousand dollars; but nothing in this act shall authorise the said Ontario Branch bank to continue connected in business with any other bank after the existence of the present charter, when the said Ontario Branch bank shall organize under the act to authorise the business of banking, passed April eighteen, eighteen hundred and thirtyeight, and the several amendments thereto; nor shall this act affect in any way the rights and remedies of the noteholders, depositors, and other creditors of the existing corporation, of which the said Ontario Branch bank is now a part. Chap. 34. AN ACT to authorize the Stockholders of the Camden Passed, February 24, 1855. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: 1. The stockholders of the Camden Bank are hereby authorised to reduce the number of their directors to seven. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 35. AN ACT to confirm the incorporation of the New, Passed February 24, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: § 1. The company formed under and in pursuance of the provisions of "An act to authorise the formation of corporations for the erection of buildings," passed April 5, 1853, and called "New Hotel Company," located in the city of Oswego, are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate by the name aforesaid, from the time of filing their certificate as required by said act, in the same manner and with the same powers as if the articles of association of said company, filed in pursuance of said act had been acknowledged before some officer competent to take the acknowledgment of deeds. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 36. AN ACT to improve the supply, and to secure the use, of the Croton Water in the City of New-York. Passed, February 27, 1855. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. The trench for laying a thirty inch main for conducting the Croton Water from the receiving Reservoir through the Eighth Avenue, may be constructed by the Croton Aqueduct Department by days work. Also, the lowering or raising of the two thirty-six inch mains in the Fifth Avenue, or the mains or pipes in any other avenue or street wherever it shall become necessary by the alteration of a grade by the common council. §2. This act shall take effect immediately. -Chap. 37. AN ACT amendatory of the acts for the assessment· and collection of taxes. Passed February 27, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: § 1. All persons and associations doing business in the state of New-York, as merchants, bankers, or otherwise, either as principals or partners, whether special or otherwise, and not residents of this state, shall be assessed and taxed on all sums invested in any manner in said business, the same as if they were residents of this state; and said taxes shall be collected from the property of the firms, persons or associations to which they severally belong. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 38. AN ACT to authorise the election of two collectors of taxes and assessments in the city of Oswego. Passed, February 27, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enacl as follows: lectors to §1. There shall hereafter be elected at each annual Two colcharter election in the city of Oswego, two collectors of be chosen. taxes and assessments, one of whom shall be chosen for the first and third wards by the electors of said wards only, and shall be a resident and elector of one of said wards, and one shall be chosen for the second and fourth wards by the electors of those wards, and shall be a resident and elector of the said second or fourth ward. The name of the collector voted for shall be on the ballot containing the names of all other city officers voted for at such election, pursuant to the charter of said city. All the provisions of said charter regulating the annual election of officers for said city shall be applicable to this act. And in case of a vacancy from any cause in the office of any such collector, the common council may appoint by ballot a qualified person to fill the same. 2. Each collector of taxes and assessments in said city Duties and shall perform the duties and be subject to the liabilities liabilities. and obligations prescribed by law for town collectors, and each collector shall give a bond as required by the sixteenth section of the second title of the act to incorporate the city of Oswego, which bond shall be executed by each collector and his sureties and filed with the city clerk, and be approved by the common council within twenty days after service upon such collector, of notice of his election by the city clerk. Before any warrant or warrants for the collection of county taxes, shall have been delivered to any collector elected or appointed under this act, he shall execute to the supervisors of the city an additional bond, in a penalty of at least double the amount of taxes to be collected by the warrant annexed to the assessment to be delivered to him, with two or more sureties who are freeholders in the county of Oswego, to be approved by a majority of the supervisors of said city, |