Road to be laid out. Bond. Report of commis their pay 3. The said commissioners shall have power to lay out and construct a road in said district, from the vicinity of the said Roderick McKenzie's, on the cheapest and most practical route through the said lands to the town of Newcomb, and to expend so much of the said highway tax as shall be necessary there. § 4. The said commissioners shall, before entering upon the duties of their office, execute to the treasurer of Essex county, bonds in the sum of one thousand dollars each, with sufficient sureties to be approved by the said treasurer, for the proper disbursement of the moneys received by them under the provisions of this act, and for the faithful performance of their duties as such commissioners. § 5. The said commissioners shall, on or before the first Sioners and day of December in each year, render to the treasurer of Essex county, a report of all receipts and disbursements by them, together with the proper vouchers therefor; and they shall be paid out of said highway tax two dollars for each day's service actually performed by them, and the necessary traveling expenses incurred by them in discharge of their duties under this act, not exceeding five cents for each mile traveled, which said report and claim for services shall be submitted to the board of supervisors of Essex county, and shall be audited by the said board of supervisors in like manner as other county accounts. Vacancies. 6. The treasurer of Essex county shall have power to fill all vacancies in the office of said commissioners, caused by removal, death, resignation or otherwise. §7. All acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. § 8. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 22. AN ACT for the relief of Thomas W. Sweeny, of the first regiment of New-York Volunteers. Passed February 16, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. The comptroller shall draw his warrant in favor of Thomas W. Sweeney, or his attorney, for the sum of two hundred and eighty-eight dollars, being the amount due him, under the act passed by the legislature, July tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, for the relief of the survivors of the first regiment of the New-York volunteers. §2. The treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the comptroller, to the said Thomas W. Sweeny, or his attorney, the said sum of two hundred and eighty-eight dollars, in pursuance of the first section of this act, which sum is hereby appropriated for that purpose. §3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 23. AN ACT authorising a loan for the enlargement of the Erie, the Oswego, and the Cayuga and Seneca canals, and for the completion of the Black River and Genesee Valley canals, and to provide for payment of certain canal revenue certificates, and for other purposes. Passed February 19, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. The commissioners of the canal fund shall borrow on the credit of this state, in such amounts, from time to time, as may be deemed necessary to pay the appropriations made by chapter three hundred and thirty, of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-four, for the enlargement of the Erie, the Oswego, the Cayuga and Seneca canals, and to the completion of the Black River and Genesee Valley canals, and for the enlargement of such of the locks of the Champlain canal to the size of the present locks of the enlarged Erie canal, as the canal board shall determine to be necessary to rebuild from dilapidation or decay, a sum not exceeding in the whole two millions two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, payable at such time or times as they may prescribe, within eighteen years from the time of such loan, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable quarterly on such days and at such places as the said commissioners shall direct. All the existing provisions of law in relation to loans of money for this State, by the commissioners of the canal fund, and in relation to certificates of stock issued under the direction of the said commissioners, shall apply to the loan hereby authorised and to the certificates therefor issued by the said commissioners. §2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 24. AN ACT to authorise the Susquehanna Fire Insurance Company to change its place of business. Passed February 21, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. It shall be lawful for the Susquehanna Fire Insurance Company, whose principal place of business is now in the village of Cooperstown, in the county of Otsego, to remove its principal office or place of business from said village to the city of Albany, on filing a certificate of such removal with the comptroller, subject however, to all the provisions and restrictions of the act entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of insurance companies," passed June 25, 1853. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 25. AN ACT authorising the appraisal of canal damages to Charles Cook. Passed February 23, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. The canal appraisers are hereby authorised and required to appraise the damages to Charles Cook, for lands appropriated to the public use, and for a diversion of water from his flouring mill, on the line of the Chemung canal, in the same manner they would have appraised the same had his claim been found on file in their department, subject to the same laws which govern other appraisals. §2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 26. AN ACT to prevent the sale or removal by Indians or other persons, of stone, wood, timber or bark, from the Onondaga Indian reservation. Passed February 24, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. All contracts which shall hereafter be made by any person or persons other than Indian, with any Indian or Indians of the Onondaga nation, or with any Indian of any other nation or tribe residing or living with said Onondaga Indians, without the written consent of the agent of said Indians, for or concerning any stone, or any wood, timber or bark of any kind, growing or being on the lands of said Onondaga nation, or that may have been taken or removed from said lands, shall be absolutely void. And any person or persons receiving, without such written consent, from any such Indian or other person, any such stone, wood, timber or bark of any kind, either on said reserva Certain sections amended. tion or that may have been removed therefrom, knowing the same to have been taken or removed from said reservation, shall be liable as trespassers for five times the value of such stone, wood, timber or bark, to be prosecuted for by the agent of said Onondaga Indians, in the name of the people of this state. §2. The agent of the Onondaga nation of Indians, is hereby authorised to prosecute for all violations of this statute, in the name of the people of the state of NewYork, and the moneys arising therefrom, when collected, shall, after deducting his fees, and all reasonable costs and expenses of collection, be paid to the chiefs of the said nation for the benefit of said nation. §3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 27. AN ACT to amend two several acts, each entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Syracuse," passed severally, February 25th and April 15th, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. Passed February 24, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. Section ten of title six, and section three of title fourteen of an act entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Syracuse," passed February twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, are hereby repealed, and the following named sections of said act are hereby amended as follows, viz: Section two of title three, by striking out the words one assessor." Section three of title five, by striking out the words "chief of police." Section nineteen of title ten, by striking out the words "for the first time." And section two of title twelve, by striking out the words "unless such lands though used as aforesaid, shall be appraised by the city assessor at three hundred dollars or more per acre, for the whole tract." |