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Per centage for collection.

Unpaid tax


from the several persons whose names are opposite to said unpaid sums; and the said chamberlain shall, in lieu of the notice now required by law, give notice in two of the public newspapers of said city, that all persons named in said tax lists, are required to pay their taxes for said year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, at his office in said city, in thirty days after the publication of such notice.

§4. The said chamberlain shall charge and receive upon all such of said taxes as shall be paid to him within twenty days after the publication of the notice mentioned in the last section, one per cent; and on all of said taxes which shall be paid after the expiration of twenty days, and within thirty days after the publication of such notice, three per cent; and on all of said taxes which shall remain unpaid more than thirty days from the publication of such notice, five per cent.

5. If any of the said taxes entered on such tax lists, es how col shall remain unpaid for forty days after the publication of the notice mentioned in the third section of this act, the said chamberlain shall immediately thereafter cause notice in writing to be given to the persons who shall not have made payment of the tax charged to them in said tax lists, requiring them to make payment thereof to said chamberlain, at his office, within five days after the date of such notice, and that in default thereof, a warrant will be issued, which notice shall be served at least three days before the expiration of said five days; such service shall be made in the manner and with the effect provided in the sixth section of the second article, of chapter twelve, of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-eight; and upon filing such affidavit with the clerk of Rensselaer county, as is directed by the sixth section of said second article, of chapter twelve, of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-eight, it shall be the duty of the chamberlain to issue his warrant under his hand, in the manner and form directed by the sixth section of article second, of chapter twelve, of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-eight, to levy and collect all of said taxes which shall have remained unpaid for forty days after the publication of the notice in the third section of this act, together with five per cent fees for collection for said chamberlain by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person against whom such warrant shall be issued, or against any goods and chattels in his possession wherever found within said

city, and to pay all sums collected on said warrant, to said chamberlain, and return the warrant within fifteen days after its date; and no claim of property to be made to such goods and chattels, shall be available to prevent a sale.

§6. All the provisions of the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth sections, of the second article, of chapter twelve, of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-eight, shall apply to this act, as if the same were herein repeated.

§ 7. The chamberlain of the city of Troy shall account to the corporation of said city, for the amount collected by him of the taxes herein mentioned, and the percentage for collection.

§8. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 13.

AN ACT for the incorporation of the village of Meridian, in the county of Cayuga, as a separate road district.

Passed February 2, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. All that part of the town of Cato, in the county of Cayuga, included within the bounds of the village of Meridian, is hereby declared to be a separate road district, and free from the superintendence of the commissioners of highways of said town; and the trustees of said village shall be the exclusive commissioners of highways therein, and shall have and exercise the powers of commissioners of highways of towns, in repairing, altering, describing and laying out streets and highways in said village, and making assessments of money and labor therefor, within the limits of said village, and in laying out money and labor for said purposes; and they shall have the power to direct when and where, and to prescribe the manner, width and material for constructing side-walks and crosswalks in said village, and also, in the same manner to direct the setting out of shade trees, on the sides of streets, and may, in their discretion, expend highway labor thereon.

§ 2. The trustees of the said village shall have power from time to time, to appoint a street commissioner for said village, and remove him at pleasure, and appoint another in his place, who shall possess all the powers, and discharge all the duties of overseers of highways, and such as shall from time to time be prescribed to him by the trustees, being accountable to said trustees in the same manner as overseers of highways are to commissioners of high


§3. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 14.

AN ACT authorising the supervisor of the town of Wawarsing, Ulster county, to loan money, and to provide for the payment thereof.

Passed February 2, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§1. The supervisor of the town of Wawarsing, in the county of Ulster, is hereby authorised and empowered to borrow upon the credit of said town of Wawarsing, such sum or sums of money as the town auditors of said town shall certify to be necessary, not exceeding the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, to pay and discharge the just debts and demands that existed against said town on the eleventh day of November, one thousand eight hundred and fiftyfour, and yet unpaid; for the repair and construction of roads and bridges in said town, and other incidental expenses incurred in relation thereto, and to apply the moneys so loaned to the payment of said debts and liabilities.

§2. It shall be the duty of the board of supervisors of the county of Ulster at their annual meeting in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, to levy and assess upon the taxable inhabitants of said town of Wawarsing, such sum of money as shall be certified by board of town auditors of said town of Wawarsing, to be necessary to pay and discharge the principal and interest of the loans made by authority of section first of this act.

3. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 15.

AN ACT to confirm the organization of the Ellicottville and Great Valley Plankroad Company.

Passed February 2, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. The several acts of the Ellicottville and Great Valley plankroad company, in the county of Cattaraugus, heretofore made by the stockholders and officers of said company, in procuring the right of way and organising said company, are hereby confirmed and made valid in like manner and to the same effect as though the act entitled "An act to amend the act for the incorporation of companies to construct plankroads and turnpike roads," passed March 16, 1850, had not been passed, and the said company are hereby declared to be a legal and valid corporation, to the same effect as though said act had not been passed.

§ 2. Nothing herein contained shall affect any suit now pending against said company or any of its officers, growing out of its business affairs, and provided further that nothing in this bill shall be so construed as to prevent the Buffalo and Pittsburg railroad company from crossing said plank road, by paying such damage to said plankroad as may be assessed in the same manner as other damages are assessed on other lands for railroad purposes,

§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 16.

AN ACT to amend "An act to incorporate the Syracuse City Water Works Company," passed April 5, 1849.

Passed February 6, 1855.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§1. The fifteenth section of the said act is hereby amended, so as to read as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The directors of said company may establish rules and regulations for the use of the water from their works, so as to preserve the same from waste, and may thereby impose such penalties for the violation of such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state, as they shall deem proper, not exceeding fifty dollars in any case, which penalty or penalties may be recovered before any justice of the peace of said city, with costs, in the name of said company. Such rules and regulations shall be published in two of the papers in which the proceedings of the common council of the city of Syracuse, are published, at least once in each week, during the month of May, in each year; and a copy of such rules and regulations, certified and sworn to by the president or secretary of the company, with the due publication thereof verified by affidavit of the publisher or foreman in the respective offices of said paper, or by the affidavit of the president or secretary of said company, shall be received as evidence in all courts and places.

§2. In case of the appraisal of lands or water for the company, as provided by the tenth section of the said act, the said company shall apply for the appointment of three commissioners, instead of five, as designated in said tenth section; and said three commissioners shall possess all the powers granted by said tenth section in reference to appraisal, and any two of said commissioners shall be authorized to act in the premises, in case of the absence or disability of the third commissioner.

§3. The said company shall be at liberty at any time when it shall be deemed advisable, to execute a mortgage upon their property as a collateral security for the payment of the bonds which have already been or may hereafter be given for any indebtedness of said company, not exceeding in amount, fifty per cent of its capital.

§4. This act shall take effect immediately.

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