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for the long term shall hold their offices for two years, from the time of such election. Thereafter but one alderman shall be elected annually in each of said wards.

3. In the wards in said city entitled to but one alderman, such alderman shall hold his office but one year from the time of his election.

§4. In case of vacancy in the office of alderman in any vacancies. of the wards of said city, by death, resignation, failure to elect, or otherwise, it shall be lawful for the common council of said city to direct an election to be held to supply such vacancy, which election shall be held at such time and place as the said common council shall direct, and be in all respects conducted in the same manner as the annual election; and every alderman chosen at such special election, shall hold his office during the unexpired term created by such vacancy.

§ 5. Each ward in the city of Troy shall constitute one Supervisupervisor district, and at each charter election hereafter sors. to be holden in said city, there shall be elected one supervisor in each ward, for the same term, and in the same manner, as now provided by law.

§ 6. All the provisions of law now applicable to the election of aldermen and supervisors in said city, not inconsistent with this act, shall be applicable to and govern the election of aldermen and supervisors therein hereafter to be elected.

§7. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 102.

AN ACT to extend the time for the collection of taxes in the town of Chenango.

Passed March 27, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§1. If the collector of taxes of the town of Chenango, Broome county, shall within the time now provided by law, pay over all moneys by him collected, and shall renew his securities to the satisfaction of the supervisor of said town, the time of collecting and making the final return of taxes

in said town, shall be extended to the first day of April


§2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 103.

AN ACT to authorise the trustees of the Washington County Seminary and Collegiate Institute to increase their capital stock.

Passed March 27, 1855.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§1. The trustees of the Washington County Seminary and Collegiate Institute are hereby authorised to increase their capital stock to a sum not exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 104.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act in relation to plank roads and turnpike roads," passed March 28, 1854.

Passed March 27, 1855.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. Section seven of the act entitled "An act in relation to plank and turnpike roads," passed March twentyeighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, is hereby repealed. 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 105.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the village of Port Byron."

Passed March 28, 1855, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


§ 1. The act to incorporate the village of Port Byron, in Amendthe county of Cayuga, passed February 20th, 1837, and the ment. several acts amendatory thereof, are hereby modified so as to read as follows:

§ 2. The inhabitants residing within the district of coun- Name. try hereinafter designated, are hereby incorporated into a municipal body, by the name of "The village of Port Byron," the powers, privileges and duties of such incorporation, and the manner of their exercise, are as described in this act.

§ 3. The district of country referred to in the last sec- Boundaries tion, is comprised within the following boundaries, to wit: All that district of country in the town of Mentz, in the county of Cayuga, beginning at a point on lot No. sixtytwo, in the original township of Brutus (now Mentz), at a distance of three chains and seventy-seven links, north forty-seven and three-fourths degrees east of a buttonwood tree, near or northwesterly of the place where the line of the Montezuma turnpike crosses the line of lots numbers sixty-one and seventy-three, and being at the distance of seven chains and seventy-five links north of the lot line between lots sixty-two and seventy-three; running thence south sixty-two chains, to a point on lot number seventythree directly east of the south bounds of lands formerly owned by William Duvall, on lot number seventy-three; thence west sixty-seven chains and twenty links, to a point on lot number seventy-two directly south of the west end of the King or Port Byron lock (so called); thence north sixty-two chains, to a point on lot number sixty-one seven chains and seventy-five links north of the south bounds of said lot number sixty-one; thence east sixty-seven chains and twenty links to the place of beginning.





Time of elections.

Conduct of elections.


1. The officers of the village shall be, a president, four trustees, one treasurer, one clerk, one police justice, one police constable, one collector, three assessors, two or more street commissioners, one chief engineer of the fire department, one or more fire wardens, a pound master, a sexton of the burial grounds.

§ 2. The president, trustees, treasurer, clerk, police justice and assessors, shall be elected by ballot by the electors of said village, and the remaining officers shall be appointed, by the board of trustees, and the officers thus appointed shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the board of trustees; and all the officers to be elected, except the police justice and assessors, shall hold their offices for one year, and until others are elected and qualified; the assessors shall hold for three years, one to be elected each year. At the first election after this act takes effect, three assessors shall be elected, and within eight days thereafter, they shall meet at a time and place to be designated by the president, and determine by ballots numbered one, two and three, to be drawn in the presence of the president and clerk, their respective terms of service. The terms of the first assessors shall be for one, two and three years, according to the ballots they shall respectively draw; if either fail to attend, the president shall draw for him. The result shall be entered in the village record. The police justice shall hold his office for four years.

§3. No person shall be eligible, or appointed to any office, unless he shall be at the time a resident and elector of said village; and whenever any officer of said village shall cease to be a resident of said village, his office shall thereby become vacant; and the trustees shall be freeholders.

§ 4. Every inhabitant residing in said village, who shall at the time of offering his vote be qualified for member of assembly, shall be entitled to vote for all officers to be elected by virtue of this act.

§ 5. The first election under this act shall be held on the first Tuesday of April, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and thereafter annually on the same day, at such place as shall be designated by the trustees; and ten days notice shall be given of said election, by publishing the same in the village papers, or posting the same in three or more public places in said village.

§ 6. The trustees shall be inspectors of elections, and

one or more of them shall preside at such elections; and in case no trustee shall be present, the electors assembled may appoint a chairman to preside. The presiding officer or officers at such elections, are authorized to preserve order, judge of the qualifications of electors, canvass the ballots, and declare the persons elected by the greatest number of votes, and file a statement and certificate of election, within two days, with the clerk of the village, who shall forthwith notify the several officers of their election. §7. If any vacancy shall happen in any elective office, Vacancies. it shall be lawful for the board of trustees to direct a special election to supply the same, and such election shall be held and conducted in the same manner as the annual election of the village.

§ 8. If any person who shall be duly elected to any office Neglect to in said village, shall, for five days after being notified of qualify. such election, refuse or neglect to take the constitutional oath, and to take upon himself the duties of the office, or neglect to give notice of his acceptance thereof to the clerk, he shall for such neglect or refusal, forfeit to the use of said corporation the sum of ten dollars, with costs of suit, recoverable in the name of said village.

of trustees.

§ 9. It shall be the duty of the president of said village, Meetings to preside at the meetings of the trustees, to call special meetings whenever he shall think proper, to receive complaints of any breach of the by-laws, rules, regulations and ordinances, and to see that the same are faithfully executed and preserved, and to prosecute in "The name of the president of the village of Port Byron," for all offences against such by-laws and ordinances.


§ 10. It shall be the duty of the clerk of said village, to duties. keep the books and papers belonging to said corporation, to record in a book provided for that purpose, the rules, votes, orders, regulations and proceeding of the inhabitants, at their annnal and special meetings, and also all the by-laws, votes, ordinances and proceedings of the board of trustees, to notify officers of their election within five days after their election, and to perform such other duties as the trustees shall from time to time direct and require of him; and the trustees may allow to him such sum for his services as they shall deem proper.

§ 11. The assessors shall perform all the duties in rela- Assessors. tion to the assessment of property in said village in the same manner as town assessors; and it shall be the duty of

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