Arrests. Trial of disorderly persons. sons, and may be proceeded against and punished, according to the provisions of this act. 15. The president of said village, the trustees and each of them, the police constables or assistant police constables, or any constable of the town of Niagara, shall have power, and are hereby authorised, at any and at all times, to arrest or cause to be arrested, with or without process, when such offence is committed in their presence, any disorderly person or persons, mentioned in the preceding section, and they shall have power with process, to enter any building or place within the limits of said village, or on territory between the village of Niagara Falls and the village of Niagara City, and arrest any such disorderly person or persons, and shall take them forthwith before any justice of the peace, residing in said village, or as required by subdivision seven of section one of this act, to be dealt with according to the provisions of this act; such officers shall have power to call assistance whenever he or they shall deem it necessary. § 16. When any person charged or complained against as a disorderly person, under the provisions of this act, shall be arrested and brought before any justice of the peace in said village, the said justice shall proceed as soon as practicable to hear, try and determine the complaint, or charge on which such person is so arrested, or he may in his discretion adjourn the trial or hearing, for good cause shown, not exceeding two days thereafter; and in the mean time shall commit the accused into the custody of a constable or to the village watch-house, until such day or time of trial, and upon conviction of any such offender, the said justice shall have the power and is hereby authorised to punish such offender, by fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the jail of Niagara county, at labor or not, as such justice shall deem expedient, for a term not exceeding six months, or both such fine and imprisonment; and when such offender shall be committed to jail, the justice shall briefly set forth in the commitment the charge upon which the prisoner was convicted, and the chapter of the law under which such conviction was had, and the officer shall deliver the same to the keeper of the jail of said county, who shall receive as therein directed; and when a penalty is imposed by the justice as aforesaid, and the same is not immediately paid, the justice is authorised to commit such offender to said jail, at hard labor or not, until such fine shall be paid, or he discharged according to law; and when such prisoner shall pay such fine to the sheriff, he shall forthwith discharge him, unless such prisoner shall be sentenced to both fine and imprisonment, in which case he shall be confined as directed in the said commitment; all fines collected by the sheriff under this act, shall be paid by him to the treasurer of said county. §17. Whenever any fine imposed under the last section Fines. shall be paid to the justice, before whom the conviction was had, after deducting the costs of prosecution, it shall be immediately paid by such justice to the treasurer of said village, and the fees of the officers under the last section shall be the same as in criminal proceedings by courts of special sessions. Penalty for false imprison § 18. Whenever any constable, police constable or other person shall arrest any person or persons, and shall commit him or them to the watch-house or other place of confine- ment. ment, and shall release him from confinement, without bringing such prisoner before a justice of the peace for a hearing, or shall detain him contrary to the provisions of sub-division seven, of section one of this act, he or they shall be each liable to the party thus unlawfully imprisoned for false imprisonment, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment in the county jail of said county, for a term not exceeding six months, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court before whom he shall be tried. § 19. The act entitled "An act to provide for the incor- Repeal. poration of villages," passed December seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, so far as "relates to the village of Niagara Falls," passed March twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and fifty, and sections three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine of an act entitled "An act to amend an act for the incorporation of villages, passed December seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, so far as relates to the village of Niagara Falls, Niagara county," passed July twenty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and the act entitled "An act making the village of Niagara Falls a separate road district," passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and such parts of the act hereby amended, and the acts amendatory of said act, as are inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. に Taxes for streets. Highway assess paid. §20. This act is hereby declared to be a public act. Chap. 99. AN ACT further to amend "An act to incorporate the village of Fredonia," passed May second, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine. Passed March 27, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: § 1. The inhabitants of said village may, at their annual meeting, by vote, determine the sum, not exceeding one thousand dollars, to be raised by tax in any one year, exclusive of the tax for streets, lanes and alleys in said village; and no tax or assessment, except for streets, lanes or alleys, shall be levied or collected unless authorised by such vote. § 2. The inhabitants of said village may, at their annual ments how meeting, by vote, determine that the assessment for making repairs of streets, lanes and alleys, be paid in money instead of labor, at the rate of fifty cents for each day's labor assessed to any person; and in case of such vote, the trustees shall issue their warrant to the collector to collect the same in all respects like other taxes in said village. Penalty for refusal to do labor. Warrants. §3. When any person in said village, assessed and taxed • for the making or repairs of streets, lanes or alleys in said village, and the same shall be payable in labor, shall neglect or refuse to work (either in person or by an able bodied man as a substitute,) when required so to do by an overseer of streets of said village, the trustees on the oath of such overseer, of such neglect or refusal may issue their warrant to collect the tax assessed on such person for labor aforesaid, in money, at the rate of one dollar for each day's work assessed on such person, and which he shall neglect or refuse to perform, in the same manner as other village taxes. § 4. All warrants issued by the trustees of said village for the collection of taxes, shall be in form and substance as near as may be, like warrants issued by the supervisors of a county to town collectors for the collection of town and county taxes. stable. §5. The inhabitants of said village may, at their annual Police conmeeting, elect in the same manner as other village officers, one police constable, who shall have the same powers and duties as constables elected by towns, and such other additional duties as the president and trustees of said village shall by their by-laws and ordinances direct; and any vacancy in the said office of police constable shall be filled in the same manner as other village offices. §6. The trustees of said village shall have power to li- Auctions. cense non-residents of said village and transient persons or agents of non-residents of said village or transient persons to sell goods, wares and merchandise at auction within the bounds of said village for a space of time not exceeding one week in any one license, and to charge and receive therefor for the use of said village, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars; and any non-resident of said village or transient person or agent of non-resident of said village, or transient person who shall sell at auction, goods, wares and merchandise within said village without having obtained a license therefor, shall be subject to a penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered in any court having jurisdiction in the corporate name of the said village for the use of the village. MA §7. Section thirty-one of chapter three hundred and fiftyone of the laws of eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, is hereby repealed. Chap. 100. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to amend the charter of the Granite Insurance Company, and to authorise that company to change its place of business," passed April 15, 1854. Passed March 27, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. Section three of the act entitled "An act to amend the charter of the Granite insurance company, and to au thorise that company to change its place of business? pass Aldermen, term of office. Election. ed April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, is amended so as to read as follows: §3. The directors of said company shall at their option have power to discontinue their mutual fire business, and return all premium notes now held by them as capital stock, on filing with the comptroller an amendment of their charter to that effect, and procuring from him a certificate that it has a cash capital of at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, actually paid in or invested in the manner prescribed in the eighth section of the act entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of fire insurance companies," passed June twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and fiftythree; provided that it shall not be lawful for said company to transact the business of marine insurance upon the capital so paid in and invested. § 2. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to release the said company from any liability incurred by them previous to the passage of this act. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 101. AN ACT in relation to the election of certain officers in the city of Troy. Passed March 27, 1855. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: §1. The act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Troy," passed April twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixteen, and the several acts amendatory thereof, are hereby amended, so that the aldermen hereafter to be elected in said city, except as is hereinafter provided, shall hold their offices respectively for two years from the time of their election, and until their successors are elected. § 2. At the first charter election in said city after the passage of this act, one of the aldermen in each of the wards in said city entitled to two aldermen, shall be elected for one year, and the other for two years; and the ballots for such officers at such election shall designate one of the persons so elected for the short term, and one for the long term. The persons designated for the short term shall hold their offices for one year, and the persons designated |