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and if after due examination they shall deem it proper to make alterations in the present line of said road, shall cause an accurate description, from actual survey, by courses and distances, of so much thereof as shall be in each town, to be drawn up, subscribed by them, or any two of them, and filed in the office of the clerk of the town in which such part of said new or altered road shall lie; which description shall embrace the part of the old road to be discontinued, as well as the section of new road laid out in lieu thereof. The said clerks shall enter and record the same, in the same manner as they are required by law, record the orders of commissioners of high ways.


§3. In making alterations in the present line of said Route. state road, on lot number ninety-six, in the town of Elbridge, it shall be the duty of the commissioners, to follow the present town road on said lot, (from the point of departure mentioned in the first section of this act,) easterly to the east line of said town of Elbridge, or as nearly so as may be practicable.


§4. The commissioners of highways of the several towns Opening of in which such alterations shall be made, on receiving notice thereof, shall immediately proceed to district the section or sections of new road; and shall also, without delay, cause the damages sustained by any owner or occupant of enclosed, improved or cultivated land, through which such sections of new road shall pass, in their towns respectively, to be ascertained, unless the same shall have been duly released under the provisions of the eighth section of this act; and the portions of said new road, so laid out by the commissioners, shall be opened, improved and worked, in the manner prescribed by the first title of chapter sixteen, of part first of the revised statutes; and the said damages shall be paid by the said John Adams.

§5. On opening the road as altered and laid out by said old road. commissioners, from the town line of Elbridge to the town road mentioned in the first section of this act, such part of said state road as the commissioners shall have ordered to be discontinued and taken up, may be enclosed by the owners or occupants of the land through which the same




§ 6. The said commissioners shall each be allowed two Compensadollars per day, while actually and necessarily employed in the said duties, and also, the necessary charges of a surveyor and his assistants. The said allowance and charges




Election of

assessors and term

of office.

shall be audited and apportioned by the board of supervisors of said county, equally, upon the said towns of Elbridge and Camillus.

§7. If either of the said commissioners shall neglect or refuse to serve, or shall die before the said duties are performed, the county judge of said county of Onondaga, shall upon notice thereof, appoint from time to time, as often as may be necessary, some fit person in his or their places, and in like manner in place of such person so appointed; which newly appointed commissioner shall take the same oath, have the same powers, and perform the same duties, and receive the same compensation as is above enacted.

§8. The damages sustained by reason of the laying out, and opening any part of said road on a new route, may be ascertained and agreed upon by the owner or owners and the commissioners named in the first section of this act. § 9. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 77.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to amend and consolidate the several acts relating to the City of Rochester," passed April 10, 1850.

Passed March 19, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

1. Section seven of the act entitled "An act to amend and consolidate the several acts relating to the city of Rochester" passed April ten eighteen hundred and fifty, is hereby amended by striking. out of the same the words "seven assessors," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "three assessors for each ward."

§2. At the first annual election to be held in the said city, after the passage of this act, three assessors shall be chosen in each ward, who shall hold their offices one for the term of one year, another for the term of two years, and the third for the term of three years, and the term for which the person voted for is intended, shall be designated on the ballot, except that the persons already elected to

the office of assessor in said city shall continue and hold his office as an assessor for the ward in which they severally reside for the remainder of their term, in the same manner as if they had been severally elected for the same term within their respective wards under this act. At each annual election thereafter to be held, one assessor shall be elected in each ward who who shall hold his office for the term of three years.

§3. Section seventy-one of the said act is hereby amended by striking out the word "seven."

ment of

§4. Section seventy-two of the said act is hereby Assess amended so as to read as follows: The annual assessment property. of property in each ward shall be made by the assessors elected therein; on completing their assessment rolls, the assessors of each ward shall return the same to the board of assessors, to be by them reviewed, equalised, and corrected. The said board shall forthwith cause notices to be published in the official papers of said city, and to be posted in three public places in each ward, which notices shall set forth that the assessment rolls for said city are completed, and that the same are left with ten of their number, one of whom shall be selected from each ward at the common council hall, where the same may be seen and examined by any person interested, for the period of ten days; and that said board of assessors will meet at the same place at a time specified in said notice, to review their assessments, which notice shall be published ten days previous to the meeting of said board. Said board having reviewed and completed said rolls, as required by law, shall deliver the same to the clerk of said city, on or before the first day of August then next, and the same shall be retained on file in his office. They shall also make two fair and correct copies of said rolls, which shall be certified by the assessors for the respective wards to be correct, one of which they shall at the same time deliver to the said clerk for the use of the city treasurer, and the other they shall deliver to the supervisors of the several wards to be by them presented to the board of supervisors of Monroe county, as the ward rolls of the city. The assessors shall receive, as compensation for their services, while actually employed, a sum not exceeding two dollars a day, which shall be audited and paid by the board of supervisors at their October session in each year.





§ 5. Section seventy-three of the said act is hereby repealed.

§6. Section one hundred and eight of said act is hereby amended, so as to read as follows: To each copy of such assessment rolls, to be delivered to the treasurer of said city as aforesaid, shall be annexed a warrant under the hand of the mayor and the seal of the city, commanding the city treasurer to collect from the several persons named in the assessment rolls, the several sums levied as taxes in the columns of such rolls, according to the provisions of this act.

§7. Section one hundred and fifty of the said act is hereby repealed.

§8. Section two hundred and twelve of said act is hereby amended, by inserting the words "to be taken from the ward in which the improvement is to be made, or the adjoining ward," next after the words "three assessors,' where the same occurs.

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§ 9. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, shall be and the same are hereby repealed.

§ 10. Section nine of the said act is hereby amended, by striking out the words "one assessor," wherever the same occurs in said section.

§ 11. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 78.

AN ACT to authorise the appraisal and payment of
canal damages to Gustavus Clark.

Passed March 19, 1855, three-fifths being present.
The People of the State of New-York, represented in
Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. The canal appraisers are hereby authorised and required to appraise the damages sustained by Gustavus Clark, in consequence of the giving out of a culvert, and of a breach in the Erie canal at Brockport, on or about the twenty-second day of October, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, such appraisement, and their award, if any thereupon, shall be subject to appeal to the canal board,

as in other cases, such award not to exceed the sum of four hundred and twenty dollars.

§2. The sum which shall be awarded under the provisions of the first section of this act, or the sum determined by the canal board in case of an appeal from the award of the canal appraisers, shall be certified to the auditor of the canal department, who shall draw his warrant on the treasurer therefor, and the treasurer shall pay on such warrant the said sum to the said Gustavus Clark, his representatives or assigns, out of any moneys in the treasury appropriated, or to be appropriated for the payment of canal damages.

§3. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 79.

AN ACT to amend the charter of the village of Little

Passed March 19, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§1. The title of the act re-incorporating the village of Little Falls by the name of Rockton, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: An Act re-incorporating Little Falls.

§ 2. Section five of the act mentioned in the first section of this act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 5. The clerk, street commissioners, and constable are officers. appointed by the trustees, and hold their offices during their pleasure. All other officers are elected at elections to be held as hereinafter specified. Assessors elected after the year eghgteen hundred and fifty hold their office for three years, and one is elected annually. Trustees elected after the first election after the passage of this act, hold their office for two years, and four are elected annually. All other officers hold their office for one year, and all hold until their successors are elected or appointed. The trustees elected at the annual election next after the passage of this act, shall, immediately after the election, proceed to draw ballots indicating the length of their term of office. Such ballots shall be prepared and drawn under the supervision of the

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