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Assembly, recognize and have always respected the obligation of that prohibitory clause of the constitution of the United States, which declares that "no person held to service or labor in one state under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due ;" they regard the law of 1850, which provides for employing the whole power of the federal government in the recapture of fugitive slaves, as a violation of the constitution, an encroachment on the rights of the several states, an outrage upon the principles of justice, and disgraceful to the spirit and civilization of the age in which we live; and that, in their opinion, the welfare of the Union and the principles of republican liberty, demand its repeal.

Whereas, Under republican institutions, the free and open public discussion of all questions which are to be decided by the popular vote, is imperatively demanded, alike by regard for popular rights and the public good; and

Whereas, The fundamental law of the land secures to, and enjoins upon, each and every citizen, the free and independent exercise of the right of suffrage, and has authorised the enactment of penalties against all attempts to interfere with such an exercise of that right by bribes, by menaces, and by undue influences of any sort; and

Whereas, The history and experience of all free governments confirm the solemn warning of Washington's farewell address, that "all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract or awe, the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive to the fundamental principles of our government, and of fatal tendency;" therefore,

Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That no countenance or support should be given to any endeavor to stiffle the open discussion of political topics, or to substitute for it the action of societies whose proceedings are not open to public knowledge; and every attempt to control, by the dictation of such secret societies, or by the imposition of oaths or kindred obligations, the political action of any citizen, it is at war with the true theory of our government, destructive of personal independence, hostile to the rights

of the great body of the people, and detrimental to the public welfare.

By order,

H. J. HASTINGS, Clerk.

IN ASSEMBLY, April 13th, 1855.

Resolved, That the Assembly concur in the passage of the foregoing resolutions.

By order,


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Commissioners of Loans of Ulster county to pay money to,. 217

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Accountant in Comptroller's office,

Adams, William,.





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