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be concealed beneath it; and yet the former owner of the land will not receive it."

The defendant answered: "I hope that I have a conscience as well as my fellow-citizen. I sold him the land with all its contingent, as well as existing advantages, and consequently the treasure was included."

The chief, who was at the same time their supreme judge, repeated their words, in order that the parties might see whether or not he understood them aright.

Then, after some reflection, he said, "Thou hast a son, friend, I believe?"


"And thou," said the judge, turning to the other, "a daughter?"


"Well, then, let the son marry the daughter, and bestow the treasure on the young couple for their marriage portion." Alexander seemed surprised and perplexed. "Think you my sentence unjust?" the chief asked him.

"Oh, no,” replied Alexander, "but it astonishes me." "And how, then," rejoined the chief, "would the case have been decided in your country?"

"To confess the truth," said Alexander, "we should have taken both parties into custody, and have seized the treasure for the king's use."

"For the king's use!" exclaimed the chief, now in his turn astonished. "Does the sun shine on that country?" "Oh, yes!"

"Does it rain there?"


"Wonderful! But are there in that country tame animals which live on the grass and green herbs?"

"Very many, and of many kinds."

"Ay, that must be the cause," said the chief, "for the sake of those innocent animals, the All-gracious Being continues to let the sun shine and the rain drop down on your country." From "The Friend."

Al'ex an'der (ǎl'eg zăn'der) the Mac'e do'ni an (măs'e dō'ni an), Alexander the Great, who conquered the known world, and at thirtyfour wept because there were no more worlds to conquer; ĕd'i ble, fit to eat; so'joûrn, tarry; all its con tin'gent (kon tin'jent), all that goes with it; cus'to dy (kus'to di), arrest; as sur'ed ly (a shōor'ěd li), certainly.


What was strange about the people Alexander visited?
Why did they put gold instead of food before him?

What did Alexander tell them he had come for?

Tell what dispute came up for settlement.

How did the judge settle the dispute?

How did the decision seem to affect Alexander?

How did he say the dispute would have been settled in his country?

Why did this answer astonish the chief?

What questions did the chief ask?

How did he explain the facts in Alexander's answers?

What lesson is Coleridge trying to teach by this story?



I live for those who love me,
Whose hearts are kind and true;
For the heaven that smiles above me,
And awaits my spirit too;

For all human ties that bind me,
For the task by God assigned me,
For the bright hopes left behind me,
And the good that I can do.

I live to learn their story,
Who've suffered for my sake;
To emulate their glory,

And follow in their wake;
Bards, patriots, martyrs, sages,
The noble of all ages,

Whose deeds crown history's pages, And time's great volume make.

I live to hold communion
With all that is divine;
To feel there is a union

'Twixt Nature's heart and mine; To profit by affliction,

Reap truths from fields of fiction,
Grow wiser from conviction,
And fulfill each grand design.

I live to hail that season,
By gifted minds foretold,
When men shall live by reason,
And not alone by gold;
When man to man united,
And every wrong thing righted,
The whole world shall be lighted
As Eden was of old.

I live for those who love me,
For those who know me true;
For the heaven that smiles above me,
And awaits my spirit too;

For the cause that lacks assistance,
For the wrong that needs resistance,
For the future in the distance,

And the good that I can do.

As signed', set apart for; em'u lāte, to follow after, imitate; bärds, poets; martyrs (mär'tērz), those who give their lives for a cause; sāg'es, wise men; com mun'ion (ko mūn'yun), fellowship; fic'tion (fik'shun), something not real, an invented story.



What ties are mentioned in stanza 1 as motives for a good life?
What encouragement does the speaker think we can find in the

What is "time's great volume"?

The third stanza says there are divine influences to stir us to higher life. Where does the speaker find them?

Who has foretold a perfect future? How will men live then?
In what way will the world be like Eden?

What lines in the fifth stanza are repeated from the first stanza?



Allen-a-Dale has no fagot for burning,
Allen-a-Dale has no furrow for turning,
Allen-a-Dale has no fleece for the spinning,
Yet Allen-a-Dale has red gold for the winning.
Come, read me my riddle! Come, hearken my tale!
And tell me the craft of bold Allen-a-Dale.


The father was steel, and the mother was stone;
They lifted the latch, and they bade him begone

The Baron of

prances in pride,

And he views his domains upon Arkindale side.

The mere for his net, and the land for his game, The chase for the wild and

the park for the tame; Yet the fish of the lake, and the deer of the vale Are less free to Lord Dacre than Allen-a-Dale!

Allen-a-Dale was ne'er
belted a knight,
Though his spur be as sharp

and his blade be as bright; Allen-a-Dale is no baron or lord,

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