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1748, Euler not only assented to the generalization of D'Alembert, but held that it was not necessary that the curves so introduced should be defined by any algebraical condition whatever. From this extreme indeterminateness D'Alembert dissented; while Daniel Bernoulli, trusting more to physical and less to analytical reasonings, maintained that both these generalizations were inapplicable in fact, and that the solution was really restricted, as had at first been supposed, to the form of the trochoid, and to other forms derivable from that. He introduced, in such problems, the "Law of Coexistent Vibrations," which is of eminent use in enabling us to conceive the results of complex mechanical conditions, and the real import of many analytical expressions. In the mean time, the wonderful analytical genius of Lagrange had applied itself to this problem. He had formed the Academy of Turin, in conjunction with his friends Saluces and Cigna; and the first memoir in their Transactions was one by him on this subject in this and in subsequent writings he has established, to the satisfaction of the mathematical world, that the functions introduced in such cases are not necessarily continuous, but are arbitrary to the same degree that the motion is so practically; though capable of expression by a series of circular functions. This controversy, concerning the degree of lawlessness with which the conditions of the solution may be assumed, is of consequence, not only with respect to vibrating strings, but also with respect to many problems, belonging to a branch of Mechanics which we now have to mention, the Doctrine of Fluids.

11. Equilibrium of Fluids. Figure of the Earth. Tides.-The application of the general doctrines of Mechanics to fluids was a natural and inevitable step, when the principles of the science had been generalized. It was easily seen that a fluid is, for this purpose, nothing more than a body of which the parts are movable amongst each other with entire facility; and that the mathematician must trace the consequences of this condition upon his equations. This accordingly was done, by the founders of mechanics, both for the cases of the equilibrium and of motion. Newton's attempt to solve the problem of the figure of the earth, supposing it fluid, is the first example of such an investigation: and this solution rested upon principles which we have already explained, applied with the skill and sagacity which distinguished all that Newton did.

We have already seen how the generality of the principle, that fluids press equally in all directions, was established. In applying it to calculation, Newton took for his fundamental principle, the equal

weight of columns of the fluid reaching to the centre; Huyghens took, as his basis, the prependicularity of the resulting force at each point to the surface of the fluid; Bouguer conceived that both principles were necessary; and Clairaut showed that the equilibrium of all canals is requisite. He also was the first mathematician who deduced from this principle the Equations of Partial Differentials by which these laws are expressed; a step which, as Lagrange says, "2 changed the face of Hydrostatics, and made it a new science. Euler simplified the mode of obtaining the Equations of Equilibrium for any forces whatever; and put them in the form which is now generally adopted in our treatises.


The explanation of the Tides, in the way in which Newton attempted it in the third book of the Principia, is another example of a hydrostatical investigation: for he considered only the form that the ocean would have if it were at rest. The memoirs of Maclaurin, Daniel Bernoulli, and Euler, on the question of the Tides, which shared among them the prize of the Academy of Sciences in 1740, went upon the same views.

The Treatise of the Figure of the Earth, by Clairaut, in 1743, ex- . tended Newton's solution of the same problem, by supposing a solid nucleus covered with a fluid of different density. No peculiar novelty has been introduced into this subject, except a method employed by Laplace for determining the attractions of spheroids of small eccentricity, which is, as Professor Airy has said," "a calculus the most singular in its nature, and the most powerful in its effects, of any which has yet appeared."

12. Capillary Action.-There is only one other problem of the statics of fluids on which it is necessary to say a word,—the doctrine of Capillary Attraction. Daniel Bernoulli," in 1738, states that he passes over the subject, because he could not reduce the facts to general laws: but Clairaut was more successful, and Laplace and Poisson have since given great analytical completeness to his theory. At pres ent our business is, not so much with the sufficiency of the theory to explain phenomena, as with the mechanical problem of which this is an example, which is one of a very remarkable and important character; namely, to determine the effect of attractions which are exercised by all the particles of bodies, on the hypothesis that the attrac

12 Mec. Analyt. ii. p. 180.

13 Enc. Met. Fig. of Earth, p. 192.

14 Hydrodyn. Pref. p. 5.

tion of each particle, though sensible when it acts upon another particle at an extremely small distance from it, becomes insensible and vanishes the moment this distance assumes a perceptible magnitude. It may easily be imagined that the analysis by which results are obtained under conditions so general and so peculiar, is curious and abstract; the problem has been resolved in some very extensive cases.

13. Motion of Fluids.-The only branch of mathematical mechanics which remains to be considered, is that which is, we may venture to say, hitherto incomparably the most incomplete of all,-Hydrodynamics. It may easily be imagined that the mere hypothesis of absolute relative mobility in the parts, combined with the laws of motion and nothing more, are conditions too vague and general to lead to definite conclusions. Yet such are the conditions of the problems which relate to the motion of fluids. Accordingly, the mode of solving them has been, to introduce certain other hypotheses, often acknowledged to be false, and almost always in some measure arbitrary, which may assist in determining and obtaining the solution. The Velocity of a fluid issuing from an orifice in a vessel, and the Resistance which a solid body suffers in moving in a fluid, have been the two main problems on which mathematicians have employed themselves. We have already spoken of the manner in which Newton attacked both these, and endeavored to connect them. The subject became a branch of Analytical Mechanics by the labors of D. Bernoulli, whose Hydrodynamica was published in 1738. This work rests upon the Huyghenian principle of which we have already spoken in the history of the centre of oscillation; namely, the equality of the actual descent of the particles and the potential ascent; or, in other words, the conservation of vis viva. This was the first analytical treatise; and the analysis is declared by Lagrange to be as elegant in its steps as it is simple in its results. Maclaurin also treated the subject; but is accused of reasoning in such a way as to show that he had determined upon his result beforehand; and the method of John Bernoulli, who likewise wrote upon it, has been strongly objected to by D'Alembert. D'Alembert himself applied the principle which bears his name to this subject; publishing a Treatise on the Equilibrium and Motion of Fluids in 1744, and on the Resistance of Fluids in 1753. His Réflexions sur la Cause Générale des Vents, printed in 1747, are also a celebrated work, belonging to this part of mathematics. Euler, in this as in other cases, was one of those who most contributed to give analytical elegance to the subject. In addition to the questions which

have been mentioned, he and Lagrange treated the problems of the small vibrations of fluids, both inelastic and elastic;-a subject which leads, like the question of vibrating strings, to some subtle and abstruse considerations concerning the significations of the integrals of partial differential equations. Laplace also took up the subject of waves propagated along the surface of water; and deduced a very celebrated theory of the tides, in which he considered the ocean to be, not in equilibrium, as preceding writers had supposed, but agitated by a constant series of undulations, produced by the solar and lunar forces. The difficulty of such an investigation may be judged of from this, that Laplace, in order to carry it on, is obliged to assume a mechanical proposition, unproved, and only conjectured to be true; namely, that, "in a system of bodies acted upon by forces which are periodical, the state of the system is periodical like the forces." Even with this assumption, various other arbitrary processes are requisite; and it appears still very doubtful whether Laplace's theory is either a better mechanical solution of the problem, or a nearer approximation to the laws of the phenomena, than that obtained by D. Bernoulli, following the views of Newton.


In most cases, the solutions of problems of hydrodynamics are not satisfactorily confirmed by the results of observation. Poisson and Cauchy have prosecuted the subject of waves, and have deduced very curious conclusions by a very recondite and profound analysis. The assumptions of the mathematician here do not represent the conditions of nature; the rules of theory, therefore, are not a good standard to which we may refer the aberrations of particular cases; and the laws which we obtain from experiment are very imperfectly illustrated by à priori calculation. The case of this department of knowledge, Hydrodynamics, is very peculiar; we have reached the highest point of the science, the laws of extreme simplicity and generality from which the phenomena flow; we cannot doubt that the ultimate principles which we have obtained are the true ones, and those which really apply to the facts; and yet we are far from being able to apply the principles to explain or find out the facts. In order to do this, we want, in addition to what we have, true and useful principles, intermediate between the highest and the lowest ;-between the extreme and almost barren generality of the laws of motion, and the endless varieties and inextricable complexity of fluid motions in special cases.

1s Méc. C. t. ii. p. 218.

The reason of this peculiarity in the science of Hydrodynamics appears to be, that its general principles were not discovered with reference to the science itself, but by extension from the sister science of the Mechanics of Solids; they were not obtained by ascending gradually from particulars to truths more and more general, respecting the motions of fluids; but were caught at once, by a perception that the parts of fluids are included in that range of generality which we are entitled to give to the supreme laws of motions of solids. Thus, Solid Dynamics and Fluid Dynamics resemble two edifices which have their highest apartment in common, and though we can explore every part of the former building, we have not yet succeeded in traversing the staircase of the latter, either from the top or from the bottom. If we had lived in a world in which there were no solid bodies, we should probably not have yet discovered the laws of motion; if we had lived in a world in which there were no fluids, we should have no idea how insufficient a complete possession of the general laws of motion may be, to give us a true knowledge of particular results.

14. Various General Mechanical Principles.-The generalized laws of motion, the points to which I have endeavored to conduct my history, include in them all other laws by which the motions of bodies can be regulated; and among such, several laws which had been discovered before the highest point of generalization was reached, and which thus served as stepping-stones to the ultimate principles. Such were, as we have seen, the Principles of the Conservation of vis viva, the Principle of the Conservation of the Motion of the Centre of Gravity, and the like. These principles may, of course, be deduced from our elementary laws, and were finally established by mathematicians on that footing. There are other principles which may be similarly demonstrated; among the rest, I may mention the Principle of the Conservation of areas, which extends to any number of bodies a law analogous to that which Kepler had observed, and Newton demonstrated, respecting the areas described by each planet round the sun. I may mention also, the Principle of the Immobility of the plane of maximum areas, a plane which is not disturbed by any mutual action of the parts of any system. The former of these principles was published about the same time by Euler, D. Bernoulli, and Darcy, under different forms, in 1746 and 1747; the latter by Laplace.

To these may be added a law, very celebrated in its time, and the occasion of an angry controversy, the Principle of least action. Mau

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