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often failed him during the task; and subscribes to the judgment of Bailly: "After this sublime effort, Kepler replunges himself in the relations of music to the motions, the distance, and the eccentricities of the planets. In all these harmonic ratios there is not one true relation; in a crowd of ideas there is not one truth: he becomes a man after being a spirit of light." Certainly these speculations are of not value, but we may look on them with toleration, when we recollect that Newton has sought for analogies between the spaces occupied by the prismatic colors and the notes of the gamut. The numerical relations of Concords are so peculiar that we can easily suppose them to have other bearings than those which first offer themselves.

It does not belong to my present purpose to speak at length of the speculations concerning the forces producing the celestial motions by which Kepler was led to this celebrated law, or of those which he deduced from it, and which are found in the Epitome Astronomia Copernicana, published in 1622. In that work also (p. 554), he extended this law, though in a loose manner, to the satellites of Jupiter. These physical speculations were only a vague and distant prelude to Newton's discoveries; and the law, as a formal rule, was complete in itself. We must now attend to the history of the other two laws with which Kepler's name is associated.

Sect. 3.-Kepler's Discovery of his First and Second Laws.-Elliptical Theory of the Planets.

THE propositions designated as Kepler's First and Second Laws are these That the orbits of the planets are elliptical; and, That the areas described, or swept, by lines drawn from the sun to the planet, are proportional to the times employed in the motion.

The occasion of the discovery of these laws was the attempt to reconcile the theory of Mars to the theory of eccentrics and epicycles; the event of it was the complete overthrow of that theory, and the establishment, in its stead, of the Elliptical Theory of the planets. Astronomy was now ripe for such a change. As soon as Copernicus had taught men that the orbits of the planets were to be referred to the sun, it obviously became a question, what was the true form of these orbits, and the rule of motion of each planet in its own orbit. Copernicus represented the motions in longitude by means of eccen

4 A. M. a. 358.

Optics, b. ii. p. iv. Obs. 5.

trics and epicycles, as we have already said; and the motions in latitude by certain librations, or alternate elevations and depressions of epicycles. If a mathematician had obtained a collection of true positions of a planet, the form of the orbit and the motion of the star would have been determined with reference to the sun as well as to the earth; but this was not possible, for though the geocentric position, or the direction in which the planet was seen, could be observed, its distance from the earth was not known. Hence, when Kepler attempted to determine the orbit of a planet, he combined the observed geocentric places with successive modifications of the theory of epicycles, till at last he was led, by one step after another, to change the epicyclical into the elliptical theory. We may observe, moreover, that at every step he endeavored to support his new suppositions by what he called, in his fanciful phraseology, "sending into the field a reserve of new physical reasonings on the rout and dispersion of the veterans; that is, by connecting his astronomical hypotheses with new imaginations, when the old ones became untenable. We find, indeed, that this is the spirit in which the pursuit of knowledge is generally carried on with success; those men arrive at truth who eagerly endeavor to connect remote points of their knowledge, not those who stop cautiously at each point till something compels them to go beyond it.

Kepler joined Tycho Brahe at Prague in 1600, and found him and Longomontanus busily employed in correcting the theory of Mars; and he also then entered upon that train of researches which he published in 1609 in his extraordinary work On the Motions of Mars. In this work, as in others, he gives an account, not only of his success, but of his failures, explaining, at length, the various suppositions which he had made, the notions by which he had been led to invent or to entertain them, the processes by which he had proved their

• I will insert this passage, as a specimen of Kepler's fanciful mode of narrating the defeats which he received in the war which he carried on with Mars. "Dum in hunc modum de Martis motibus triumpho, eique ut planè devicto tabularum carceres et equationum compedes necto, diversis nuntiatur locis, futilem victoriam ut bellum totà mole recrudescere. Nam domi quidem hostis ut captivus contemptus, rupit omnia equationum vincula, carceresque tabularum effregit. Foris speculatores profligerunt meas causarum physicarum arcessitas copias earumque jugum excusserunt resumtà libertate. Jamque parum abfuit quia hostis fugitivus sese cum rebellibus suis conjungeret meque in desperationem adigeret: nisi raptim, nova rationum physicarum subsidia, fusis et palantibus veteribus, submisissem, et qua se captivus proripuisset, omni diligentia, edoctus vestigiis ipsius nullâ morà interposità inhæsisserem."

falsehood, and the alternations of hope and sorrow, of vexation and triumph, through which he had gone. It will not be necessary for us to cite many passages of these kinds, curious and amusing as they are. One of the most important truths contained in the motions of Mars is the discovery that the plane of the orbit of the planet should be considered with reference to the sun itself, instead of referring it to any of the other centres of motion which the eccentric hypothesis introduced and that, when so considered, it had none of the librations which Ptolemy and Copernicus had attributed to it. The fourteenth chapter of the second part asserts, "Plana eccentricorum ess ȧτáλavτa;” that the planes are unlibrating; retaining always the same inclination to the ecliptic, and the same line of nodes. With this step Kepler appears to have been justly delighted. "Copernicus," he says, "not knowing the value of what he possessed (his system), undertook to represent Ptolemy, rather than nature, to which, however, he had approached more nearly than any other person. For being rejoiced that the quantity of the latitude of each planet was increased by the approach of the earth to the planet, according to his theory, he did not venture to reject the rest of Ptolemy's increase of latitude, but in order to express it, devised librations of the planes of the eccentric, depending not upon its own eccentric, but (most improbably) upon the orbit of the earth, which has nothing to do with it. I always fought against this impertinent tying together of two orbits, even before I saw the observations of Tycho; and I therefore rejoice much that in this, as in others of my preconceived opinions, the observations were found to be on my side." Kepler estabblished his point by a fair and laborious calculation of the results of observations of Mars made by himself and Tycho Brahe; and had a right to exult when the result of these calculations confirmed his views of the symmetry and simplicity of nature.

We may judge of the difficulty of casting off the theory of eccentrics and epicycles, by recollecting that Copernicus did not do it at all, and that Kepler only did it after repeated struggles; the history of which occupies thirty-nine Chapters of his book. At the end of them he says, "This prolix disputation was necessary, in order to prepare the way to the natural form of the equations, of which I am now to treat. My first error was, that the path of a planet is a perfect circle; an opinion which was a more mischievous thief of my time,

De Stella Martis, iii. 40.

in proportion as it was supported by the authority of all philosophers, and apparently agreeable to metaphysics." But before he attempts to correct this erroneous part of his hypothesis, he sets about discovering the law according to which the different parts of the orbit are described in the case of the earth, in which case the eccentricity is so small that the effect of the oval form is insensible. The result of this inquiry was the Rule, that the time of describing any are of the orbit is proportional to the area intercepted between the curve and two lines drawn from the sun to the extremities of the arc. It is to be observed that this rule, at first, though it had the recommendation of being selected after the unavoidable abandonment of many, which were suggested by the notions of those times, was far from being adopted upon any very rigid or cautious grounds. A rule had been proved at the apsides of the orbit, by calculation from observations, and had then been extended by conjecture to other parts of the orbit; and the rule of the areas was only an approximate and inaccurate mode of representing this rule, employed for the purpose of brevity and convenience, in consequence of the difficulty of applying, geometrically, that which Kepler now conceived to be the true rule, and which required him to find the sum of the lines drawn from the sun to every point of the orbit. When he proceeded to apply this rule to Mars, in whose orbit the oval form is much more marked, additional difficulties came in his way; and here again the true supposition, that the oval is of that special kind called ellipse, was adopted at first only in order to simplify calculation," and the deviation from exactness in the result was attributed to the inaccuracy of those approximate processes. The supposition of the oval had already been forced upon Purbach in the case of Mercury, and upon Reinhold in the case of the Moon. The centre of the epicycle was made to describe an egg-shaped figure in the former case, and a lenticular figure in the latter.10

It may serve to show the kind of labor by which Kepler was led to his result, if we here enumerate, as he does in his forty-seventh Chapter," six hypotheses, on which he calculated the longitude of Mars, in order to see which best agreed with observation.

1. The simple eccentricity.

2. The bisection of the eccentricity, and the duplication of the superior part of the equation.

De Stella Martis, p. 194. 10 L. U. K. Kepler, p. 30.

Ib. iv. c. 47.

11 De Stella Martis, p. 228.

3. The bisection of the eccentricity, and a stationary point of equations, after the manner of Ptolemy.

4. The vicarious hypothesis by a free section of the eccentricity made to agree as nearly as possible with the truth.

5. The physical hypothesis on the supposition of a perfect circle. 6. The physical hypothesis on the supposition of a perfect ellipse. By the physical hypothesis, he meant the doctrine that the time of a planet's describing any part of its orbit is proportional to the distance of the planet from the sun, for which supposition, as we have said, he conceived that he had assigned physical reasons.

The two last hypotheses came the nearest to the truth, and differed from it only by about eight minutes, the one in excess and the other in defect. And, after being much perplexed by this remaining error, it at last occurred to him12 that he might take another ellipsis, exactly intermediate between the former one and the circle, and that this must give the path and the motion of the planet. Making this assumption, and taking the areas to represent the times, he now saw13 that both the longitude and the distances of Mars would agree with observation to the requisite degree of accuracy. The rectification of the former hypothesis, when thus stated, may, perhaps, appear obvious. And Kepler informs us that he had nearly been anticipated in this step (c. 55). "David Fabricius, to whom I had communicated my hypothesis of cap. 45, was able, by his observations, to show that it erred in making the distances too short at mean longitudes; of which he informed me by letter while I was laboring, by repeated efforts, to discover the true hypothesis. So nearly did he get the start of me in detecting the truth." But this was less easy than it might seem. When Kepler's first hypothesis was enveloped in the complex construction requisite in order to apply it to each point of the orbit, it was far more difficult to see where the error lay, and Kepler hit upon it only by noticing the coincidences of certain numbers, which, as he says, raised him as if from sleep, and gave him a new light. We may observe, also, that he was perplexed to reconcile this new view, according to which the planet described an exact ellipse, with his former opinion, which represented the motion by means of libration in an epicycle. "This," he says, "was my greatest trouble, that, though I considered and reflected till I was almost mad, I could not find why the planet to which, with so much probability, and with such an exact

12 De Stella Martis, c. 58.

13 Ibid. p. 235.

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