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cate it, as the nave of one of the wheels was entirely hid. One of the king's guards, named Barfabas, impatient at being an idle fpectator of this fcene, immediately difmounted from his horfe, lifted the wheel, and giving a fignal to the coachman to whip his horfes, foon difengaged the carriage. For this piece of fervice, Louis XIV. gave him a penfion, and he foon became major of Valenciennes. After he had risen to this rank, a Gafcon, who quarrelled with him, offered to fight him. "I agree!" faid Barfabas, holding out his hand; "touch that." Upon which the Gafcon ftretched out his, but the major fqueezed it fo hard, that he broke fome of his fingers, and rendered him entirely incapable of fighting. Another Gafcon, on a like occasion, took advantage of this example; and, inftead of complying, when Barfabas defired him to hold


out his hand, ran him through the body with his fword, faying, Thus I defend myself against the treachery of a man like you!" The wound, however, did not prove mortal.

The major, one day, in a certain village, went to a farrier's fhop; and, having afked for fome horfefhoes, broke all thofe that were prefented to him, telling the blacksmith they were too brittle. The farrier then wifhed to make others; but Barfabas took up his anvil, and concealed it under his cloak, fo that, when the farrier had heated his iron, he was much furprifed not to find his anvil, and his aftonishment was

houfe when very young, to feek h fortune in the army; and the ha been born during his abfence. Hai ing met with her in Flanders, wher the dealt in ropes, he purchafe fome of the largest fhe had, whic he fnapped in pieces, telling he "I wil they were worth nothing. give you fome stronger," said the but, if you pleafe, lay down th money for them.""I will giv you whatever you afk,” replied Bat fabas, pulling out a handful o crowns.

His fifter then took th crowns, and breaking them all ins two or three pieces, told him, tha his crowns were no better than he ropes, and defired him to give he fome others! The major, furprifed defired to know her name; and hav ing learned to what family the be longed, foon difcovered that the wa

his fifter.

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