NOTICE. The works of the Rev. Richard Baxter are distinguished for great energy of style, and a fervent zeal for the salvation of sinners. The present work holds a prominent rank among his publications. A rapid succession of editions has been published in various countries, and multitudes have undoubtedly been trained for heaven, whose attention was first awakened to the concerns of the soul by reading his 'Call to the Unconverted.' With a view to extend the circulation of so useful a work, the present edition has been stereotyped, believing that many benevolent persons will take pleasure in procuring a neat pocket edition for gratuitous circulation. Different copies have been carefully compared, and great pains taken to secure accuracy to this edition; and, to render the work more welcome to readers of the present day, in a few instances the diction has been improved. The Discourse, entitled Now or Never,' which is added to the work, is greatly abridged, to compress it to a size which would admit of its insertion; and the other selections from Baxter's works, which are here presented, it is believed will meet a cordial reception. That the work may continue to exert a powerful influence in favour of vital godliness, is the earnest wish of Boston, Jan. 1829. THE PUBLISHERS. Boston......Stereotyped by INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. HAVING already introduced to the notice of our readers one of RICHARD BAXTER'S most valuable Treatises,* in the Essay to which we adverted to the character and writings of this venerable author, we count it unnecessary at present to make any allusion to them, but shall confine our remarks to the subject of the three Treatises which compose the present volume, namely, "A CALL TO THE UNCONVERTED TO TURN AND LIVE; "NOW OR NEVER; and "FIFTY REASONS WHY A SINNER OUGHT TO TURN TO GOD THIS DAY WITHOUT DELAY." وو وو These Treatises are characterized by all that solemn earnestness, and urgency of appeal, for which the writings of this much-admired author are so peculiarly distinguished. He seems to look upon mankind solely with the eyes of the Spirit, and exclusively to recognise them in their spiritual relations, and in the great and essential elements of their immortal being. Their future destiny is the all-important concern which fills and engrosses his mind, and he regards nothing of any magnitude but what has a distinct bearing on their spiritual and eternal condition. His business, therefore, is always with the conscience, to which, in these Treatises, he makes the most forcible appeals, and which he plies with all those arguments which are fitted to awaken the sinner to a deep sense of the necessity and importance *The Saints' Everlasting Rest, with an Essay by Mr. Erskine. |