NOTE. WITH the present issue of the CALENDAR, a return has been made to the former and original practice of issuing the work in two Parts. The First Part contains a sketch of the History and Constitution of the University, with Chronological Lists of Officials and Honours and Honorary Graduates and Prizemen down to 1889; also details of Bursary and Scholarship Foundations, etc., etc. This constitutes the permanent or historical portion. The Second Part, constituting the practical and current portion, includes the CALENDAR proper, for the annus academicus next ensuing; also full details regarding the curricula of study and examinations for Degrees in the various Faculties; specimens of Examination Papers; Prize and Merit Lists of the year, and generally such information and announcements as are subject to variation from year to year. This Part will be published annually, while Part I. is intended to stand without alteration for a series of years. A Supplement to the CALENDAR, published yearly, contains a List of the Books added to the University Library during the year, and the Register, up to date, of members of the General Council, |