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Premiums were awarded as follows:

BOUQUETS. For the best six hand bouquets, to Messrs. Hovey & Co., $2. For the second best, to J. Nugent, $1.

For a pyramidal bouquet, to John Quant, a gratuity of $1.

FRUITS. From the President of the Society, Duchesse d'Orleans, Beurré Cutter, (? Curtet,) Belle de Brissac, Colmar d'Ete, (?) and Heathcot; also from Messrs. Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, Swan's Orange pears, very beautiful. From E. Bemis, Cambridgeport, fine specimens of Louise Bonne de Jersey and Frederic de Wurtemberg pears. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., Beurré Crapaud pears, very fine, and Semiana plums. From J. F. Allen, Gansell's Bergamot, Seckel, Napoleon, Urbaniste, and Ronville pears; also Black Hamburgh grapes, and figs. From T. Needham, Black Hamburgh, Frankindale, Cannon Hall Muscat, Syrian, and Black Hamburgh grapes

From J. Munroe, Jr., Chelmsford, Heathcot, Le Curé, and two kinds of pears without names. From W. Meller, Late Royal George, and Heath peaches. From A. Dexter, Deacon Job apples, handsome; Seckel pears. From Kendall Bailey, Isabella grapes, fine. From J. W. Sever, Brown Beurré pears, fine. From G. Merriam, Flemish Beauty, extra large and fine; and Heath and Seedling peaches. From John Gordon, Capiaumont, Napoleon, Brown Beurré, fine specimens, Buffum, and Louise Bonne de Jersey pears. From J. S. Sleeper, Seckel pears, fine. From A. Merriam, Orange pears. From W. H. Blodgett, quinces, large and fine. From J. Washburn, quinces, large and handsome. From L. P. Grosvenor, Pound Royal apples. From J. Arnold, oranges, large and well colored.

VEGETABLES.--From T. H. Perkins, by W. Quant, a dozen fine heads of Palestine lettuce.

October 16th.-An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day,— the President in the chair.

The following gentlemen were elected members of the Society:-James H. Welch, Amherst A. Frazar, Boston; J. H. Bacon, Robert Bacon, Medford; Solon Dike, Stoneham; John Donald, Brighton.

Adjourned for one week.

Exhibited.-FRUITS: From the President of the Society, Colmar d'Aremberg, Beurré Audisson, Doyenné Musqué, Girardin, Doyenné Panaché, Beurré d'Anjou, Beurré de Rhine, Doyenné doré, Belle et Bonne de Hee, Delices Charles, Doyenné Gris, Jalousie de Fontenay Vendee, Bergan ot de Brunon, Sargeret, Beurré de Herckman, Petre, Heathcot, and four other sorts without names. From F. Tudor, from his garden at Nahant, Napoleon, Fortuneé, Chaumontelle, Croft Castle, Buffum, Beurré Diel, B. d'Angleterre, Belle et Bonne, Easter Beurré, Louise Bonne de Jersey, Glout Morceau, White Doyenné, Catillac, Seckel, Martin Sec, Prince's, and Uvedale's St. Germain pears also Porter apples, all very handsome speciFrom J. Washburn, Delices d'Hardenpont pears. From J. Gordon, very large and fine specimens of Passe Colmar, Duchesse d'Angouleme, and Queen of the Low Countries pears, and two other sorts. From J. S. Sleeper, handsome Dix pears.


From Messrs. Hovey & Co., Excellentissima, Beurré Crapaud, Sargeret, Arboricrite (?), and White Doyenné pears; also a fine specimen of the Swan's Orange, weighing elven ounces, received from Gen. E W. Leavenworth, of Syracuse, N. Y. From S. A. Walker, fine Brown Beurré pears. From K. Bailey, fine Isabella grapes. From E. M. Richards, Pennock, White Calville, Baldwin, Rhode Island Greening, Pomme d'Api, Black Prince, Dyer, Minister, Spice (?), Walpole, Lyscom, Kilham Hill, American Wine, Fall Sops of Wine, Porter, Boxford, Fall Pippin, Moore's Sweeting, Gardner's Sweeting, Pumpkin Sweeting, Pumpkin Russet, and three varieties of apples unknown; also McLaughlin, Beurré Bosc, Heathcot, Urbaniste, Le Curé, Harrison's Fall Baking, and two varieties of pears unknown; and Orange quinces. From E. Brown, Seckel pears, fine, and Uvedale's St. Germain. From C. Newhall, Napoleon and Urbaniste pears, fine, also Norton's Seedling, and Ohio grapes From A. D. Williams, Urbaniste, fine, Seckel, and Marie Louise pears. From S. Downer, Jr., Louise Bonne de Jersey pears, fine. From Isaac Fay, Golden Beurré, (?) Easter Beurré, and Capiaumont pears; Oldmixon Freestone peaches, and Semiana plums. From J. B. Chapin, by Capt. Comstock, Capsheaf pears.

From J. F. Allen, White Nice, Syrian, Black Hamburgh, Wilmot's No. 16, Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, Portuguese Muscat, (very high flavored,) and White Frontignan grapes; Noblesse peaches, and Seckel pears, fine. From E. Grant, Roxbury, Isabella grapes, finely ripened. From H. Vandine, Cambridgeport, a variety of fine quinces. From T. Needham, Syrian, Black Hamburgh, White Frontignan, White Muscat of Alexandria, and Frankindale grapes, all fine. From Neponset Hotel, a remarkable cluster of I'vedale's St Germain pears. From S. W. Cole, Pocahontas and Pierce's Seedling pears, and Long Stem apples. From Anson Dexter, Blue Pearmain apples, (?) Passe Colmar and Duchesse de Angouleme pears

The Committee tasted some of the new pears exhibited by the President and Messrs. Hovey & Co., and made the following report.

From Samuel Walker, the Eyewood, rich flavor; Beurré Duval, good. From M. P. Wilder, Colmar d'A remberg, (premature,) astringent; Delices Charles, handsome, but poor; Beurré d'Anjou; had much the flavor of Brown Beurré, and fully sustained the high character formerly given it by the Committee; Sargeret, inferior; Girardin, pleasant, but not high flavored; Beurré de Rhine, good; Heathcot, fine; Beurré de Herckman, pleasant. From J. Washburn, Delices d'Hardenpont, fine. From Hovey & Co., Beurré Crapaud, good; Excellentissima, fine. It is proper to state that soine of the specimens were not strictly in eating, the rare kinds having heen picked for the September exhibition. VEGETABLES-From F W. Macondry, some fine celery. From Josiah Lovett, 2d, a fine show of cauliflowers.

October 23d.-An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day,— the President in the chair.

There being no business before the Society,-it was adjourned one week.

ART. V. Retrospective Criticism.

Richards's Beurré Pear.-In your October number, page 462, when speaking of the "Richards's Beurré," you place me in a false position, as it leaves the reader to suppose that I had exhibited that fruit us a new variety, when not only myself, but even my children, recognized the fruit as the "Summer Bon Chrétien," the moment we saw it, and I so stated to every one with whom I conversed on the subject. The pears were sent to me by James R. Lawrence, Esq., of Syracuse. So much for this matter.

I will now call your attention to the fact, that no specimens of the "Van Zandt's Superb" and "Prince's Paragon" peaches have been exhibited any where the present season, except those exhibited by myself, although I announced that a reward of $10 would be paid in each case for the exhibition of a single genuine fruit grown by any nurseryman who had those varieties in their catalogues. I think this result is conclusive evidence that I was correct in my position, that the trees which have been sold under this name by most persons are spurious. Both are oval fruits, the former of medium, and the latter of large size, and they are varieties of general excellence. I know when and with whom the errors originated, but deemed it the most proper to merely put pomologists on their guard, without mentioning names, &c.—Yours, very respectfully, Wm. R. Prince, Flushing, October 19, 1847.

[We did not intend to convey the idea that Mr. Prince did not know that the pears in question were not true-and ought, perhaps, so to have qualified our remarks, although there was no question against the name of Richards's Beurré. We only intended to state that the pears exhibited under this name, without any reference to Mr. Prince, were the old Summer Bon Chrétien, as we knew that Mr. Prince did not raise them, but received them from western New York. The only error of Mr. Prince was, in not placing a query against the name, which many, who did know the particular facts in regard to this variety, supposed to be a new pear.-Ed.]

The Fruits of America.-1 see some one in the Horticulturist is letting fly a bolt at your colored fruits. I hope and trust that envy and malice are the cause, and not the badly colored or formed fruit.-Yours, M. W. Phillips, Edwards, Miss., Sept. 1847.

[We should have supposed that our correspondent could have seen at once the malice with which the notice was penned. We only regret that the editor should have allowed the insertion of such a pseudo anonymous paragraph, when he well knew the author, as well as the spirit with which it was penned. It happens, however, that the writer is not well able to conceal his style, and, though signed " W., Philadelphia," our Boston friends well know that the author does not reside many miles from this city. But for the query of our correspondent, we should have left Mr. "W." undisturbed in the enjoyment of his self-satisfied criticism.-Ed.]

ART. VI.-Obituary.

DIED, in this city, on the 24th of October, MR. JAMES WENTWORTH, in the 53d year of his age.

It is our painful duty to announce the death of an old and valued friend, one with whom we have had an intimate connexion, as one of the house of Dutton & Wentworth, the well known printers of our Magazine for several years, and of our new work, The Fruits of America. Mr. Wentworth had the principal charge of the book work in their extensive establishment, Mr. Dutton attending to other duties, and it is to his taste and skill, as an experienced printer, that we owe much for the typographical execution of our two works, particularly The Fruits of America. In the issuing of that work, Mr. Wentworth spared no pains, and, without egotism, we may say, that a more finished specimen of the art never appeared in this country. No work came into the office but what passed under his eye, and we have no doubt that his laborious application to his art,-Messrs. D. & W. having been the State Printers for some years,-hastened the disease of which he died. In his death, his family have lost a kind husband, and tender parent, and we deeply sympathize with them in their bereavement.




Grape Vines, in greenhouse, will now be shedding their leaves, and, where neatness is an object, as it ever should be in the greenhouse, the vines should be carefully gone over every few days with a broom, brushing upwards; this will take off nearly all the leaves which are about to fall, and the house may thus be kept much cleaner; a partial pruning may also be made; that is, to cut off all wood not likely to ripen, or such as is not wanted for another year, not cutting too short, as this can be done at the final pruning next month. Vines in cold houses will require nearly the same treatment if the grapes are all cut. If there are yet some grapes on the vines of late kinds, the house should be well aired every fine day, opening the sashes early in the morning. Grape vines in the open air may be pruned this month, and tender kinds laid down and covered with leaves, straw, or coarse manure. Isabellas may also be pruned now.

Strawberry beds should receive a slight covering of some coarse strawy manure, leaves, seaweed, or old haulm. We have covered with each of these, and find very little difference in the keeping of the plants. All that is necessary is sufficient to keep the ground from freezing and thawing, and throwing the plants out of the ground.

Raspberry plantations may be now made with good success; but, in the latitude of Boston, they should be laid down, and covered with earth.

Fruit trees of all kinds may be safely removed this month. If planted any time before frost, we think it preferable to leaving it till spring.

Scions of trees may be cut now if desired, and placed away in earth in a cool place.

Pear, apple, and quince seeds, and cherry stones may be planted now: let the ground be well manured, and deeply dug. Sow in rows about a foot apart, and one inch deep.


Dahlias, ere this, have probably mostly been taken up, as the frost, the middle of October, destroyed the plants. See that the roots are all housed before severe frost.

Hyacinths, tulips, &c.- From the first to the tenth of November is the best period to plant all hardy bulbs; if planted too early, they appear above the ground too early in the spring.

Japan lilies should have the tops cut off, and the pots placed away in a dry place till January.

Chrysanthemums will now be flowering freely, and should be kept well watered; giving liquid guano occasionally.

Azaleas should be rather sparingly watered at this season.

Nemophila insignis, and schizanthuses should be repotted this month. Hardy roses may be removed now with success. If rare kinds, it will be well to lay down the tops, and cover with leaves or manure.

Neapolitan violets should be protected in frames, or, if in pots, removed to the greenhouse, where they will flower finely.

Pelargoniums, raised from cuttings, should now have the tops nipped off to make them branch out, and become stocky plants. Older plants intended to form fine specimens should have attention: the branches should be tied down, and the young shoots pinched off as directed for young plants. Herbaceous plants can now be safely transplanted; any kinds partially tender should be protected by a slight covering.

Poonies may be removed now.

Chinese primroses in small pots should be shifted into the next size. Alyssum, mignonette, and ten-week stocks in small pots should be shifted to the next size.

Camellias should have attention; all the plants should be neatly staked up, the pots top-dressed, and the leaves washed before they are finally arranged.

Ericas will need careful watering, and all long shoots should be nipped off to make the plants bushy.

Verbenas should be placed on a shelf near the glass.

Tender roses in the open ground should all be potted this month, and placed in a frame: those potted early may now be pruned.

Gladioluses should be potted this month.

Petunias raised from cutungs now, make the best stock for next year's plants.

Pansies, taken up and potted, will flower all winter in the greenhouse. Heliotropes should now be propagated from cuttings for a spring stock. Scarlet geraniums, if placed in the cellar in a dry airy place, will keep well, and make fine plants for turning out into the border in spring.

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