Imágenes de páginas

11 Borrowing.

11. District can incur debt by issuing bonds for
capital projects, not exceeding 5 percent of assessed
value of taxable real property. Bond issues sub-
ject to referendum approval. Maximum maturity
30 years or life of improvement. Bonds to be sold
publicly and paid in annual installments. Short-
term emergency borrowing permitted, not exceed-
ing 5 percent of current appropriations. Borrow-
ing allowed in anticipation of revenues, not ex-
ceeding 25 percent of current revenues. Council
authorized to levy property taxes to pay bonds
and notes.

12 Financial administration.. 12. Describes powers and duties of Finance Di

13 Executive departments...

rector; provides for work programs and allotment
of funds; for accounting supervision and control;
for annual post audit of District finances by GAO;
and for payment for intergovernmental services.
Creditor government to be reimbursed for net cost
of such services.

13. Consolidates present administrative agencies of
District of Columbia into 12 departments along
functional lines. 12 departments are: Health,
Welfare, Recreation, Public Safety, Finance, Law,
Public Works, Libraries, Labor, Commerce, Cor-
rections, Professional and Occupational Standards.
Each department headed by a director appointed
and removable by Manager. Directors' salary
to be fixed by Council. Directors may reorganize
their departments, with Manager's approval.
Council may reorganize or abolish boards or com-
missions transferred to executive departments.

[blocks in formation]

13. Same as S. 1527, with 2 exceptions: (a) 13. Same as H. R. 28. S. 1527 requires cost of maintaining and improving National Park Service facilities used by the District of Columbia Recreation Department for public recreation programs to be borne by District, while H. R. 28 makes such cost a Federal expense (sec. 1004-b); (b) councilmanic resolutions authorizing Public Works Director to acquire land for recreational use, over disapproval of NCPPC, would require two-thirds vote under S. 1527 instead of 34 under H. R. 28 (sec. 908-c).



14. Independent agencies.

15. Board of Education.

16. District elections.

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15. Establishes a Board of Education, with 7 mem-
bers elected by qualified electors of District, to
perform functions of present Board and administer
vocational rehabilitation in District. Board
members must be qualified electors, resident and
domiciled in District of Columbia, hold no
other elective public office, or District-paid ap-
pointive office. To receive $20 per meeting at-
tended. Board to appoint a Superintendent of
Schools, elect its own president whose term is
2 years, and appoint a secretary. Three members
of Board, appointed by its president, shall be the
Commission on Vocational Rehabilitation, which
shall appoint a director who shall appoint a staff.
16. Creates 5-member Board of Elections, appointed
by President with consent of Senate, for 6-year
terms at $1,500 a year. Members must be quali-
filed electors, resident and domiciled in District,
hold no other office or employment in District of

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H. R. 2505 (Marcantonio)

14. Same as H. R. 28. Also forbids restric-
tive covenants, discrimination, or segrega-
tion on land or projects under jurisdiction
of Redevelopment Land Agency on account
of race, creed, color, national origin, or
ancestry (sec. 1204c). Also creates a 3-
member FEPC, first appointed by Presi-
dent, at $7,500 a year each, to prevent dis-
crimination in employment in the District;
defines unlawful employment practices;
complaint procedure, judicial review and
enforcement (sec. 1206).

15. Same as H. R. 28, plus directives to
Board of Education and Superintendent
of Schools to take steps to eliminate segre-
gation and discrimination in the use of
school facilities, and to reassign school
personnel accordingly (Sec. 1103-e and f).

16. Same as H. R. 28, except that Board of
Elections shall have 4 members appointed
for 2-year terms; all elective officers shall
serve for 2-year terms; omits provision for
numbered positions on Council and School

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17. Initiative, referendum,
and recall.

Columbia government. Board to conduct regis-
trations and elections, including a general election
on Mar. 7, 1950, in November of odd-numbered
years beginning with 1951, and on bond issues in
even-numbered years. Elected members of Coun-
cil and School Board to serve 4-year staggered
terms. Vacancies on Council to be filled by Presi-
dent with consent of Senate. Vacancies on School
Board to be filled by its president with Board
approval. Elections to be nonpartisan, secret, at
large, by ballot or voting machine, and by plural-
ity vote. Qualified electors shall have maintained
a domicile or place of abode in the District for 1
year, be United States citizens 21 years old, not
convicted felons or, if so, pardoned, and not men-
tally incompetent. Registrants must be qualified
electors, with domicile or place of abode in District
for 9 months, and must execute a registration affi-
davit. Persons not permitted to register may
appeal to Board of Elections and Municipal Court.
Qualified candidates shall be registrants nomi-
nated by petitions having 90 signatures, with filing
fee of $30 for Council, $25 for School Board, and
affidavit as to residence and domicile. Members
of Congress and of Elections Board may not be
candidates. No absentee voting. Upon petition,
District Court may review an election, void all or
part of it, and order a special election. Interfer-
ence with registration or voting is forbidden.
Violators of election laws may be fined up to $500
or imprisoned 6 months, or both.

test for registration; and for keeping the
registry open for a stated period, keeping it
accurate and current, and for purging the
registration lists. Vacancy on Council to be
filled by Mayor with consent of Council.

17. No provision for, except for referendum on bond 17. Same as S. 1527. issues and on adoption of charter.

Board; age qualification for voting fixed at
18 years; members of Council and School
Board shall be elected by method of propor-
tional representation; no literacy test for

17. Contains such a title, providing for initia-
tive and referendum on legislative pro-
posals, and for the recall of any elected Dis-
trict officer or of any appointed member of
Council or School Board.



18. Civil service.

H. R. 4981 (Klein)
S. 1527 (Kefauver)

18. Subjects, with certain exceptions, all District of
Columbia government offices and positions to
Civil Service Act of 1883, as amended, and to Clas-
sification Act of 1923. Assigns classified status to
all present District of Columbia officers and em-
ployees who successfully qualify in a noncompeti-
tive examination. Intergovernmental transfers
may retain civil-service status. In selecting per-
sons for District of Columbia jobs from civil-service
registers, Manager shall give preference to persons
residing in metropolitan area. Only such residents
may take special examinations for District of
Columbia positions. Council shall fix pay of Dis-
trict of Columbia employees not covered by Classi-
fication Act and not otherwise fixed by law. Dis-
trict of Columbia government to bear cost of its
liability for retirement of District officers and em-
ployees and of services by Civil Service Commission.

19. Miscellaneous provisions.. 19. District and Federal Governments authorized to

contract for intergovernmental services at cost, paid
for by recipient agencies. Personal interest in con-
tracts or sales forbidden. District to bear cost of
residents and prisoners committed to St. Eliza-
beths. Register of Wills to be known hereafter as
Clerk of Probate Court; to be appointed and re-
movable by chief judge of District Court; his fees
to be paid to Finance Director. Ex officio mem-
bers of NCPPC increased to 7; appointed members
from 4 to 6; NCPPC to develop master plan for
both District of Columbia and Federal Govern-
ments. NCHA is continued as a Federal agency
with certain added duties. Dual compensation
allowed, with certain exceptions. Soldiers Home,
NCPPC, and District of Columbia National Guard
to be Federal agencies,

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20. Succession in government.

21. Temporary provisions..

22. Charter referendum.

23. Federal contribution.

20. Transfer of functions between agencies to be ac-
companied by transfer of property, records, and
unexpended balances. Provides for settling dis-
putes arising out of transfers. Existing statutes,
etc., to continue in effect, mutatis mutandis.
Pending judicial and administrative actions to be
continued. Until July 1, 1950, no vacancy in a
District agency caused by abolition of Board of
Commissioners shall affect its power to function.
21. President authorized to issue regulations to
cover transition between enactment of bill and
first meeting of Council. Authorizes appropria-
tion of $500,000 to District of Columbia for fiscal
1950 to pay expenses of Charter Referendum
Board and Board of Elections. United States to
be reimbursed for such expenditures during fiscal

22. Creates a 5-member Charter Referendum Board,
appointed by President, to conduct a popular
referendum on charter on Nov. 15, 1949. Specifies
powers and duties of Board. Provides for regis-
tration of electors, form of ballot, and method of
voting. Charter to be accepted by majority vote
of registered qualified voters. Board to certify
result to President not later than Dec. 21, 1949.
Interference with registration or voting prohibited;
penalties for violations.
23. Prescribes formula for Federal contribution to
District expenses. Beginning with fiscal 1952,
authorizes appropriation of sun equal to 20 cents
for each dollar of local District of Columbia revenue
received during preceding fiscal year. $1,000,000
of payment to be credited to water fund; remainder
to general fund. Budget Director to certify
amounts authorized to Manager. Payments to be
made by Secretary of Treasury to Finance Direc-
tor on or before July 31. If District revenues
exceed expenses in any year, surplus shall be used
for public schools.

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