OVER THE OCEAN; OR, SIGHTS AND SCENES IN FOREIGN LANDS. BY CURTIS GUILD, EDITOR OF THE BOSTON COMMERCIAL BULLETIN. BOSTON: LEE AND SHEPARD, PUBLISHERS. LEE, SHEPARD AND DILLINGHAM. 1871. Geng 4308.71 B HARVARD COLLEGE LIFRARY FROM THE L'UIRY OF Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, BY LEE AND SHEPARD, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. THE following pages are the record of the fruition of years of desire and anticipation; probably the same that fills the hearts of many who will read them a tour in Europe. The habits of observation, acquired by many years' constant occupation as a journalist, were found by the author to have become almost second nature, even when the duties of that profession were thrown aside for simple gratification and enjoyment; consequently, during a journey of nearly seven months, which was enjoyed with all the zest of a first tour, the matter which composes this volume was prepared. Its original form was in a series of sketches in the columns of the Boston Commercial Bulletin. In these the writer attempted to give as vivid and exact an idea of the sights and scenes which he witnessed as could be conveyed to those who had never visited Europe. Whether describing Westminster Abbey, or York Minster, Stratford-on-Avon, or the streets of London; the wonders of the Louvre, or the gayeties and glitter of Paris; the grandeur of the Alpine passes; the quaintness of old continental cities; experiences of post travelling; the romantic beauties (iii) |