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The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the ...

Richard Hakluyt

Immortalis honos Regum, cui non tulit ætas
Olla prior, veniens nec feret vlla

Sofpite que nunquam terras habitare Britannas
Desinet alma Quies, Iustitia atque Fides,


Queis ipsa tantum fuperant reliqua omnia regna,
Quantum tu maior Regibus es reliquas
precor felix tanti in moderamine regni,
Dum tibi Rex Regum calica regna paret.




*Johannes at plam Carpini


all be in one company, but in manie
bandes, not very farre distant one from ano
which give the first encounter must send
before, and must have another in a
relieve and second the former in time conver
must have spies also on every side to give
when the rest of the enemies bandes ap
therefore ought they alwayes to send forth
band & troupe against troupe, because the
practiseth to gette his enemie in the mids
environ him. Let our bands take this c
the enemie retire, not to make any long purs
lest peradventure (according to his custon
draw them into some secret ambush : fo
fights more by policie then by maine
againe, lest our horses bee tired: for w
well stored with horses as they. Those
the Tartars use one day, they ride not u
foure dayes after. Moreover, if the
homeward, our men must not therefor
casseir their bandes, or separate themse
because they doe this upon policie, namel
armie divided, that they may more secure
waste the countrey. And in very deede,
ought both day and night to keepe the
readines and not to lie out of their arm
assayes, to bee provided for battell.
like divels are alwaies watching and devising
tise mischiefe. Furthermore, if in battell an
be cast off their horse backes, they must
layd holde on and taken, for being on fo
strongly, wounding and killing both horses
Of the journey of frier John unt
guard of the Tartars. Chap
We therefore by the commaundem



apostolique setting foorth towards

the East, chose first to travel unto the


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de not upr if the Tar

ot therefore de ate themselves & licie, namely to

more securely

ery deede a keepe ther

of their armour

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we feared that there might be great fanger imminent la terre
upon the Church of God next unto them, by mer tele's
invasions. Proceeding on therefore, we came I me
king of Bohemia, who being of our familiar aman-
tance, advised us to take our journey trust Priona
and Russia. For we had kinstokes in Polonia,
whose assistance, we might enter into Russia. Hing
given us his letters, hee caused cur charges as
defrayed, in all his chiefe houses and cities,
came unto his nephew Bolesiaus duke of Siena, who is
also was familiar and well knowen un us. The like
favour he shewed us also, till wee came a



Commons duke of * Lautiscia, unto whome then by Gods escecal +Core favour towards us) lord Wasilico duke of Russia wa come, from whose mouth we heard more at large concerning the deedes of the Tartars: for he had sent ambassadours thither, who were returned backe m Wherefore, it being given us to understand, that we must bestow giftes upon them, we caused certaine imes of bevers and other beastes to be bought a part of that money, which was given upon aimes z succour is y the way. Which thing duke Conradus and me* tuctes of Cracow, and a bishop, and certaine soutiens teng alvertised of, gave us likewise more of the same im Aut to be short, duke Wasilico being earnestly rectested me duke of Cracow, and by the bistop behalfe, conducted us with him, u there for certaine daies, enterteined to the ende that we might refres when, being requested by us, b resort unto him, we be admonishing them

attell. For t and devising En battell any of th they must pres being on foote the both horses and te John unto the ars Chap. 19 mmaundement of rth towards the t unto the Tartar

To the same purp
and to our abili
and others the
brother of
journey u
make a f


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