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Thâi (we see) the little gone and the great come. (It indicates that) there will be good fortune with progress and success.

12. In Phi is the want of good understanding between the (different classes of) men, and its indication is unfavorable to the firm and correct course of the superior man. We see in it the great gone and

the little come.


13. Thung Zăn (or 'Union of men) appears here (as we find it) in the (remote districts of the) country, indicating progress and sucIt will be advantageous to cross the great stream. It will be advantageous to maintain the firm correctness of the superior man. 14. Tâ Yû indicates that (under the circumstances which it implies) there will be great progress and success.

15. Khien indicates progress and success. The superior man (being humble as it implies), will have a (good) issue (to his undertakings). 16. Yü indicates that (in the state which it implies), feudal princes may be set up, and the hosts put in motion, to advantage.


Sui indicates that (under its conditions) there will be progress and success. But it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. There will be no error.

18. Kû indicates great progress and success (to him who deals properly with the conditions represented by it). There will be advantage in (efforts like that of) crossing the great stream. (He should weigh well, however, the events of) three days before the turning point, and those (and those to be done) three days after.

19. Lin (indicates that under the conditions supposed in it) there will be great progress and success, will it will be advantageous to be firmly correct. In the eighth month there will be evil.

20. Kwân shows (how he whom it represents should be like) the worshipper who has washed his hands, but not (yet) presented his offerings, with sincerity and an appearance of dignity (commanding reverent regard).


Shih Ho indicates successful progress (in the condition of things which it supposes). It will be advantageous to use legal restraints. 22. Pî indicates that there should be free course (in what it denotes). There will be little advantage (however) if it be allowed to advance (and take the lead).

23. Po indicates that (in the state which it symbolizes) it will not be advantageous to make a movement in any direction whatever.


Fû indicates that there will be free course and progress (in what it denotes). (The subject of it) finds no one to distress him in his exits and entrances; friends come to him, and no error is committed. He will return and repeat his (proper) course. In seven

days comes his return. There will be advantage in whatever direction movement is made.

25. Wû Wang indicates great progress and success, while there will be advantage in being firm and correct. If (its subject and his action) be not correct, he will fall into errors, and it will not be advantageous for him to move in any direction.

26. Under the conditions of Tâ Khû it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. (If its subjects do not seek to) enjoy his revenues in his own family (without taking service at court, there will be good fortune. It will be advantageous for him to cross the great stream.

27. I indicates that with firm correctness there will be good fortune (in what is denoted by it). We must look at what we are seeking to nourish, and by the exercise of our thoughts seek for the proper aliment.

28. Tá Kwo suggests to us a beam that is weak. There will be advantage in moving (under its conditions) in any direction whatever; there will be success.

29. Khan, here repeated, shows the possession of sincerity, through which the mind is penetrating. Action (in accordance with this) will be of high value.

30. Li indicates that (in regard to what it denotes) it will be advantageous to be firm and correct, and that thus there will be free course and success. Let (its subject) also nourish (a docility like that of) the cow, and there will be good fortune.

31. Hsien indicates that, on the fulfillment of the conditions inplied in it), there will be free course and success. Its advantageousness will depend on the being firm and correct, (as) in marrying a young lady. There will be good fortune.


32. Hǎang indicates successful progress and no error (in what it denotes). But the advantage will come from being firm and correct; and movement in any direction whatever will be advantageous. 33. Thun indicates successful progress (in its circumstances). a small extent it will (still) be advantageous to be firm and correct. 34. Tâ Kwang indicates that (under the conditions which it symbolizes) it will be advantageous to be firm and correct.

35. In 3in we see a prince who secures the tranquility (of the people) presented on that account with numerous horses (by the king), and three times in a day received at interviews.

36. Ming I indicates (in the circumstances which it denotes) it will be advantageous to realize the difficulty (of the position), and maintain firm correctness.

37. For (the realization of what is taught in) Kiâ Zăn, (or for the

regulation of the family) what is most advantageous, is that the wife be firm and correct.

38. Khwei indicates that (notwithstanding the condition of things which it denotes), in small matters there will (still) be good success. 39. In (the state indicated by) Kien advantage will be found in the north-west, and the contrary in the north-east. It will be advantageous (also) to meet with the great men. (In these circumstances), with firmness and correctness, there will be good fortune.

40. In (the state indicated by) Kieh advantage will be found in the south-west. If no (further) operations be called for, there will be good fortune in coming back (to the old conditions). If some operations be called for, there will be good fortune in the early conducting of them.

41. In (what is denoted by) Sun, if there be sincerity (in him who employs it), there will be great good fortune; freedom from error; firmness and correctness can be maintained; and advantage in every movement that shall be made. In what shall this (sincerity in the exercise of Sun) be employed? (Even) in sacrifice two baskets of grain (though there be nothing else), may be presented.

42. Yi indicates that (in the state which it denotes) there will be advantage in every movement which shall be undertaken, that it will be advantageous (even) to cross the great stream.

43. Kwâi requires (in him who would fulfill its meaning) the exhibition (of the culprit's guilt) in the royal court, and a sincere and earnest appeal (for sympathy and support) with a consciousness of the peril (involved in cutting off the criminal). He should (also) make announcement in his own city, and show that it will not be well to have recourse at once to arms. (In this way) there will be advantage

iu whatever he shall go forward to.

44. Kâu shows a female who is bold and strong. It will not be good to marry (such) a female.

45. In (the state denoted by) 3hui, the king will repair to his ancestral temple. It will be advantageous (also) to meet with the great man; and then there will be progress and success, though the advantage must come through firm correctness. The use of great virtues will conduce to good fortune; and in whatever direction movement is made, it will be advantageous.

46. Shǎng indicates that (under its conditions) there will be great progress and success. Seeking by (the qualities implied in it) to meet with the great man, its subject need have no anxiety. Advance to the south will be fortunate.

47. In (the condition denoted by) Khwǎn there may (yet be) progress and success. For the firm and correct, the (really) great man,

there will be good fortune.

He will fall into no error. speeches, his words cannot be made good.

If he make

48. (Looking at) 3ing, we think of how the site of a town may be changed, while the fashion of its wells undergo no change. The water of a well never disappears and never receives any great increase, and those who come and those who go can draw and enjoy the benefit. If the drawing have been nearly accomplished, but, before the rope has quite reached the water, the bucket is broken, this is evil.

49. (What takes place as indicated by) Ko is believed in only after it has been accomplished. There will be great progress and success. Advantage will come from being firm and correct. In that case casion for repentance will disappear.


50. Ting gives the intimation of great progress and success. 51. Kăn gives intimation of ease and development. When (the time of) movement comes, (the subject of the hexagram) will be found looking out with apprehension, and yet smiling and talking cheerfully. When the movement comes like a crash of thunder all within a hundred Lî, he will be like the sincere worshipper who is not startled into letting go his ladle and cup of sacrificial spirits. 52. When one's resting is like that of the back, and he looses all consciousness of self; when he walks in his courtyard, and does not see any of the persons in it there, will be no error.

53. Kien suggests to us the marriage of a young lady, and the good fortune attending it. There will be advantage in being firm and


54. Kwei Mei indicates that (under the conditions which it denotes) action will be evil, and in no wise advantageous.

55. Făng intimates progress and development. When a king has reached the point (which the name denotes) there is no occasion to be anxious through fear of a change. Let him be as the sun at


56. Lü intimates that (in the condition which it denotes) there may be some little attainment and progress. If the stranger or traveler be firm and correct as he ought to be, there will be good fortune.

57. Sun intimates that (under the conditions which it denotes) there will be some little attainment and progress. There will be advantage in movement onward in whatever direction. It will be advantageous (also) to see the great man.

58. Tui intimates that (under its conditions) there will be progress and attainment. But it will be advantageous to be firm and correct 59. Hwân intimates that (under its conditions) there will be progress and success. The king goes to his ancestral temple; and it will

be advantageous to cross the great stream. It will be advantageous to be firm and correct.

60. Kieh intimates that (under its conditions) there will be progress and attainment. (But) if the regulations (which it prescribes) be severe and difficult, they cannot be permanent.

61. Kung Fu (moves even) pigs and fish, and leads to good fortune. There will be advantage in crossing the great stream. There will be advantage in being firm and correct.

62. Hsiao Kwo indicates that (in the circumstances which it implies) there will be progress and attainment. But it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. (What the name denotes) may be done in small affairs, but not in great affairs. (It is like) the notes that come down from a bird on the wing; to descend is better than to ascend. There will (in this way) be great good fortune.


63. Ki 3î intimates progress and success in small matters. will be advantage in being firm and correct. There has been good fortune in the beginning; there may be disorder in the end.

64. Wei 3î intimates progress and success (in the circumstances which it implies). (We see) a young fox that has nearly crossed (the stream), when its tail gets immersed. There will be no advantage in

any way.

It will be observed that we are reminded eight times, Nos. 5, 6, 13, 18, 26, 42, 59, and 64, when "to cross the great stream." This is supposed by some to refer to the Hoang Ho, or Yellow River, estimated to be 2,000 miles in length, flowing into the Whang-hai, or Yellow Sea.

Mr. Leggs's book contains 238 pages of appendixes, devoted to the interpretations and symbolizations of the 64 hexagrams, and those of our readers who wish to pursue the subject would do well to study the book.

RAILROAD ITEMS. The cost of railroads in the United States has been $1,000,000,000.

The number of persons employed on railroads in the United States is 1,000,000.

The average cost of constructing a mile of railroad in the United States at the present time is $30,000.

The average daily earning of an American locomotive is $100. The longest railroad bridge span in the United States is the Cantilever span in the Poughkeepsie bridge over the Hudson, 548 feet. A steel rail lasts, with average wear, 18 years.

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