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could not long continue. It seemed only necessary that the attention of mankind should be powerfully directed to the imperfection of the opinions hitherto embraced, in order to induce them to start with alacrity into a better track of philosophical research; and the useful impulse thus required was soon decidedly given. It was, as is universally known, about the middle of the last century, that Hume began with unrivalled acuteness to speculate on the origin and nature of ideas, and to form his speculations into a system of scepticism, which alarmed the minds of all sober inquirers. A host of opponents was accordingly roused, who combated, in all the quarters to which their influence extended, the obnoxious doctrines which had been thus fearlessly advanced. And the natural effect of this agitation of opinions was the ultimate refutation of doctrines which were subversive of knowledge, and the discovery of some fundamental principles which have proved of much importance to the progress of science. It is, in fact, almost needless for me to observe, that the ablest and most successful of these opponents of Hume, not only completely refuted the unphilosophical assumption on which the controversy was founded, but by reforming fundamentally this department of knowledge, recalled the attention of metaphysical inquirers from the vague speculations in which they had formerly indulged, to a system of patient reflection on the operations of the mind, and a judicious application to this unemployed field, of the method and rules of the inductive philosophy. What is chiefly, however, to my present purpose to observe is, that the fame of this University is now inseparably associated with the triumphs and success of this new philosophy; the splendid character of its ablest illustrator has, in fact, long given to this city one of its most powerful attractions in the eyes of strangers; and that fond attachment to metaphysical pursuits, which has long been considered as characteristic of this nation, has now been directed into a career of speculation which promises to afford the most beneficial results to every department of human knowledge.

While science was thus undergoing an important alteration in one of its fundamental departments, correspond


ing changes were taking place in other kindred branches. The French economists had already directed their speculations to the interior of the fabric of human society, and the investigations of Hume, in this new department, had also shed an auspicious light on some of the most difficult problems which these discussions embraced. was at this period that the author of the Wealth of Nations submitted to the public his immortal work, the fruit of many years of political research, which, in his native town, at a short distance from this metropolis,. he had devoted exclusively to this great undertaking. It was not merely, however, by the fact of its publication in Edinburgh, that this magnificent monument of the genius of its author has added to the celebrity of this seat of science. The doctrines it contained, which have had so remarkable an influence on some of the most important concerns of mankind, were soon anxiously incorporated with the philosophical disquisitions of this University. And the fact is well known, that Edinburgh continued, during many years, to be one of the best frequented and most efficient schools for this new department of knowledge.

The earlier part of the last century, so remarkable for the changes already considered, was further distinguished by one of the most important improvements which science has ever received, and by which a new direction was very generally communicated to the pursuits and studies of academical bodics. I here allude to the discoveries of Linnæus, to whose enlightened views the scientific world are so deeply indebted for a system of doctrine, which may not perhaps continue to be acknowledged as the most perfect exposition of the arrangements of Nature, but which has unquestionably had a most important influence on the subsequent progress of knowledge, and will ever remain an indisputable evidence of the stupendous powers and industry of its author. It is well known to those who are even moderately acquainted with the scientific history of the eighteenth century, that these improvements were immediately adopted by every university of eminence in Europe, that the collections of those bodies were every where arranged upon the new principles which Linnæus had unfolded,

and that the examination of the various provinces of nature, began now to be conducted with an ardour and success which was quite unparalleled in the history of the world. I do not pretend to insinuate that this city has ever been remarkable for the attention of its students to this delightful portion of the great field of knowledge. Yet so animating a spirit of scientific research could not well exist in every neighbouring country, without being also felt in some degree by the scholars of this ardent and inquisitive nation, howevermuch their predilections or habits might have previously indisposed them for this particular pursuit. The Professorship of Natural History (on which subject no lectures had ever formerly been given in this University) was accordingly conferred about this period on a naturalist eminently qualified for the duty assigned him, and although many of the other universities of Europe were already far advanced in that career of improvement on which the scholars of this country were only preparing to enter, this appointment yet deserves to be mentioned, as an important addition to a plan of instruction, which, in this respect alone, had been formerly deficient; and still more perhaps, as laying the foundation of a future progress in the study of nature, to which, from some obvious symptoms, we seem entitled to look forward with very confident expectation.

Perhaps, however, the greatest of all the improvements which science received during the eventful period of the preceding century, was that which took place in the department of Chemistry; and it will ever be considered as a fact, honourable to this city, that the most valuable of these improvements were derived from a distinguished member of this University. It appears, indeed, from the facts which are known respecting the progress of the chemical discoveries of Dr Black, that almost all his great speculations had been brought to maturity, while he held the Lectureship of Chemistry at Glasgow. But it was the celebrity he had acquired by these splendid investigations that secured him, on the resignation of Dr Cullen, the vacant chair in this University; and it is well known that no professor ever acquired a higher celebrity for his public prelections, or a wider re

nown for his original investigations. "The number of his pupils (says Dr Thomson) underwent a progressive and gradual increase, during the whole time that he was professor. His lectures were always listened to by his audience with inexpressible delight. His voice was low, but sweet and distinct. His language was simplicity itself, but always apposite and never vulgar. His experimental illustrations were correctly suited to the object in view, and carried full conviction to the mind of the spectator; there was no glare, no parade, no showman exhibition, but an Attic elegance and simplicity highly delightful to a refined and cultivated mind." The researches of Black afford, perhaps, the finest models of experimental investigation, next to the optical inquiries of Newton, which science contains. The excellence of his public prelections appears from the above account of them, and, indeed, from the concurring testimony of all who heard them, to have been proportioned to the value of his original discoveries. We cannot wonder, therefore, that, with such various excellence, the merits of this professor should have been very widely acknowledged, and that the splendour of his character should have shed something of its lustre upon the city which was the immediate theatre of his labours.

I am far from pretending, in this rapid sketch, to enumerate all the eminent individuals who have contributed to the glory of this seat of learning. My only object, in fact, is to present to your readers the following remarkable, but I apprehend well founded, conclusion, that not only has the University kept pace in the liberality of the views by which its members have been guided, with the vast advances which science has been making during the preceding century, but that there is scarcely one of the great improvements which have been made during that period, which has not a more direct and intimate connection with the high fame of this seminary. It is thus universally known, how much the science of medicine has been indebted to the original views which have distinguished the members of this school; the mathematical department is well known to have been filled, during the long period of more than a century, by a succession of some

of the ablest men whom this country has produced; the philosophy of the human mind may here almost be considered as in its native soil, from the captivating illustrations which have been given of its doctrines, by the most eloquent of the members of which this University can boast; and the splendid career of chemical discovery, which has given such lustre to modern science, may refer to the original investigations of Black for one of the first steps in its progress. I will not presume to speak with decision upon a subject which I have not examined with any very particular attention; but I certainly am not at present aware that any other university can boast, with truth, of a series of more splendid distinctions; and, when it is added, that its members have been as eminent in their character as teachers, as celebrated for their original discoveries, we can no longer wonder at the high fame of this University.

It is not merely, however, to the fame of its University that this city is indebted for the reputation it enjoys. It is well known, that, from a very early period of the preceding century, a strong predilection for literary pursuits had very generally diffused it self even among those classes of the community who are less directly connected with the business of education; and those who have heard of the intellectual character of the conversation of this metropolis, or of the, variety and excellence of its literary productions, are in no danger of confounding these distinctions with the reputation or efficiency of its public schools. I do not know, indeed, a finer field for the historian of literature, than that which is afforded by this metropolis during the greater part of the past century. Much has, no doubt, already been accomplished, for illustrating this interesting portion of our history, by the writers of the biography of some eminent individuals; but a vast harvest yet remains for the patience and curiosity of future inquirers; and distant posterity will probably regard with interest those literary treasures which we now overlook. It is sufficient, however, at present to remark, that this city is known to have contained, about the latter part of the period alluded to, as bright an assemblage of illustrious men as ever appeared, per

haps, in any city or age. From the list which has been preserved of the names of those who constituted what was called the Select Society, it appears to have been composed of a greater proportion of all the talent and learning of that time, than could perhaps have been collected in any other single spot; and from this great association of ability and information, we also know that a crowd of eminent authors appeared, whose works are still regarded as among the finest productions of British literature. It is scarcely necessary that, for substantiating this statement, I should now recal to the recollection of your readers the names of Hume, Robertson, Henry, Fergusson, Blair, Home, Kaimes, Monboddo, and Mackenzie; these, however, it ought always to be remembered, are only some of the more conspicuous names, while the activity and successes of the lighter troops will be found to have pretty generally corresponded with the more conspicuous prowess of the leading champions. Numerous associations, also, for the encouragement of learning, were about the same time established in this metropolis: these were sometimes composed of men who have since risen to the very first rank in the republic of letters, and, altogether, they laid the foundation of a system which has now been carried in this city to an extent unexampled, I believe, in any other country. These associations, however, had the good effect of frequently bringing together those ingenious individuals who had devoted their leisure to the cultivation of literature, by which they supported and encouraged that ambition of excellence which is necessary for the production of works of merit; and also of diffusing among the mass of the community the tastes and prepossessions of these more private associations. They have contributed powerfully to form that relish for the pleasures of literary conversation, which is now considered as the peculiar distinction of this metropolis. It must be confessed that this city possesses many advantages for the diffusion of such a taste, which are not enjoyed in the same degree by any other portion of the British empire. It is remarkably free from that spirit of business which never fails to communicate to conversation in a trading town so strong a tinę

ture of mercantile habits. It ought
also to be observed, that not only the
students by whom the University is
attended, but the numerous practi-
tioners and retainers of the law-men
of course who are naturally attached,
in a certain degree at least, to literary
pursuits are mingled with the other
inhabitants in the intercourse of soci-
ety, and, of course, influence to a very
considerable extent the prevailing tone
of conversation. This city is also, as
being the capital of the country, the
natural resort, during a considerable
part of the year, of the fashionable
world, the members of which are
usually fitted to relish those lighter exer-
tions of intellect, and that easy discus-
sion of literary works, which is permit-
ted by the forms of polite society. The
consequence of all this is, that it is
impossible to mingle with any of the
politer circles of this metropolis, with-
out meeting either with some man of
letters, the nature of whose pursuits
is pretty generally known, or with
some younger scholar, devoted with all
the enthusiasm of his years to the pre-
vailing studies and discussions of the
time; or, lastly, with some of those
fashionable loungers who are slightly
acquainted with every prevailing to-
pic, and by whom the perusal of books
is chiefly considered as a necessary pre-
paration for polite conversation. It is
easy to see, that a society so constitut-
ed must differ essentially in its predi-
lections and habits from ordinary asso-
ciations of active individuals; and that
discussions of the merits of literary
works, and of the character and views
of distinguished authors, will natural-
ly prevail in conversation. It is im-
possible to name any other city of this
empire, in which society is placed in
exactly the same circumstances. The
two seats of the English Universities
are filled almost entirely by those who
are devoted to the studies of the place,
and can scarcely, therefore, be said to
contain any other society but that of
scholars by profession. The capital of
the empire itself is not only by far too
extensive in its range, but too much
engaged in other concerns, to permit
the prevailing tone of its conversation
to be guided by the influence and taste
of its men of letters; while the other
cities are either entirely commercial,
or are prevented by other obvious cir-
cumstances from rivalling the fame of
this Northern Metropolis, which, by

the limited nature of the society it contains, as well as by the other advantages already stated, is preeminently adapted to sustain with effect the reputation of a literary city.

There is one circumstance peculiar to it which deserves here to be more particularly considered. From the circumstances of Scotland, a considerable proportion of its gentry has always been trained to the study of the law, either with the view of practising it as a profession, or as a preparation for some other employment in which legal knowledge is requisite. The individuals so educated have commonly many advantages for the prosecution of study, which are not enjoyed in an equal degree by those who aspire to other liberal professions; and they are connected, at the same time, by their rank, with all the higher circles. It is evident that so numerous a body of ambitious individuals, with every advantage of education and leisure, must always have contained a very considerable share of the learning and talent which this country possessed, and could not fail to exert a very decided influence upon the tastes and opinions of those around them. Some other circumstances, however, of a more accidental nature, have of late contributed in a remarkable degree to raise this portion of our fellow-citizens to that high literary rank which they are now generally admitted to hold. The transcendant talents of some eminent individuals have been particularly instrumental in throwing around their profession a more than ordinary splendour; and the consequence has been, that, while the Scottish bar has be come almost proverbial for the talent which it contains, an ardent emulation has also been awakened among those who are only looking forward to this profession, which cannot fail long to continue the same honourable distinction.

It is, in fact, by the successful compositions of individuals of this body, in the lighter departments of literature at least, that the character of this city, as a seat of learning, is now popularly estimated. It will be readily understood that I allude at present to the distinguished labours of that literary association, who began about the commencement of the present century to promulgate the decisions of an enlightened criticism with unexampled

authority and effect; and to the no less popular productions of that eminent individual, whose fame is now so inseparably connected with the high character of "his own romantic town." I am well aware that the celebrity of a city which has acquired an established reputation as a seat of learning, must ever be traced to some more permanent causes than the accidental character of some fortunate individuals. Yet surely the work first alluded to will always be regarded as a very splendid monument of the learning and talents which this city contained at the commencement of the present century; while to the last mentioned author we are indebted, in no ordinary degree, not only for the lustre which has been thrown around this city by his wonderful talents, but still more for having given to a country which is peculiarly adapted for such a distinction the high celebrity of classical association, and for having identified the charms of his delightful productions with the scenery and the manners of this interesting land.

In a future communication, I shall endeavour to present your readers with a sketch of the present state of the science of this metropolis.-Meanwhile, I am, Mr Editor, yours very respectfully,


Popular Superstitions. "He might se him besides

Oft in hot undertides,

The king of Fairi, with his route,
Come to hunt him al about,


With dim cri and shrill bloweing, &c.-
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Romance of Orfeo and Heurodis. Dryburgh.-ON my first visit to this place, where at no very remote period my ancestors had resided, I was very much struck with the appearance of the old Abbey. 'Twas autumn and twilight-to me the most delicious season of the year and hour of the day, and the scene before me was more rich, romantic, and enchanting, than any thing I had ever before witnessed:-the wild and arabesque aspect of the ruins, halfshrouded in luxuriant wreaths of fruit and foliage, the last beams of departing day gilding the shattered turrets,

below, in shade, the antique mossgrown tomb of my forefathers, still venerable, though broken and defaced,

the bright broad harvest moon gleaming through the encircling wood, and the murmur of the Tweed beyond-all was in unison, solemn, soothing, and sequestered; and I was falling into a train of reflections, appropriate enough to the impressive character of the scenery, but more serious than would suit my present subject, when I was humorously recalled (by a casual circumstance which I need not here rehearse) to the recollection of a story of the "Fairy Folk," which my worthy grandsire was wont sometimes to relate. It had occurred in the immediate vicinity of the spot where I then stood; and so congenial seemed the scene to the poetical character and habits of these elegant sprites, that I almost expected to hear again their unearthly bugelet ringing through the broken arches, or see their tiny faces peeping from the ivy-latticed windows.

It happened that the village school of Dryburgh was undergoing some repairs, and the teacher and his pupils were in the meanwhile accommodated with the use of the parish church for their diurnal meetings. One fine summer evening, according to the report of my informant, who was one of the scholars,-while the setting sun was shining bright and beautiful through the large western window, a shrill whistle on a sudden shook the casement, and instantly a myriad of tiny figures, dressed in green, rushed in through the window, passed in a train along the gallery,

fistle, fistle, fistling," as he expressed it, and dancing over the pews with much agility and apparent merriment, and again as suddenly disappeared at the opposite end of the edifice. This vision, as the narrator affirmed, was not only witnessed by himself, (and he was a man who could not possibly be suspected of wilful fiction,) but was also distinctly seen by the other scholars and their astonished pedagogue. This occurred about 1720. The courteous reader may account for the phenomenon in the mode most agreeable to himself,either poetically, as a real descent of Oberon and his merry imps, or philosophically, as a visual illusion, probably analogous to the Fata Morgana

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