(3) School Certificate Examination-A pass with credit in Latin or Greek will exempt from Lower Latin or Lower Greek. A pass with credit in Mathematics will exempt from Lower Mathematics. 8. "Second School Examinations."-In addition to the above, a pass in any subject, taken as a main subject, in any Second School Examination approved by the Board of Education, will exempt from that subject on the Higher Standard. The List of "Second School Examinations" approved by the Board of Education is as follows: (1) The Higher Certificate Examination of the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. (2) The Higher School Certificate Examination of the Oxford Delegacy for Local Examinations. (3) The Higher School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate. (4) The Higher School Certificate Examination of the University of Bristol. (5) The Higher Certificate Examination of the University of Durham. (6) The Higher School Certificate Examination of the University of London. (7) The Higher School Certificate Examination of the Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board. (8) The Higher Certificate Examination of the Central Welsh Board. 9. Intermediate Education Board for Ireland.-Honours in Latin, Greek, or Mathematics in the Senior Grade Examination will exempt from Higher Latin, Higher Greek, or Higher Mathematics. Honours in French or German will exempt from French or German. A pass with 55 per cent of the marks in English will exempt from English. 10. The British Empire Overseas.-Candidates from British Dominions or Colonies who present evidence that they have passed examinations which would admit them to a course qualifying for Graduation in Arts or Science in Universities or Technical Colleges affiliated to a University in the Dominion or Colony from which they come 1 will be exempted from the 1 An authenticated declaration by an official of an authorised agency of the dominion or country, testifying that the Certificate tendered would admit the holder to a Qualifying Course, should accompany the Certificate. Preliminary Examination in Arts, Science, or Medicine, subject to the following conditions: (a) That there is sufficient evidence to show that their knowledge of English is sufficient to enable them to follow the courses of instruction with profit. (b) That candidates for degrees in Engineering shall produce evidence of a knowledge of Mathematics equivalent to that required in Higher Mathematics in the Preliminary Examination. (The foregoing provisions do not apply to students from India.) INDIA. Čandidates who have passed the Intermediate Examination in Arts or Science in a recognised Indian University will be exempted from the Preliminary Examination in Arts, Science, or Medicine respectively, subject to the following conditions: (a) Candidates whose native language is other than English will in all cases be required to pass the Special Examination in English in accordance with the provisions undernoted.1 1 N.B.-Candidates whose native language is other than English will be required to pass an examination in English designed to test their ability to understand and use the language sufficiently for the purpose of study at a Scottish University. The written examination in English will consist of one paper of three hours. In March and September 1922, candidates must select one of the following novels : Scott-Anne of Geierstein, One of the following poems:Longfellow-Hiawatha, and one of the following short books: Dickens-Tale of Two Cities. Arnold-Sohrab and Rustum, Stevenson-Travels with a Donkey, In March and September 1923, Candidates must select one of the following novels : Scott-The Talisman. One of the following poems: Longfellow-Evangeline. Hughes-Tom Brown's Schooldays. Goldsmith-Traveller. and one of the following short books: Kinglake-Eothen. Johnson-Journey to the Western Islands. The candidates will be expected to have a good general knowledge of the three books selected. The questions, to which the answers should take the form of short essays, will be set on the prescribed books, and will be general in character. Essay questions (with several options) on subjects of general interest may also be set. In addition to the written part of the examination, there will also be an oral examination to test the candidate's power of speaking and understanding English. (b) Candidates for degrees in Engineering shall produce evidence of a knowledge of Mathematics equivalent to that required in Higher Mathematics in the Preliminary Examination. The Entrance Board will accept as evidence of a sufficient knowledge of Mathematics a satisfactory pass in the Intermediate Examination of any of the Indian Universities. A note of the marks obtained in that examination by the applicant, certified by the Registrar of the University, must be communicated to the Secretary of the Board. 11. Egypt.-The Egyptian Secondary Education Certificate will be accepted for the Arts Preliminary Examination if it includes Arabic, English, French, and Mathematics, and for the Science or Medical Preliminary Examination if it includes Arabic, English, and Mathematics; but candidates whose native language is other than English will in all cases be required to pass the Special Examination in English in accordance with the provisions undernoted.1 12. France. The Baccalauréat-ès-Lettres will exempt from the Arts and Medicine, and the Baccalauréat-ès-Sciences will exempt from the Science Preliminary Examinations respectively.1 13. Other European Countries.-Certificates of Maturity or Grades similar to the French Baccalauréat which would entitle the holder to enter upon a regular course of study in the Universities of his own country will exempt from the Preliminary Examination in Arts, Science, or Medicine.1 14. United States of America. — Certificates which would entitle the holder to enter upon a regular course of study leading to a Degree in Arts, Pure Science, or Medicine in any of the Universities or Colleges in the United States of America, included in the accepted list of Colleges and Universities approved by the Association of American Universities, will exempt the holder from the Preliminary Examination of the Scottish Universities; provided that the Certificate tendered, if it does not bear on its face a clear statement that it would 1 Candidates from all countries whose native language is other than English must satisfy the conditions as to English laid down for candidates from the British Empire overseas (see p. 71). An authenticated declaration by a Government Official or Official of an Embassy, Legation, or Consulate of the country to which the applicant belongs, testifying that the Certificate tendered would entitle the holder to enter on a regular course of study in that country, should accompany the Certificate. When Certificates are in a foreign language they should be accompanied by a certified English translation. admit the holder to one of the Universities or Colleges in the List, shall be supplemented by a note from the American Embassy or from the Director of the American University Union in Europe (British Division), testifying that it would be so recognised by the Universities or Colleges in the List. (Copy of the List can be obtained from the Secretary of the Board.) An applicant who has, in any of the Universities or Colleges included in the List above mentioned, been admitted (otherwise than honoris causa tantum) to a Degree in Arts, Pure Science, or Medicine, or who has obtained a Certificate recognised by the Entrance Board as equivalent to such a Degree, will be exempt from the Preliminary Examination of the Scottish Universities. 15. Miscellaneous.-Argentine Certificates giving admission to the University of Buenos Aires will be accepted.1 The Examinations comprised in the Arts Curriculum of the St John's University, Shanghai, taken and passed by Graduates in Arts (B.A.) of that University, will be accepted.1 The First-Class Certificates of the Anglo-Chinese College, Amoy, will be accepted.1 APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION. Applications for exemption on the ground of having passed. examinations not included in the foregoing list should be addressed to the Secretary of the Entrance Board of the Scottish Universities, 81 North Street, St Andrews. As such applications have to be submitted to a Committee of the Board, it is desirable that they should be sent in as early as possible. (For directions as to the method of application, see page 75.) GENERAL REGULATIONS AS TO THE PRELIMINARY A candidate shall be obliged to pass in all the required subjects at one or not more than two examinations, provided that he may offer himself for re-examination as often as may be necessary to satisfy this condition. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Pure Science) 1 See Note on previous page. may, at the Preliminary Examination, offer themselves for examination in Mathematics on the Lower and Intermediate Standards instead of on the Higher Standard, provided that, in addition to the ancient or modern language already taken, they also offer themselves for examination in a modern language as a fifth subject, such further examination to be on the standard prescribed by the Entrance Board for the Medical Preliminary.1 Notwithstanding these provisions, candidates shall not be entitled to profess at the Final Science Examination Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, or Astronomy, unless they have passed the Preliminary Examination in Mathematics on the Higher Standard. (Ord. No. 155, Sect. 1.) A candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering must pass the Preliminary Examination before he presents himself for any part of the First Science Examination, but not necessarily before he enters on his curriculum. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION IN MEDICINE. From and after the 1st January 1921 the Regulations contained in the Ordinances for Degrees in Medicine are revoked, and the following General Regulation made by the Entrance Board is substituted therefor, namely: "That (a) the Group Certificates of the Scottish Education Department, or (b) the evidence of satisfactory completion in Schools in Scotland of a curriculum of Secondary Education, as attested by the said Group Certificates or otherwise, or (c) the Leaving or other Certificates accepted as qualifying for admission to the Universities in the case of applicants for admission from outside Scotland, which shall be deemed to entitle applicants for admission to the Universities to enter upon a course of study qualifying for Graduation in the Faculty of Medicine, shall be the same as those which, under the Regulations for the time being in force, are deemed to entitle applicants for admission to the Universities to enter upon a course of study qualifying for graduation in the Faculty of Arts or, alternatively, in the Faculty of Science, for Degrees in Pure Science." 1 The Medical Preliminary Examination is no longer held. Candidates offering themselves for examination in a fifth subject must take the Arts and Science Preliminary Examination papers. The Entrance Board may judge their answers on a special standard. |