STUDENTS' UNION, DUNDEE. The Union consists of two entirely separate suites of rooms for the use of Men and Women students respectively. The Men's Union, which is directly controlled by a House Committee, consisting of the men student members of the Committee of Management, contains Common, Reading, Writing, Billiard, Dining, and Cloak Rooms. The Women's Union, which is similarly controlled by a House Committee, consisting of the women student members of the Committee of Management, contains Common, Reading, Writing, Dining, and Cloak Rooms. ATHLETIC UNION. An Athletic Union was instituted in January 1902. The main objects of the Union are to organise Athletics in the University, and to provide funds to place University Athletics in St Andrews on a proper footing. In order to gain these desirable results, a constitution of the Union has been approved by the Students' Athletic Clubs individually, and in mass meetings. The Athletic Union is composed of Honorary Members and Ordinary Members, including the Members of the affiliated Clubs which have joined the Union. The Committee of the Union includes representatives from the various bodies interestednamely, the University Court, the Senatus, the Honorary Members, the Students' Representative Council, and the affiliated Clubs. Secretary-Mr J. J. Smith. LADY DONALDSON FUND FOR AIDING STUDENTS UNDER ILLNESS OR DISEASE. Sir James Donaldson, M.A., LL.D., Principal of the University, 1886-1915, bequeathed to the University Court a Fund called the Lady Donaldson Fund, the yearly income of which is to be applied to "aiding students who have been attacked by and are labouring under any illness or disease during their attendance at the University." All applications for assistance from the Fund should be made to the Principal of the College where the student concerned is attending. Students of any College in the University are eligible. ST ANDREWS UNIVERSITY CONTINGENT OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS. The St Andrews University Contingent Officers Training Corps was established in 1908 in succession to the University Company 1st Fife Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers, which had been in existence from Session 1882-83, and ceased to exist along with the Volunteer Force in April 1908. The Contingent is organised as one Infantry unit, of one Company, with Headquarters at St Andrews, and includes a detached platoon stationed at University College, Dundee; the latter established in 1910. ST ANDREWS UNIVERSITY CLUB, LONDON. In November 1904, at a meeting of old St Andrews students, it was decided to form a St Andrews University Club in London. Graduates and all who are or have been students of the University of St Andrews, or officially connected with it, are eligible for membership. The objects of the Club are to maintain good-fellowship among its members, and to promote the interests of the Alma Mater. The Annual Subscription is 5s. ; a Life Membership can be secured for £3, 3s. The Club is managed by a Council elected by the members, consisting of a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Hon. Treasurer, two Hon. Secretaries, and twelve Ordinary Members. Office-Bearers.-President-Principal Irvine. Hon. Treasurer -D. Heron, M.A., D.Sc., 2 The Orchard, Bedford Park, London, W. 4. Hon. Secretary-G. A. S. Gordon, M.A., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., 1 Pownall Gardens, Hounslow, London, W. EXAMINATIONS FOR THE INDIAN CIVIL REGULATIONS. ***The following Regulations, made by the Secretary of State for India in Council, are liable to alteration from year to year. 1. An examination for admission to the Indian Civil Service, open to all qualified persons, will be held in London in August of each year for such number of appointments to that Service as the Secretary of State may on each occasion determine. The date of the Examination and the number of appointments to be made for each Province will be announced beforehand by the Civil Service Commissioners. 2. No person will be deemed qualified who shall not satisfy the Civil Service Commissioners: (i) (a) That save as hereinafter provided he is a British subject. (b) That if he (being a British subject) or his father or his mother was not born within His Majesty's Dominions and allegiance, then at the time of his birth his father was a British subject or the subject of a State in India, and that such father still is or continued to be until his death a British subject or the subject of such State in India. Provided that a ruler or subject of any state in India in respect of whom the Governor-General in Council has made a declaration under section 96-A of the Government of India Act, 1915, as amended by section 3 of the Government of India (Amendment) Act, 1916, may be considered eligible. (ii) That he had attained the age of twenty-two, and had not attained the age of twenty-four on the first day of August of the year in which the Examination is held, or that he is in a position to claim such a concession under the provisions of the Appendix to these Regulations as will render him eligible.1 [N.B.-In the case of natives of India it will be necessary for a Candidate to obtain a certificate of age and qualification under Regulation 2 (i) issued under notification of the Government of India, No. 1114, dated 12th September 1918, and signed, should he be a resident 1 The Appendix referred to is printed on pages 549, 550. in British India, by the Secretary to Government of the Province, or the Commissioner of the Division within which his family resides, or, should he reside in a native State, by the highest Political Officer accredited to the State in which his family resides.] (iii) That he has no disease, constitutional affection, or bodily infirmity, unfitting him, or likely to unfit him, for the Indian Civil Service.1 (iv) That he is of good moral character. 2. (a) No person will be eligible for admission to the Indian Civil Service who has made before any Tribunal established under the Military Service Acts, 1916, an application for the issue to him of a certificate of exemption from the provisions of those Acts on the ground of a conscientious objection to the undertaking of combatant service. 3. No person who, in a previous year, accepted the offer of a nomination as a Selected Candidate for the Indian Civil Service and subsequently resigned his position as a Selected Candidate, will be admitted to the examination. 4. Should the evidence upon the above points be prima facie satisfactory to the Civil Service Commissioners, the Candidate, on payment of the prescribed fee, will be admitted to the Examination. The Commissioners may, however, in their discretion, at any time prior to the grant of the Certificate of Qualification hereinafter referred to, institute such further inquiries as they may deem necessary; and if the result of such inquiries in the case of any Candidate should be unsatisfactory to them in any of the above respects he will be ineligible for admission to the Indian Civil Service, and, if already selected, will be removed from the position of a Probationer. 5. The Examination will include the following subjects.2 The numerical value is shown against each subject. SECTION A.-TO BE TAKEN BY ALL CANDIDATES. Marks. 1. Essay 100 2. English 100 3. Present Day.-Questions on contemporary subjects, 100 1 The Civil Service Commissioners will regard no person as constitutionally fitted for appointment to the Indian Civil Service who has not been satisfactorily vaccinated within the last seven years. 2 A Syllabus, defining the character of the Examination in the various subjects, may be obtained on application to the Secretary, Civil Service Commission, London, W. 1. 100 4. Science.-Questions on general principles, methods Marks. ing languages not taken in Section B., viz. : 6. A Viva Voce Examination Total for Section A. 100 300 800 SECTION B.-OPTIONAL SUBJECTS. Candidates are allowed to take up subjects in this section up to a total of 1,000 marks. Languages with History and Literature. 7. Latin, translation, and prose or verse composition 8. Roman history and Latin literature 200 200 9. Greek, translation, and prose or verse composition 10. Greek history and literature 200 200 11. French, translation, free composition, set composi tion, and conversation 200 12. French history and literature 200 13. German, translation, free composition, set composition, and conversation 200 14. German history and literature 200 15. Spanish or Italian, translation, free composition, set composition, and conversation 200 16. Spanish or Italian history and literature 200 17. Russian, translation, free composition, set composition, and conversation 200 18. Russian history and literature 200 19. Arabic, translation, free composition, set compo sition, conversation. 200 20. Arabic history and literature 200 21. Persian, translation, free composition, set composition, conversation 200 22. Persian history and literature 200 In subjects 7-22 the history and literature subject 23. English literature, Period 1, from 1350 to 1700 24. English literature, Period 2, from 1660 to 1914 200 200 |