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required for the first Professional Examination in the University of St Andrews by the beginning of his second Session, the Bursary shall be forfeited; but it may be continued after special consideration, and on such terms as may be fixed.

Students who hold Bursaries in Arts, tenable for four years, and who graduate at the end of the three years' course, shall only retain their Bursaries during the fourth year of tenure provided they pursue a course of study approved by the Senatus Academicus in subjects included in the curriculum for Degrees in Arts or in Pure Science.


Regulations for assistance in the payment of Class Fees in the Universities and Extra-mural Colleges of Scotland.

I. AGE.-Applicants must be over sixteen years of age.

II. NATIONALITY.-Applicants must be of Scottish birth or extraction, or must have given two years' attendance after the age of fourteen at a school or institution under inspection of the Scottish Education Department.

III. PRELIMINARY EDUCATION.-Applicants qualified under the two previous Regulations, who have been pupils of schools under the Scottish Education Department, will be eligible for assistance in the payment of Class Fees if they have obtained the Leaving Certificate of the Department, provided that it bears evidence of such preliminary education as is required by the Universities for their respective graduating curricula, or, if it does not, provided that it has been supplemented by such passes either in the Scottish Universities Preliminary or other examination as will satisfy the above requirement of the Universities.

Where applicants have not been pupils of schools under the Scottish Education Department, or where other good ground for not having obtained the Leaving Certificate can be shown, the Executive Committee have power to accept instead what they deem equivalent evidence of attainments in the shape of passes gained either in the Scottish Universities Preliminary or other examination, provided that no applicant will be considered eligible who has to pass any further preliminary examination before completing his graduating curriculum.

IV. COURSE OF STUDY.-Applicants in the Faculties of Arts and Science must have had their course of study for each academic year approved by the University Adviser of Studies.

V. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS.-Applicants must have passed the graduation examinations belonging to the previous stage of their curriculum before becoming eligible for assistance in the payment of fees of classes belonging to a further stage.

VI. REPORTS ON ATTENDANCE AND WORK. - Beneficiaries come under an obligation to submit to the Executive Committee at the end of each session particulars as to their attendance and work, any distinctions they may have gained, and any graduation examinations they may have passed.

*VII. ANNUAL ALLOWANCES IN THE VARIOUS FACULTIES.The Annual Allowances towards payment of Class Fees offered to beneficiaries by the Trust in the various Faculties are as follows: In Arts (Ordinary), £8 for three years, and (Honours) £8 for four years, in all £24 and £32 respectively; in Science, £17 for three years, in all £51; in Medicine, £19 for four years, in all £76; in Divinity, Music, Law (LL.B.), and Commerce, £6 for three years, in all £18; and in Law (B.L.), £4 for three years, in all £12. Any unexpended part of a Grant will be carried forward to the succeeding year.


*VIII. ANNUAL ALLOWANCES IN COMBINATIONS FACULTIES.-In combinations of Faculties the allowances available for beneficiaries are: (1) Arts and Science, two Arts Grants of £8 and three Science Grants of £14, in all £58; (2) Arts and Medicine, two Arts Grants of £8 and four Medicine Grants of £19, in all £92; (3) Science and Medicine, two Science Grants of £17 and four Medicine Grants of £19, in all £110; payment to be made in the order above stated.

All communications regarding assistance in the payment of fees by the Carnegie Trust are to be made to the Secretary, Carnegie Trust Offices, The Merchants' Hall, 22 Hanover Street, Edinburgh, who supplies forms of application and all necessary information.

NOTES.-Applicants, in writing for Application Forms or Class Lists, must name the University and Faculty in which they intend to study, and must state whether they have or have not previously obtained the benefits of the Trust.

Applications must be lodged not later than 25th October for the Winter Session, and not later than 10th May for the Summer Session.

Payments are made by means of Fee Coupons, and Fees already paid cannot be refunded.

*It may be found necessary to reduce, at an early date, the amount of the allowances detailed in Regulations VII. and VIII.


Assistance in the payment of Class Fees in the Universities and Extra-Mural Colleges of Scotland.

The Executive Committee wish it to be clearly understood that the funds at their disposal for Assistance in payment of Class Fees are strictly limited. The Expenditure for 1919-1920 alone exceeded the Income by no less than £8538; a considerable reduction in the aggregate amount of Grants has therefore become necessary. The Committee desire to state that they have been unable to meet the full needs of the poorer student in payments of Class Fees, because, in their opinion, many students apply who do not require assistance from the Trust. Particular attention is therefore directed to the following Declarations, which must now be signed by all applicants and also by parents or guardians.


The purpose of Mr Carnegie's benefaction is explained by the following extract from his letter to the Chairman of the Trust:


LONDON, 7th June 1901.

As your Lordship is aware, my desire throughout has been that no capable student should be debarred from attending the University on account of the payment of Fees. I believe that the conditions of application ensure a sufficient standard of merit, and I hope that the honest pride for which my countrymen are distinguished will prevent claims from those who do not require assistance, and that the invidious task of inquiring into the circumstances of each candidate need not be imposed upon the Trustees. But, to further mark my personal belief and hope in this matter, I have made provision in the Trust Deed that the Trustees may receive funds from others to be administered along with the funds placed by me. I consider this a valuable clause, believing, from my own experience with young men, that some students in after life may value the privilege of repaying advances received from the Trustees, although these are free gifts. I hope the Trustees will gladly welcome such repayments, if offered, as this will enable such students as prefer to do so to consider the payments made

on their account merely as advances which they resolve to repay if ever in a position to do so, and that this will protect and foster the spirit of manly independence so dear to the Scot.-Very truly yours, ANDREW CARNEGIE.


I have read attentively the foregoing extract from Mr Carnegie's letter to the Chairman of the Trust, and I declare my circumstances to be such that without assistance from the Trust I am unable to pay my Class Fees.


I have read attentively the foregoing extract from Mr Carnegie's letter to the Chairman of the Trust, and I declare my circumstances to be such that without assistance from the Trust I am unable to pay the applicant's Class Fees.

Those who desire to make application for assistance in the payment of their Class Fees, should apply for a form, stating University and Faculty to be attended, at the commencement of the University Session.


Inquiries may be addressed to—

Hon. Secretary-D. BAIRD SMITH, Esq., C.B. E, LL.D., 205 St Vincent Street, Glasgow.


In close connection with the University there has been established a Training Centre for teachers for Primary, Intermediate, and Secondary Schools. The Training Centre is under the local management of the St Andrews Provincial Committee for the Training of Teachers. There are vacancies for a considerable number of students (men and women) at the beginning of the academical year 1922-23. Information may be obtained from the DIRECTOR OF STUDIES (John Davidson, Esq., M.A., D.Phil.), Training College, Park Place, Dundee.

The conditions under which Students are admitted will be found in a publication entitled 'Regulations for the Preliminary

Education, Training, and Certification of Teachers for various grades of Schools,' published by H.M. Stationery Office (Scottish Branch), 23 Forth Street, Edinburgh. The Provincial Committee's Prospectus gives additional and detailed information on this subject. All intending candidates should procure these prints and lodge their applications with the Director of Studies as soon as possible.

Post-Graduate Courses of Professional Training, and Courses for students attending University Classes concurrently are given both at St Andrews and Dundee. These lead to recognition by the Scottish Education Department.

Courses of Professional Training for Teachers of the Higher Subjects of instruction in Intermediate and Secondary Schools (e.g., Classics, English, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography), as well as for Teachers of Special Subjects (Music, Art, Physical Education, Manual Training, &c.), have also been established. The Director of Studies will supply all necessary information.

Intending students should apply to the Executive Officer of the Education Authority of their district for any financial assistance they may require towards meeting their fees and expenses at the Training Centre.


(Tenable by men or women.)

BERRY SCHOLARSHIPS IN ARTS.-Four Berry Scholarships in Arts will be open to competition, by students of either sex, after the end of the Academical year 1921-22. One Scholarship will be attached to each of the departments of (1) Classics, (2) Mental Philosophy, (3) Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and (4) English. Candidates in each department must (1) have taken all their necessary graduation course at St Andrews; (2) have passed all the examinations required for the Degree of M.A. not earlier than 1st October 1920; (3) have taken Honours in the Department to which the Scholarship is attached. These Scholarships are of the value of £80, tenable for one year, but it is in the power of the University Court, on the recommendation of the United College, to continue a Scholarship for a second year. Each Scholar must undertake to pursue advanced studies or research in the subjects of his Department, under the

1 A Candidate for any one of the University Scholarships must obtain a schedule of application from the Secretary, and return it to him, filled up, before the dates mentioned.

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