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The days and order of examination will be the same as for the General Examination for the Degree of M.A. (from 19th September onwards), and the same examination papers will be used.

Students who intend to compete for the Forbes Bursary must obtain a schedule from the Secretary of the University, and return the same properly filled up on or before 1st September.


A William J. Matheson Bursary of £50, tenable for two years, will be awarded to a student who, after having been attested by the Scottish Universities Entrance Board, has attended in the United College, for one or two years, classes qualifying for graduation in the Faculty of Science. One who has taken the degree of M.A., or completed the graduating course for that degree, will be eligible. The Bursary is open either to men or to women students. The holder must, during the period of tenure, attend Chemistry classes in the United College, and will be expected to prepare for Honours in Chemistry in the B.Sc. examination. Applicants will sit an examination in Chemistry. Applications to be sent to the Secretary of the University not later than 31st May 1922. The time of the examination will be announced after that date to the applicants.


(Tenable by men or women.)

Four Spence Bursaries, tenable for three years, of the value of £30 for the first year, £40 for the second year, and £50 for the third year, open to students who have attended one Winter Session or its equivalent in the Faculty of Arts, and have attended at least two classes qualifying for graduation, and who intend to complete the course of study for the Degree of M.A. These Bursaries will be competed for in St Andrews in September 1922. They are open to students of either sex, and are usually advertised in the months of March and August by the Factor of the Trust (Mr Henry A. Pattullo, 1 Bank Street, Dundee), from whom forms of application may be obtained. Intending competitors should note that the Spence Bursary Examination is conducted, independent of all other University Bursary Examinations, by an Examiner appointed by the Governors.

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A Bursary of about £40 for one year, tenable by a student who, since passing the Preliminary Examination, has completed three years' study at the University, and is about to continue his study at the University in order to graduate with Honours in any department.


A Smeaton Bursary, of the value of about £25 for one year, tenable by a fourth-year student studying for Honours.


A New Endowment Bursary of the value of £20, for one year, tenable by a fourth-year student studying for Honours.

Candidates for these three Bursaries must send in their names to the Secretary of the University not later than 1st September.


In accordance with a resolution passed by the University Court, grants, not exceeding £20 each, and not more than £100 in total amount, may be assigned to students, during their fourth or fifth year, who wish to take a Degree with Honours, on the following conditions-viz.: Students must hold no Bursary, must require aid, and must have passed the General Examination for the Degree of M.A., and have taken two complete courses qualifying for the Special Examination for the Ordinary or Honours M.A. Degree. Candidates must send in their names to the Secretary of the University not later than 1st September.

It is a condition of the award of Fourth Year Bursaries and Fourth or Fifth Year Grants that the student shall relinquish any other University Bursary which he or she holds.

Presentation and Preference Bursaries Vacant.

(For conditions attached to the Bursaries, see University Calendar.)

A Byers Bursary, of the annual value of £34, tenable for three years. Applications from natives of Mains and Strath

martine parish preferred. Patrons-Trustees of the late Mrs William Byers, per Messrs Thos. Thornton, Son, & Co., Solicitors, Dundee.

Two MacDougall Bursaries of the value of £40 each, tenable each for three years, limited to students born within the City or County of Perth. Agent for the Trustees-Mr W. Cochrane Young, Solicitor, 9 St John Street, Perth.

One David Anderson Bursary, of £30 (open to those who have been pupils in any school in the County of Fife subject to inspection, for at least twelve months before the date of examination. A preference, in the event of equality, is given to Kirkcaldy candidates). Applications to be lodged with the Town Clerk, Kirkcaldy.

A Fairweather Bursary of the annual value of £25, tenable for three years, limited to natives of Dundee. Patrons-Trustees of the late Mrs Fairweather, per Messrs Thos. Thornton, Son & Co., Solicitors, Dundee.

The John Wood of Orkie's Bursary, of the annual value of £20, tenable for three years, open to pupils who are attending or have attended a public or state-aided school in any of the parishes of Newburn, Kilconquhar, Scoonie, Largo, Kennoway, Elie, and the quoad sacra parish of Largoward, and whose parents or guardians require aid in giving them higher education. For further information apply to Mr P. T. Sutherland, Estate Office, Charleton, Colinsburgh, Clerk to the Governors of the above Trust.

One Blyth Scholarship of the annual value of £20, tenable for three years. Patrons-Trustees of Mrs Agnes Carmichael or Blyth, per Messrs Gray, Robertson, & Co., Solicitors, 69 Reform Street, Dundee.

A Garth Bursary of the annual value of £20, tenable for four years in the United College, and for four years thereafter in St Mary's College. Patron-The Rev. Dr Irvine Robertson, Clackmannan.

A Madras Bursary, of the annual value of £20, tenable for three or four years. Patrons-The Governors of the Madras College.

The Patrick Yeaman Bursary of the annual value of about £5, tenable for three years. Patron-Mrs Lindsay Carnegie, Annesley, Arbroath.

The Thomson Bursary, of the value of about £6, tenable for one year. Patrons -The Minister and Magistrates of


The Cupar Bursary, of the value of about £2, 10s., for one year. Patrons-The Town Council of Cupar.

The Guild Bursary, of the annual value of about £19, tenable in the Faculty of Arts for four years. Patrons-The Town Council of Dundee, per the Lord Provost of Dundee.

The Lawson Bursary, of the annual value of about £10, tenable in the Faculty of Arts for four years. Patrons-The Town Council of Dundee, per the Lord Provost of Dundee.

M'CUNN MEDICAL RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS. There are open to all Graduates in Medicine of the Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews, and Aberdeen, who have taken their Degree within the last three years, and who desire to devote themselves to higher study and research in one or more of the subjects aftermentioned, four Scholarships, two of £200 each, and two of £400 each, tenable for one year, but renewable for a second in certain circumstances. Only one Scholarship of £200 and one of £400 will be awarded in any one year.

The subjects of examination are, in each alternate year, one of the two groups following:

Group A.-Medicine, Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology. Group B.-Therapeutics, Public Health, Physiology, and Physiological Chemistry.

The Examinations are held in Glasgow in the month of October, and due notice of the time and place of Examination will be given to the Candidates, along with a Memorandum indicating the nature and scope of the Examinations.

Candidates must be nominated by a Professor or Lecturer in a Scottish University, or by a Teacher in Scotland, recognised for the purpose of Graduation in Medicine by a Scottish University.

All nominations must be made on a printed form, to be had on application (in writing only) to the Secretaries, Messrs Mitchells, Johnston, & Co., 160 West George Street, Glasgow, and must be lodged with them not later than the 1st day of September.



Every student holding a University or College Bursary shall during its tenure be entitled at the beginning of each Academical Year to have the fees for Matriculation, Classes (or Inclusive Fee or part thereof), paid out of it, provided the amount of the Bursary is sufficient; and if these do not amount to onethird of the Bursary, the student shall receive on Tuesday,

28th November 1922, in addition, such other sum, if any, as will make the total payment at that time equal to one-third of the value of the Bursary.

The student shall receive a further one-third of the Bursary on Tuesday, 6th February 1923, and the remainder of the Bursary on Friday, 15th June 1923, on producing to the Factor, or other person paying the Bursary, a certificate from the Dean of the Faculty authorising such payment.

The Dean of the Faculty will be guided in granting this certificate by the Class Certificates produced by the student for the Session. In every case the student must produce certificates of attendance on at least two full courses of instruction. Students who produce Certificates of the First or Second rank in each of at least two full courses of instruction will, in ordinary circumstances, be granted the requisite certificate. For the purposes of this Regulation an Advanced or Honours Course of Practical Instruction will be held as equivalent to a full course.

Students who fail to produce Certificates of the First or Second rank in at least two full courses must produce, in addition to the Pass Certificate in any class, a special one from the Professor or Lecturer to the effect that he is satisfied with the work done by the student, and that so far as his class is concerned he is of opinion the work of the student is such as to warrant payment of the remainder of the Bursary.

The continuation of the Bursary after the first year will depend upon the conduct and work of the student generally in the preceding session or sessions, and upon the progress made by him as an undergraduate ; and the Bursary may be suspended or forfeited if this has not been satisfactory, and in particular if the student has not passed in at least one subject for the General Examination for the Degree of M.A. by the beginning of his second Session, or in at least three by the beginning of his third Session; but it may be continued after special consideration, and on such terms as may be fixed.

For Bursaries tenable for four years the same rules shall apply, except that the last rule regarding continuance shall run: If the student has not passed in at least one subject for the General Examination for the Degree of M.A. by the beginning of the third Session, or in at least four by the beginning of the fourth Session, the Bursary shall be forfeited; but it may be continued after special consideration, and on such terms as may be fixed.

The same rules shall also apply to Medical Bursaries, except that the last rule regarding continuance shall run: If the student has not passed in at least one of the four subjects

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