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Founded in 1675 by Patrick Yeaman of Dundee. One Bursary of the annual value of about £5, tenable for four years. Preference to the name of Yeaman or Kinnaird. Patron-Mrs Lindsay Carnegie, Annesley, Arbroath.


Two Bursaries, founded in 1678 by Alexander Grant, one of the Regents of St Leonard's College, and regulated by Ordinance No. 58 of the Scottish Universities Commission of 1858. The annual value is about £12 each, tenable for four years, subject to the condition that the Bursars shall pass such entrance examination as may be required of Presentation Bursars, and the examinations required of Students proceeding to the Degree of M.A. Patron -The Right Hon. the Earl of Seafield.


Founded in 1681 by John Bayne of Pitcairly. The number of Bursaries is three, of the annual value of £10 each, tenable for four years. Patron-The Right Hon. Sir R. C. Munro Ferguson, Viscount Novar, who has placed the management of the Bursaries in the hands of the Principal of the University.


Founded in 1681 by the Rev. John Ramsay, Minister of Markinch, and now regulated by Ordinance No. 70 of the Scottish Universities Commission of 1889, as amended by Ordinance No. 20 of the University Court. The eight Bursaries formerly on this foundation have been conjoined into four. The University Court have power to regulate the number and amount of Bursaries on the foundation. The annual value of each Bursary is £50.

A Bursar on this foundation may hold his Bursary for four years in the United College, provided that if the holder graduate after the three years' course, he shall only retain his Bursary during the fourth year of tenure if he shall engage in a course of study approved by the United College in subjects included in the curriculum for Degrees in Arts or in Pure Science, and provided that he give regular attendance on the classes in the College. Thereafter he may hold his Bursary for three years in St Mary's College, and no longer, provided that he give regular attendance on the classes in the College, and provided that before entering on his Divinity course, in the fourth or fifth year, as the case may be, of his tenure of the Bursary, he shall have obtained the Degree of Master of Arts, or shall have passed all the examinations necessary for his admission to that Degree.

A Bursar on the said foundation who, at the end of the fourth year of his tenure of his Bursary, has failed to pass all the examinations necessary for his admission to the Degree of Master of Arts, shall forfeit his Bursary; and in that event it shall be lawful for the Patron to nominate a candidate who shall be a Master of Arts, or shall have passed the examinations necessary for his admission to that Degree, and who shall be entering on his course of study in St Mary's College. Failing such nomination by the Patron, the Bursary shall be awarded by the Principal and Professors of the United College to a candidate qualified as aforesaid, under such conditions as the said Principal and Professors shall prescribe. A Bursar nominated under this clause shall not hold the Bursary for more than three years.

In the case of a Bursary on the said foundation falling vacant at any time after the fourth year of tenure, owing to any other cause than that mentioned in the immediately preceding paragraph, the Patron, whom failing the Principal and Professors of the said United College, may nominate a candidate to hold the Bursary as a student in the Divinity Course at St Mary's College for the remaining years of the customary period of tenure, provided the candidate so nominated is a Master of Arts or has passed the examinations necessary for that degree; and, if no candidate so qualified be nominated, the Principal and Professors of the said United College may nominate a student in the Faculty of Arts to hold the Bursary in the United College during the unexpired portion of the customary period of tenure.

It is provided that the College shall intimate to the Patron, on or before the 1st of August in each year, the number of Bursaries then vacant, and that the Patron shall intimate to the College his nomination to the Bursary or Bursaries not later than the 15th of October thereafter. All Students, without limitation or preference of names, entering upon the first year (or the second as provided) of the Curriculum in Arts, and being between the ages of 15 and 19 years on the first day of the Session in the United College, are eligible for nomination on or before the 15th of October. Patron-Sir Herbert Ramsay of Balmain, Bart.


A Bursary was founded in 1690 by the Rev. John Glendee, Dean of Cashel, and Prebend of St Michael's, Dublin. In 1749 another Bursary was founded out of funds bequeathed by Hugh Maxwell, Esq. of Strathmartine. By Ordinance No. 146 of the Scottish Universities Commission of 1889 these two Bursaries were conjoined into one Bursary, to be called the Glendee and Maxwell

Bursary-the holder to receive the whole of the free annual income of the said foundations, amounting to about £34.

A Bursar may hold the Glendee and Maxwell Bursary for three years in the United College, and for three years in St Mary's College, provided that he give regular attendance on the classes in the said Colleges, and provided that, before entering on his Divinity course in the fourth year of his tenure of the said Bursary, he shall have obtained the Degree of Master of Arts, or shall have passed all the examinations necessary for admitting him to that Degree.

A Bursar who, at the end of the third year of his tenure of the said Bursary, has failed to pass all the examinations necessary for his admission to the Degree of Master of Arts, shall forfeit the said Bursary; and in that event the Bursary shall be awarded by the Senatus Academicus, under such conditions as the Senatus Academicus shall prescribe, to a candidate who shall be a Master of Arts, or shall have passed the examinations necessary for his admission to that Degree, and shall be entering on his course of study in St Mary's College. A Bursar so nominated shall not hold the Bursary for more than three years.

The patronage or right of presenting to the Glendee and Maxwell Bursary is vested in the Senatus Academicus and the patrons of the said Glendee Bursary (the heirs of Dr Bell), and the patronage is exercised by the said patrons by turns, and without restriction as to kindred or place of birth.


Section 30 of the Scheme of the Dundee Educational Trust provides that the Governors shall apply an annual sum of not less than £300 in establishing Bursaries for University or technical education, each of the yearly value of not less than £25, nor more than £30.1

These Bursaries shall be awarded by competitive examination among those who have been pupils in public or State-aided schools in the burgh or parish of Dundee, or in the High School of Dundee, for at least a year before the date of examination. They shall be tenable, except as hereinafter provided, for such period, not exceeding four years, as the Governors may determine, at University College, Dundee, or any Scottish University, or at any Technical School to be approved of by the Governors. Not less than three of the said Bursaries, which shall be called the Ferguson Bursaries, shall be held at the University of St Andrews. The Examination, on the result of which the Ferguson Bursaries shall be awarded, shall embrace

1 For the present the amount is fixed at £25 each.

English (Literature and History combined).



Mathematics, including Arithmetic.

(5) One, but only one, of the following subjects-viz.: (a) Inorganic Chemistry.

(b) Elementary General Physics.

(c) Elementary Dynamics.

(d) French.


N.B.-The Candidate, at the time of application, to state the alternative subject selected for examination.

The Standard of Examination shall be that of the Examinations for the Higher Grade Leaving Certificates granted by the Scottish Education Department, or for the Preliminary Examinations of the Scotch Universities.

The passages selected for translation from Latin, Greek, French, or German into English, shall not be selected from prescribed authors, and no special period of English History or Literature shall be prescribed; but a large choice of questions shall be allowed. No Bursar shall be allowed to hold any other Bursary or grant whatever.

If, in the judgment of the Governors, the holder of any Bursary shall be guilty of serious misconduct, or fail to make reasonable progress, or be irregular in attendance at classes, they may withdraw such Bursary without assigning any reason; and their determination in such cases shall be final.

Notice of the place and date of Examinations will be sent to each Candidate.


Two in number, founded in 1708 by Robert Malcolm, Merchant in Dundee, and conjoined into one Bursary by Ordinance No. 60 of the Scottish Universities Commission of 1858. It is of the annual value of about £20, tenable for four years, subject to the condition that the Bursar shall pass such entrance examination as may be required of Presentation Bursars, and proceed through the Curriculum in Arts, and pass the Examinations required of Students proceeding to the Degree of M.A. PatronsThe Representatives of Sir John Malcolm, Bart., Mr Fotheringham of Powrie, and the Principal of the United College.


Founded in 1728 by John Lawson of Dundee, and regulated by Ordinance No. 73 of the Scottish Universities Commission of 1858. One Bursary of the annual value of about £10.

It is

tenable for four years, subject to the condition that the Bursar shall pass such entrance examination as may be required of Presentation Bursars, and proceed through the Curriculum in Arts, and pass the Examinations required of Students proceeding to the Degree of M.A. Patrons-The Town Council of Dundee.


One Bursary, founded in 1755 by the Rev. James Henry, Minister of Kinghorn. It is of the annual value of £15, tenable for four years. Patrons-The Kirk-Session of Kinghorn, the Town Council of that Burgh, and the Presbytery of Kirkcaldy.


Founded in 1790 by William Thomson, one of the Magistrates of Anstruther-Wester. One Bursary of the annual value of about £5. Preference to the name of Thomson or Reid, natives the parish of Anstruther-Wester, and the Bursary may be held of by either for four years-otherwise the appointment is generally an annual one. Patrons-The Minister and the Magistrates of Anstruther-Wester.


Founded in 1808 by the Rev. Duncan Mackay, Chaplain, H.M.E.I.S. One Bursary of the annual value of about £25, tenable for four years. Patron-Lord Reay. The Bursary is meantime, but without prejudice to the rights of the Patron, thrown open to competitive examination among natives of the district of Breadalbane, or of the Reay country, which embraces the parishes of Farr, Tongue, Durness, Eddrachillis, Strathy, and the western portion of the parish of Reay,-educated at the local schools. The subjects of examination are those of the Preliminary Examination, all on the Higher Standard-viz., English, Latin, Greek, Mathematics, French, German, Italian, and Dynamics.

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These Bursaries were founded in 1829 by Alexander Stewart, Esq. of Chelsea, and formerly surgeon of the 73rd Highland Regiment. They were formerly six in number, and of the annual value of about £10 each. By Ordinance No. 69 of the Scottish Universities Commission of 1889, the six Bursaries on this Foundation were conjoined into four, and the holder of each receives, during his tenure thereof, one-fourth of the free income of the Foundation. The annual value of two of the Bursaries is £15 and of the other two £20.

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