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pleted in such a manner as to entitle the student to special distinction.

3. In cases where an applicant for admission as a Research Student has already completed a definite portion of his Research at the date of his application, the title of Research Fellow may be conferred at once, but only after consideration of a report from the appropriate Faculty or Committee, stating that they have examined the applicant's work, and consider that it entitles him to special distinction.


I. Under Ordinance No. 15 of the University Court of the University of St Andrews (approved by His Majesty in Council on 10th June 1921).


XXIV. Graduates of the University of St Andrews who hold the Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours may make a written application to the Senatus Academicus to be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Science, after the expiry of five years from the date of their graduation.

XXV. Graduates of the University of St Andrews who hold the Ordinary Degree of Bachelor of Science may make a written application to the Senatus Academicus to be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Science, after the expiry of five years from the date of their graduation, subject to the condition that they pass the Honours Examination in a subject related to the Thesis to be presented by them under Section XXIX. of this Ordinance. Graduates of the University of St Andrews who have obtained the Degree of Bachelor of Science under the Regulations in force before the date at which this Ordinance comes into operation shall be entitled to be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Science, after the expiry of five years from the date of their graduation, without being required to pass any Honours Examination.

XXVI. Graduates who, either before or after Graduation, have passed the Examination for the Degree of Master of Arts in the University of St Andrews with Honours in any Department, may make a written application to the Senatus Academicus to be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Science,

after the expiry of five years from the date of their having passed the said Honours Examination.

XXVII. Graduates of other Universities, specially recognised for the purpose by the University Court, on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus, or holders of the University Certificate mentioned in Section XXVIII. hereof, may make a written application to the Senatus Academicus to be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Science, provided that they have held the office of Professor or Lecturer in the University of St Andrews for not less than four terms at the date of such application; but the degree shall not be conferred upon any such candidate unless he still holds the office of Professor or Lecturer at the time of graduation.

XXVIII. Research students within the meaning of Ordinance No. 61 (General No. 23-Regulations for the Encouragement of Special Study and Research, and for the Appointment of Research Fellows) of the Commissioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889, who have prosecuted some special study or research in the University of St Andrews under that Ordinance, may make a written application to the Senatus Academicus to be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Science; provided :

(1) That they have obtained the Degree of Master of Arts, with Honours in any Department, or the Degree of Bachelor of Science, with Honours, in any Scottish University, or such degree in any other University specially recognised by the University Court for the purposes of this Section, as the Senatus Academicus shall declare to be equivalent to the Degree of Master of Arts with Honours, or the Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours of the University of St Andrews. For the purposes of this Section and the immediately preceding Section, a University Certificate granted by the University of Oxford or by the University of Cambridge to a woman who has fulfilled the ordinary conditions for graduation may be accepted as equivalent to a Degree.

(2) That they have spent not less than six terms as Research Students in the University of St Andrews, and produce to the Senatus evidence of satisfactory progress in the special study undertaken by them during that period.

(3) That a period of not less than five years shall, at the time when the application is made, have elapsed from the date of the graduation required in Sub-Section (1) of this Section.

XXIX. All candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Science shall present a thesis or a published memoir or work, which shall be an original contribution to learning in relation to

Science, to be approved by the Senatus Academicus on the recommendation of a Special Committee appointed by the Senatus; provided that, if required by the Senatus, a candidate shall also be bound to pass such an examination, conducted orally or otherwise, on the subjects of his special study, or of his thesis, memoir or work, as may from time to time be determined. The thesis or memoir or work shall be accompanied by a declaration, signed by the candidate, that it has been composed by himself, that it has not been accepted in any previous application for a Degree, and that the work of which it is a record has been done by himself. If the thesis has not already been published, it shall be published by the candidate in such manner as the Senatus approve, and a copy thereof shall be deposited by the candidate in the University Library.

XXX. Notwithstanding, and in supplement of the provisions of Ordinance No. 13 (General No. 8-Regulations as to Examinations) of the Commissioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889, Sections XIV. and XV., the Senatus shall appoint such Professors or Lecturers in the University as it may think suitable to examine the theses and to conduct the examination of candidates who may make application under the provisions of this Ordinance for the Degree of Doctor of Science; and the Senatus shall request the University Court to appoint one or more additional Examiners to act along with such Professors and Lecturers in adjudicating on the merits of the candidates. Every such additional Examiner shall be a person of recognised eminence in the subject of the thesis or memoir or work which is to be submitted for approval, shall in each case examine the thesis or memoir or work, and may be a Professor or Lecturer in any Scottish University other than the University of St Andrews. The result of the examination and adjudication shall be reported to the Special Committee of Senatus, who shall, it they think fit, make a recommendation thereon to the Senatus.

XXXI. The Degree of Doctor of Science shall in no case be conferred on persons who have not satisfied the conditions hereinbefore set forth, and shall not be conferred honoris causa tantum.

XXXII. The fee to be paid for the Degree of Doctor of Science shall be fifteen guineas (General Ordinance No. 4 of the Scottish University Courts), and shall be payable when the candidate makes written application to be admitted as a candidate for the Degree.

XXXIII. The Senatus Academicus shall have power, with the approval of the University Court, to make regulations regarding the conditions upon which the Degrees of other Universities

shall be recognised for the purpose of Sections XXVII. and XXVIII. hereof, or regarding the time and manner of making application and the sending in of theses or memoirs or works for the Degree of Doctor of Science.


XXXV. From and after the date at which this Ordinance comes into operation, Ordinances No. 12 (General No. 7) and No. 155 (General No. 38) of the Commissioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889, Sections I., II., III., X. and XIII. of Ordinance No. 62 (General No. 24) of the said Commissioners, and Sections XV. and XIX. of Ordinance No. 13 (General No. 8) of the said Commissioners, in so far as they are inconsistent with this Ordinance, are hereby repealed as regards the University of St Andrews.

XXXVI. This Ordinance shall come into operation at the beginning of the first academical year after the date on which it is approved by His Majesty in Council.

NOTE. (a) All theses for the degree of D.Sc. must be in the hands of the Secretary of the University not later than three months before the Graduation Ceremonial at which the candidate proposes to graduate. (b) A thesis upon a medical subject submitted for the Degree of D.Sc. must satisfy the examiners that it is of sufficient merit apart from any record of clinical observations it may contain.

II. Under Ordinance No. 133 (St Andrews No. 20) of the Universities Commissioners, 1889.


XIII. Graduates of the University of St Andrews who have held the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering for a term of five years may offer themselves for the degree of Doctor of Science in Engineering in the said University.

NOTE. The full period of five years must have elapsed before the candidate sends in his name.

XIV. A Candidate for the degree of Doctor of Science in Engineering shall present a thesis or a published memoir or work to be approved by the Senatus, on the recommendation of the Faculty of Science: Provided that, if required by the

Senatus, the candidate shall be bound to pass such an examination as may from time to time be determined. The thesis shall be a record of original research undertaken by the candidate, or of important engineering work designed by himself and actually carried out, and shall be accompanied by a declaration signed by him that these conditions have been satisfied.

NOTE.-All theses for the degree of D.Sc. must be in the hands of the Secretary of the University not later than three months before the Graduation Ceremonial at which the candidate proposes to graduate. FEE FOR THE D.SC. DEGREE.-By General Ordinance No. 4 of the Scottish University Courts, "the fee to be paid for the degree of Doctor of Science in Engineering shall be fifteen guineas." This fee is, by regulation of the University Court, ordained to be paid when the Candidate presents his thesis or memoir and offers himself for the Degree.


Under Ordinance No. 4 of the University Court of the University of St Andrews (as amended by Ordinance No. 16 of the University Court).

XLVI. A Degree of Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) may be conferred by the University of St Andrews.

XLVII. Graduates of the University of St Andrews, who have either before or after graduation passed the Examination for the Degree of Master of Arts with Honours in any Department or the Final Examination for the Degree of B.Phil., B.Litt., or B.Sc., may make a written application to the Senatus Academicus to be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctors of Letters after the expiry of three years from the date of their graduation.

XLVIII. Graduates of other Universities specially recognised for the purpose by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus may make a written application to the Senatus Academicus to be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Letters, provided that they have held the office of Professor or Lecturer in the University of St Andrews for not less than four terms at the date of such application; but the Degree shall not be conferred upon any such candidate unless he still holds the office of Professor or Lecturer at the time of graduation.

(For the purposes of this section a University Certificate granted by the University of Oxford or by the University of Cambridge to a

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