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SESSION 1922-1923.

The Infirmary contains 410 beds, with an annual number of over 5000 in-patients, and an average daily residence of 357. Appointments.-Six qualified Resident Medical Assistants and an Outdoor Obstetric Assistant (men or women).

Clinical Clerks and Dressers are attached to the Physicians and Surgeons. Students may also be appointed to assist in the post-mortem room.

General Arrangements.-The Infirmary is open daily, for the purpose of Clinical Instruction, from 9 A.M. till noon,1

The Surgeons visit their Wards at 9 A.M., the Physicians at 11 A.M.; the Ophthalmic Surgeon and the Gynecologists also visit their Wards daily.

Operations are performed in the various theatres at 9 o'clock forenoon, and at other suitable hours.

The Dundee Maternity Hospital forms the Intern and an Extern Maternity Department of the Infirmary. Information regarding attendance may be had on application to the Medical Superintendent.

Medical and Surgical Out-patients are seen daily at 9 A.M. Gynecological Out-patients on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 A.M. Ear, Nose, and Throat Out-patients on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 9 A.M. Diseases of Children on Mondays and Thursdays at 9 A.M. Diseases of the Skin on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 A.M.


The Asylum is within easy distance of Dundee, and has an average number of 530 resident patients, and an average of 150 recent cases admitted annually.

The Appointments include two Qualified Resident Medical Assistants and two Resident Clinical Assistants.

Clinical Instruction is given at the Asylum at 10 A.M. on Saturdays during the Summer Session.

Students may assist at post-mortem examinations, and have access to Laboratory and Research Rooms, and use of microscopes and reagents for preparing and staining tissues, &c.

Further information may be had on application to the Medical Superintendent.

1 In accordance with the Bye-Laws and Regulations of the Institution.


The Hospital is situated in Clepington Road, and has accommodation for over 250 patients.

All the ordinary infectious diseases are treated in the Hospital, and there is a pavilion containing 60 beds for the treatment of patients suffering from tuberculosis.

Clinical instruction is given at the Hospital during the Martinmas or Candlemas terms.

About a mile beyond King's Cross Hospital is the Smallpox Hospital, which has accommodation for 25 cases of smallpox.


This Institution is maintained by the Town Council of Dundee, and is situated in the County of Forfar within a mile of Monifieth Railway Station.

There is accommodation for sixty-four early cases of tuberculosis, chiefly pulmonary.

The Superintendent is the Tuberculosis Medical Officer for the City of Dundee, and there is a Resident Medical Officer.


The Tuberculosis Dispensary is situated at 1 Tally Street Dundee. It forms part of the city's Tuberculosis Scheme. Consultations are held on four days a week by two specialists in tuberculosis. At these consultations sixty to seventy persons attend on an average.

This Institution affords excellent opportunities of enabling students to become familiar with diseases of the lung, particularly those of a sub-acute or chronic nature.

VENEREAL DISEASES TREATMENT CENTRE. This Centre is meantime situated at the Out-patient Department of the Dundee Royal Infirmary, and is intended for the treatment of persons suffering from venereal disease.

Consultations are conducted by two Medical Officers skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases,

These consultations are held daily, and opportunities are given to students to act as clinical assistants for a short period.


These centres, of which there are six in number, situated in various parts of the city, are intended for the supervision

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of the welfare of expectant and nursing mothers, and of infants and children up to five years of age.

Consultations are held daily by a Medical Officer, and on one afternoon per week a special consultation is held for ante-natal cases by a specialist in midwifery.

Further information regarding King's Cross Hospital, Ashludie Sanatorium, the Tuberculosis Dispensary, the Venereal Diseases Clinic, and the Child Welfare Centres can be obtained on application to the Medical Officer of Health, Public Health Office, West Bell Street, Dundee.

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