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NOTE. (a) These fees are not due if the attendance is covered by the Regula

tions for the Inclusive Fee.

(b) Where the normal course of a Theoretical Class is completed in two
terms, an additional fee is due for a third term's attendance.
(c) Practical Classes qualifying for the First Science Examination are
normally completed in two terms, and in that case an additional
fee is payable for a third term's attendance. But where the Course
extends to three terms (e.g., the Practical Classes in Botany and
Zoology at Dundee, and in Geology at St Andrews and Dundee), no
additional fee is charged for the third term's attendance.


Students of the Faculty of Science (whether studying at St Andrews or Dundee) taking a regular graduating course, and who begin that course on and after the beginning of the academical year 1921-1922, will be required to pay an Inclusive fee in accordance with the following Regulations made by the University Court. Students who had begun to pay an Inclusive fee before that time will be entitled to complete their course of study under the regulations in force at the time of their first payment.

All Inclusive fees are payable to the University Court, and entitle the student to attend classes either at St Andrews or Dundee, or partly at St Andrews and partly at Dundee.

1. The Inclusive fee for the Degree of B.Sc. (Pure Science), Old Regulations, is ninety guineas (£94, 10s.), payable in four annual instalments of £23, 7s. 6d. each (or in three annual instalments of £31, 10s. each).

2. The Inclusive fee for the Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. under the new Ordinance (No. 15) is eighty pounds (£80), payable in three annual instalments of £26, 13s. 4d. each. 3. The Inclusive fee for the Honours Degree of B.Sc. under the new Ordinance (No. 15) is ninety guineas (£94,10s.), payable in four annual instalments (the instalments for the first three years being each £26, 13s. 4d., and the fourth instalment being £14, 10s.).

4. The Inclusive fee for the Degree of B.Sc. (Engineering) is ninety guineas (£94, 10s.), payable in four annual instalments of £23, 7s. 6d. each (or in three annual instalments of £31, 10s. each).

5. The annual instalments are payable at the beginning of each academical year, until the full amount of the Inclusive fee has been paid.

6. Every regular candidate for the Degree of B.Sc. (Pure or Engineering) must pay the Inclusive fee. (A regular candidate means a student who matriculates, pursues his curriculum, and graduates in the University of St Andrews in the usual manner, in accordance with the regulations for graduation in Science.) 7. The Inclusive fee for the Degree of B.Sc.(Pure or Engineering), Old Regulations, or for the Honours Degree of B.Sc. under the new Ordinance (No. 15), entitles the student to attend sixteen graduating courses, and the Inclusive fee for the Ordinary Degree of B.Sc. under the new Ordinance (No. 15), entitles the student to attend fourteen graduating courses in the Faculty of Science (two half courses counting as one course), and also such non-graduating courses as may be determined by the University Court.

8. Where a subject is taught partly by lectures and partly by laboratory instruction, the lecture course shall count as one course, and the laboratory (practical)

course as one course.

9. No student will be admitted to a Degree Examination (except under special circumstances to be determined by the University Court) who has not paid in full the instalment of the Inclusive fee for the academical year in which he enters for the examination, and the instalment for each preceding year of his curriculum.

10. No student shall be allowed to graduate until he has paid the full Inclusive fee for the degree which he desires to be admitted to.

11. After a candidate has paid all the annual instalments of the Inclusive fee, he may, in subsequent years, attend additional graduating courses without further payment, provided that the total number of graduating courses attended by him does not exceed the stated number to which the fee so paid entitles him (ie., 16 graduating courses in all), and he may also attend such non-graduating courses as the University Court may determine.

12. A student who has paid an Inclusive fee, and has attended the full number of graduating courses to which such fee entitles him (i.e., 14 or 16, as the case may be), shall, if he attends further graduating courses, pay for each individual course the normal fee set forth in the preceding Table of Fees. Such payment shall not entitle the student to attend any additional nongraduating course unless the University Court shall so determine.

13. Students who are not regular graduating students in the Faculty of Science may attend any course on payment of the normal fee for such course as set forth in the preceding Table of Fees. Such payment shall not entitle the student to attend any additional non-graduating course unless the University Court shall so determine.

14. A student who becomes a regular graduating student after having paid a fee or fees for an individual class or individual classes under the immediately preceding article, shall be entitled to have the fee paid for any such individual class subsequently allowed to count for graduation, credited as a payment to account of the Inclusive fee, subject to the provision that any class so allowed to count for graduation shall be reckoned as one of the graduating courses to which the Inclusive fee admits, but no fee paid before the beginning of the academical year 1912-1913 shall be so credited. 15. A candidate for the Degree of B.Sc. (Pure or Engineering) who has paid one or more of the instalments of the Inclusive fee for that degree at another Scottish University, and completes his curriculum in the University of St Andrews, shall be required to pay the remainder of the annual instalments to the University

of St Andrews, and shall in respect of such payment be entitled to attend such further graduating courses in the Faculty of Science in the University of St Andrews as, with those already attended in the former University, shall make up the stated number to which the Inclusive fee admits: Provided always that the amount of at least one annual instalment must be paid to the University of St Andrews; and that before he is admitted to graduation evidence shall be presented by him that he has paid in all a sum not less than the full Inclusive fee. A candidate who presents a certificate that he has attended a course of instruction qualifying for graduation given in a recognised institution or by a recognised extraacademical teacher, shall be entitled to a deduction from the Inclusive fee equal to the amount of the normal fee for the corresponding course given in the University of St Andrews, provided always that he has not already attended the latter course as part of his curriculum in the University. A course so recognised shall count as one of the courses covered by the Inclusive fee.

16. A candidate whose attendance on two or more courses in a recognised University other than Scottish has been accepted by the Senatus as qualifying for graduation, shall be required to pay two of the annual instalments of the Inclusive fee, and shall thereby be entitled to attend such further graduating courses as, with those already accepted, shall make up the stated number to which the Inclusive fee admits.

17. The Inclusive fee for the Degrees of M.A. and B.Sc. (Ordinary) taken together is one hundred and eighteen pounds, two shillings and sixpence (£118, 2s. 6d.), payable in five annual instalments of £23, 12s. 6d. each, and the Inclusive fee for these Degrees with Honours in one or more groups is one hundred and thirty pounds (£130), payable in six annual instalments (the instalments for the first five years being £23, 12s. 6d. each, and the sixth instalment £11, 17s. 6d). A student who has begun his curriculum with a view to any one of these degrees may subsequently avail himself of the Inclusive fee for the two degrees by paying the difference betwixt the Inclusive fee for the single degree and the Inclusive fee for the two degrees, but if this choice is made after 1st October 1921, the fee for

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