1923. Jan. 3. Tyndall Bruce Prize Essays to be given in. " ་་ 11 Feb. 11 Gray Prize Essays (Arts) to be given in. 5. Gray Prize Essays (Divinity) to be given in. "Sloan Prize Essays to be given in. 2. Candidates for Scholarships in Theology give in names. 12. Gladstone Memorial Prize Essays to be given in. March 1. Date of Guthrie Scholarship Examinations will be announced later. Names to be given in by 1st March. April 1. Applications for Carnegie Trust Scholarships and Fellowships to be lodged before this date. May 11 15. Candidates for Berry, Bruce, and Ramsay Scholarships give in names. 31. Applications for William J. Matheson Chemistry Bursary to be lodged before this date. 1922.-OCTOBER, 31 DAYS. Academical year begins. B.D. Exams, begin on 26th Sept. General, [Special, and Honours M.A., First, Second, and Final B.Sc., [First and Third M.B., Ch. B. Exams. begin on 19th Sept. [B.D. Candidates pay fees 25th Sept. Other Candidates pay [fees 31st July. Examiners Meetings 30th Sept. Fr. Sa. Meeting of Scottish Universities' Entrance Board. Opening of the University. Martinmas Term begins in all Facul- [ties. St Mary's College Bursary Competition begins. Meeting of Senatus. 14 Sa. NOVEMBER, 30 DAYS. Statements of line of work of University Scholars to be sent in. Meeting of Senatus. Last day for Matriculating, Martinmas Term. Rectorial Election. Third and Fourth M.B., Ch. B., and Final D.P.H. Examinations. [Schedules to be given in. 17 Third and Fourth M.B., Ch. B., and Final D.P.H. Examinations [begin. Tyndall-Bruce Prize Essays due. Gray Prize Essays (Arts) due. S University College, Dundee, united to the University, 1897. Last day for new Matriculations, Candlemas Term. General [Council, Half-yearly Meeting at noon. FEBRUARY, 28 DAYS. Theology Scholarships, names to be sent in. Holiday in the University. Payment of Bursaries (Second Instalment). Meeting of Senatus. St Mary's College founded, 1537. Gladstone Memorial Prize [Essays due. B.D. Candidates give in names. Fees and Schedules for March M.A., M.B., Ch. B., D.P.H., and [L.D.S. Examinations due. University founded, 1411. Preliminary Examinations, Schedules and Fees due. MARCH, 31 DAYS. Fr. Sa. S M. Classes close for Spring Vacation. Degree Examinations begin. B.D. Candidates pay fees. Tu. B.D. Examinations begin. Th. Fr. Sa. Meeting of Scottish Universities Entrance Board. Honours M.A., [Honours B.Sc., and Final B.Sc. Candidates send [in profession of work for June Examinations. Schedules and fees for June Examinations due. Schedules for [Entrance Bursary Competition due. L.L.A. Examinations [begin. Berry, Bruce, and Ramsay Scholarships, Applications [due. William J. Matheson Chemistry Bursary, Applications due. [Honours M.A. Candidates send in profession of work for [September examinations. |