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stand; raise up those who fall, and comfort the feeble minded.

Heavenly Parent, we ask a blessing on our friends; reward our benefactors, and forgive our enemies. Will it please thee to have mercy upon all men.

We would not forget, O God, that tender care which has watched over us another night. While we are grateful that we have thee for our support, we would cheerfully resign all to thy guidance and disposal this day. Be with us on the right hand and on the left; and to thee, most holy, shall be praise forever, through Jesus Christ. Amen.


ETERNAL God, the Creator, Preserver, and Governour of the Universe, whom all the hosts of heaven venerate and adore! We desire to bow before thee this evening, with composed minds, devout affections and christian piety. In lengthening out our days, it is thy gracious design, to spare us for repentance and future

improvement. In thine hand, O Lord, our breath is; and because thou hast not withdrawn thy supporting hand, we are still upheld in life. If we have this day overcome temptation to evil, if we have in any respect obeyed thy holy will, and done good in the world; unto thee be the praise. But we take shame to ourselves, that we have hitherto profited so little by thy continuance of us in life. How many hours have accused us of negligence, as they have passed! O God, we are weak and erring; but as thou rememberest we are dust, we would penitently supplicate that mercy, which thou hast promised through thy beloved Son. In him, we beseech thee, be gracious toward our past failings, and awaken us to future diligence, so that we may make our calling and election sure. May our faith in the Saviour be something more than a cold assent of the understanding. O may it penetrate our inmost souls, and warm, and invigorate our best affections. May it elevate us above the world, and make us live for the future. May it make the aged sedate and exemplary ; the middle-aged industrious and pure; may it protect the young in their innocence; and make all of every age pious and humble.

Suffer, O God, no inordinate desires ever to prevail upon us, to break through the sacred

boundaries of wisdom, virtue, and true religion. May we be as Jesus, our great Exemplar, was.

With regard to our temporal condition and the continuance of life itself, O Father, we refer these entirely to thy wise disposal. We earnestly pray, that thou wilt give us wisdom to behave well and wisely, under whatever events thou shalt appoint to us. May all conduce to our security and improvement in the holy and divine life. Conduct us in whatever way thou pleasest, to the perfection and happiness of our natures. By christian dispositions, by an upright conduct, and by a steady perseverance in duty to the end, may we be prepared to meet death with serenity and good hope, to stand before thy bar, and to become blessed in the inheritance of eternal life.

Preserve, O God, among Christians, the sacred bond of unity. Among lesser differences, may all discern the supreme value of piety, charity, and holiness; and may all shew their love to Christ, by practising his commands.

O thou common Parent of all! continue thy care over the nations that unhappily know not thee. Raise up chosen instruments to carry amongst them the right knowledge of thee, the only true God, and of Jesus Christ

thou hast sent the messenger of thy truth to


God of grace and consolation! be thou the kind deliverer of all under affliction, whether of mind, body, or estate. Pity those who labour under the pressures of poverty. Dispose to

kindness those who are able to afford them relief. Succour the tempted. Defend the oppressed. Support the persecuted for righteousness' sake. Comfort the sorrowful.


peace to the troubled mind. Spare desirable and useful lives. Prepare such as are near death for an exchange of worlds. Be thou the tender guardian of the destitute. Be thou the Father of the fatherless, and the widow's God. Reward our benefactors; and if we have any enemies, Father, forgive them.

We thank thee, O God, for thy goodness and care to us, through the day that is now closing. Praised and adored be thy great name for all we enjoy or yet hope for.

May we lie down this night in peace with God, with our own consciences, and with all mankind. May our sleep be refreshing and peaceful; and through thine all powerful providence, may the morning light find us in health for the duties of the day. Hear us, Holy Father, as thy children, through Jesus Christ. Amen.


HOLY, holy, holy Lord God Almighty! Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory. The glorious company of the Apostles praise thee. The goodly fellowship of the Prophets praise thee. The noble army of Martyrs praise thee. The holy church throughout all the world doth acknowledge thee, the Father of infinite majesty. We thy servants, though a small part of thy great family, would come in humble trust and with pure hearts, to join our praises and prayers with those of the spirits in thy presence, ascribing glory, and honour, dominion and power to him who sitteth upon the throne forever and ever. We would acknowledge thee, the great and good Source of existence. Wherever we turn, we ambiguous footsteps of God. thee, O Lord our King; we will forever and ever. Thou didst breath into us the breath of life, and thine inspiration hath given us understanding. In thee we live, and move, and have our being. O God, our heavenenly Father, who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day, defend us in the same with thy mighty power, and grant that this day

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bless thy name

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