Imágenes de páginas
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of our childhood, he was the motive power, the life and soul, of the society. For fourteen consecutive years he was secretary, and for part of that time he was curator also. The council has seldom been complete without him, and during six years he was our president. Whilst he resided in or near London, he rarely missed one of our meetings. Even Oxford cannot keep him away from us; and there is not a single year, from first to last, that he has not been a contributor to our transactions." This proposal was carried by acclamation.

-The unusual competition for the last 'Walker prize' of the Boston society of natural history induces the society to offer the same subject for next year's competition; viz., 'Original unpublished investigations on the life-history of any animal or plant,' While the partial treatment of the subject is permitted, preference will be given, other things being equal, to memoirs which embrace the whole life-history of an animal or plant from the early embryological stages to the adult form.

The society also offers, through the generosity of a member, for next year, a special first prize of from $60 to $100, and a second prize of $50, on the followsubject: "A study of the venation of the hind-wings of Coleoptera, with illustrations of all the families of Le Conte's and Horn's classification." Essays in competition for both prizes must be sent to the secretary of the society before April 1.

-Over four hundred members of the British association have already pledged themselves to attend the meeting at Montreal in August, 1884. It is believed that all the permanent officers of the organization will be present.

In the Weather in March,' p. 388, for 'Fallstown, Ind.,' read 'Fallstown, Md.'


American apiculturist, The. A journal devoted to scientific and practical bee-keeping. Edited by S. M. Locke. Vol. i., nos. 1-2. Salem, Mass., Locke, May-June, 1883. 48 p. 8°.

Anderson, J. Scotland in pagan times: the iron age. The Rhind lectures in archaeology for 1881. Edinburgh, Doug las, 1883. 332 p. 8°.

Basset, J. Anthony. Latitude and longitude, and longitude and time, embracing a comprehensive discussion, with over one hundred illustrative questions and problems. Syracuse, N.Y., Bardeen, 1883. 50 p. 16°.

Blackburn, T. True and false issues between christianity and science. London, Skeffington, 1883. 12°.

Box, T. A practical treatise on the strength of materials, including their elasticity and resistance to impact. London, Spons, 1883. 530 p. 8°.

Briart, Alphonse. Principes élémentaires de paléontologie. Avec 227 figures. Mons. Baudry. 12°.

Buck, J. H. W. A graphic table for facilitating the computation of the weights of wrought iron and steel girders, etc., for Parliament and other estimates. London, Lockwood, 1883. Large sheet.

Cotterill (Bishop of Edinburgh). Does science aid faith in regard to creation. London, Hodder, 1883. 226 8°.


Dessoliers, H. De l'habitation dans les pays chauds. Contribution à l'art de l'acclimatation. (Alger) J. Baudry. illustr. 8°.

Dresler, E. F. Flora von Löwenberg in Schleswig; nach dem natürlichen system bearbeitet. Löwenberg, Köhler, 1883. 162 p. 12°.

Eclectic complete geography, The. Cine. and N.Y., Fan Antwerp, Bragg, & Co., 1883. (New two-book series.) 114 p., illustr. 4°.

Haeckel, Ernst. A visit to Ceylon. Translated by Clara Bell. Boston, Cassino, 1883. 8+337 p. 16°.

Hoffman, Carl. Botanischer bilder-atlas nach De Candolle's natürlichem pflanzensystem. 1 lief. Stuttgart, Thienemann, 1883. 8+6 p., 6 colored lith. 4°.

Klein, E. Elements of histology. London, Cassell, 1883. 364 p., 181 illustr. 12°.

Maynard, C. J. Manual of taxidermy; a complete guide in collecting and preserving birds and mammals. Boston, Cassino, 1883. 16+111 p., illustr. 16°.

Mohnike, O. Blicke auf das pflanzen-und thierleben in den niederländischen Malaienländern. Münster, Aschendorf, 1883. 4+694 p., illustr. 8°.

Philanthropist (pseudon). Physiological cruelty; or, fact and fancy. An inquiry into the vivisection question. London, Finsley, 1883. 8°.

Reis, P. Die periodische wiederkehr von wassernoth und wassermangel im zusammenhang mit den sonnenflecken, den nordlichtern und dem erdmagnetismus. Leipzig, Quandt & Händel, 1883. 8+124 p., illustr. 8°.

Remelé, A. Untersuchungen über die versteinerungsführenden diluvialgeschiebe des norddeutschen flachlandes mit besonderer berücksichtigung der Mark Brandenburg. 1 lief. illustr. 4°. P.,

Berlin, Springer, 1883. 152 We learn that a series of fifteen original letters

of Alexander von Humboldt to his intimate friend Wegener, bearing the dates 1788-90, is for sale in Germany. They have been made use of for the biography of Humboldt by Bruhns; and extracts have been more than once published, most recently, in the Berlin journal Gegenwart, nos. 30 and 32, of 1882, - but they have never appeared in full. Any institution or private person desiring to acquire them should apply to Dr. G. A. Saalfeld, Hobsminden, Germany.

[blocks in formation]

Roche, T. C. How to make photographs: a manual for amateurs. Edited by H. T. Anthony. New York, Anthony, 1883. 91 p. 12°.

Sherrerd, J. M. Iron analysis record; with a complete table of atomic weights, their elements and symbols, with the old and new system. Troy, Young, 1883 12°.

Souchon, Abel. Traité d'astronomie pratique, comprenant l'exposition du calcul des éphémérides astronomiques et nautiques. Gauthier- Villars. 8°.

Step, Edward. Plant-life: popular papers on the phenomena of botany. N.Y., Holt, 1883. 12+218 p., illustr. 16°. Taber, G. L. The fisheries of the Adriatic, and the fish thereof. London, Quaritch, 1883. illustr. 8°.

Tayler, I. The alphabet: an account of the origin and development of letters. 2 vols. London, Paul, 1883. 752 p. 8°. Thiersch, H. W. J., und Thiersch, A. Die physiognomie des mondes. Versuch eine deutung derselben im anschluss an die arbeiten von Mädler, Nasmyth und Carpenter. Augsburg, Preyss, 1883. 4+43 p., 4 lith. 4°.


Figures in black-faced type refer to the numbered paragraphs in the weekly summary;' those in ordinary type, io pages.
Names of contributors are printed in small capitals.

ABBOTT, C. C. Occurrence of amber near
Trenton, N. J., 594; intelligence of
crow, 576; of fish, 327; paleolithic man
in Ohio, 359.

ABBOTT, R. M. Crayfish, 394.
Abelian and theta functions, 3.
Abies, 20; intermedia, 259.
Abnormal dentition, 68.

Aboriginal population of America, 833.
Absorption apparatus for analysis, 360;
of solar energy, 532; spectra of ozone
and pernitric acid, 5.
Abuse, illustration of, 501.

Abyssinia, 226; southern, 888; Italian
expedition to, 321.

Acantharcus pomotis, 328.
Acanthias, 23.

Acarella siro, 116.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Amazon, early explorations of, 126.
Amber near Trenton, 594.
Amblyodon, 523.
Amblystoma, 21.
Amelanchier, 466.

America. Archaeological institute. See
Archaeological institute.

American academy of arts and sciences,
85, 156, 237, 439, 558, 412, 417; antiqua-
rian society, 438, 912,913; asclepiads,
46; association for the advancement of
science, 556; its meeting in Philadelphia,
499; bibliography, 1011; conifers, 235;
exhibit at London fisheries exhibition,
417; inst. mining engineers, 57, 99, 497;
oriental society, 558; philosoph. soc., 57,
120; science, future of, 1.
Americanists, congress of, 409.
Amicia, 179.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Archidesmus, 371.

Archimedea, 370.

Architeuthis princeps, 352, 417.
Archiulus, 523.
Archyptilum, 553.

Arctia virgo, 180.

Arctic currents, 506; mollusks, 997;
notes, 1084, 1121; research, 159; Brit-
ish co-operation in same, 125; whale.
fishery in 1882, 33.

Arctoidea, 958.

Ardennes phyllites, 1028.
Ardetta exilis, 457.

Arenicola piscatornm, 602.

Arenicolites spiralis, 39.

Areopoma, 202.

Arfredsonite, 215.

Argand burner, spectrum of, ill., 481.
Argynnis, oviposition in, 153; Cybele,


Arisaema triphyllum, 202.

Armenian plateau, earthquakes on, 937.
ARMSBY, H. P., New York agricultural
experiment-station, 484.

Aromatic monamines and diamines, oxi-
dation of, 1073.
Arrhamphus, 554.

Arsenic, determination of, 879; in waters
containing calcium sulphate, 650.
Arsenides, formation of, by pressure,


Art in Egypt, 580, 856.

Artesian wells, 470.

Artificial fuel, 1026.

Arum italicum, 492; maculatum, 202;
pollination of, 446.

Arvicola, 525.

Ascaris lonchoptera, 52; osculata, 204.
Asclepiads, American, 46.

[blocks in formation]

Assilina, 405.

Assimilation and color, 332; in sugar-
beet, 328.

Assimilative activity, 612.
Assos, explorations at, 528.
Astacus leptodactylus, 344.
Asterophyllites, 397.

Astronomical applications of photogra
phy, 412; intelligence, transmission
of, 25, 119; literature, ill., 112; photo-
graphs, 349; unit of time, virtual change
of, 1014.

Astronomy, progress of, 265.

Asymmetry of turbinated bones in man,

Atacama meteorite, 933.

Atavism in hog-deer, 401.

Atax Bonzi, 150; ypsilophorus, 150.
Atlantic, North, mollusks of, 563; North,
Triton in, 890; soundings, 439.
Atlantis revived, 603.

Atmospheric action, induration of rocks
by, 313.

Atomic vibration, energy of, 421.

Atomic weights, calculation of, 397; heat
of combination a function of, 99.
Atropine, constitution of, 815.
Atropos, 231.

Attractions, 584; and repulsions of small
floating bodies, 249, 335, 92.
Atwater, Professor. Experiments with
fertilizers, 263.

AUGHEY, S., on Western pasture-land, 335.
Aurora, 27, 122, 656; and scintillation

of stars, 1062; in California, 40; perio-
dicity of, 920; spectrum of, 546.
Australia, 501; area of, 376; South, rain-
fall in, 1119; tertiary flora of, 841;
weather predictions in, 717.

Australian Alps, 502; Aphroditea, 565;
Crustacea, 173.

Autoxidation in vegetable cells, 508.
Avicula, 531; nebrascensis, 21.

Axinite, 113.

Axis porcinus, 181.

Azolla, 397, 421.

Aztec music, 752.

Bacteria in fishes, 665.

Baiera, 259.

BAILEY, L. W. Indian relics rom New
Brunswick, 245.

Baird, Spencer Fullerton, ill., 123; report
of, 635.

BAKER, M. November aurora in Califor
nia, 40.

Balaena biscayensis, 598; cisarctica, 598;
glacialis, 598; islandica, 598; mystice-
tus, 598; nordcaper, 598.

Balfour memorial, 59; subscriptions to, 83,
155, 237, 293, 410, 472, 587.
Balkan peninsula, 1115.

Balloons, centenary of discovery of, 293.
Baltimore, surface geology of, 277, 209.
Balutchistan, 487.

Bancroft's History, 379.

Bandelier's investigations in New Mexico,

Bangiaceae of Naples, 664.
Barassius vulgaris, 466.
Barberry, purple-leaved, 1165.

Barium or sulphuric acid, testing for,

BARNARD, W. 8. Movement of arms in

walking, 140.

Barometric laws, 499.

BARROWS, W. B. Flight of flying-fish,


Basaltic rock, new, 117.

Bascanion vetustum, 21.

Bascanium anthicum, 556.

Basic process at Steeltown, 1148.
Basipetal development of leaves, 132.
Basket-worm, habits of, 391.
Batteries, secondary, 923.
Battery-cell, 485.

Bavarian lakes, temperature and ice of,

BAYLES, J. C. Microscopic analysis of
the structure of iron and steel, 101.
Bean, Dr. T. H., 472.
Bee-flowers, 668.

Bee-fly, Hirmoneura, larval stages and
habits of, ill., 332.

Belfast nat. hist. and phil. soc., 209.
Belgium, carboniferous limestone of,
1116; geological map of, 190.
BELKNAP, G. E. Singular meteoric phe-
nomenon, ill., 4.

BELL, A. M. Alphabet and spelling-re-
form, 473.

Belone truncata, 327.
Bembe, Rio, 609.

Beni River, Indians on, 914.
Benthodesmus elongatus, 117.
Berebris vulgaris, 611.

Bering Strait, land-snails from, 1128.
Bermuda plants, 896.

Berneriana madagascariensis, 522; odor-
ata, 522.

Bernoulli's numbers, 585.
Bertkauia, 231.

Bessemerizing matte in reverberatory
furnace, 713.

Bibliography, 966; American, 1011; of
angling, 461.

Bicarbonate-of-soda developer, 418.
Bifilar suspension, 645.

Bile of invertebrates, coloring-matters of,

Bile, uses of, 156.

Bile-ducts, nerves of, 568..

Billiard-balls, impact of, 756.

BILLINGS, J. S. Germs and epidemics,


Biloculina, 405; depressa, 612.

Binary arithmetic, experiments in, 344;
forms, application of theory of, to ellip-
tic functions, 88; quintics, 351.
Bird, hermaphrodite, 64.
Birds, action of, upon insect oscillations,
457; anatomy of, 157; germinal disk
of, 397; tarsus of, 462; Wisconsin,

Bishopville meteorite, 655.
Bison americana, 279.

BLAIR, H. W. Marking geodetic stations,
394; variation of temperature under
conditions presumably the same, ill.,


Blake collections, 83; expedition, Crus.
tacea of, 546; stalked crinoids of, 527.
BLAKE, W. P. Metallurgy of nickel in
the United States, 102.
Blast-furnaces, 1024.
Blast-furnace slag, 1149.

Blastophaga, 287, 599; grossorum, 433.
Bleaching powder, 925.

Blood in living mammals, measurements
of quantity of, 66; third corpuscle of,

Blood circulation, discovery of, 459.
Blood-corpuscles, red, development of,

Blue Hills of Mass., 986.

Bock, C., on Head-hunters of Borneo, 189.
Bojanus, organ of, of the oyster, 145.
Bolivia, astronomical observations in, 616.
Bolivian Indians, dialects of, 960.
Bolosaurus rapidens, 204.

Bolton's Quantitative analysis, reviewed,

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Boronia pinnata, 80.

Borotungstic acids, 976.
Bosanquet, R. H. M., on Magneto-motive
force, 391.

Boston. American academy (see Ameri-
can academy); Appalachian mountain
club (see Appal. mountain club); soci-
ety of arts (see Mass. institute of tech-
nology); society of civil engineers, 261,
484; society of natural history, 55, 57,
157, 237, 320, 410, 436, 60, 61, 313,
337, 655; Walker prizes of same, 618;
water works, 646.
Botany, fossil, 397.
Bournonite, 493.
Boutelouas, 335.

Bove's Patagonian voyage, 1085; on the
Fuegians, 1100.

Bow and Belly River districts, 477, 881.
Bower on Bower-Barff process, 103.
BOWERS, S. Fish-hooks from California,
ill., 575.

Brains of great men, 469.

Brain-weight tables from Cochin China,

Branchinecta paludosa, 81,

Branchiobdella on crayfish, 730; astaci,
344; astaci leptodactyli, 344; parasita,


[blocks in formation]

Brazza, de, 989; on the Kongo, 225.
Bricks, refractory, 711.

Bridges, practical test of, 101.
Britain, Venus mercenaria in, 672.
British association, meeting of, in Can-
ada, 351, 374, 499; channel, high seas in,
439; co-operation in arctic research,

Bromide, electric conductivity of, 426.
Bromine, estimation of, in presence of

iodine, 927; investigations on, 198.
Brooklyn entom. soc., 27, 392, 56.
Brookville soc. of nat. hist., 375, 376.
Brown, H. Y. L., 377.

Bruckmannia, 397.

Brunner von Wattenwyl's European Or-

thoptera, reviewed, 605.

Buccínum, 319; nivale, 260; sulcatum, 260.

Buchloe dactyloides, 335.

Buckeye leaf-stalk borer, 253.

Buckland, Miss A. W., writings of, 376.
Buffalo naturalists' field-club, 321.
Buffalo Peaks, 983.

Bufo, 584; columbiensis, 21.
Building materials, tests of, 103.
Bull's process for iron-smelting, 208.
Bunotherian mammals, 801.

Buoys, lighting, 873.

Bureau of ethnology, etc. See U. S. Bu-
reau, etc.

BURGESS, E. Suggested improvements
in lighthouses, 221.

Buteo pennsylvanicus, 168.
Bütschli's Protozoa, 53.
Butter, rancid, 769.

Butterflies, illustrations of American,
1094; life-histories of American, 903;
mimicry in, 57; swallow-tail, 793.

Cable power for street-railways, 102.
Cabot, Sebastian, mappemonde of, 62.
Cachar earthquake, 67.

Caddis-fly cases, ill., 732.

Caffeine, 202.

Caffraria, anthropology of, 745.

Cairo, Wissmann's letter from, 608.
Calamites, 90, 149, 397.

Calceola, 202.

Calceolaria, 492.

Calcinus latens, 173.

Calcium, quantitative determination of,


Calcium bromide, apatites and wagner-
ites containing, 708.

Calcutta zoological gardens, 376.
Calendula, 306.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Chili, 749.

Chills, blast-furnace, 102.

Chilo oryzaeellus, 487.
Chilonyx, 204.

Chinoline, derivatives of, 1109.
Chironomus, 496; growth of ova in, 1175.
Chiroptera, foetal envelopes of, 400.
CHITTENDEN, R. H. Chemical and phys
iological researches on ptomaïnes, 570.
Chloria, 80.

Chloride, silver, electric conductivity of,

Chlorination, fine gold from, 18.

Chlorine, 198; action of, on metals, 977;
estimation of, in presence of bromine
or iodine, 927.

Chlorophyll, development of, 421.
Chondria, 344.

Chonetes sarcinulatus, 608.

Chorillos, Peru, longitude determinations
at, 617.

Chottes, flooding the, 988.
Chriodorus atherinoides, 554.
Chromatophor of algae, 325.
Chronograph, pendulum, 703.
Chuckchis and Chuckchi-land, 1058.
Chylocladia, 344.
Cicada, 82, 467.
Cicindela, 203.
Ciconia alba, 23.
Cinchona Ledgeriana, 611.
Cincinnati, coleoptera of, 149; Ohio
mechanics' institute (see Ohio); sci-
entific activity at, 157; society of natu-
ral history, 350, 530; university of, 235;
zoological gardens, 294.

Cingularia, 397.

Cinnamomum cassia, 50.
Cionella acicula, 584.

Circus hudsonius, 168.

Cladocera, fresh-water, 949.

CLARK, T. M. Badly crystallized
wrought iron, 169.

CLARKE, F. W. Class-room experiment,
67; Meyer and Seubert's Atomic
weights, 397; new form of battery-cell,

Class-room experiment, 67.

Clausilia, 467; bidentata, 492; dubia, 202.
Claviceps, 178.

Cleaning birds, 11.
Clepsine, 276, 493.

Cliff dwellings in Cañon de Cheilly, 119.
Climate, geologic, 395, 458, 543,
Mediterranean, 832; of upper Senegal,


Clothes-moths, 907.

Clover, red, self-impotence of, 894.
Clover-sickness, 311.

Cluster-fly, 250.

Clytus, 203.


Coal, formation of, 89, 114, 266; of A
bama, 101.

Coal-fields, anthracite, of Penn., 647.
Coal-tar, new bodies from, 1077.

Conn, Rev. T., 27.

Coast-survey. See U. S. coast, etc.

Cobalt, separation of, from nickel, 1144.
Cobitis fossilis, 466.

Coccinellidae, food of, 674.

Cocculina, 130.

Cocculinidae, 130.

Cochin China, brain-weight tables from,

285; races in, 287.

Cocos nucifera, 13.

Codex peresianus, 294.

Coecilia, 279.

Coking system, Carvés, 1025.

Cold emulsification, 11.

Coleoptera, North American, 56: of
Cincinnati, 149; scales of, 455.
Collema, 178.

COLLIER, P. Track of meteor, ill., 422.
Color and assimilation, 332.

Color in Egypt, 857; of horses, 629; in
Idotea, 618; words for, 1102.
Color-granules, development of, 421.
Color-preference of hive-bee, 305; of in-
sects, 955, 1093.

Colors of flowers, 42, 43.

Colorado region, shells from, 449.
Colorado scient. soc., 84, 879, 935.
Comet, b. 1882, ephemeris of, 55; Brooks.
Swift, 473; in Pegasus, 139; of 1882,
320, ill. 388, 260; seen in West Afrien,
498; tails of, 689.

Commelyna, 179.

Compass deviation, correcting, 485.
Complexes of second degree, 475; of
second order, 640.

Composite, new American, 139.
Compression of metals, 112.
Compsognathus, 204.
Conduits, brick, 484.

Congelation of carbonic disulphide and
alcohol, 970; of solvents, 199.

Congress of Americanists, 409; of geo-
graphic societies, 617; international geo-
logical, 512.

Conical umbilics, 175.
Conics, 694.

Conjugate quadrangles, 174.

Conjugation of Infusoria, theory of, 273.
Connecticut academy of arts and sciences,
81, 314, 343; agricultural experiment-
station, report of, reviewed, 396; high
river terraces of, 29; minerals, 601;
shell-fish commission, report of, 1883,
reviewed, 223.

Connective tissue, 'mastzellen' of, 1049.
Conulus popula, 583.

Conversion-tables of weights and meas.

ures, 606.

Conyza rivularis, 433.

COOK, C. S. Perfect interference of sound
by telephone, 167.

Cope, E. D., on Sirenia, 160.
Copepoda, 515; fresh-water, 949; in
mollusks and ascidians, 902; parasitic,

Copper, volumetric determination of, 308.
Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior,
140, 221, 359, 453.

Copper ores at Spenceville, Cal., treat-
ment of, 207.

Copper-smelting, Mexican, 598; modi.
fication in, 712; plant, 1146.
Coquandia, 22.

Corallina, 344.

Corals, operculate, 447.
Cordaites, 90.

Corea, 746, 1162.

Corethra, 496.

Corinth canal, 422.

Corn, butt and tip kernels of, 1114.
Cornell university. Agricultural experi-
ment-station, 498; new laboratory, ill.,


Corona, solar, 169.

Corundum, products of alteration of,


Corvus frugilegus, 513.

Corylus avellana, 370; insignis, 259.
Cossacks, 1009.

[blocks in formation]

Cross-valleys, 325, 356.

Crossing in plants, value of, 231.

Crotalus lepidus, 21; molossus, 21.

Crova, Professor, on New condensing.
bygrometer, 597.

Crow, intelligence of, 359, 458, 513, 576.
Crustacea allied to Willemoesia, 244;
Australian, 173; of Blake and Travail.
leur expeditions, 546; Devonian, 241;
at time of moulting, 389.

Cryolite, 432; group, minerals of, 315.
Crystallized wrought iron, 169, 248.

Ctenodrilus, anatomy of, 566; monosty-
los, 260.

Cuba, eastern, 987.

Cucurbita ficifolia, 12; moschata, 12.
Culex mosquito, 420.

Cultivated plants, origin of, 12.

Cumberland valley, stone graves of, 292.
Cunina, 197.

Cup-shaped sculpture, 803.

Cupelopagus bucinedax, 38.

Cure for blast-furnace chills, 102.

Currents, arctic, 506.

Curves of any deficiency, 84; whose co-
ordinates are elliptic functions, 87.
Cyanea, anatomy and histology of, 144;
Annaskala, 51.

Cyanogen chloride, action of, on pyrrol-
potassium, 817.

Cycloderma ohiensis, 316.

Cyclograpsus tasmanicus, 173.

Cyclops, 230, 467; Thomasi, 495.
Cylinders, weakness in, 106.
Cymatodera, 22.

Cynops, 21.

Cystiphyllum prismaticum, 202.
Cystoliths, formation of, 939.
Cystophora cristata, 53, 542.
Cystoseira, 344.

[blocks in formation]

Darwin, Charles, celebration of birthday
of, 184.

Darwin, G. H., 26; on variations in the
vertical, 10.

Davenport academy of natural sciences,
439, 496, 472.

DAVIS, W. M. Cachar earthquake of
1869, 67; classification of islands, 484;
cross-valleys, 325, 356; Lake Bonne-
ville, ill.. 570; lakes and valleys in north-
eastern Pennsylvania, 304; temperature
and ice of Bavarian lakes, 393; Tracy
on deflective effect of earth's rotation, 98.
DAWSON, G. M. Glacial deposits of the
Bow and Belly River country, 477.
Dawson, J. W. Collections of, 155.
DEANE, C. Mappemonde of Sebastian
Cabot, 62.

Decay of rocks geologically considered,

[blocks in formation]

Department of agriculture. See U. S. de-
partment, etc.

Depths of the sea, 218.

DERBY, O. A. Human remains of bone-
caverns of Brazil, 541; rainfall of Ube-
raba, province of Minas Geraes, Brazil,

Derby, O. A., 57.

Dermatochelys coriacea, 417.

Dermestes, 492.

Dero, 38.

Desert-plants, growth of, 940.

Desmodium triquetrum, 80.

Determinant, maximum value of, 692.
Developer, bicarbonate-of-soda,
carbonate-of-soda, 419.


Development of pollen in cycads and coni-
fers, 41; by primogeniture, 165; of
reptiles, 511; of rodents, ill., 1052.
Devonian Crustacea, 241; myriapods,

Diabrotica longicornis, 458.

Diadectes, 232.

Diadophis regalis, 21.

Dianilido-phosphorus hydrate, 304.
Dianthus armeria, 306.

Diaptomus, 230; sicilis, 495.

Dichogamy of Pelargonium, 445; varia.
ble, 893.

Diclinous flowers, 1164.
Diclonius mirabilis, 468.
Dictyoneura, 96.

Dictyophora vorax, 38.

Dicyema, 392.

Dicyemennea, 392.

Dicyemidae, 392.
Diervilla, 306.

[blocks in formation]

Dimorphism in Foraminifera, 1170; in
fossil Foraminifera, 843; in Psocidae,

Dimya, 51.

Dinocerata, carpal bones of, 339.
Dinodipsas, 464.

Dinophilus, 393; structure and develop.
ment of, 147; apatris, 51.
Dinornis maximus, 527.

Dinosauria, 468; tarsus of, 462.
Dioplotherium Manigaulti, 53, 346.
Dioscorides, manuscripts of, 208.
Diplachue, 370.

Diptera, thorax of, 954.

Dipterocaris, 81.

Dipyridyl, derivatives of, 595.
Discina, 22.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Eclipse, solar, of May 6, 119, 299, 587, 594.
Economic history, 528.

Ectosteorhachis ciceronius, 204.

EDDY, H. T. Extension of the theorem of
the virial, and its application to the ki.
netic theory of the constitution of gases,
65; the internal molecular energy of
atomic vibration, 42; liquefaction, va-
porization, and the kinetic theory of
solids and liquids, 455; radiant heat
and second law of thermodynamics,
248; solar corona, 169.

EDMANDS, J. R. Pairing of first-born,


Eggs, fertile, from a dead moth, 392.
EGLESTON, T. Flue-dust at Ems, 105.
Egypt, art in, 580.

Egyptian boomerangs, 1181; economy,


Eisengebirge, lithology of the, 714.

Elaeocarpus, 405.

Elaphidion villosum, 409.

Elassoma zonatum, 556.

Elastic sphere, vibrations of, 90.

Electric amalgamation, 481; arc, resist-
ance of, 1071; discharge in rarefied
air, 421; lamp, new, 296.

Electric-light apparatus, 376; on coasts of
France, ill., 135, 161, 187, 214, 242; effect
of, on vegetation, 554.

Electric lighting, cost of, 295; motor,
efficiency of, 590; railways, 356; tor-
pedo-boat, 297.

Electrical congress, appropriation for re-
searches of, 410; exhibition at Caen,
238; irritability of spinal cord, 155;
machine, Wimshurst's, 357; resistance
of selenium cells, 100; units, determi-
nation of, 87.

Electro-magnets, winding, 1142.
Electro-magnetic theory of light, 298.
Electrolysis of hydrochloric acid, 107.
Electrostatic and electromagnetic sys
tems, 591.

Electrotonus of motor nerves of man,

1178; of sensory nerves of man, 1179.
Elephantiasis, ill., 419.

Elephant's milk, 680.

Elephants, parasites of, 148.

Elephas africanus, 371.

Elisa bella, 433.

Ellipsoid, alignment curves on, 811; li-
quid, rotation of, 476; parallel surface
to, 642.

Elliptic double refraction, 187.
Elliptic functions, 350, 968, 1138; ap-
plication of theory of binary forms to,
88; curves whose co-ordinates are,
87; formulas, 347; transformation of,

Embryo chick, lymph-hearts in, 158.
Embryological monographs, 26.
Embryology of milk-glands, 162; of ro-
dents, 1053.

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