Imágenes de páginas

a condition which he calls 'relative apnoea.' To obtain 'absolute apnoea,' one vagus at least must be intact. Moreover, when, by a special apparatus, the central end of the divided vagus was stimulated by a constant current at each artificial inflation, 'absolute apnoea' could in most cases be produced; although in the same animal, without corresponding stimulation of the vagus, only 'relative apnoea' was the result of artificial respiration. That this rhythmic stimulation of the vagus is only one of the factors in the production of apnoea is shown by the fact that artificial stimulation alone does not cause apnoea; while, with the vagi cut, artificial respiration alone will bring about a partial or relative apnoea, indicating a diminished irritability of the respiratory centre. (Wiener sitzungsb., lxxxvi. iii. 101.) w. H. H. [1051





Early development of rodents. In a very important and interesting contribution to this subject, Kupffer describes the following discoveries from observations of the ova of the fieldmouse, made upon sections through the uterus and egg in situ. The ovum of Arvicola forms a normal vesicle. In the germinal area lie the ectoderm and entoderm in the usual manner. The ectoderm consists, as in rabbits, of a 'deckschicht' (Rauber, Sitzungsb. naturf. ges. Leipzig, 1875) of thin cells, and a main layer of cubical cells, which alone enter into the formation of the embryo. The 'deckschicht' is temporary in the rabbit; but in the field-mouse it is the seat of a rapid and early proliferation, which leads to the formation of a knob of cells, which, on the one hand, is attached to the uterine-wall, and, on the other, forces in the germinal area, both ectoderm and entoderm. From the germinal area thus invaginated, into the interior of the ovum, the embryo is developed according to the typical method in mammalia. The mass of mesoderm-cells marking the primitive streak, and the position of the future allantois, appear at one end. The amnion folds are developed in front and behind from the inner ectodermal layer, and therefore inside the 'deckzellen.' The invagination of the germinal area goes so far that the whole egg is elongated in that direction, until it acquires a cylindrical form. It is thus evident, that although the ectoderm occupies, as a result of the invagination, a central position, yet morphologically it always remains strictly the outside layer.-(Sitzungsb. akad. wiss. München, 1882, 621.) c. s. M. [1052

ec, ectoderm; ec', ectoderm of germinal area; en, entoderm; dz, deckzellen.'

Embryology of rodents. - Paladino gives the following résumé of his results; and, as they have a slight priority of publication over recent German papers (ante 849-851), they deserve especial attention. The whole cylinder formed during the first developmental stages of certain rodents is the embryo, and it is implanted on the decidual new formation by the caudal extremity. This is proved especially by the fact that it is this part from which the allantois arises. The cylinder, and the vascular portion of the decidual new formation, are continuous, and so remain throughout gestation by means of the vessels falsely called omphaloid. The decidua forms not only the placenta, but also the first envelope around the embryo, the chorion, falsely so called. (This is in

[blocks in formation]

Germinal layers not homologous. - Repiachoff, whose singular hypothesis concerning the mammalian ovum was reported (627), has advanced the still more remarkable opinion that the germinal layers in vertebrates are not homologous primitive organs, and maintains that the same organ may arise in different animals from different layers. (This is directly opposed, especially as regards the notochord and the mesoderm, to which Repiachoff refers as illustrations, by the best recent investigations, and, indeed, the whole theory seems to the reporter without foundation.) - (Zool. anz., vi. 148.) c. s. M. [1054


Tylor's lecture at Oxford.-On Feb.. 15 and 21, Prof. E. B. Tylor lectured at the University museum, Oxford, upon anthropology. The occasion was the instalment of a museum of civilization, the nucleus of which is the Pitt-Rivers collection, previously mentioned in SCIENCE. The speaker first drew attention to the fact that the theory of development has had its own evolution parallel with the progress of knowledge. Pritchard recognized the descent of mankind from one pair, whom he considered to have been negroes; and as we have been able to reconstruct the ancestry of the horse, Huxley leads us to hope that we may some day discover the fossil pedigree of his rider.


Mr. Tylor next spoke of the approach which cranioscopy is making to an exact science, drawing his illustrations from the crania of the British barrows, and other localities of undisturbed population. Comparative philology, properly understood, may tell its story in perfect accordance with anatomy. blended parentage of the Fijians is heard in their speech, as it is seen in their faces. The cross-section of a single hair, examined microscopically by Pruner's method, shows it circular, or oval, or reniform; its follicle curvature may be estimated by the average diameter of the curls, as proposed by Moseley; its coloring-matter may be estimated by Sorby's method. This examination enables one to judge in what division of the human species to classify its owner. Climate, albinism, Addison's disease,' and other natural causes in their relation to race-color, are carefully considered.

It is upon the evolution of civilization, however, that Mr. Tylor is most happy, a subject to which he has devoted the most of his life. The last portion of the addresses, therefore, is devoted to the unfolding of several phases of social life in their relation to race and history.(Nature, May 3.) [1055

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The Trenton gravels. Dr. C. C. Abbott has been observing closely the removal of gravel from the drifts of the Delaware near Trenton by railroad excavations, and has discovered new evidences of the existence of paleolithic man. The removal of the material reveals the fact that the beds were deposited at different times, masses of bowlders being overlaid by masses of sand, one of which, averaging a foot in depth, and extending nearly three hundred yards along the exposure, yielded not only the typical paleolithic implement, but four chipped stones of less definite shape, all of argillite. These objects were overcapped by a deposit nearly seven feet in

[blocks in formation]

Nago language and proverbs. Under the title of Les noirs peints par eux-mêmes' (Paris, 1883), the Abbé Bouche, late missionary on the Slave Coast, presents an interesting pamphlet containing a large number of proverbs in the Nago language, with both literal and liberal translations and explanatory remarks. The proverbs show much of the customs and modes of thought of the people and give a favorable view of their intelligence. They are, however, in large part extracted from the Vocabulary of the Yoruba language,' by Samuel Crowther, a native Nago, afterwards bishop of the Anglican church, though the Abbé Bouche claims to have made important emendations in the linguistic part of the work.

This pamphlet is the first publication of L'oeuvre de Saint Jerome, which was lately instituted to furnish mission-schools with classical works in the language of the natives,' or, in other words, to facilitate the study of the several languages in current texts of those languages, not to rely upon forcing a translation of religious works into the foreign tongue, which in many cases does not contain the words necessary to express the ideas connected with the Christian religion. This new departure in the right direction, by missionaries, is the mode employed by the Bureau of ethnology of the Smithsonian institution, and its general adoption will prove of the highest philologic value. — J. W. P. [1057 Chuckchis and Chuckchi-land. - An unsigned article on the Chuckchi describes their distribution, migrations, mode of life; the habits of the bands who live by herding reindeer, by trade between the American Innuit and the Russians on the Anui and Anadyr rivers, or by coast-fisheries; the care and diseases of the deer; the fishing population of eastern Siberia, and the fish they catch; and the initiation, purposes, and results of the Maidel-Neumann expedition to Chuckchi-land. The harmonious relations between the Russians and reindeer-Chuckchis now existing, and the manner in which they were brought about, are clearly stated. There is little new ethnological matter in the article, but a good deal of useful and interesting historical material, while the rest has been brought up to date. (Deutsche geogr. bl., vi. ii.)


W. H. D.


Book of the dead. The editing of a critical edition of the Book of the dead was, by resolution of the International congress of orientalists held at London, committed to the hands of M. Edouard Naville. The work is now done, and is to be published under the direction of the academy of Berlin. It has been edited from the papyri of the seventeenth to twentieth dynasties. There is but little before that period to contribute to this edition; and, after that period, the acquaintance with the hieroglyphs of the Book of the dead was lost, and the chapters were written in the hieratic characters. The scribes copied mechanically, without understanding the signs they traced; and so the papyri in hieroglyphs, after the twentieth dynasty, are filled with errors. The most important papyri, which have been made the base of the present work, are those of London (9,900 and 9,964), of Paris (III. 1, III. 85, III. 93), and that of Mesemneter. These are all texts of the eighteenth

[ocr errors]

dynasty. Almost all the chapters of the Book of the dead, as published by Lepsius, have been found elsewhere, and forty-three chapters, hitherto unedited, have been added. The first volume will contain the text and all the variants of the vignettes, which often differ from those published by Lepsius. The second volume will contain the variants of the text. While the title, 'Book of the dead,' has been retained, Naville calls attention to the special name of the book in Egyptian, per em hrou,' and says, “I believe that it means departure from the day' ('sortie du jour'); that is, departure from his day. The Book of the dead contains expressions like the following: 'I have been delivered from the evil of those who are in their days,' or again, I have not blasphemed the King during his day,' where the variants are, during the continuance of his life.' To leave his day is not really to lose life or existence (life continues beyond the tomb), it is merely to be delivered from the period set for every terrestrial life, and to have neither. beginning nor end, - an existence without limits in time or space : hence the frequent addition to the expression, 'departure from the day,' of under all the forms which the deceased wishes'; that is, to become released from the limits of time and space. Whatever advantage there might have been in taking the Egyptian title, though imperfectly translated, yet I believe that now it is better not to break with usage, and to call the book Book of the dead' until Egyptologists agree upon a translation of the expression of 'per em hrou;' for which I propose 'departure from the day or from his day."" — (Revue egyptol., iv.) H. O. [1059


Land-system of the Franks.— H. Hahn sums up the conclusions of Dr. Schröder in his book entitled Die Franken und ihr recht.' He tells us how the writer takes a position opposed to that of von InamaSternegg, whose Wirthschaftsgeschichte we read with so much satisfaction a few years ago (1879). According to this new view, the freemen were distributed in strictly communistic village communities (dörfer mit strenger flurgemeinschaft), under the over-lordship (obereigenthum) of the kings. This, we are told, was the condition of things as late as the sixth century. After that time, the system of isolated farmsteads with private estates (einzelhof-system) was introduced very generally. According to von Inama-Sternegg, as the reader will remember, the einzelhof-system was the primitive system. We are quite at a loss to imagine upon what grounds this new theory can rest. It seemed to us that that of von Inama-Sternegg was well established by the testimony of the early records. We wonder, for example, how Dr. Schröder reconciles his theory with the statement of Tacitus in Germania 16: 'Colunt discreti ac diversi,' and with that other statement (Germ. 25), that the freemen had slaves set out upon the land like Roman coloni. We wonder, too, how he explains the references to private property in arable meadow, and even forest-land, in Lex salica, xxvii. And what did the freemen do with their slaves, if they lived in communistically organized villages? Slaves are mentioned in at least nine sections of the Lex salica. Then, we remember all the early formulae and documents in which landed property is described. How can Dr. Schröder do away with all this testimony? We must not, however, attempt to discuss, still less must we criticise, an argument of which we have seen only a very brief report. (Mitt. hist. litt., 1882, heft 3.) [1060

D. W. R.



Ohio meteorological bureau, Columbus.

Weather report for April. - The mean barometric height for the month of April, which was 30.009 inches for the state, was lower than any mean yet reported from this bureau. The maximum of 30.382 inches is also lower than that of any previous report. A lower minimum was reported for both January and March; so that the range is not so great as in previous months, being, in fact, less than any before given. The reports show no unusual atmospheric disturbance during the month.

In temperature the month was remarkable for the high point reached in many localities. The mean for the month, 48°.1, is above that of any other month included in the reports. A maximum as high as 90° was reached at Oberlin on the 14th; and the minimum for the state, which was 15°, was recorded at the same station on the 3d. Thus the thermometric range for the state, 75°, is reported from one station. This range is less, however, than any before published. The mean daily range, which was 210.5, was somewhat greater than that for previous months. The station at the State university, which in January reported the minimum daily range, returns the maximum for this month, it being 42°.8. The minimum daily range is reported from Wooster, at which station the most uniform temperature for twentyfour hours has been recorded for three months in succession. Notwithstanding the unusually high temperature on certain days of the month, on the whole it was slightly colder than the normal mean for April, which is about 50°.

In the amount of precipitation, the month fell somewhat below the average for April, which is about 3.5 inches. The average number of days on which rain or snow fell was almost exactly the same as in March, but the mean depth of fall was considerably greater. It will be remembered that the rainfall during February was largely in excess of the normal amount; and it will be noticed, that, since that month, less than the usual amount has fallen.

The prevailing direction of the wind during the month was from the south-west; and thunder-storms are reported as occurring on the 4th, 5th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 19th, 27th, and 28th.


Museum of comparative zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Recent additions. — The latest additions to the exhibition-rooms have been important, among them a fine skeleton of a fin-back whale, measuring over fifty-three feet in length. This skeleton, mounted by Ward, is suspended from the ceiling of the room devoted to mammals. The four skeletons of Moas, purchased for the museum at the Melbourne exhibition, have also arrived. They represent three genera and four species, and are probably, with the exception of those of the museum at Christchurch in New Zealand, the finest specimens discovered by Dr. Haast. The skeleton of Dinoruis maximus measures over nine feet in height. It has been placed temporarily in the African room till a proper case can be built for it in the bird-room.

The series of anthropoid apes purchased from Ward -the orang, chimpanzee, and gorilla - have also been placed on exhibition. The African, Indo-Asiatic, as well as the Australian faunal rooms are now open

to the public, although there are yet many blank spaces to be occupied.

The zoological collection is now so far arranged that the public can fairly estimate the advantages of the present distribution of limited exhibitions in comparatively small rooms devoted to special objects, as compared with the usual museum arrangement by which all the collections of an establishment are thrown open to visitors, without any attempt to select the more important or interesting objects, or to arrange them in an instructive manner.

As soon as the new geological and biological laboratories of the corner-piece are occupied, probably at the commencement of the next academic year, the same arrangement will be extended to the geological and paleontological collections.

The stalked crinoids of the Blake expedition. — The preliminary report of Mr. P. H. Carpenter on the stalked crinoids of the Blake (Bull. mus. comp. zool., x. iv.) shows how greatly our knowledge of these animals has been increased by the recent dredgingexpeditions. Not many years ago the specimens of Pentacrinus preserved in all the museums of the world could not have exceeded six or seven. Recently a few more specimens of a second species were collected at the Barbadoes; and the late Sir Wyville Thomson and Dr. William B. Carpenter had begun, with the help of this material, an extensive memoir intended to supplement the paper on Pentacrinus by Johannes Müller. But since the discovery of Rhizocrinus by the younger Sars, a number of genera and species of stalked crinoids have been dredged by the Norwegian, English, and American deep-sea explorers. With the exception of Rhizocrinus, however, none of the species were found in sufficient numbers to enable zoologists to study them by the modern methods. Fortunately the Blake brought back from the Caribbean Sea two species of Pentacrinus in great numbers, a good supply of Rhizocrinus, and a couple of Holopus, all of which were placed by Mr. Agassiz in the hands of the late Sir Wyville Thomson for study. Since his death, all this material collected by the Blake has been transferred to Mr. Carpenter, who will incorporate his results in the final report he is preparing on the same subject for the Challenger expedition.

We may thus expect, judging from the excellent work done by Mr. Carpenter among the crinoids, an exhaustive memoir on this ancient group of crinoids, based upon ample material. Thus far, however, the study of the soft parts does not seem to have been so fruitful of interesting results as had been anticipated.


The signal-service under Gen. Hazen has issued a bulletin containing several reports, of which the first is that of Mr. W. M. Beebe on the relief expedition of 1882 to Lady Franklin Bay. This, as is well known, failed in its object, owing to adverse conditions of ice, etc. The second report, by Lieut. J. S. Powell, is on the relief expedition to Point Barrow for the purpose of replenishing provisions, and replacing any disabled members of the party. The attempt was also made to determine the astronomical position of the station at Uglaämie, near Point Barrow.

Lieut. Powell's narrative is lively and entertaining, containing numerous notes on the climate, people, and characteristics of the region he visited. The work of the station was going on in a manner believed to be satisfactory. Over 90,000 magnetic observations had been made from December, 1881, to August, 1882, by Messrs. Murdoch and Smith, and coincident meteorological observations carried on. Under the supervision of Lieut. Ray, in command of the party, daily exercise had been enforced, and other precautions taken for the health of the party, which had continued good, though it was thought best to replace two of them by new men. The determinations of position and chronometer rates are presented in a voluminous appendix by Mr. Winslow Upton of the signal-service; but owing to bad weather and other causes they were so unsatisfactory as to be worthless, and might better have been omitted. Precautions have been taken to secure better results this season. The third report is that of Lieut. Ray, and gives a general account of the work of establishing the station; of a journey made by him during the winter toward the north-east, where a river was discovered which was named Meade River; of the arrival of vessels in the spring, the loss of the whaler North Star, and other matters. Little is said of the scientific work of the station, for the reason, frankly stated by the author of the report, of his entire inexperience in such matters, his duties being solely of an executive nature. The extraordinary statement which follows appears in the last paragraph of the report, and is, we have reason to believe, based upon an entire misconception, the 'hut' spoken of having nothing to do with the magnetic observations. "Lieut. Powell brought but one magnetic hut, and it is designed for pendulum observations. I shall put it up, and use it for the new magnetic instruments; but I cannot be responsible for the results, as it is nailed with iron nails throughout." If the above were permitted to stand unexplained or uncorrected, every person possessed of any knowledge of magnetics, who might read this report, could not fail to experience the liveliest apprehensions as to the results of such proceedings on the quality of the observations. We believe, however, that it is due to the extreme haste in which the report was necessarily prepared, and that the statement, as it is, results from a transposition or accidental misuse of terms, such as Mr. Richard Grant White has taught us to call heterophemy.' The pamphlet is illustrated with a track chart of the Neptune in Baffin's Bay in 1882, and appears as 'Signal-service notes, no. v.' In the endeavor of the chief signal-officer thus to preserve in permanent form scientific observations apart from their stated work, which may be made by members of his corps, he will have the hearty sympathy of the scientific public.

-The annual meeting of the members of the

Archaeological institute of America was held in Boston on the 19th ult., Prof. C. E. Norton, the president, in the chair.

The fourth annual report of the executive committee showed, that, since January, Mr. Bandelier has prosecuted his researches in New Mexico, steadily increasing the sum of knowledge concerning the number, the distribution, and the local peculiarities of the ancient Pueblos, and gradually accumulating the information upon which conclusions with respect to the mutual relations and the migrations of the various branches of the native stock, as well as to the limits of their civilization, may be safely based. In a letter dated San Juan, Arizona, April 9, Mr. Bandelier sketches the route which he proposes to follow, in order to trace the two streams into which he believes the main current of immigration to have been divided. First he will go, via Georgetown, to Chihuahua and Casas Grandes, returning to Tucson. The second route will be southward from Tucson, through Sonora, Sinoloa, etc., to the City of Mexico. From the latter place he will follow the route of Cortés to Vera Cruz, and along the coast to Monterey. In this way Mr. Bandelier will have studied the whole of Mexico north of the 19th parallel. Should Mr. Bandelier be able to accomplish this proposed journey during the present year, one of the most important objects of the institute in the investigations intrusted to him will have been attained. A general survey of the Pueblo settlements, from their northern limit as far as the City of Mexico, will have been made by a competent observer, and many points hitherto in doubt, not only in regard to the Indians, but also concerning the early Spanish discoveries and settlement of the country, will have been determined.

Allusion was made to the celebration of the 333d anniversary of the settlement of Santa Fé, to be held in that place in July; and it was stated that a second edition of Mr. Bandelier's report upon Pécos, which was issued by the institute in 1881, had been prepared to meet a demand which had already come from that section of the country. Unfortunately, Mr. Bandelier's report upon the work done by him in Mexico in 1881 still remains unprinted, though about onehalf is in type, owing to a lack of funds. Special contributions are solicited for this purpose. The report contains valuable information in regard to the great pyramid of Cholula, and the decorated houses of Mitla.

Work in Assos was stopped during January, but was resumed later, and the explorations pushed forward with energy in order to accomplish as much as possible before the expiration of the firman at the end of May. At that time nothing will remain to be done but to close the works, and divide the objects found with the Turks. Steps have been taken to obtain from the Turkish government the right to all

of the temple sculptures; and the Boston Museum of fine arts has appropriated two thousand dollars towards the purchase and transportation of antiquities, with the understanding that they shall become the property of the museum.

The different departments of the Assos work will be ably worked up by the several gentlemen in charge. The study and preparation of the inscriptions have been placed in charge of Dr. Sterrett, who has been connected during the past year with the school of classical studies which was established at Athens by the institute. The geology of the Troad will also be fully treated; and a large number of photographs of the site and the excavations, as well as of the objects found, has been made.

Mr. Clarke, in a letter dated April 4, gives an interesting account of recent finds, in the way of figurini (thirteen were found in one sarcophagus) glass, pottery, small bronzes, coins, etc. Besides this, excavations have been continued at the Agora, the west end of the Stoa, and on the fortifications. Moreover, Mr. Clarke has finished his second series of measurements of the temple, made with a heavy steel tape, which will be tested by some public standard to insure perfect accuracy in what will be one of the most important results of the expedition.

The second annual report of the committee of the American school of classical studies at Athens was presented as a part of the fourth annual report. From this it appears that the school has been successfully established, and carried through the first year of its existence, under the able management of Professor Goodwin. There have been seven regular members who have pursued definite subjects of investigations, the results of which will be embodied in theses which may be published in the bulletins of the school.

On Wednesday evenings, meetings have been held in the library, at which papers have been presented by the director or one of the members, and afterwards discussed; on Fridays, meetings were held for the study of Aeschylus and Thucydides; and on Saturdays, excursions were made to places of historic interest within easy reach of Athens.

During the year five colleges have joined the supporters of the school, the list of which now numbers fourteen; while several institutions which have been invited to join have not yet returned a definite answer. Next year Professor Packard of Yale will go out to take charge of the school, under the arrangement by which the supporting colleges send each year, in turn, a professor. The desirability of having a permanent official connected with the school is pointed out, and a strong appeal made for the creation of a special fund, which shall enable the committee to appoint such an officer.

After the reading of the report, a spirited and interesting account was given by Mr. Louis H. Aymé,

U. S. consul at Merida, Yucatan, of his investigations in Central America, and of his plans for future work.

The most important business transacted at the meeting was the appointment of a special committee of consultation, to consider what steps could be taken to create and maintain an interest in the work of the institute in New York. They will report to the executive committee with a view to the establishment of a permanent committee to take part in the management of the institute.

The necessity of making constant appeals to the public for funds to carry on the work of the institute has led the executive committee to the resolve not to undertake any new work for the present, unless the money needed should be voluntarily contributed. The work already begun will be finished during the year; and for this purpose at least four thousand dollars above the amount to be counted upon from the annual fees will be needed.

The election of officers of the institute for the coming year resulted in the choice of the old board, with the exception of Mr. W. R. Ware, whose resignation was accepted, and for whom Mr. Stephen Salisbury, jun., of Worcester, was substituted.

- The annual meeting of the Society of arts of the Massachusetts institute of technology was held at the institute May 10. Mr. George F. Swain was unanimously elected secretary of the society for the year beginning Oct. 1, 1883. The following-named gentlemen were elected as members of the executive committee for the ensuing year: Mr. Jacob A. Dresser, Hon. F. W. Lincoln, Mr. Howard A. Carson, Mr. Waldo O. Ross, and Mr. C. J. H. Woodbury. Professor William H. Niles made a report of the work of the permanent meteorological committee of the society since its appointment about a year ago. The committee was formed at the request of the chief signal-officer of the United States to co-operate with the signal-service as far as possible in a general way, and especially to become acquainted with the workings and requirements of the service at the Boston station with the view to suggesting directions for increasing, if possible, its value and efficiency. The committee has found in Sergeant Cole a thoroughly competent head to this station. By recommendations to the chief signal-officer, the committee has been able to effect a material gain in the way of increased reports received at Boston, in the use of more powerful signal-lights for warnings at night, and in some other particulars. The committee has taken under consideration certain other proposed changes relating to the utility of the station in the city, and of the associated display-stations. Professor Niles deplored the present unfortunate impairment of the work of the signal-service through the failure of Congress to make the necessary appropriations. The number of morning reports received

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