Imágenes de páginas

JAN. 13, 1831.]

Minister to Russia.

[H. of R.

burg was charged with duties of no unimportant charac- no disrespectful reflection on the gentleman, but we want ter. It was due, however, to candor to say, that, how- a man who can talk to the Autocrat, in reference to the ever it was desirable to proceed in every business with mutual interests of the two countries. Such a one do we despatch, the affairs were not of a nature to suffer detri- want at the court of Russia. The gentleman from Virment from a transient delay of prosecution, such as might ginia tells us that Mr. Randolph has done great services be expected to be constituted by the present absence of the minister.

to the country, that he is distinguished for his talents, and so forth. Well, let that pass. But it was not merely beAn erroneous impression, Mr. A. believed, had been cause a person had figured well on the floor of Congress, taken up, that the departure of Mr. Randolph from St. that he is to be selected as a minister. We want a man Petersburg had given occasion of dissatisfaction to that who can do the business of the country-who can present court. Mr. A. had seen the correspondence ensuing the himself before the Emperor, and tell him what we deem annunciation to the Russian Government of his intention to be the suitable relations between us. Is it merely beto be temporarily absent, and its grounds. The annun- cause Mr. Randolph has, in a certain fashion, distinguished ciation had been received in the best temper, and re- himself on the floor of Congress, that he has been selected sponded to in a spirit of the utmost courtesy and polite- as a minister? He [Mr. M.] believed, that he understood ness. But, whatever might be the character of the absence the character of Mr. Randolph as well as any man, and of the minister at St. Petersburg from his station, it fur-valued his talents about as high as any one; but here is a nished no colorable support, Mr. A. maintained, to the plain matter of business; and we want a man who will be present motion. It did not belong to the House to super- on the spot, and stand by our interests. He understood vise, in this mode, the demeanor of our diplomatic func- that the gentleman was in delicate health, and could not tionaries. This was the uncontested function of the stand the rough winter of a Muscovite climate. Well, we Executive. Were the intentions on this function war- want some one who can; and not a minister who is obliged ranted, could any man conceive the present a proper case to retreat from the inclemency of a Russian atmosphere, for it, and the ground alleged adequate? And, in the to the more congenial climate of France, and to leave the worst view, were we to suspend diplomatic relations with interests which have been entrusted to him in the hands Russia, because we were not entirely satisfied with the of a secretary. Something to this effect had been stated conduct of the functionary who had been deputed there? to us in the newspapers, as well as in the message. Mr. For that such would be the effect of the denial of the en- M. then referred to the clamor which was raised when tire appropriation, no one could contest. If we did not Mr. Rufus King was sent to England by the late adminislike the minister the Executive had selected, were we tration, because his state of health was such as to render therefore to determine we would have no minister, which it impossible for him to remain; yet we are now called on we could not have if we made no provision for the pay- to vote a salary for a minister who has merely made his ment of a minister? This was the simple question to be bow at court, and staid ten days, and then left the busidecided in the vote on the motion. It was a false infer-ness of his mission to a secretary; and we are told that the ence, that, because we had competence to determine the purposes of his mission were successfully fulfilled while continuance of a mission, we were invested with the same he remained there! If all which is required to be done, competence to determine the propriety of continuing a can be as well done by the secretary as by the minister, minister; or if we were invested with it, that we should let the minister remain in the United States, in the city of exercise such a competence on grounds that were inade- Washington, and let him do all by correspondence with quate, and in a form that would derogate from the dignity the secretary at St. Petersburg. Let the plenipo stay here, and communicate with his secretary there.

of the House.


These, Mr. A. said, were the explanatory observations doubt, if the Emperor can have his objects accomplished, he had to offer on the motion, and the grounds of it. The he will be satisfied with the minister we have sent him; House would do him the justice to acknowledge that he but we want one who will remain on the spot. If (he rehad been guilty of no deviation from the proper tone of peated) a secretary be sufficient to transact the business, explanation, nor indulged, in any degree, that spirit of let the plenipotentiary remain at home, and the secretary acrimony which had come to pervade all political discus-reside at the court of Russia.


sions among us, and had especially infused its venom into Mr. BURGES said, the present is, I believe, no unusual the subject of this. He should stand without excuse, if discussion. In the short term of my service in this hall, he exhibited participation in a spirit which, from whatever I have witnessed sitting after sitting of a Committee of source it sprang, or to whatever objects it was directed, the Whole House on the state of the Union, where the he was one of the loudest to condemn. quantum of salary, compared with the service of foreign Mr. MALLARY stated that there were some great con- ministers, was the subject of most stirring debate. siderations connected with this question, which demanded has the competency of this House to move such debate notice. He was not disposed to speak of the gentleman been questioned? Never, until the present sitting of this who holds the appointment of minister to Russia, as a gen- committee. If I am mistaken, I ask the chairman of the tleman from Virginia. He thought there were higher Committee on Foreign Relations to tell me when that considerations to be viewed. We well knew the influence question was made by the friends of the last administration. which the Autocrat exercises. He puts his foot on the The question is put to him, because of his proximity to neck of nine-tenths of the physical power of Europe: his the Executive Department, and because, if he will not thumb is on Kamschatka, his little finger touches the Al- give it a candid answer, such answer can be expected cutian islands; it is well known, also, that he feels, or pre- from no gentleman in this hall. tends to feel, great friendship for the United States. It What call, then, can, by any usage, be at this time is our duty to cultivate this feeling. We know our situa- made on this branch of the Government, to throw itself at tion is delicate, as regards the European Powers. What the very foot of Executive subserviency? Do the people is to be done? How are we to improve our condition? expect this from us? They have placed the national funds Not by confiding our affairs to persons who have no higher at our control, but with a full confidence in our fidelity qualifications than that they are gentlemen of Virginia. and diligence, and under no fear that we should unlock We want somebody at the court of Russia to hold inter- the treasury, unless paramount public interest call upon course with the Autocrat--to meet him face to face, not us to turn the key. We cannot do this merely because on bended knee--to be there on the spot, and honestly required to do it by cabinet ministers, or by the Execu to communicate our honest wishes. We do not wish a tive under their advisement. This House has ever claimed minister who is to be continually an absentee. He intended and exercised the right to deliberate, to debate, and,

H. OF R.]

Minister to Russia.

[JAN. 13, 1831.

"The right divine in man" to rule, "the enormous faith of many made for one," comprehends in its creed no permanent provision for any crafty sycophant to skulk and screen himself behind the throne, and play the little tyrant with security.

under a sound discretion of its own, to decide and deter- found in this message, sent to Congress by them, while mine all claims for appropriation, by whomsoever, or for they lie sheltered under the imposing name of the first whatsoever purpose they may have been made. If mis-dignitary of the nation. If the King can do no wrong, sions of minor importance were, in years past, questioned, thank God ministers may, even in these times, be made under the vigilance of a spirit of retrenchment, without accountable for the counsels which they have given him. a fellow in former times, may we not now--although that spirit has been touched, and put to sleep by the caduceus of the State Department-may we not call to our aid so much of the sober watchfulness of the best days of our republic as may enable us, with due diligence, to examine such a question of appropriation as this item of this bill That part of this message, from which we learn the has brought before us? It relates to no mission to an character of this mission to Russia, is all of it which now infant nation, or some inconsiderable State, but to our it concerns us to examine. Our foreign relations are a long established legation to a court among the most illus- branch of the Department of State; and this mission was trious of Europe, and involving relations pre-eminently contrived, and the account of it contained in the message, interesting to our country. Innovations relative to this has been given to us by the Secretary of that Department. distinguished mission do, above many others, place our The gentleman from North Carolina [Mr. CARSON] has national interests in jeopardy. Our relations with Russia read this account for one purpose-suffer me to read it have hitherto been cherished and sustained by a minister for another. plenipotentiary residing near that court-at that court, in the royal city of St. Petersburg, and within the political and social circle of the Emperor himself, the high dignitaries of his Government, and the diplomatic envoys of all the nations of Europe, and many of those of Asia.

"Our relations with Russia are of the most stable character. Respect for that empire, and confidence in its friendship towards the United States, have been so long entertained on our part, and so carefully cherished by the present Emperor and his illustrious predecessor, as to have become incorporated with the public sentiment of the United States."

What, then, is the question before the committee, under this item of appropriation? The gentleman from Ohio [Mr. STANBERY] has moved to strike from the bill the "I sincerely regret to inform you that our minister latenine thousand dollars proposed to be appropriated for ly commissioned to that court, on whose distinguished payment of the current year's salary to the gentleman talents and great experience in public affairs I place great said to have been despatched as minister to Russia. He reliance, has been compelled by extreme indisposition to has ably, though briefly, sustained his motion. I trust the exercise a privilege which, in consideration of the extent committee will indulge me in a few remarks on the same to which his constitution had been impaired in the public side of the question. service, was committed to his discretion, of leaving temThe item itself bears no mark distinguishing it from porarily his post for the advantage of a more genial cliothers of the same kind, or giving us any warrant for mate. rejecting this while those are allowed. We must look to "I have received the most satisfactory assurance that, other documents for information concerning this mission, in the mean time, the public interests in that quarter will and our obligations to furnish the money for supporting be preserved from prejudice, by the intercourse which he this minister at the court of St. Petersburg. The paper will continue, through the secretary of legation, with which I now take from the desk before me, contains that the Russian cabinet."

information. It purports to be the annual message from Am I not correct in saying that this fabric was wrought the President of the United States to Congress at the pre- in the Department of State? Who but Mr. Secretary Van sent session. It certainly bears his signature, and was Buren would have devised such a mission, or selected sent to this House by that high dignitary. Notwithstand-such a man to fill it, or caused such a printed paper to be ing these facts, the document must be received and con- sent to this House? We are told by it that our long estasidered entirely as the production of cabinet ministers. blished legation to Russia has been totally changed; and No literary gentleman in this hall--I mean no member that, in place of a permanently resident minister at that of this House-who reads and examines this communica- court, regardless of the public service, a mission has been tion, made to us so much at length, could, I think, say, invented to suit the talents, the health, habits, and disposiwithout hazard of their reputation, that he believes one tion of the distinguished individual for whom it was desentence of it was composed by the distinguished gentle-signed! By the very terms of this mission, this individual man whose name is placed at the end of it. This, sir, is is required to repair to Russia, but is authorized to leave not said for any purpose of derogation from the eminent that court, and that empire, whenever his health (and of official character of our First Magistrate, but for a very that he alone is the judge) may require it. Who but the different--a much more important purpose. Are gentle- Machiavelian politician at the head of the State Departmen aware of the extent of our importation of European ment would have advised the President to such a mission, politics? Have we not brought home, and put into use, or dared to place on a document, prepared to be sent to the high tory maxim of their monarchies, that the King this House, such a statement of its commencement, procan do no wrong? Was there ever a time in our country gress, and present condition? In what part of the conwhen the friends of any administration, other than the pre-stitution, or the laws of the United States, or of the usages sent, believed and practised this article of political faith of this Government, does he find any thing in support of with more unscrupulous devotion? The cabinet ministers the measure? It will not be hazarding very much to say of our Executive have taken artful counsel from this fact. that the House was never before this time called upon to As European ministers, being answerable with their heads pay such a salary for such services. for what the King, their master, may, from the throne, This distinguished minister to Russia is John Randolph. communicate to his Lords and Commons, will not suffer How does he understand the terms on which he agreed any speech, but of their own contriving, to be thus com- to embark on this mission? The course of conduct purmunicated; so, the adroit ministers of our cabinet, taking sued by him since his departure may give us some knowshelter under the Executive subserviency of the times, ledge on this point. We are left in nearly utter darkness have not only put upon the nation this message, but the by the Department of State concerning all the movements President, a man who, if he moved at all, always marched of this minister: for the message merely tells us that he straightforward to his object, they have betrayed into the has already taken benefit under the sinecure clause in his crooked counsels which may, by diligent examination, be charter of legation. He has left the court of our illustri

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JAN. 13, 1831.]

Minister to Russia.


[H. of R.

ous friend the Autocrat of all the Russias; but when, or presume, considered, that the representatives of the peofor what other region? Here the Secretary is cautiously ple have no other vocation but to vote the promised and silent. The chairman of the Committee on Foreign Re- required compensation. He certainly succeeded, even in lations has been equally so. committee either indoctrinate us into this great mystery at the court of Russia; and, therefore, it may be said. in Can any gentleman of this that short time, in rendering himself very distinguished of State, or give us the light of a single fact concerning giving equal celebrity to his country. He certainly gave the voyages and travels of this minister of ours, and let us voice to every tongue of rumor in both hemispheres. know whether he is now, moving or stationary? Where is His mission will hereafter be regarded as an era in our John Randolph? Where is our ambassador, for whose foreign relations; and the residence of Randolph at the public services Mr. Van Buren is calling upon us to pro- court of Russia will long be talked of as a phenomenon in vide a salary? We are told that he is not where he was diplomacy. For this we must give him the 9,000 dollars sent; and that he had permission to go thence when and demanded by the Secretary. whither he might choose; but whether he is, in pursuit of health, now basking in the sunshine of Naples, or, for a racter of a foreign minister? Just what he has done: What could such a man do for his country in the chalike purpose, traversing "the fog-wrapt island of Bri- which was very much like what each man in the nation of tain," we are left to learn from the same authentic docu-all parties, who knew him, must have expected he would ments from which the chairman of the Committee on do. Genius he certainly has; for he is original, and unlike Foreign Relations seems to have taken advice-rumor and all other men. the public papers. These have talked of his where- that eloquence is, like himself, sui generis. These have If you please, he is eloquent; but if so, abouts;" and, though, without giving daily bulletins of enabled him to perform what he has done; could they his health, habits, or motions; yet their right to speak, qualify him for the services of a great diplomatic minisand our right to hear, cannot be questioned, when those ter? Do not these require sound judgment, deep, extenwho know and could tell us the whole truth, persevere in sive, and regular thinking; laborious perseverance in a safe and cautious silence. business; and, above all, prudence, and vigilant circumspec

If we are left by the Secretary without knowledge of tion? In his thirty years' public service, where are the his movements or localities, we are equally uninstructed monuments of his political wisdom, and labors of patriotby him concerning the health of this ambassador. are merely told that he has already availed himself of his and this Russian residence will neither give the blush or We ism? They are all of a piece; of one uniform character, right, by the terms of his commission, to abandon the the palm to any other public transaction of this remarkable public service. In what state of health was he then, is man throughout his political life. he now, or probably will he be, at any future time? For, legislating on this subject, in what a luminous condition of State could not have contrived this legation, so difWith a perfect knowledge of this man, the Secretary this prescient Secretary has placed this House! We have ferent from all others, with any view to the public service. an equally distinct view of the past, the present, and the This man was sent out not to benefit the people abroad, future. Does any gentleman of this committee possess but to relieve the administration at home. The crafty the power to tell us whether John Randolph might now, Secretary had witnessed the political movements of this or ever can be required, by the terms of his legation, to eccentric man. return to the court of Russia? Is not this salary intended and visit his political hemisphere. He had seen it blaze He feared the comet might return again, to be given to him for the distinguished services already in perihelium— rendered at that court? If his health continue to require it, he has, we are told, the right to choose his place of Was it not prudent to remove this star of malign influence "With fear of change perplexing men in power." residence. What are, what have been, his own opinions, to another sky? It has been done; and the nation must concerning that health? You have all seen him walk into pay, not for a mission made for the advancement of their this House, and out of it, and must know his own opinions interests, but made to secure the political power of the concerning his own health. We have often heard him Secretary. pronounce his chronic complaint "a churchyard cough." In winter, "he should not live over corn planting;" in seed time, "he should die before harvest." years been travelling from New York to Liverpool, from He has for England to France, from America to Europe, and from Europe to America, in pursuit of health. Has he not, from all this, learned that neither time nor travel can bring back to age the bloom of youth, nor to infirmity the vigor of health? Were he, at this moment, to walk into this hall, wrapped from the floor to the eyes in flannel and remove it out of the way. fearnought, what would he tell you, sir, concerning his health? What of his intended residence in Russia? No, That empire is perhaps the most numerous in population, Our relations with that Government are truly important. sir, if he be the judge-(and who but he can be the judge and certainly the most extensive in territory, of any Power of his own health?) he will never again return to the on the globe. No nation of the old world, otherwise than court of the Czar. We are, therefore, directed and re-by colonies, approaches so near to us. quired, by the Secretary of State, to appropriate this vancing in civilization, wealth, and power, beyond any item of $9,000, for the salary of a public minister, who example in its former history. In the last controversy of This people is adhas been in the public service, at the place of his destined arms between Russia and the Ottoman empire, had not residence, not much more than a like number of days. He arrived at St. Petersburg, was presented to the Emperor, made his bow, or genuflexion, retired, and went to -England? France? Italy? or where? No mortal man, on this side the Atlantic, can inform us.

of high and important interest; and, therefore, we cannot
We have been told that our relations with Russia are
this salary, we shall defeat the mission.
dispense with this appropriation, because, if we refuse
sion, by which no public benefit was intended, and from
which none can be hoped, be recalled, it may be replaced
Should this mis-
by one of better purpose, and efficient character.
an obstruction in the "straightforward" path of our re-
lations with Russia, and we are laboring to abate, or to

It is

other Powers of Europe interposed a shielding hand, the moslem, after a dominion of more than four centuries in the fairest part of Europe, had been driven beyond the Bosphorus; and the Autocrat of Russia would have asDuring this nine days' residence, what services did he relations with such a Power must be important to the cended the throne of Constantine. At all times, our render to the American people? The Secretary is satis-American people. Are those relations taken care of now, fied; and we surely ought not to be anxious about this as heretofore they have been, and as now especially they great affair. We are told it is a matter exclusively within ought to be?

the competency of the Executive; and, therefore, it is, I Yes, sir, I say as now they should be. For now Europe

H. OF R.]

Minister to Russia.

[JAN. 13, 1831.

is convulsed, and agitated from the Mediterranean to the his hand there, have felt something on his face different Baltic. The flame of war is but just repressed. Troops from the eternal smile. Who is this secretary of legation? are called into the field, in almost every nation; and Rus- The protege of the minister, John Randolph Clay--a lad sia, in a kind of winter campaign, has sent out 200,000 of less, or certainly not more, than twenty-one years old; soldiers to her southwestern frontier, to look out on the undistinguished by talents, education, or employment; old battle fields of Belgium and France. In this condition without acquaintance with men, or things, or business; of Europe, do we not require an able, a diligent, a a youth to whom fame has not, nor have his friends, atresident minister at Russia? Withhold this appropria- tributed any thing extraordinary, either in possession or tion, abolish this sinecure legation, and this may be ef- promise; and with nothing but his surname to recommend fected. to public attention. I would not, I cannot speak in deroOne other fact in the history of our diplomacy renders gation of this youth; and all I would say is, that he must the residence of a skilful, faithful minister at that court, be utterly unqualified for the public station where he is at this time, above all others, indispensable. We learn placed. The service requires men; the nation has able from the Department of State, through the same medium, men--Herculean men. Why then hazard our interests, this message, that a treaty of amity and commerce has perhaps our peace, by placing the weight of empires on been negotiated between the United States and the Sub-the slender shoulders of boyhood? Let us strike out this lime Porte. The Secretary, with great candor, told us appropriation, that this sinecure, this state mission, may what this Turk had agreed to do for the christian, but be avoided; that the minister may return to his "constihe, with great caution, concealed what the christian had tuents," the Secretary to his studies; and that the Presiagreed to do for the Turk. This gentleman is as well dent may send a legation to Russia fit for the public service. persuaded as the French monarch was, that "he who As it will not be contended that this appropriation knows not how to dissemble, knows not how to rule." should be made, because the gentleman, who may take Rumor has run clean counter to Mr. Van Buren; for the benefit of it, is a native of Virginia, so may gentlemen though she often tells more than the truth, she never be assured that these remarks have no sectional origin; tells less. What have we learned from this witness? Why and I utterly disclaim any and all adversary feeling to truly that a secret article is contained in this treaty; and that distinguished commonwealth, her interests, and her this fact was, I believe, published in the newspapers be- citizens. I have spoken as one of the representatives of fore we received the message. It is said--it is believed, the American people; and as one coming from a part of that by this article the American people agree to furnish our common country which has done and will do as armed ships to the Sultan of Turkey, in his future wars much for the illustrious men of Virginia as any other part with christian nations. Do you believe, sir, that our of this nation. This appropriation is opposed because it envoy had left Constantinople before the Russian minister is intended to support a mission formed for purposes unat the port knew this fact? The very drogoman, by whom connected with the public interests, places our foreign your Mr. Rhind talked with Reis Effendi, would, for half relation in peril, and is without any justification in law, a plate full of piastres, have told the whole story to Count usage, or constitutional principle. Orloff; and sworn he was doing good service to the prophet, by betraying one christian dog to another. Sir, has friendship for the Russian empire been so cherished by the present sovereign, and his illustrious predecessor, Mr. B. said he felt the entire force of the duty to do so, that it has become a sentiment of the American people? and its obligations could not be lightly regarded. In a Is not this secret article a diplomatic fraud, not only on subject for grave legislation, involving considerations that that friendship, but, which it quite as much concerns us deserved to be well weighed, and in the calmest deliberato consider, upon that sovereign who has so generously tion, it might be hoped that faction and party would have cherished it I say nothing now of what may happen if paused in reflection. This hope was vain. The infusion the Turk should again war upon the Greek; or how it of party malignity had already embittered and discolored may comport with the republican principles of the Secre- the debate. Will gentlemen allow no moment of repose tary of State, when he shall call on this House to furnish to the inflamed and angry passions of political warfare? ships to that despot, thereby aiding him in bringing that Is discord to banish harmony from our councils, and conpeople again under his iron yoke. What shall we say to sign to party all the duties that belong to, and are involv the Emperor of Russia? Who shall make our explanation, ed in, the name of country? The tendency and effect of if we have any to make? It is probable that the news of these things cannot be mistaken or disguised. Obscure this treaty, and perhaps a copy of it, reached the court them as gentlemen may choose, the drift and intent of of St. Petersburg shortly after our minister left that city. discussions like this cannot be mistaken. The gentleman The shortness of his residence there; the suddenness of from Rhode Island has kindled his sensibilities, and indulged his departure; the intelligence of this secret article; the in those malevolent epithets that cloud the debate, and surintended sojourn of that minister, perhaps in England-render the judgment a victim to feeling. He asserts that perhaps in France; the attitudes of the nations of Europe, Executive influence controls the action of the House, by all giving dreadful note of preparation for war, must have declaring that subserviency to Executive will is far behad some tendency to place our relations with Russia on yond all past extent in the history of this country. Sir, a footing not the most firm and friendly. Does not sound if this be the dominant vice of the age, it carries alongpolicy--does not national good sense, call on the Ameri- side of it a countervailing antidote. The present times are can people to have an able minister at that court, and that, too, right speedily? Have we one there now? Under the mission for which this appropriation is to be made, are we likely soon, or ever, I do not say to have such a man there, but to have there any minister at all?

Mr. J. S. BARBOUR, of Virginia, said that he would briefly reply to the gentleman from Rhode Island, [Mr. BURGES.]

fruitful of unsparing hostility to the Executive. But, said Mr. B., the gentleman is entirely at fault. His assertion is a figment of the fancy, and has no foundation in reality. If there be any thing at this time more remarkable than all other things, it is the utter absence of Executive influIn answer to all these anxious forebodings, we are told, ence over the deliberations of this House as well as the that, in this absence of the minister, the secretary of lega-Senate. I think that I perceive and could trace the causes tion takes very special and satisfactory care of our rela- that produce this state of things; but it would be a protions at the court of St. Petersburg. If this were not too fitless pursuit, even if covered with the fullest success. It ludicrous, it must be received as a mere mockery of the is, however, a fact, as singular as it is true, that a PresiAmerican people. When this paragraph came from under dent of the United States, holding in full and sure posseshis pen, Mr. Secretary Van Buren must, if he had placed sion a larger share of popular affection than the most of

JAN. 13, 1831.]

Minister to Russia.

[H. OF R.

his predecessors, finds that most of his prominent recom-united with as gallant and devoted a band of patriots as mendations to Congress have been neglected. Invested as ever combated oppression in the Senate, or withstood it he is with the strongest evidences of popular regard, all in the field, overthrew that party to which the gentlehis more prominent recommendations have perished by man from Rhode Island belonged. In that great struggle inertion or rejection. This may present a question between between liberty and power, Mr. Randolph was true to the constituent body and their agents, of which I mean to the people. His matchless genius was exerted in favor of give no opinion. Those to whom the public weal has been popular freedom--and this is his crime. His claims to entrusted, have, doubtless, acted upon their own views of public gratitude would be but a transcript of the records right and wrong. But this fact alone repels the ill-founded insinuation of subserviency to Executive behests.

of the age in which he lived. No vituperation can sully his renown. History will record--justice will be done. It has likewise been intimated from the same quarter, His reputation will be cherished by the present generation with a grace neither becoming nor decorous, that we are of men, and it will pass to posterity. The gentleman has called on to vote a salary to the American minister at the been pleased to notice the secretary to the Russian legacourt of St. Petersburg, because he is a Virginian. Now, tion, and has applied to him some of those epithets he has sir, my worthy colleague, who sits before me, [Mr. AR- always at command. It is enough, in reply, to say, that CHER, used no language, employed no expression, that those to whom the constitution has confided the power force and ingenuity united could torture into such meaning. and the duty to judge of his fitness and abilities, have no Vindication against such a charge is entirely unnecessary, doubt discharged that office; and their decision, it is preas it regards the State or the ambassador in question. The sumed, may be safely trusted. But, says the gentleman, character of that ancient commonwealth, as well as he is "a boy, a beardless boy." That epithet implies an that of her distinguished son, constitute an impregnable objection that is now out of time, for the Senate yesterfortress, that frowns on and defies the assault--a cha- day clothed him with the toga virilis, by confirming his racter that is not the fruit of a summer's day, but has been nomination. But, after all, what reason can be assigned dearly earned, in an age crowded with events that are why this House, acting as a moral agent, and influenced at the same time appalling, and sacred to the best and by those considerations which have moral weight, what highest interests of humanity. When my colleague ad-sound and valid reason, I repeat, can be assigned for verted to the genius and services of Mr. Randolph, he withholding this salary? The President appointed the remarked that Virginia had illustrated the distinction of minister to Russia, and the Senate, as is known, confirmed her partialities in that uncommon confidence which was the nomination, not only without the show of serious opreposed in his virtues and his talents. And this is all position, but with a promptitude that indicated no wish he said relating to Virginia. I will take leave, too, to say, for opposition. The minister accepts the office, repairs that such confidence, so dearly earned, so fully possessed, to the theatre of its duties, and executes them. and so merited, "is praise enough to fill the ambition of a frailty of his constitution rendering ill health possible, he common man," ay, sir, of any man, be he whom he may. asked and obtained permission, if overtaken by disease, to I pass, said Mr. B., from this insinuation to another, seek a more genial clime. It was conceded to him with fraught with equal injustice. The member from Rhode perfect coherence to usage, propriety, and humanity. Island more than intimates that the State in which I live He had fulfilled his undertaking to the letter, fairly, fully, was to be conciliated by this appointment. If, in this thoroughly; and I demand, will the Government meanly Union, or on this globe of earth, there be a State or em- violate its contract, and refuse the payment of the salary? pire beyond the reach of such vile seductions, it is the State on whom this tart reproach is cast. Virginia has her principles, perhaps peculiar, and these she prizes above the temptations and treasures of earth. For she believes that with the maintenance of these is inseparably wrapt up the happiness and the freedom of the community. In support of this class of principles, she claims to stand foremost in the field of contest; "and this is the head and front of her offending." I speak with justifiable confidence when I say, that, in these times, neither Virginia nor her citizens wished the honors of this Government. It is not true in any case that high offices were sought after or obtained by any of her sons through unworthy means.


The discussion of the foreign relations of the country have been obtruded into this debate. Matters of delicate and touching interest, still pending between this Government and others, have been drawn in, as if they were proper topics for discussion. Of such matters, said Mr. B., I claim to know nothing, except that their present introduction is unparliamentary, and discourteous to the organs charged with our foreign concerns. Whenever these subjects shall become proper topics of debate, my colleague, [Mr. ARCHER,] whose position in these affairs will then require and justify his speaking, will doubtless supply the just calls that may be made upon him. I have thus far, Mr. Speaker, treated this question, in reply only to what has been urged on the other side. In It was said on a former but appropriate occasion, by this respect it is a subject important enough to engage Mr. Randolph, "that his feet had never been soiled by your best deliberations. I beg leave now to address a the dust of the anti-chambers." He had been the light few words in a different view of the question. If it be and the ornament of this House and the Senate, in times important in its personal and party aspect, that importwhen friends and foes guided the destinies of this country. ance dwindles into insignificance when we regard it in He had never bent his knee where his heart owed no re-reference to our constitutional powers. I mean in relation spect. We are arrogantly called on by the gentleman to the distribution of power among the several departfrom Rhode Island to point to the monuments of past ser-ments of the Government. It is here that it swells into vice that Mr. Randolph has left behind him. Sir, it was vast magnitude, and demands the most mature reflection. once said of a patriot, a soldier, and a statesman, whose Upon a proper subject, and at an appropriate time, deeds of renown are beyond the reach of praise or dis- none can deny to this House the rightful power to interpraise, that his monument was erected in the hearts of pose its will between the public interests and the march his countrymen. Profiting by this figure, I beg leave to of folly and wickedness in a mad and faithless administrasay that Mr. Randolph has left with us one monument of tion. Whenever, in such cases, Congress is called on to his great services. It rests in the heart of the gentleman grant appropriations, I am not willing to concede that it from Rhode Island. Rising out of it to full view in this possesses a mere instrumental agency, while all deliberadebate, it is now seen sparkling in the glitter of his fancy, tive will is drawn to other departments. No, sir, no! But and now casting its malignant shadow over those services this is not the creation of a new mission. It is not a prowhich justice and history have already consecrated to spective matter. The thing is done, and beyond our conpatriotism and to glory. Mr. Randolph's great exertions, trol. The embassy itself is not objected to; the mission VOL. VII.-32

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