These herds, a widow's little all; XXVI Earnest the right-hand Stranger pleads, XXVII -"Unmannered dog! To stop my sport Again he winds his bugle-horn, "Hark forward, forward, holla, ho!" And through the herd, in ruthless scorn, He cheers his furious hounds to go. XXIX In heaps the throttled victims fall; Down sinks their mangled herdsman near; The murderous cries the stag appal,Again he starts, new-nerved by fear. XXX With blood besmeared, and white with foam, The humble hermit's hallowed bower.h XXXI But man, and horse, and horn, and hound, Fast rattling on his traces go; The sacred chapel rung around With, "Hark away; and, holla, ho!" XXXII All mild, amid the rout profane, The holy hermit poured his prayer;"Forbear with blood God's house to stain; Revere his altar, and forbear! XXXIII "The meanest brute has rights to plead, g First edition : "Nor prayer nor pity Walter heeds." h First edition: "hut obscure." XXXIV Still the Fair Horseman anxious pleads; The Black, wild whooping, points the prey:Alas! the Earl no warning heeds, But frantic keeps the forward way. XXXV "Holy or not, or right or wrong, Thy altar, and its rites, I spurn; Not sainted martyrs' sacred song, Not God himself, shall make me turn!" XXXVI He spurs his horse, he winds his horn, XXXVII And horse, and man, and horn, and hound, XXXVIII Wild gazed the affrighted Earl around; XXXIX He listens for his trusty hounds; XL Still dark and darker frown the shades,i XLI High o'er the sinner's humbled head XLII Oppressor of creation fair! Apostate Spirits' hardened tool! Scorner of God! Scourge of the poor! i First edition: "round it spreads." XLIII "Be chased for ever through the wood, XLIV "Twas hushed: One flash, of sombre glare, XLV Cold poured the sweat in freezing rill; Brought storm and tempest on its wing. XLVI Earth heard the call;-Her entrails rend;j XLVII What ghastly Huntsman next arose, XLVIII The Wildgrave flies o'er bush and thorn, XLIX With wild despair's reverted eye, Close, close behind, he marks the throng, With bloody fangs, and eager cry;- L Still, still shall last the dreadful chase,k j First edition : "The earth is rocked, it quakes, it rends." k First edition : "Still shall the dreadful chase endure, Till time itself shall have an end; LI This is the horn, the hound, and horse, LII The wakeful priest oft drops a tear WILLIAM AND HELEN. IN the preface to the edition published anonymously in 1796, Sir Walter Scott says:-"The first two lines of the fortyseventh stanza, descriptive of the speed of the lovers, may perhaps bring to the recollection of many a passage extremely similar, in a translation of "Leonora," which first appeared in the "Monthly Magazine."a In justice to himself, the translator thinks it his duty to acknowledge that his curiosity was first attracted to this truly romantic story, by a gentleman, who, having heard "Leonora" once read in manuscript, could only recollect the general outlines, and part of a couplet which, from the singularity of its structure and frequent recurrence, had remained impressed upon his memory. If, from despair of rendering the passage so happily, the property of another has been invaded, the translator makes the only atonement now in his power, by restoring it thus publicly to the rightful owner. For the information of those to whom such obsolete expressions may be less familiar, it may be noticed that the word serf, means a vassal; and that to busk and boune, is to dress and prepare one's self for a journey. I FROM heavy dreams fair Helen rose 66 And eyed the dawning red: "Alas, my love, thou tarriest long! O art thou false or dead ?” II With gallant Frederick's princely power He sought the bold Crusade; But not a word from Judah's wars Told Helen how he sped. III With Paynim and with Saracen a This was done by Mr. William Taylor, of Norwich. And every knight returned to dry IV Our gallant host was homeward bound With many a song of joy; Green waved the laurel in each plume, The badge of victory. And old and young, and sire and son, To meet them crowd the way, With shouts, and mirth, and melody, The debt of love to pay. VI Full many a maid her true love met, VII Nor joy nor smile for Helen sad; VIII The martial band is passed and gone; IX "O, rise, my child," her mother said, "Nor sorrow thus in vain; A perjured lover's fleeting heart X "O mother, what is gone, is gone, Death, death alone can comfort me; ་ XI "O break, my heart, O break at once! XII "O enter not in judgment, Lord!" The pious mother prays; 'Impute not guilt to thy frail child! She knows not what she says, |