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The JOURNAL of the




(For index see page 432)





The Torch



HE God of the Great Endeavour gave me a torch to bear.

I lifted it high above me in the dark and murky air

And straightway with loud hosannas the crowd acclaimed its light
And followed me as I carried my torch thro' the starless night;
Till mad with the people's praises and drunken with vanity

I forgot 'twas the torch that drew them and fancied they followed me.

But slowly my arm grew weary upholding the shining locd
And my tired feet went stumbling over the hilly road

And I fell with the torch beneath me. In a moment the flame was out!
Then lo, from the throng a stripling sprang forth with a mighty shout,

Caught up the torch as it smouldered and lifted it high again
Till fanned by the winds of heaven it fired the souls of men!
And as I lay in darkness, the feet of the trampling crowd
Passed over and far beyond me, its peans proclaimed aloud,
While I learned, in the deepening shadows, this glorious verity:
'Tis the torch that the people follow whoever the bearer be!

[From the New England Magazine, Volume 34, March-August, 1906, page 347.]

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January, 1923

Three Weeks at

F many delightful vacations, none has been more enjoyable than the summer spent in the British Isles. I arrived in England the first of July, and after a month of intensive sightseeing, came at last to restful Cambridge, in time for the Summer Meeting, which begins the last of July, and continues for three weeks. It is in two parts and a member is allowed to take either the first or second part, or both. The Meeting resembles very closely the Extension Work done by our Universities. Lecture Courses are given in the English towns throughout the winter and the Summer Meeting at Cambridge continues the same type of work. Teachers traveling in England will find it most agreeable to stop at Cambridge for a part of the course at least, or if enough interested in the work and the lovely. surroundings, would enjoy three weeks there immensely.1

Medieval and Modern Italy was the main subject of the lectures this year, and the Duke of Aosta, brother of the


music, and its great men in religious and civil life were presented by speakers who, for the most part, have attained prominence as scholars and lecturers.

King of Italy, came to England to open THIS is King's Chapel, Cambridge, the Meeting. Every phase of the life of this most interesting country was developed its history, its art, architecture,

Prepared for THE JOURNAL by Miss Ellen L. Corbett, Washington, D. C.

American teachers are encouraged to attend the summer meetings at Cambridge. The big summer meeting of 1923 will be at Oxford, using the subject "Universities of the World," while Cambridge will give a course in Geography. In 1924 the big meeting will be at Cambridge on the subject of "India." Full information may be had by writing to Dr. David H. S. Cranage, Syndicate Buildings, Cambridge, England, director of the summer meeting.

as one sees it from the beautiful cloistered green. Below is the river Cam, with which the name "Cambridge"

is associated.

The other courses, also highly interesting, were on Government Control in Industry; Psychology of Religion; Beginning and Advanced Italian. Three lectures were given in the morning, two in the afternoon, and an art or music lecture in the evening-a pleasing arrangement. For the small fee of about

seven dollars a teacher could take the whole course and attend any or all the lectures, a reduction being made tor attendance at only half the Meeting.:

The work of the Meeting is cultural. entirely, no examination being given and no credit allowed. One is treated as a real "grown-up" and left to enjoy the course in his own way.

My living quarters in Peile Hall were most agreeable. Newnham College, where the women students of the winter session live, is a large modern brick structure built around an enormous court. Peile Hall-one section of the college, accommodating about sixty students-was opened to the women members of the Summer Meeting. I was one of the three Americans fortunate enough to be lodged there. In fact, the clerk of the Summer Meeting told me that they made a point of so locating American students as to enable them to get a little of the atmosphere of English college life.

My room, a bright, sunny and comfortably furnished one, looked out on the court of which I have spoken. It was a lovely garden filled with roses and old-fashioned flowers of many kinds. At one end, in the center, is a white stone memorial seat, placed on a round elevation three or four feet high, the edges of which were covered with exquisite pink and red ramblers. From this point, paths lead through flowering shrubs and trees to a sunken garden, in the center of which bubbled a little fountain surrounded by water lilies. In the four corners of this sunken

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garden were dainty rose bushes and on two of its upper edges were hedges of American-Beauty roses banked with lavender. On entering the court through the huge iron gates one was moved by the exquisite beauty of this flower arrangement and, the senses were further charmed by their fragrance. The birds, too, seemed to love this spot, for thrushes, as numerous as our robins, have chosen it for their playground. Another end of the grounds is devoted to tehnis and contains several courts and nearby are hammocks and a little. -summer house where one may rest and read.

Aside from the pleasure of the surroundings and the interest of the lectures, a series of college visits was arranged. There are about fifteen or sixteen colleges in Cambridge University, each consisting of a group of buildings and each having its own chapel. The oldest, oldest, architecturally most beautiful, and most historic of these were grouped in four tours, and parties of about ten arranged. Quaint and historic old colleges, chapels, cloisters, gateways, and fountains; exquisitely-carved choir stalls, beautiful stained glass windows, some by Burne-Jones, libraries with ancient books and manuscripts, and wonderful Fellows' gardens, with little lakes and swimming pools, abounding in bright-colored flowers and magnificent old trees, give a charm to this university which cannot be surpassed. Combination rooms used by the Fellows and filled with rare old mahogany furniture, handcarved paneled dining halls, with portraits of famous graduates and benefactors some by Gainsborough and Reynolds-added interest. A special tour was planned to the Pepysian Library, bequeathed to Magdalene College by the author of Pepy's Diary, the original of which is shown, as are several other rare old books.

Still other delightful features were planned. Organ recitals, one or two each week were given in the chapels; Chancellor and Mrs. Pearce entertained the summer students at an evening garden party at Corpus Christi Lodge; and one afternoon Sir Charles and Lady Walston entertained us with lovely music and a program of æsthetic dancing at a garden party at their country home.

The "Backs" of the Colleges must not be forgotten. Here, indeed, is one of the loveliest sights in England. Green lawns slope down to the river Cam, on which boating and punting are favorite sports. Here university men with their

brilliantly colored blazers give a pleasing touch to the picture. The lawns. continue a hundred yards beyond the Cam and there graveled walks find their way through magnificent old trees to a public driveway. A pleasant afternoon may be spent rowing up this stream,

January, 1923

bordered on one side with flowers and
on the other with ancient buildings.
At four o'clock many boats will be found
anchored at the banks while the oc-
cupants have tea, for everyone has tea,
either at home, in a tea room, or by in-
vitation in the town.

The Mississippi Education


Executive Secretary of the Mississippi Education Association,
Jackson, Mississippi

HE HISTORY of the Mississippi


Education Association (called Mississippi Teachers' Association until recently) is a splendid example of what may be accomplished by persevering effort in the face of all sorts of obstacles and difficulties.

The Association was organized at Jackson in 1838, and met regularly for several years. There were no State controlled colleges in Mississippi at that time, and there was no public-school system. The institution of slavery, of course, existed. There were no cities and few towns. The only education offered within the State was that provided by a few private schools and academies. The wealthy planters and slave holders usually sent their children to eastern universities.

Under these conditions it can easily be imagined that the State Teachers' Association was a small affair, and had little influence in shaping educational thought. The annual gatherings were small, and there was no constructive program. Naturally the organization was soon abandoned.

The Association was reorganized in 1866, and held an important assembly in 1867. What was accomplished by this reorganization and the subsequent assembly is unknown, as there are practically no records of the assembly of 1867. It is safe to assume that the discussions turned largely along the lines of the new conditions brought about by the Civil War, the destruction of slavery, the prospective enfranchisement of the negro, and the like.

There was not another meeting of the Association until 1877, and from this date until 1885 the organization met irregularly. In speaking of this period a well-known educator says, "The key note in every assembly of the teachers

was an insistent and wider proclamation of education as the chief need and sole hope of the despoiled and impoverished State. Prejudice against the public schools must be removed, and they must be adapted to whites and to blacks, and so taught that every child in the State might be assured that through integrity, intelligence, and industry the way to prosperity was yet open to all."

In 1885 came a new era for the Mississippi Teachers' Association and for public education in Mississippi. The Association was reorganized in that year, and has had a continuous existence since that date. In speaking of the period following period following 1885, Dr. Dabney Libscomb, the Dean of the living expresidents of the Association, says, "Taking 1885 to 1922 as the measure of active life of both the public schools and the State Teachers' Association, it is easy to see their connection; and yet it may surprise some to learn that almost every step in the progress of education during these years has been foreshadowed by discussion and resolution in the State Teachers' Association, followed generally by appeals to the public, to the trustees, and to the legislature to make effective the proposals by petition, legislation, and appropriation."

During the time covered by this period, there have been three distinct phases in the growth of the Association. The first of these was from 1885 to 1905; the second from 1905 to 1918, and the third from 1918 to the present time.

From 1885 to 1905 the annual conventions were held either during the Christmas holidays or during the summer vacation. Neither time was satisfactory, and the attendance was usually quite small. No membership fee was collected, and the expenses of the annual

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Vol. 12, No. 1


meeting were usually cared for by contributions among the delegates. If the proceedings were published at all, the expense was borne by the State Department of Education.

The tremendous accomplishments of the Association through this period were out of all proportion to its membership, furnishing the strongest possible evidence of the skill and devotion of the educational leaders of the period. Uniform examinations for teachers were provided; a system of county institutes


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EW PROPERTY PURCHASED BY NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION-This double brick building and a double frame building, the edge of which is shown at the right, have recently been purchased by the Association for $55,000. As soon as these two buildings can be vacated by their present occupants they will give the Association additional room for its expanding activities. Even more important still they will afford a building site later when the Association's work has so grown as to demand a modern addition to the present excellent building, purchased in 1919 for $98,000. The Association is to be congratulated upon having obtained this site before it was seized by the real estate interests which are erecting many large apartment buildings in the neighborhood. Two large buildings are now under construction in the block where the Association is located. Another large building is being built across the street and the Walker Hotel-which proposes to be one of the largest and best in the city-is being erected only two blocks away.


was adopted providing for general sessions and sectional meetings. The Association was at last a real professional organization. Through this period from 1905 to 1918 the annual conventions were largely attended, and a great deal of constructive work of far-reaching importance was accomplished. It would not be interesting to readers of this article to detail the forward movements in public education in Mississippi during this period. It is sufficient to say that some study or investigation by the Association, some resolution or discussion in the organization furnished the point of beginning for practically every forward-looking, constructive movement.

The year 1918 is a landmark in the development of the Mississippi Teachers' Association, chiefly from the fact that it marks a large increase in membership enrolment. The enrolment increased from 1000 to 5000. This remarkable increase in enrolment followed by another substantial increase in 1919 made possible a Statewide campaign for better salaries for teachers. In this campaign the teachers were aided by the business men, and remarkable results were obtained both in increasing salaries and securing better teaching conditions. This increased enrolment also paved the way for the final step in development of the organization. This consisted of the establishment of a headquarters' office in the Capitol of the State, the employment of a full-time executive secretary, and the purchase of the Educational Advance. This was done prior to June 1, 1921. We are now on our second year of operation under this system, and up to this time most gratifying results have been obtained. With an official organ owned and published by the Association, with an executive secretary giving his full time to the organization, we feel that the time has come when the teachers of the State shall become real leaders, and through their powerful organization they may direct a constructive program of education.

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