Imágenes de páginas

Continent, Tours on the :-

Journal of Dorothy Words-
worth (1820), iii. 1; extracts
from, 3-46, 63, 65, 326.
Journal of Mrs. Wordsworth,

(1820), iii. 1, 49, 65; Journal
of tour in Holland (1823), 80-

Series of Poems by Wordsworth

on, iii. 1, 49, 326.

Convention of Cintra, The, pamphlet
on, ii. 121, 126-143; historical facts
of, 127; letter to Wrangham as to,
127; pamphlet published, 128;
opinions of Southey, Coleridge,
Lamb, and Canning, 128; extracts
from letters of Wordsworth to
editor of Courier, 129-133; 261,

Cooksons of Forncett, their marriage,
i. 49; birth of their child, 53.
Corn Law Rhymes, iii. 259.
Cornwall, Barry, tragedy by, iii. 63.
Copyright law, letter of Words-

worth to Crabb Robinson as to,
iii. 300; letters to Henry Reed as
to, 306, 313; speech by Serjeant
Talfourd in the House of Com-
mons as to, 319; petition of Words-
worth to the House of Commons
on the subject, 320-323; petition
by Carlyle, 323-325; letter of
Talfourd to Wordsworth, 325;
letter to Rowan Hamilton as to,
326; letter of Talfourd as to second
reading of Bill, 328; letter of
Wordsworth to W. E. Gladstone as
to, 328; reply thereto, 329; letters
of Wordsworth to F. Pollock,
Travers Twiss, Lieut.-Gen. Sir
William Gomm, 330; R. M. Milnes
and F. Lloyd, 331; Crabb Robin-
son, 332; Talfourd, 333; E. Hors-
man, 334; Sir R. H. Inglis, 335;
Talfourd, 336-338; W. E. Glad-
stone, 339, and reply, 340; Tal-
fourd, 341-352; Lord Mahon, 352;
letter of unknown correspondent,
354; letters to Moxon as to, 363,

Cottle, Joseph, Early Recollections of
Coleridge, etc., by, i. 112; visits
Stowey, 120; letters from Coleridge
to, 123; negotiations as to publica-
tion of Lyrical Ballads, 152; corre-
spondence with, 153; introduc-
tion to Wordsworth, 157; Remi-
niscences, 156-160; visit to Words-
worth, 195; letters of Wordsworth
to, 196; as to Lyrical Ballads, ii. 1;
letter of Wordsworth to, as to
second edition of Lyrical Ballads,
3; letter to, as to request for verses,
iii. 190; letter of, to Wordsworth
on death of Dora, 474.
Cotton's Winter, ii. 197.
Cowley, ii. 324.

Cowper, i. 402; ii. 220; Sonnet to
Romney, iii. 259.
Crabbe, iii. 305, 376.
Cradock, Dr., i. 33, 372.

Cuckoo, The, ii. 195; letter to Mr.
Field as to change in text of, iii.
154, 155.

Cuckoo and Nightingale, of Chaucer,
i. 282, 302; iii. 402.

Daffodils, The, ii. 92, 95, 214.
Daisy, The, allusion to John Words-
worth, i. 371; ii. 95.

Daniel in the lions' den, sonnet on

Rubens' picture of, iii. 205; ex-
tract from Crabb Robinson's diary
as to, 205.

Dante, ii. 67, 324; iii. 92.
Davy, Sir Humphry, Coleridge's
letters to, i. 221, 229; iii. 211.

Mrs., iii. 243; reminiscences of
later years at Rydal, 441, 442,
458-460; letter of, to Mrs. Graves
as to last illness and death of
Wordsworth, 488.
Dejection, An Ode, by Coleridge, ii.
86, 164.

De Morgan, Augustus, extract from
Budget of Paradoxes as to Words-
worth and Byron, iii. 228.
Departure, Our, i. 322, 329.

De Quincey, description of Mrs.
Wordsworth, i. 337; letter from,

as to Convention of Cintra, ii. 133,
136; tenant of Dove Cottage, 151;
account of introduction to John
Wilson, 159, 202; Poets of the Lake
Country, 202, 272, 284, 303; iii.

Descartes On Method, i. 6.
Description of the Scenery of the
English Lakes, ii. 153, 155-158;
paper by Stopford Brooke on, 158;
letter of Wordsworth to Lady
Beaumont as to, 158.

Descriptive Sketches, published, i. 46;
59, 68, 92; ii. 239.

De Vere, Aubrey, i. 5, 258; letter of
Rowan Hamilton to, as to Cole-
ridge and Wordsworth, iii. 210;
letter of, to Rowan Hamilton, 230,
correspondence between
Rowan Hamilton and, 252-254;
letter of, to Moxon as to proposed
volume of selections by, 405.
Dewey, Rev. Orville, account of an
interview with Wordsworth from
The Old World and the New by,
iii. 237-242.

Dichtung und Wahrheit, ii. 202.
Digby, Kenelm, iii. 188.
"Dishonoured Rock and Ruin," a

sonnet, iii. 165, 208.

Dix, John, extract from Pen and Ink
Sketches of Poets, etc., by, iii. 265.
Dockray, Benjamin, letter of Words-
worth to, as to slavery, iii. 397.
Donne's sonnet, "Death be not
proud,” iii. 231.

Dove Cottage, i. 200, 208; life at,
255; removed from, to Coleorton
farm-house, ii. 52; tenanted by
De Quincey, 151.

Dove and Mouse, story of, i. 289.
Drummond, Mrs., ii. 17; letter to,

as to Dorothy Wordsworth, iii.

Dryden, letter of Wordsworth to Sir
Walter Scott on, ii. 26; transla-
tion of Virgil by, 296-301, 319.
Duchess of Devonshire, i. 214.
Duddon, The River, a series of son-
nets, ii. 153; iii. 45, 52, 359.

Dyce, Alex., iii. 189; letters to,

Dyer's Ruins of Rome, ii. 324.

Ecclesiastical Sonnets, allusion to W.'s
mother in, i. 19; some written at
Coleorton, iii. 55; letter of Southey
to Townsend as to, 55; letter of
Wordsworth to Sharp on, 62;
with the exception of the tragedy
the least successful of Words-
worth's efforts, 62; 314.

Edgeworth, F. B., letter of Words-
worth to Sir W. Rowan Hamil-
ton as to style of, iii. 159;
visit of Wordsworth to, 165, 170,

Education, Wordsworth's views of,
and its methods, ii. 376-396; ad-
dress at Bowness on, 397.
Elegiac musings, iii. 186.
Emerson, iii. 312.

Emigrant Mother, The, i. 300; letter
to Mr. Field as to change in text,
iii. 153.
Envy, iii. 459.
Epitaph, i. 289, 384.

Epitaphs translated from Chiabrera,
ii. 122; iii. 267.

Essay upon Epitaphs, ii. 122; letter
of Dorothy Wordsworth as to,

122; letter from Charles Lamb to
Wordsworth as to, 152; iii. 327.
Esthwaite Water, i. 27, 38; ii. 357.
Evening Star over Grasmere Water,
i. 389.

Evening Voluntaries, i. 23; iii. 230,

Evening Walk, i. 42; dedicated and
published, 44, 46, 68; Dorothy's
objections to, 81, 92; ii. 239.
Examiner, The, iii. 249, 364.
Excursion, The, joy of youth in
the presence of Nature, i. 30,
59; published, ii. 226; reviewed
by Hazlitt in Examiner, 228;
by Lamb in Quarterly, 228;
extracts from Crabb Robinson's
diary as to, 227-231; review
in Edinburgh Review, 230, 232;


letter of Southey to Bernard
Barton on, 231; letter of Southey
to Sir Walter Scott on Edinburgh
Review notice of, 232; letter of
Southey to C. H. Townsend on,
232; letter of Charles Lamb to
Wordsworth on receiving copy of,
233; another as to his review in
Quarterly, 235; letter of Words-
worth to Poole as to, 248; Cole-
ridge disappointed with, 256-260;
the residence of "the Solitary,'
284; iii. 52, 95, 106; letter to Mr.
Field as to change in text, 155,
168, 234, 315, 327; Landor and,
359; letter of Wordsworth to
Moxon as to republishing, 403.
Expostulation and Reply, i. 119.

FANCY opposed to imagination, ii.
197, 199, 282.

Farmer of Tilsbury Vale, The, ii.


Female Vagrant, The, iii. 406.

Fenwick Notes, i. 1, 6, 23, 107, 117,
119, 161, 181, 363; ii. 21, 35, 51,
126, 167, 212; iii. 131, 200, 305;
letter of Wordsworth to Miss
Fenwick, 283.

Fermor, Mrs., ii. 90, 95.
Field, Barron, unpublished memoirs

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of the life of Wordsworth by, i.
78, 144, 146; extracts from Ms.
Memoir, ii. 328-330; letter of
Wordsworth to, as to publishing,
386; letter to Moxon as to same,
400; iii. 149; letter to, on changes
in the text of poems, 150-156; let-
ters to, 156; letter of Crabb
Robinson as to Italian tour, 296;
letter of Wordsworth to Moxon as
to Ms. Memoir, 318.
Firgrove, The, i. 269, 368.
Fleming, companion of walks round

Esthwaite, i. 38; death of, iii.

Fletcher, Mrs., letter of, iii. 226,
243; extracts from Autobiography
of, 296-298, 372-376, 417-420;
reminiscences of later years at

Rydal, 438-439, 442; letter of, to
Lady Richardson, 480; letters of,
to Lady Richardson as to last ill-
ness and death and burial of
Wordsworth, 489, 491.

Forbes' Travels in India, iii. 158.
Foresight, i. 310.

Forncett rectory, i. 47; description
of, 50; visit of Wordsworth to,

Forster's Life of Walter Savage
Landor, iii. 360.
Fountain, The, i. 26.

Fox, Right Hon. C. J., letters of
Wordsworth to, i. 214, 217-221,
with copy of Lyrical Ballads, ii.
3, 201; iii. 51.

Caroline, extracts from Jour-
nals of, iii. 299, 421, 463-467,

Fox How, purchased for Arnold
family, iii. 224.

Friend, The, i. 162; ii. 121-122;

letter to, from John Wilson, 144;
Wordsworth's reply, 145-148;
letter of Dorothy Wordsworth to
Lady Beaumont as to, 148-150,

Furness Abbey, i. 28.

GALLOW-HILL, note on, i. 343.
Galt's Life of Byron, iii. 186.
Garrick and Othello, ii. 320.
Gifford, editor of the Quarterly
Review, letter of Lamb to Words-
worth as to Gifford's treatment of
review of The Excursion, ii. 235;
iii. 269, 418.

Gillies, R. P., sonnet on, ii. 218;

sketch of Wordsworth by, 218;
extracts from Wordsworth's let-
ters to, 221-225; as to Sir Walter
Scott's novels, 249, 272-275; iй.

Mrs. Margaret, portraits of
Wordsworth by, ii. 417.
Gipsies, ii. 53; letter to Mr. Field
as to change in text of, iii. 154.
Gladstone, Right Hon. W. E., pupil
of Bishop of St. Andrews, iii. 207;

2 K

correspondence of Wordsworth
with, as to Copyright Bill, 328-330,
340-342; letters of, to Professor
Knight, 355-356; letters of Words-
worth to, as to resignation of

obtains for Wordsworth his pen-
sion from the Civil List, 430;
letter of Wordsworth to, as to
State and Prospects of the Church,

Glow-worm, The, i. 306; composed,

Goddard, William, death of, iii. 64.
Godwin, Coleridge's letters to, i.
221, 222-224; letters of Words-
worth to, ii. 277-278.
Goethe, ii. 324; iii. 257, 305.
Gomm, Sir William, iii. 234; letter
of Wordsworth to, as to Copyright
Bill, 330.

Gough, Mr., proposed selection from
Wordsworth's writings by, iii. 411.
Grace Darling, iii. 316.

Grasmere, letter of Wordsworth to
Coleridge describing journey from
Sockburn to, i. 202-207; Home
at Grasmere, 208, 232-254; Doro-
thy's "Grasmere Journal," 259-

Grattan, T. C., extract from Beaten

Paths, iii. 131-137.

Graves, Rev. R. P., Reminiscences
of Wordsworth by, ii. 326-328;
account of Wordsworth's visit to
Ireland by, iii. 165, 170; Words-
worth's correspondence. with
Rowan Hamilton, 184; letter of, as
to Coleridge and Wordsworth, 235;
letter of Rowan Hamilton to, 492.

Mrs., letter of Mrs. Davy to, as
to last illness and death of Words-
worth, iii. 488.

Gray (the poet), ii. 196, 273; iii. 61;

Landor on, 93; Ode on a Distant
Prospect of Eton College by, iii.
162, 467.

Green-Linnet, The, i. 321; letter to
Mr. Field as to change of text in,
iii. 153.

Greenwood, R. N., i. 31, 38.
Grosart, Rev. Dr., his edition of the
Prose Works of Wordsworth, i.


Guesses at Truth, by Julius C. Hare,
iii. 379.

Guide to the District of the Lakes, i.
231; ii. 29; extracts from, 252;
reprinted, iii. 254.

Guilt and Sorrow, i. 85, 109.

Wordsworth to, as to structure of
sonnet, iii. 159; letter to, as to
writings, 161; letters to, as to visit
to Ireland, 163; letter criticising
verses written by, and Miss Ham-
ilton, 171-174; letters to, 183, 186;
Mr. Graves' account of correspond-
ence with, 184; visit of, to Rydal
Mount, 184; correspondence of,
with Aubrey de Vere, 252-254;
letter of Wordsworth to, 261;
letters to, as to Professor Wilson
and his guests, 185; letter to, as
to journey to Cambridge, 186;
letter to, and P.S. by Dorothy, 191;
letters to, 207-210; letter of, to
Aubrey de Vere as to Coleridge and
Wordsworth, 210; letter of Words-
worth to, as to Dowling, Coleridge,
and Landor, 212 letter to, 227;
letter of Aubrey de Vere to, 230;
Wordsworth admired verses of,


letter of, to Aubrey de Vere,
252, and his reply, 253; another,
254; letter of Wordsworth to, and
his reply as to patronage, 301-304;
letter of Wordsworth to, as to
poems and question of copyright,
326; letter of Wordsworth as to
having been appointed a member
of the Royal Irish Academy, 471.

Miss E. M., letter of Words-
worth to Sir W. Rowan Hamil-
ton as to poem by, iii. 162;
account of Wordsworth's visit to
Ireland by, 166-170; visit of, to
Rydal Mount, 184; letter of Dor-
othy to, 205.

Hardrane Waterfall, description of,
i. 205.
Hare, Augustus William, tutor to
poet's eldest son, iii. 97, 104.

Julius C., ii. 302; iii. 97;
Guesses at Truth, by, 363; editor
of Philological Museum, 363; letter
of, to Wordsworth, as to reception
of Installation Ode, 477.
"Hark! 'tis the Thrush," iii. 337.
Hart Leap Well, i. 202, 214; Lamb's

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opinion of, ii. 188, 305.
Hawkshead Grammar School, i. 25;
Wordsworth sent to it, 25; in-
fluence of time spent there on his
after-life, 29; school at present
time, 31; poet's name carved on
desk, 31; Ode on Immortality con-
nected with days at, 37; fragments
of verses written while at, 38.
Haydon, B. R., picture of Words-
worth's head in his "Christ's
Entry into Jerusalem," i. 51;
cast of Wordsworth's face by, 50;
extract from artist's diary as to
cast, 251-252; letters of, 260;
sonnet to, 261; account of an
immortal dinner" at the house of,
289-293; "Christ's entry into
Jerusalem," 313; picture by, of
Napoleon on the Island of St.
Helena, and sonnet on, iii. 192,
310; allusion of Gladstone to
sonnet, 339; letter to Moxon as to
sonnet, 366; letter to Miss Barrett,
as to her sonnet on portrait of
Wordsworth by, 381; correspond-
ence between Wordsworth and,
388-395; extracts from diary of,
421, 424, 468; correspondence, 469.
Hayley, William, ii. 198.
Hazlitt, William, i. 5, 144; account

by, of visit to Alfoxden, 148; por-
trait of Coleridge by, ii. 45; The
Excursion and, 237, 253, 277;
attack on Wordsworth in The
Examiner by, 278; narrow escape
of, at Keswick, 278, 288.
Helvellyn, five lines on, i. 382;

ascended by Wordsworth, with Sir

Walter Scott and Sir Humphry
Davy, ii. 26; allusion to, in Mus-
ings near Aquapendente, 26.
Herbert, George, ii. 327.
Highland Girl at Inversnaid, To, ii.
195; iii. 52, 72.

Hill, Rev. Mr., Warwick, i. 38.
Hine, Dr., Selection from poems for
school use, edited by, iii. 191,

Hoare, Gurney, iii. 421.

Hobart, Bishop, New York, iii. 102.
Hogg, James, "The Ettrick Shep-

herd," ii. 221; Elegy on, iii. 231,
234; death of, 234; Lines to the
memory of Lamb and, 267.
Holland, Mrs. Wordsworth's Journal
of tour in, iii. 80-88.

Homer, Wordsworth's opinion of, ii.

Horace, Wordsworth's love for, ii.
318, 328.

Hornby Castle Succession Case, and
Dr. Shelton Mackenzie's recollec-
tions, iii. 268.

Horsman, Edward, letter of, as to
Copyright Bill, iii. 334.
Housmann's Collection of Sonnets,
iii. 258.

Hunt, Leigh, ii. 25; extracts from
Autobiography of, 252-255, 278;
The Manciple's Tale, iii. 311.
Hutchinson, account of connection
of, family with Sockburn, i. 192.

Henry, "retired mariner" of
ninth sonnet, iii. 140-142, 145,
147, 149, 182, 211.

Joanna, iii. 70, 143, 144, 182,


Mary (wife of Wordsworth),
school-mates, i. 21, 335; married,
18, 340, 343, 351; ii. 43, 109; letter
of, to Sara Coleridge, iii. 188, 210,
256; name on stone by roadside,
290, 295; intimacy with Words-
worth, 335; her character, 337; De
Quincey's description of, 337;
allusions to, in poems,
thy's opinion of, 343; unable to
join in tour in Scotland, 363, 380;

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