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when the poetic elements are various, some commending themselves to the shallower mind, some to the deeper. If I am to adopt Wordsworth's doctrine, I should found it on history rather than on theory; and no doubt there is to be said for it, that the poets—at least the English poets—who have been most famous in their day and generation, have not taken a corresponding rank, in the days and generations that have followed."



"A TROUBLE, not of clouds, or weep-
ing rain," iii. 201, 208.

Address on Education at Bowness,
ii. 397.

Address to the Scholars of a Village
School, i. 26.

Address to my Sister, i. 119.

Addresses (Two) to the Freeholders of
Westmoreland, ii. 295.
Adversity, Ode to, by Gray, i. 367.
Aikin, ii. 191.

Airy, Prof., iii. 187.

Alford, Dean, letter to, iii. 387.
Alfoxden, i. 114; description of,
115; best of early lyrics written
here, 119; original lease of, 144;
watched by Government spy at,
145; gossip of villagers, 157;
left, 160.

Alice Fell, origin of, i. 296,299; ii. 239.
Allan Bank, ii. 115; removed to,
116; inconveniences of, 120; work
done at, 144; letter by Dorothy to
Mrs. Marshall as to life at, 150-
152; left, 160.

Allsop, T., Letters of Coleridge by,
ii. 163; iii. 58; letter of Coleridge
to, ii. 169; extracts from letters
of, to Wordsworth, iii. 52, 53.

Mrs., letter of Coleridge to, as
to мs. of Wordsworth's transla-
tion of Eneid, ii, 303.
Allston, Mr., iii. 309; portrait of
Coleridge by, 314, 317.
Alps, Pedestrian tour among the,
letter of Wordsworth to Mr. Field
as to change in text, iii. 151.
American literature, conversation
between Southey and Dr. Shelton
Mackenzie as to, iii. 268.

Ancient Mariner, The, i. 156, 226.
Anderson, Dr. Robert, editor of The
British Poets, i. 370; ii. 218.
Angelo, Michael, poetry of, ii. 67, 80.
Applethwaite, description of, ii. 51;

letters of Wordsworth to Sir
George Beaumont as to, 56, 72.
Ariosto, translation of, i. 359; ii. 67,
324; iii. 92.

Arnold, Dr., ii. 351, 370; letter to,
as to purchase of Fox How, iii.
224; 243, 257, 361.

Mrs., letter of, to Wordsworth,
iii. 225; letter of, to Miss Tre-
venen as to poet's reception at
Oxford, 370; letters of, 434.

Matthew, i. 5; iii. 243.
Askrigg, i. 203.

Aspects of Christianity in America,
iii. 312.

Augustine, St., Confessions of, i. 6.
Auld Robin Gray, iii. 233.

BACON, LORD, iii. 454.
Baillie, Joanna, ii. 193; iii. 265.
Barbauld, Mrs., ii. 191.
Barrett, Miss (Mrs. Browning),
Prometheus, Seraphim, iii. 244;
letter of Wordsworth to John
Kenyon as to volume of poems
by, 364; letter to, as to sonnet
by her on Haydon's portrait of
Wordsworth, 365; letter to, ac-
knowledging receipt of volumes
of poems by, 366; marriage with
Robert Browning, 414.
Beattie's Minstrel, i. 82.
Beaumont, Sir George, letter to, as to
Raisley Calvert's legacy, i. 98; let-
ter of Coleridge as to Scotch tour,

364; letter of Wordsworth to, 365;
letters to, as to death of John
Wordsworth, 372-376; visit of
Coleridge to, ii. 12; letters to, 41-
46; letter to, as to portrait of Cole-
ridge by, 44; offer of Coleorton
farm-house to Wordsworth, 49;
Beaumont family, 50; purchased
Applethwaite, and presented it
to Wordsworth, 51; Epistle to,
from S. W. coast of Cumberland,
first collected edition of poems
dedicated to, 55; several poems
illustrated by, 56; letters to, 58-70,
71-79, 94-97; letter to, as to Cole-
ridge, 114; letter from Coleridge
to, as to The Friend, 121; Epistle to
Sir George Beaumont, 160; letters
of Southey to, as to Coleridge, 170-
171; letter of Wordsworth to, 171;
letter of Coleridge to, as to verses
in The Comet, 171; visit of Words-
worth to, iii. 54; letter to, as to
death of Mr. Myers, and visit to
Duddonside, 65; letter to, as to
tour in Wales, 101-105; letter to,
115; death of, 129; extract from
Sir Walter Scott's diary as to death
of, 129; verses to the memory of,
187; broad-topped pine at Rome,

Beaumont, Lady, sonnet to, ii. 54;
letters of Dorothy Wordsworth to,
70,71,79-83; letter of Wordsworth
to, as to criticism of his own day
and confidence in the decision of
the future, 87-94; letter of Dorothy
to, 112; another on Coleridge, 113;
letter to, of Dorothy, as to John
Wilson, 148-150; letter of Words-
worth as to Description of Scenery
of English Lake District, 158;
death of, iii. 174; letter of
Dorothy Wordsworth to, 211.
Beggars, origin of, i. 263-265, 273;
written, 299; letter to Mr. Field
as to change in the text of, iii.

Bell, Dr., of Madras, letter of, to
Southey, ii. 387; letter of Words-

worth to the Rev. H. J. Rose as
to the Madras system of educa-
tion, 387.

Benjamin the Waggoner, ii. 197.
Bentinck, Lady Frederick, letter to,
as to the death of John Words-
worth, iii. 368; letters to, 395.
Bentley, Wordsworth's opinion of
the Dissertation on the Epistles of
Phalaris by, iii. 361.
Béranger, iii. 273.
Betty Foy, i. 149.

Biographia Literaria, i. 91, 124,
130, 162, 171; ii. 16.
Bird of Paradise, iii. 267.
Birkett, Mrs. Anne, Wordsworth's
teacher at Penrith, i. 20.
Blake, William, ii. 192.
Blind Highland Boy, The, letter to
Mr. Field as to change in text of,
ii. 151.

Borderers, The, i. 107, 109; offered
to Cottle, 126; rejected by
the manager of Covent Garden
Theatre, 127; published, 128, iii.
312, 406.

Bowles, The Rev. W. L., i. 117.
Bran, The, ii. 218.

British Critic, article in, by Whew-
ell, iii. 188.

Brooke, Stopford, i. 5; paper by, on
the Description of the Scenery of
English Lakes, ii. 158.

Brothers, The, i. 214, 218, 219, 224,
225, 267; reference to John
Wordsworth in, 371; letter to C.
J. Fox as to, ii. 3, 280.
Brownie's Cell, The, ii. 218, 314.
Browning, Robert, letter of, as to
The Lost Leader, i. 78; Memora-
bilia, iii. 364; letter of, 364.
Bryant, W. C., visit of, to Words-
worth, iii. 414.

Brydges, Sir Egerton, sonnet upon
Echo and Silence by, iii. 232.
Buonaparte, sonnets on, i. 320.
Burke, iii. 51.

Burnett, George, i. 117.

Burns, i. 90; ii. 194, 270; letter as to

republication of Dr. Currie's Life

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

"CALM is all nature as a resting
wheel," i. 38.

Calvert, Raisley, death of, i. 96;
sonnet on, and reference to, in
Prelude, 96; legacy to Words-
worth, 96; letter of Wordsworth
to Sir George Beaumont there-
anent, 98.

William, i. 82; tour with, 84;
88, 89, 95, 97, 229, 291, 303.
Cambridge, life at, i. 39; influence

of, upon Wordsworth, 40; visit to
and letter to Crabb Robinson
thereanent, iii. 53; sonnet on
King's College, 53.
Campbell, Thomas, ii. 192, 195.

Dykes, iii. 243.

Canning, opinion of pamphlet on
The Convention of Cintra, ii. 128;
iii. 51; Roman Catholics and
Parliament, iii. 56-58.

Capital Punishment, Sonnets on,
letter to Mr. Moxon as to, iii.

Carlyle, Thomas, i. 61 ; iii. 312, peti-
tion to House of Commons by, as
to law of copyright, 323-325;
reminiscences of Wordsworth by,

Carter, John (Wordsworth's clerk),
superintended publication of Pre-

lude, and edition of poems with
Miss Fenwick's notes, ii. 212;
iii. 385, 404, 405.

Castle of Indolence, by Thomson,
stanzas in the manner of, i. 316,
324; Fenwick note on, ii. 167; iii.

Celandine, The, i. 311, 312; letter of
Wordsworth to Mr. Field as to
change in text of, iii. 154.
Chambers, proposed selection from
writings by, iii. 374.

Chantrey's bust of Wordsworth, i.
150; iii. 414.

Character, A, ii. 238.

Character of the Happy Warrior,
The, allusion to John Wordsworth,
i. 371; ii. 46; Southey's letter to
Sir Walter Scott on, 47; Mr.
Myers' estimate of, 47, 195.
Chatsworth, Sonnet on, iii. 187.
Chaucer, i. 41; ii. 319; iii. 305,

Christian, Mr., and Peveril of the

Peak, iii. 195-199.

Clarkson, Thomas, i. 212, 256, 283,
287, 295, 304; letters of Mrs., to
Crabb Robinson, ii. 172, 182, 184;
visit of Dorothy to, iii. 54.
Classical writers, Wordsworth's
opinion of, ii. 317-319, 333.
Clough, A. H., i. 5.

Cock is crowing, The, origin of, i. 306.
Cockermouth, Wordsworth's birth-
place, i. 12; educated here and at
Penrith, 20; house in which born,
21; allusion to, in Prelude, two
sonnets on, 23; holiday at, 34;
days at, connected with Ode on
Immortality, 37; visit with wife
to, ii. 109, 111; letter to Poole as
to building new church in, iii. 263.
"Coldly we spake, the Saxons over-
powered," iii. 266.
Coleorton farm-house offered to
Wordsworth by Sir George Beau-
mont, ii. 49; removed to, from
Dove Cottage, 52; description of,
53; some of The Ecclesiastical Son-
nets written there, iii. 55.

Coleorton, Memorials of, i. 365; ii.
50, 56-82.

Coleridge, Hartley, letters of Words-
worth to Poole as to, ii. 214, 246,
337; reminiscences of Westmore-
land peasantry of, 344, 347, 351,
353, 362, 366, 371, 376; iii. 300,
318; letter of Wordsworth to Mr.
Moxon as to, 401; death of, 482.

Lord, iii. 243, 369.

Sara, i. 5; letters of Mrs.
Wordsworth to, 111; Memoir of,


S. T., i. 2, 3, 5; at Christ's
Hospital, 26; his hard work, 90;
introduction to Wordsworth's
poems, 91; first meeting of Words-
worth and, 109; marriage, 110;
description of, by Dorothy Words-
worth, 111; description of Dorothy
by, 112; visits between the
Coleridges and Wordsworths,
112; letters to Cottle, 123;
Ancient Mariner, 124; leaves
Stowey for Shrewsbury, 128;
annuity from Wedgwoods, 128;


a talker, 129; influence of
Dorothy on, 131; writes dissuading
Thelwall from coming to Stowey,
145; letter to Cottle as to publish-
ing, 153; visit to Hamburg, 162;
effect of life in Germany on, 182;
removed to Göttingen, 183; letters
to Wordsworth, 184-186; death of
child, 194; returns home, 195;
letter to Wordsworth as to The
Recluse, 195; letters to Words-
worth, 201; letter of Wordsworth
to, descriptive of journey from
Sockburn to Grasmere, 202-207;
visit of, to Dove Cottage, 210;
letter to Poole as to second edition
of Lyrical Ballads, 214; move-
ments of, 221; letter to Sir
Humphry Davy, 229; letter of
Wordsworth to Poole as to, ii. 6;
letter of, to Sharp, 9; opinion of,
of Wordsworth as a poet, 11;
letters to Wordsworth family,
12-15; closeness of tie between

Wordsworth and, 15; letters of
Wordsworth and Dorothy to Sir
George and Lady Beaumont as to
unhappiness of, 73, 76, 80-82;
arrives with Hartley at Coleorton,
83; poem by, on having heard The
Prelude read, 84, 165; Dejection,
an Ode, by, 64, 186; leaves Cole-
orton, 86; letter of, criticising The
White Doe of Rylstone, 99-104; at
Allan Bank, 120; opinion of, of
pamphlet on The Convention of
Cintra, 128; Allsop's Letters of,
163; opium-eating, 164, 165; mis-
understanding with Wordsworth,
163-187; reconciliation, and letter
to Morgan, 172; letter to Words-
worth, 180; another, on death of
his son Thomas, 181; letters of,
255-260; publication of Biographia
Literaria, 288; threatened action
against the Edinburgh Review for
calumny, 288; letter to Words-
worth as to W.'s translation of
Eneid, 302; letter to Mrs. Allsop as
to Ms. of translation, 303; extracts
from Mr. Barron Field's
Memoir of Wordsworth as to, and
his writings, 328-330; opinion of,
of Wordsworth's later poems, iii.
77; at dinner at Monkhouse's, 78;
Wordsworth's opinion of Christabel,
112; tour on the Rhine, 131-141;
visit of Wordsworth to, in London,
and letter to Rowan Hamilton
thereanent, 188; letter of Words-
worth to Rowan Hamilton as to,
213; death of, and grief of Words-
worth thereat, 234; letter of
Wordsworth to Henry Nelson
Coleridge, 234; letter of the
Rev. R. P. Graves as to, 235;
opinion of, as a writer, 248;
letter of Wordsworth to Henry
Reed as
to portrait of, 314;
erroneous "biographical notices,"

Complaint, A, ii. 166.


Complaint of a Poor Indian Womar,

i. 149.

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