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After the same manner, also, He took the cup, when He had supped, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying: Drink ye all of it; this cup is the New Testament in My Blood, which is shed for you, and for many, for the remission of sins; this do, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me.

Then shall the Minister say:

The peace of the Lord be with you alway.

Then shall be sung or said the Agnus Dei, and the distribution shall begin.



Braunschweig, 1528


O Christ, Thou Lamb of God, that tak - est a-way the sin

of the

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Christ, Thou Lamb of God, that tak-est a-way the

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When the Minister giveth the Bread he shall say:

Take and eat, this is the true Body of Christ given for thee.

When he giveth the Cup he shall say:

Take and drink, this is the true Blood of the New Testament, shed for thy sins.

In dismissing the Communicants, the Minister may say:

The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ and His precious Blood strengthen and preserve you in the true faith unto everlasting life.

If the consecrated Bread or Wine be spent before all have communed, the Minister shall consecrate more, saying aloud so much of the words of institution as pertaineth to the element to be consecrated.

When all have communed, the Minister shall reverently cover what remaineth of the Bread and Wine.

Then, all standing, may be sung or said the Nunc Dimittis.


Pomeranian. 1535

1 Lord, now
2 For mine

| lettest Thou Thy servant de

eyes have seen Thy salvation: which Thou hast pre

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Minister. O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good.

The Congregation shall sing or say:

And His mercy en-dureth for



¶ Minister.

We give thanks to Thee, Almighty God, that Thou hast refreshed us through this salutary gift; and we beseech Thee, that of Thy mercy Thou wouldst strengthen us through the same in faith towards Thee and in fervent love toward one another, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end.

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Then shall the Minister say the Benediction as here followeth, or he may say the words 2 Cor. 13:14.

After the Benediction the Congregation should offer silent prayer.


The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.

The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee.
The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

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A Hymn of Invocation of the Holy Ghost, or another Hymn may be sung.

Then shall be sung or said responsively the VERSICLE with the GLORIA PATRI as here followeth, all standing to the end of the Psalm.

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and ever shall be, world without end. A men. Hallelu

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