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THE Calendar contains full and official information regarding the Courses of Instruction given in the University and the Degrees granted by it. If further information or explanation is required in connection with any of the Faculties, it is requested that application be made to the Dean of the Faculty or the Secretary, all letters, or other written communications, being addressed to the Secretary.

Communications of a general character, and such as may have to be laid before the Senatus, should be sent to the Secretary of the Senatus.

Every Student must sign the Matriculation Album, and pay the Matriculation Fee, as also the Fees of the Classes he proposes to join, or instalment of the Inclusive Fee, within fifteen days after the commencement of the Session.

The Matriculation of Students and payment of the Matriculation and Class Fees, take place at the commencement of each se session on stated days, intimated on the Notice Boards of the University. A student may only be permitted to enter at a later date on payment of a Late-entry Fee of 5s.

The Fees for the Degrees in Arts, Science, Divinity, Law and Medicine are payable at the Secretary's Office.

The names of intending Candidates at Examinations must in all cases be intimated to the Secretary within the periods specified on the Notice Boards.

There is no residence within the University for Students, but good lodgings and board are easily obtainable in Aberdeen or Old Aberdeen. A register of lodgings is kept by the Students' Representative Council and may be seen on application to the Sacrist, Marischal College.

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