Reflections on the Revolution in France: And on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that EventJ. Dodsley, 1790 - 356 páginas |
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abuſes affembly almoſt alſo antient authority becauſe beſt cauſe church circumſtances civil clergy compoſed confider confiderable confiſcation conſequence conſtitution courſe crown deſcription deſigns deſtruction diſpoſition election eſtabliſhment eſtates eſtimation exerciſe exiſt expence falſe fame favour feem firſt fome fovereign France fuch fuffer fure honour houſe inſtitutions inſtructions inſtruments intereſt itſelf juſt king laſt leaſt legiſlators leſs liberty maſs meaſure ment mind miniſter moſt muſt national aſſembly nature neceſſary obſerve Old Jewry Paris perſons pleaſure political poſitive poſſeſſed poſſible preſent preſerve principles purpoſes queſtion reaſon religion repreſentation repreſentative reſource reſpect revenue Revolution ſame ſay ſcheme ſcience ſecurity ſee ſenſe ſentiments ſerve ſervice ſeveral ſhall ſhare ſhe ſhew ſhould ſituation ſociety ſome ſomething ſometimes ſpeak ſpecies ſpeculations ſpirit ſtanding ſtate ſtill ſubject ſuch ſupport ſuppoſe ſyſtem themſelves theſe gentlemen thing thoſe tion truſt uſe virtue whilst whole whoſe wiſh
Pasajes populares
Página 114 - by this new conquering empire of light and reafon. All the decent drapery of life is to be rudely torn off. All the fuperadded ideas, furnifhed from the wardrobe of a moral imagination, which the heart owns, and the underftanding ratifies, as neceflary to cover the
Página 114 - of our naked fhivering nature, and to raife it to dignity in our own eftimation, are to be exploded as a ridiculous, abfurd, and antiquated fafhion. On this fcheme of things, a king is but a man; a queen is but a woman; a woman is but an animal ; and an animal not of the higheft order.
Página 26 - of Queen Elizabeth, as folemn a pledge as ever was or can be given in favour of an hereditary fucceffion, and as folemn a renunciation as could be made of the principles by this fociety imputed to them. " The lords " fpiritual and temporal, and commons, do, " in the name of all the people aforefaid, moft
Página 87 - in life, and to confolation in death. Whatever each man can feparately do, without trefpaffing upon others, he has a right to do for himfelf ; and he has a right to a fair portion of all which fociety, with all its combinations of fkill and force, can do in his favour. In this
Página 112 - love, that fhe fhould ever be obliged to carry the fharp antidote againft difgrace concealed in that bofom ; little did I dream that I fhould have lived to fee fuch difaft'ers fallen upon her in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honour and of cavaliers. I thought ten thoufand fwords muft have leaped from their fcabbards to avenge
Página 14 - the world in which they are fo fond of meddling, and inexperienced in all its affairs, on which they pronounce with fo much confidence, they have nothing of politics but the paffions they excite. Surely the church is a place where one day's truce ought to be Allowed to the diffenfions and animofities of mankind.
Página 113 - ever be totally extinguifhed, the lofs I fear will be great. It is this which has given its character to modern Europe. It is this which has diftinguifhed it under all its forms of government, and diftinguifhed it to its advantage, from the ftates of Afia, and poffibly from thofe ftates which fiourifhed in the
Página 91 - rights entering into common life, like rays of light which pierce into a denfe medium, are, by the laws of nature, refracted from their ftraight line. Indeed in the grofs. and complicated mafs of human paffions and concerns, the primitive rights of men undergo fuch a variety of
Página 141 - And firft of all the fcience of jurifprudence, the pride of the human intellect, which, with all its defects, redundancies, and errors, is the collected reafon of ages, combining the principles of original juftice with the infinite variety of human concerns, as a heap of old exploded errors, would be no longer ftudied.
Página 247 - obliges us to an intimate acquaintance with our object, and compels us to confider it in all its relations. It will not fuffer us to be fuperficial. It is the want of nerves of underftanding for fuch a tafk; it is the degenerate fondnefs for tricking