Imágenes de páginas


(eq. 3). Thus, in


being given in direction by the ratio


Fig. 63, set off s"" per-
pendicularly to TS in any R
position and of any con-
venient length. Then,
from any point r' on TR
set off the perpendicular
r'z'equal in length to "s",
and draw the parallels
z'z and "z intersecting in
z, a second point in the
required direction TZ.
Having thus found the
direction TZ, we can

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n, being the same value for any point on the line

TZ; for, if Z' be such a point and Z'S' be drawn perpen

dicularly to QS', we have


= n. Hence, from equation (4),

ZA n
TZ e'

Therefore, in order to find Z, take any point Z' in TZ,


from which with radius Z'A': TZ' draw an arc meeting


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TA produced in A'. Then from A draw AZ parallel to A'Z' intersecting TZ in the required point Z.

COR. I.—If AZ and BZ be equal, the point Z will lie on the perpendicular bisecting AB.

COR. II.-If AZ = BZ = CZ, the point Z will lie at the intersection of the two perpendiculars traversing respectively the points of bisection of AB and AC; and, therefore, at the centre of the circle passing through A, B, and C.

COR. III.—If the sums were given instead of the differences, the points A, B, C would be foci of two ellipses, whose major axes would be BZ + AZ and AZ + CZ respectively, and whose ellipticities



would be greater than unity.

and e' =


45. PROBLEM.-Given the focus S, the tangent TP at P a





Fig. 64.

point on the conic, together with a second point P' on the curve; to find the second focus H (Fig. 64).

Let fall the perpendicular ST upon the tangent TP and produce it to V, making TV = ST. Join and produce VP, and join SP and SP'. Then


SP major axis - HP

SP' major axis - HP'.

Thus, by subtraction, we find that the difference

HP HP is equal to the known difference SP' - SP. Hence H will lie at the intersection of VH with the hyperbola whose foci coincide with P and P' and whose ellipticity is


e= PP'

46. PROBLEM.-Given the focus S and three points B, C, D on the conic, to construct the curve (Fig. 65).





Fig. 65.

Join BC and CD, producing them to E and F so that

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Then draw SG perpendicular to the line EF, and set off the points A and a on SG, making

[blocks in formation]

so that A and a are the vertices and Aa the major axis of the conic which, according as

GA> or = or <SA,

will be an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola.

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[blocks in formation]

which shews that EF is the directrix of the curve.

47. PROBLEM. To find the position of a body moving in a given parabolic curve at any assigned time, assuming the focal radius vector of the body to describe equal areas in equal times. Let (Fig. 66) GS be made equal to SA, S being the focus and A the vertex of the parabola. Erect


Fig. 66.

the perpendicular GH, making

area described

GH=3M, where M=


and about H as a centre with radius HS describe a circle

meeting the curve in the required position P of the body at the given time.

PROOF. We have by construction

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AG2+GH2=HP2=(AO - AG)2+(GH – PO)2



=(AO2+PO2 - 2GAO) – 2GH. PO + (AG2+GH2);

2GH. PO=AO2+ PO2 - 2GAO.


... 2GH. PO=AO2+ PO2, where AO2=AO.



Hence, multiplying both sides by

2 AS 3' PO'

we have

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the area described in given time is ASP.

COR. I. When the body is at P' perpendicularly over


S, the assigned area is AS; M'AS÷ 4AS = 3

At any other time t, the assigned area

GH': = 3M' = AS.
is AS. GH. Hence t:t':: GH: AS, and

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directly proportional to t or ASP = nt, where n is area described per unit of time, we have

d (3 nt 3 n



dt 4 AS 4 a

an expression for the velocity of the point H.


COR. III. Since AH HP, the perpendicular from H upon AP bisects the latter. Hence we can find the time for any arc AP by joining AP, and erecting a perpendicular at its middle point to meet GH in H, and then using the proportion given in Cor. I.

48. PROBLEM.-To find the position of a body moving in an ellipse at any assigned time. Produce the major axis OA

(Fig. 67) to G, making


= ; and let AM be the

trochoid traced by the point A, when the outer circle rolls on line GX. Then t being the assigned time, T the period of revolution, make GK of such a length that

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