One to whom Heaven assigns that mournful part Still shall be left some corner of the heart 1846. IX. FLOATING ISLAND. [My poor sister takes a pleasure in repeating these verses, which she composed not long before the beginning of her sad illness.] These lines are by the Author of the Address to the Wind, &c. published heretofore along with my Poems. The above to a Redbreast are by a deceased female Relative. HARMONIOUS Powers with Nature work Once did I see a slip of earth (By throbbing waves long undermined) Might see it, from the mossy shore Float with its crest of trees adorned On which the warbling birds their pastime take. Food, shelter, safety, there they find; A peopled world it is; in size a tiny room, And thus through many seasons' space But Nature, though we mark her not, Perchance when you are wandering forth Without an object, hope, or fear, the Isle is passed away; Buried beneath the glittering Lake, D. W. X. How beautiful the Queen of Night, on high A brightening edge will indicate that soon Break forth,—again to walk the clear blue sky. XI. ["No faculty yet given me to espy The dusky Shape within her arms imbound." Afterwards, when I could not avoid seeing it, I wondered at this, and the more so because, like most children, I had been in the habit of watching the moon through all her changes, and had often continued to gaze at it when at the full, till half blinded.] 'Late, late yestreen I saw the new moone Ballad of Sir Patrick Spence, Percy's Reliques. ONCE I could hail (howe'er serene the sky) The dusky Shape within her arms imbound, Which some have named her Predecessor's ghost. Young, like the Crescent that above me shone, I saw (ambition quickening at the view) Or was it Dian's self that seemed to move And when I learned to mark the spectral Shape Now, dazzling Stranger! when thou meet'st my glance, Thy dark Associate ever I discern; Emblem of thoughts too eager to advance So changes mortal Life with fleeting years; While Faith aspires to seats in that domain XII. TO THE LADY FLEMING, ON SEEING THE FOUNDATION PREPARING FOR THE ERECTION OF RYDAL CHAPEL, WESTMORELAND. [AFTER thanking Lady Fleming in prose for the service she had done to her neighbourhood by erecting this Chapel, I have nothing to say beyond the expression of regret that the architect did not furnish an elevation better suited to the site in a narrow mountain-pass, and, what is of more consequence, better constructed in the interior for the purposes of worship. It has no chancel; the altar is unbecomingly confined; the pews are so narrow as to preclude the possibility of kneeling with comfort; there is no vestry; and what ought to have been first mentioned, the font, instead of standing at its proper place at the entrance, is thrust into the farther end of a pew. When these defects shall be pointed out to the munificent Patroness, they will, it is hoped, be corrected.] I. BLEST is this Isle-our native Land; Where battlement and moated gate Are objects only for the hand Of hoary Time to decorate; Where shady hamlet, town that breathes II. O Lady! from a noble line Of chieftains sprung, who stoutly bore |