MONTHLY REFERENCE LIST OF BOOKS (JUNE). The figures in () refer to the (whole) number of the "PUBLishers' WeeklY" in which the full title has been recorded under the name or words preceding the figure. The more prominent works appear in this list, both under author and title or subject, with reference from the latter to the former. • CLASS SYNOPSIS OF the more prominENT BOOKS. Turn in Reference List to the words italicized in the Synopsis. Art and Literature. See LITERARY AND ART HISTORY. Arts and Sciences. (See also DOMESTIC; EDUCATION, etc.)-Baird, Annual record of science.-Burr, Plans of Doric temples. Glover, Gas measurement. - Gray, Structural botany.-Higgs, Application of electric light. -Pickering, Chronological hist of plants.-Spooner, Narrow-gauge railways.-Wurtz, Chemistry. Biographical. (See also HISTORY; LITERARY; RELIGION, etc.)--Besant, Gaspard de Coligny-Chocarne, Père Lacordaire.-Day, Recollections of Alex. Duff.Le Brun, Souvenirs.-Mumford, Life and letters.-Porter, Genealogy.-Sewall, Life of Prof. A. Hopkins. Domestic and Rural. See MISCELLANEOUS. Education, Language, etc. (See also ARTS; HISTORY; LITERARY, etc.)-Ahn, German dialogues.--Clark, Latin grammar.-Cultivation of the senses.-Knowlton, Hints in drawing and painting.-Legouvé, Art of reading.-Lessons in practical science.-Monsanto, French student's assistant.-Nicol, Eng. composition.-Payne, Syllabus of teaching-Searcy, Lessons in phonography.-Smithsonian Institution, Documents.-Stormonth, Etymol. dict.-Swett, Normal word-book.-Tafel, Latin grammar.-Ware, True relation of sexes.-Warren, Recreations in astronomy. Webster, Dictionary. - Yonge, Greek hist. for the little ones. Fiction. (See also JUVENILE BOOKS.) A., E. W.. Heart's delight.-Alexander, Maid, wife or widow?Arthur, Strike at Tivoli.-B., R. G., Puritan and the Quaker. Bates, Nile days.-Benedict, Her friend Lawrence.-Bishop. Detmold.-Clare and Bébé.-Collins, Yellow mask.-Colonel's opera cloak.-Cooke, Mr. Grantley's idea.-Cooper, Tales from Euripides.-Crommelin, Orange Lily.-Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such. -Elliott, The Felmeres.-Farman, A white head.-Filleul, Pendower.-Fouqué, Undine.-Giles, Maiden Rachel.-Grant, Sorry her lot who loves too well.-Gréville, Markof.-Halsey, Two of us.-Hay, A mere adventurer. -Hogbin, Elsa.-Hume, Etalee. -Laffari, Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor.-Lane, My sister's keeper.Marryat, Ange; A broken blossom. - Meyers, Miss Margery's roses.-Robertson, David Fleming's forgiveness.-Rydberg, Last Athenian.-Scott, Waverley novels. Shirley, On the verge.-Thayer, Wired love.-Trollope, John Caldigate.-Under the empire.-W., A. B., Cupid on crutches. -Hedges, No danger.-Hildeburn, Pet series.-Lucas, Leonie.-Martin, Rosa Leighton.-Porter, Millie Lee.Walton, Saved at sea.-Wright, Circled by fire. Law.-Bennett, Farm law.-Hinkley, Testamentary law. Iglehart, Indiana pleadings and practice.-Moore, Indiana criminal practice.-Pearson, Decisions. Literary and Art History, Essays, Criticism, etc.-Clarke, Shakespeare key.-Couture, Art methods. -Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such.-Gallatin, Writings.-Gross, Thoughts for fireside and school.Knowlton, Hints in drawing and painting.-Lamb, Last essays of Elia.-Macaulay, Lord Bacon.-Rydberg, Roman days.-Siegvolk, A bundle of papers.-Thackeray, Selections from "Eng. humorists."-Trollope, ThackMedical.-Allingham, Diseases of the rectum.-Clapp, Auscultation and percussion.-Cohen, Throat and nasal diseases. Frerichs, Liver diseases.-Hardenstein, Epidemic of 1878.-Higgins, Ophthalmic practice.-Jeffries, Color-blindness.-Kidd, Laws of therapeutics.-Napheys, Surgical therapeutics.-Potter, Principles and practice of medicine.-Reber, Malaria.-Rice, Posological table.Rockwell, Electricity in med.-Schwarze, Anatomy of the ear.-Shaffer, Pott's disease.-Whittaker, Physiology.-Wickes, Hist. of medicine in N. J.-Woakes, Deaf eray. ness. Music.-Bailey, Little folks' song service.-Millard, An- History. (See also BIOGRAPHICAL; LITERARY; RELIGION.) Humor and Satire.-A deler, Random shots.-Jerrold, A., E. W. (386) Heart's delight: a novel, 12°, $1.50. Ange, see Marryat, Florence. Anthems, motets, etc., see Millard, Harrison. Constant, tions. Choir, Travel, Geography, Ethnography, etc.- Miscellaneous.-Barker, The world's checker-book.- Archery, How to train in, see Thompson, M. and W. H. Arthur, T. S. (388) The strike at Tivoli Mills, and what Baird, Spencer F., ed. (388) Annual ..N. Y., Harper. Barker, W. R. and C. F. (389),The world's checker-book, 16°, 75 c.; bds, 50 c..........Bost., H. A. Young & Co. Porter, Mary W. Poor papa. Bost., D. Lothrop & Co., [1879]. 218 p. il. S. (Idle hour ser.) pap., 50 c. Story for children; adventures of a little boy and girl, who go to Europe with their father (a widower); the father's troubles and perplexities are amusingly detailed, as are also the doings of the children in Italy, under the charge of a strict governess. Reynolds, J. Russell, ed. System of medicine. In 24 pts. Pt. 1. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 19+ 192 p. 8°, pap., **$1.25. Roman Catholicism in the U. S. N.Y., Authors' Pub. Co., 1879. 190 p. D. cl.. $1.25. Discusses the consequences which are likely to result from the increasing power and influence of the Roman Catholic Church in this country. Chapters on: Elements of national life; The spirit of Romanism; Roman Catholicism and modern civilization; Nature of the conflict between Romanism and Protestantism; Our national ideal and its relations to Romanism and Protestantism. Schroeder, J: F: Life and times of Washington, with acc't of men and events connected with Am. Revolution and founding of Republic; rev. and enl. by Benson J. Lossing. With eng., from original designs, by Alonzo Chappel. In 52 pts. N. Y., H: J. Johnson, 1879. pap., ea., **25 C. 8°. Shakespeare, W: The American Shakespeare, from original text: col. and compared with ed. of Halliwell, Knight and Collier; with hist, and crit. introd., and notes to each play, and life, by C: Knight. With eng., por. in character of American actors. In 56 pts. N. Y., H: J. Johnson, 1879. 8°. pap., ea., **25 C. Thomson, Sir W: and Tait, P: Guthrie. Treatise on natural philosophy. V. 1: pt. 1. New ed. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 17+ 508 p. 8°. cl., *$4.50. Varona, Adolfo de, M.D. Sewer gases: their nature and origin, and how to protect our dwellings. Brooklyn, Eagle Book Print. Dep., 1879. 157 p. pl. S. cl., 75 c. Presents in a brief manner the gleanings of several years' careful study, by the author, of the sewer-gas question; volume condensed from lectures on sanitary science delivered by author before various medical societies and colleges. Discusses necessity of sanitary measures; composition of sewage; sewer gases; relation of sewer gases to disease; sewers; size of; inclination, shape, ventilation, etc. Walford, L. B. Cousins. N. Y., Holt, 1879. 513 p. S. (Leisure hour ser., no. 106.) cl., $1. By the author of "Mr. Smith;" a quiet English lovestory; scenes laid in the country; plot turns upon the love of cousins for each other. Weitling, W: Des seligen Schneider's Weitling Lehre vom Sozialismus u. Communismus. Neu hrsg. mit Einleitung v. Silvius Landsberg. N. Y., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, [International News Co., N. Y.,] 1879. In 7 pts. Pt. 1: 30 p. S. pap., 10 c. [Complete in I v. pap., 50 c.; cl., 75 c.] Published in Germany, about 1848, under the title "Garantien der Harmonie und Freiheit.' The author, a tailor, was an extreme radical, Wie haisst? ä Versammlung jüdischer Witze u. witziger Jüden, hrsg. v. Jennem. N. Y., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, [International News Co., N. Y.] 1879. 48 p. il. S. pap., 20 C. Witty Jews and Jewish wits. N. Y., N. Y. Pub. Institute, [Am. News Co.,] 1879. 48 p. il. S. pap., 15 C. Wright, C. E. Guthrie. School cookery book. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 158 p. 16°. cl., *45 c. Zimmermann, W: Popular hist. of Germany from earliest period to present day; tr. by Hugh Craig. In 52 pts. N. Y., H: J. Johnson, 1879. il. 8°. pap., ea., **50 C. 2.00 Eichberg, Girls' high-school music reader. 1.45 Carrothers, Sunrise kingdom.... Geibel, Brunhild... 60 F. H. THOMAS & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Mills, Law of eminent domain, net.. . . .... 4.75 D. VAN NOSTRAND, N. Y. Nichols, Filtration of potable waters.... B. WESTERMANN & Co., New York. Allen, Characeæ Americanæ, pts. 1, 2, ea. S. H. ZAHM & Co., Lancaster, Pa. Associated dairying.. .30; 25 20 MONTHLY REFERENCE list of BOOKS (JUNE). The figures in () refer to the (whole) number of the "PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY" in which the full title has been recorded under the name or words preceding the figure. The more prominent works appear in this list, both under author and title or subject, with reference from the latter to the former. CLASS SYNOPSIS OF THE MORE PROMINENT BOOKS. Turn in Reference List to the words italicized in the Synopsis. Art and Literature. See LITERARY AND ART HISTORY. (See also HISTORY; LITERARY; RELIGION, etc.)--Besant, Gaspard de Coligny.-Chocarne, Père Lacordaire.-Day, Recollections of Alex. Duff.Le Brun, Souvenirs.-Mumford, Life and letters.-Porter, Genealogy.-Sewall, Life of Prof. A. Hopkins. Domestic and Rural. See MISCELLANEOUS. Education, Language, etc. (See also ARTS; HISTORY; LITERARY, etc.)-Ahn, German dialogues.--Clark, Latin grammar.-Cultivation of the senses.-Knowlton, Hints in drawing and painting.-Legouvé, Art of reading.-Lessons in practical science.-Monsanto, French student's assistant.-Nicol, Eng. composition.-Payne, Syllabus of teaching-Searcy, Lessons in phonography.-Smithsonian Institution, Documents.-Stormonth, Etymol. dict.-Swett, Normal word-book.-Tafel, Latin grammar.-Ware, True relation of sexes.-Warren, Recreations in astronomy. Webster, Dictionary. — Yonge, Greek hist. for the little ones. Fiction. (See also JUVENILE BOOKS.) — A., E. W., Heart's delight.-Alexander, Maid, wife or widow?Arthur, Strike at Tivoli.-B., R. G., Puritan and the Quaker.-Bates, Nile days.-Benedict, Her friend Lawrence.-Bishop. Detmold.-Clare and Bébé.-Collins, Yellow mask.-Colonel's opera cloak.-Cooke, Mr. Grantley's idea.-Cooper, Tales from Euripides.-Crommelin, Orange Lily.-Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such. -Elliott, The Felmeres.-Farman, A white head.-Filleul, Pendower.-Fouqué, Undine.-Giles, Maiden Rachel.-Grant, Sorry her lot who loves too well.—Gréville, Markof.-Halsey, Two of us.-Hay, A mere adventurer. -Hogbin, Elsa.-Hume, Etalee.-Laffari, Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor.-Lane, My sister's keeper.Marryat, Ange; A broken blossom. - Meyers, Miss Margery's roses.-Robertson, David Fleming's forgiveness.-Rydberg, Last Athenian.-Scott, Waverley novels. Shirley, On the verge.-Thayer, Wired love.-Trollope, John Caldigate.-Under the empire.-W., A. B., Cupid on crutches. History. (See also BIOGRAPHICAL; LITERARY; RELIGION.) Humor and Satire.-A deler, Random shots.-Jerrold, A., E. W. (386) Heart's delight: a novel, 12°, $1.50. Ange, see Marryat, Florence. Anthems, motets, etc., see Millard, Harrison. -Hedges, No danger.-Hildeburn, Pet series.-Lucas, Leonie.-Martin, Rosa Leighton.-Porter, Millie Lee.Walton, Saved at sea.-Wright, Circled by fire. Law-Bennett, Farm law.-Hinkley, Testamentary law. Iglehart, Indiana pleadings and practice.-Moore, Indiana criminal practice.-Pearson, Decisions. Literary and Art History, Essays, Criticism, etc.-Clarke, Shakespeare key.-Couture, Art methods. -Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such.—Gallatin, Writings.-Gross, Thoughts for fireside and school.Knowlton, Hints in drawing and painting.-Lamb, Last essays of Elia.-Macaulay, Lord Bacon.-Rydberg, Roman days.-Siegvolk, A bundle of papers.-Thackeray, Selections from "Eng. humorists."-Trollope, ThackMedical.-Allingham, Diseases of the rectum.-Clapp, Auscultation and percussion.-Cohen, Throat and nasal diseases.-Frerichs, Liver diseases.-Hardenstein, Epidemic of 1878.-Higgins, Ophthalmic practice.-Jeffries, Color-blindness.-Kidd, Laws of therapeutics.-Napheys, Surgical therapeutics.-Potter, Principles and practice of medicine.-Reber, Malaria.-Rice, Posological table.Rockwell, Electricity in med.-Schwarze, Anatomy of the ear.-Shaffer, Pott's disease.-Whittaker, Physiology.-Wickes, Hist. of medicine in N. J.-Woakes, Deaf eray. ness. Music.-Bailey, Little folks' song service.-Millard, An- Travel, Geography, Ethnography, etc. Choir, Miscellaneous.-Barker, The world's checker-book.Blaikie, How to get strong. - Champney, Entertainments. Frazar, Boat-sailing. Hale, Point-lace. Housekeeping in the blue grass.-Illustrated register of centennial and Paris Exhib.-Manual for visitors among the poor.-Richardson, Long life.-Thompson, How to train in archery.-Weston, Rifle club and range. Archery, How to train in, see Thompson, M. and W. H. Arthur, T. S. (388) The strike at Tivoli Mills, and what Barker, W. R. and C. F. (389),The world's checker-book, or, Egyptian bonds: Phil., Lippincott. Bates, E. Katharine (389) Nile days; Benedict, W. A., and Tracy, H. A. (387) History of town Blue Bell, see Bramston, M. Botany, Structural, see Gray, Asa. Bowne, Borden P. (386) Studies in theism, 12°, $1.75. 60 c..... N. Y., Phillips & Hunt. Bramston, M. (388) Blue Bell (Blue Bell ser.), 16°, bds., Catholicity in Carolina and Georgia, see O'Connell, J. J. IO C..... Cevennes, Travels in, see Stevenson, R. L. Champney, Lizzie W., ed. (388) Entertainments: for holiday merry-makings, amateur performances and S. S. exercises, il., 12°, $1.. Bost., Lothrop. Charlestown, Mass., Genealogies and estates of, see Wyman, I. B. Checker-book, The world's, see Barker, W. R. and C. F. Christian life, see Berthier, J. Church history, Early, see Merivale, C. Circled by fire, see Wright, Julia McN. Civil war, First blows of, see Pike, J. S. Clapp, Herbert C. (388) Tabular handbook of auscultation and percussion, 8°, $1.50. Bost., Houghton, Osgood & Co. Clare and Bébé : (386) a novel, by author of "His heart's desire," 12°, $1.25; pap., 60 c.......... .Phil., Lippincott. Clark, T. (389) Practical and progressive Latin grammar, enl. ed., roy. 12°, hf. mor., $1.50.... Phil., C. Desilver. Clarke, C. and Mary Cowden (387) The Shakespeare key: unlocking the treasures of his style, etc., companion to Complete concordance to Shakespeare," 8°, $9. N. Y., Scribner & Welford. Codman, J. (387) The round trip by way of Panama, through California, Oregon, Nevada, etc., with notes on railroads, commerce, etc., and people, 12°, $1.50. N. Y. Putman's Sons. Cohen, J. Solis (389) Diseases of throat and nasal passages : ad ed., rev., il., 8°, $5.50; shp., $6.25. N. Y., W. Wood & Co. Coligny, Gaspard de, see Besant, W. Colorado, Carbonate camps of, see Sweet, Willis. 20 C.. Confession and Lambeth conference, see Hall, A. C. A. 10 C....... Cupid on crutches, see W., A. B. ....... Day, Lal Behari (388) Recollections of Alex. Duff, and of [his] Calcutta mission college, 8°, $1.50. N. Y., Nelson & Sons. Deafness, see Woakes, E. Detmold: a romance, see Bishop, W. H. Dr. Renwick's inheritance, see Dunning, Mrs. A. K. Phil., Am. S. S. Union. Durand, Alice, see Gréville, Henry. Ear, Pathological anatomy of, see Schwarze, H. Eastman, Julia A. (386) Short comings and long goings. New ed. 16°, $1.25.. Bost., Lothrap. Echoes of childhood, see Gobright, L. A. Eden Dell, see Warden, G. W. Electric light, Practical application, see Higgs, Paget. Electricity in its relations to medicine, see Rockwell, A. D. Elia, Last essays of, see Lamb, C. Eliot, George (387) Impressions of Theophrastus Such, English history, see Creighton, M. Farm law, see Bennett. E. H. Farman, Ella (386) A white hand: story of Am. society, new ed. 16°, $1.50 . Bost., Lothrop. Farrer, J. A. (387) Primitive manners and customs, 12°, $3.. ......N. Y., Scribner & Welford. Fatal inheritance (The), see Dunning, Mrs. A. K. Felmeres (The), see Elliott, S. B. Gas measurement, see Glover, G. Grant, Gen. U. S., visit to Europe, see Young, J. Russell. Gray, Asa (389) Structural botany, new ed., 8°, *$2. Greek history for the little ones, see Yonge, Charlotte M. Bost., Houghton. Osgood & Co. Hardenstein, Ernest (389) Epidemic [yellow fever] of 1878 and its homœopathic treatment, 12°, pap., 50 с. Vicksburg, Miss., E. Hardenstein. Hartley, Mrs. Emily (389) Odd moments of the Willoughby boys, 16°, 90 c.-(389) Records of the Do-without Society, 16o, $1 Phil., Am. S. S. Union Hay, Elzey (386) A mere adventurer: a novel, 8°, $1.25; Phil., Lippincott. pap., 75 c.. Hill, B. and Nevins, W. S. (389) North Shore of Mass. How to get strong, see Blaikie, W. Johnes, E. R. (389) Briefs by a barrister: occasional Jones, L. E., see Leypoldt, F. Jones, Thos. (386) History of New York during the revo- Last Athenian, see Rydberg, Viktor. Latin language, Analytical mannal for, see Tafel, L. Life (Is) worth living? see Mallock, W. H. Little tin gods-on-wheels (386); or, society in our modern |