Imágenes de páginas







With which is incorporated the American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular

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OR, EGYPTIAN BONDS. A Novel. By E. KATHERINE BATES. 12mo, extra cloth, $1; paper cover, 50 cents.

"One of the best books of the season."-Phila. Times. "A charming story. The writer is evidently a woman of fine culture, and writes with grace, animation, and polish."Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.

"A charming story of modern life in Egypt."-St. Louis Republican.

The Ghost of Redbrook.

A Novel. By the author of "The Odd Trump," "The
Lacy Diamonds," "The Clifton Picture," etc.
8vo, extra cloth, $1.25; paper cover, 75 cents.
"The plot is highly interesting; the mystery is well pre-
served and admirably managed; the characters are depicted
with uncommon skill, and the whole tone of the book is pure,
pleasing, and attractive."-Boston Saturday Evening Gazette.

"It is a thoroughly readable novel, pure and vigorous in tone, with plenty of love, romance, and humor, and not much ghost. The plot is worked out most skilfully, and will puzzle even the inveterate novel-readers." - Louisville CourierJournal.

A Mere Adventurer.

A Novel. By ELZEY HAY, author of A Family Se8vo, cloth, $1.25; paper cover, 75 cents.


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"Has much of a genuine and pleasing freshness, and many of the incidents, as we have hinted, possess an originality all their own."-Philadelphia Times.


A Romance. By Rev. ALFRED C. HOGBIN. 12mo,
fine cloth, $1.50.

"A delightfully-constructed romance, with a fair plot and
well-drawn characters. This story is interesting and well
written."-Philadelphia Inquirer.

Clare and Bébé.

A Novel. By the author of 'His Heart's Desire,"
etc. Fine edition, 12mo, cloth, $1.25; cheap edi-
tion, 16mo, paper cover, 60 cents.

"A fine taste, keen study of character, good control of situ-
ations and circumstances, are evinced in every chapter; and
they achieve a story, subjective in its essentials, which will be
equally acceptable for home leisure and travel. The recital is
as pure and sweet as the flow of a mountain rivulet."—North

"This story of two sisters is one of the best of the season. Full of subtle incidents, written with force and full of grace and beauty; it will be an admirable companion for a cool retreat on a hot afternoon."-Columbus Statesman.


A Novel. By Mrs. FORRESTER, author of "Mignon,"
"Viva," "Dolores," etc. 12mo, extra cloth, $1.50.
"A bright, vivacious, and forcibly-written story, abound-
ing in dramatic incidents and graphic portraitures.-Boston

**Orders from the trade respectfully solicited.


The Felmeres.

The Disturbing Element.

A Novel. By S. B. ELLIOTT. 12mo, cloth. A Tale. By CHARLOTTE M. YONGE, author of Price, $1.50.

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The Heir of Redclyffe." Paper, price, 30

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The Great Italian and French Composers.

By GEORGE T. FERRIS, author of "The Great German Composers." Paper, 30 cents; cloth, 60 cents.


Uniform with the above," THE GREAT GERMAN COMPOSERS: " new edition; paper, 30 cents: cloth, 60 cents Contents: BACH, HANDEL, GLUCK, HAYDN, MOZART, BEETHOVEN, SCHUBERT, SCHUMANN, FRANZ, CHOPIN, WEBER, MENDELSSOHN, and WAGNER.

Thomas Carlyle;

His Life-his Books-his Theories. By ALFRED H. GUERNSEY. Paper cover, price, 30



A Romance. By WILHELMINE VON HILLERN Forming No. 33 of Appletons' "New HandyVolume Series." Paper 30 cents.

A Rogue's Life.

A Tale. By WILKIE COLLINS. Paper, 25 cts.

An Attic Philosopher in Paris. By EMILE SOUVESTRE. Paper, 25 cents. Appletons' Hand-Book of Summer Resorts.

New edition revised for the summer of 1879. With maps and illustrations. Large 12mo, paper cover, 50 cents; cloth, 75 cents.

D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers,

549 and 551 Broadway, New York.

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Special rates for yearly or other contracts.


10 00



A deduction at the rate of $4 per page, throughout these terms, for each re-insertion of standing matter. Pages for re-insertion must be ordered kept standing.

Special positions, $5 per page extra. Applications for special pages will be honored in order of receipt.

All advertisements not ordered re-inserted or contracted for, to be charged at single rates. In case of imperfect fulfilment of contracts, all pages inserted to be charged up at single rates.

Books Wanted, or for Exchange, or Rare and Secondhand Books for Sale, 10 cents per line. Situations Want

ed, free insertion of five lines.

Short advertisements must be paid in advance.

Advertisements should reach the office not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible.

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NOTES IN SEASON. HOUGHTON, OSGOOD & Co.'s list this week includes Judge Shea's "Life of Alexander Hamilton," a very handsome octavo; Prof. J. A. Harrison's "Spain in Profile," a book which travel-readers will find engaging; "The Philosophy of Music," the substance of a course of lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain by Dr. William Pole; the poems of Surrey and Wyatt in one volume, and those of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson in another volume, of the Riverside edition of the British Poets,-Jonson's Poems being now for the first time included in this edition, which is complete as far as the original plan extended; but Chaucer is in preparation and will be published in the autum. The Illustrated Library Waverley is completed by the issue of five volumes this week (a capital library edition for $25), and five more volumes of the Illustrated Library Dickens appear. This edition will be

finished next month.

A. WILLIAMS & Co., Boston, have just ready a handy guide-book, by Lucius Hubbard, for tourists in Maine and thereabouts, entitled "Summer Vacations at Moosehead Lake and Vicinity." The volume contains, besides description of routes for the canoe-man over the principal waters of Northern Maine, hints to campers, and estimates of expense for tours, twenty views of Penobscot and Kennebec scenery, and a large map of the head waters of the Penobscot, Kennebec, and St. John rivers.

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HARPER & BROS. issue this week Motley's "United Netherlands" in the elegant edition in which the Dutch Republic," Hume's and Macaulay's histories were published. Scott's "Lay of the Last Minstrel" and Macaulay's "Hallam's Constitutional History" will be added to the Half-Hour series, and "The Lover's Tale" will appear in the Franklin Square Library.

E. & F. N. SPON will have ready shortly an important treatise on "Transmission of Power by Electricity," by Dr. Paget Higgs, well known for his labors in this field, and his former work, "Electric Light in its Practical Application."

GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co. desire to call the attention of the trade to the fact that invoices or lists of books for the trade sale to be held in September next should be mailed to them at latest on the 15th inst.

PHILLIPS & HUNT have about ready "A Short History of the English Bible," by Dr J. M. Freeman, and "Outlines of Christian Ethics," by J. P. Lacroix, of the Western University, Delaware, O

ROBERTS BROs. close their spring list by the issue of "Our Autumn Holiday on French Rivers," a pleasant vacation book by J. L. Mulloy.

LONG'S translation of the Eneid, which has been reviewed much at length and in flattering terms, will very shortly pass to a second edition.


"THE Ten Millions of the Begum" is to be the title of Jules Verne's next story

EUGENE SCHUYLER is stated to be at work on writing a life of Peter the Great, in which he proposes to "vindicate the truth of history."

THE selection from the letters of Charles

Dickens which Miss Hogarth and Miss Dickens are preparing was to have seen the light in the spring, but the publication of the work has been unavoidably delayed till autumn.

M. DUPLESSIS, son of the conservateur of the National Library at Paris, who is at the head of the Department of Engravings, will soon publish through Hachette a large work on "Engravers and Engraving." It is said that few men are as competent to treat this subject.

PROF. MASSON has at last come to the end of his labors upon the "Life and Times of Milton." The sixth and concluding volume of thority for the history and literature of the time, this work, which must remain a standard auhas now been placed in the hands of Messrs. Macmillan & Co. for publication in the course of this year. Dealing in Book I. with "The Year of the Restoration and Milton's Doings during that Year," the author passes in Book II. to "The Clarendon Administration of 16611667, the Laureateship of Davenant, and the First Seven Years of Restoration Literature, Milton's Life from 1661-1667, and the Composition of Paradise Lost." Book III. is devoted to "English Politics and Literature, 1667 to 1674, and the Last Seven Years of Milton's Life;" while the subject is closed in Book IV. by a chapter on "Posthumous Miltoniana."


In this list, the titles in brevier are direct transcriptions from books actually received, according to the rules of the American Library Association; those in nonpareil are from the best information available, and will be repeated in brevier when the book is received for registry.

The abbreviations are usually self-explanatory. A colon after initial designates the most usual given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Benjamin; C: Charles; D: Daniel; E: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry; 1: Isaac: J: John: L: Louis; N: Nicholas; P: Peter; R: Richard; S: Samuel; T: Thomas; W: William,

Sizes are designated as follows: F. folio: over 30 centimeters high); Q. (4to: under 30 cm.); O. (8vo : 25 cm.); D. (12m0: 20 cm.); S. (16mo: 17%1⁄2 cm.); T. (24m0: 15 cm.); Tt. (32mo: 12 cm.); Fe. (48mo: 10 cm.). Sq., obl., nar., designate square, oblong, narrow books of these heights. Where figure instead of letter symbols are used, the record is from publisher's designation, and not measurement.

Imported books are marked with an asterisk; authors' and subscription books, or books published at net prices, with two asterisks; educational books published at “wholesale" prices, with a dagger.

Allen, T. F. Characea Americanæ illustrated and described. In 5 pts. Pts. 1, 2. (Each pt. contains 1 pl. and I sheet descrip. text.) N. Y., B. Westermann & Co., 1879. 4°. pap., ea., 25 c. (Complete, $1.) Anglo-American Bible revision, by members of the American Revision Committee. Phila., American S. S. Union, [1879]. 192 p. D. cl., 75 C.

18 essays on the various aspects of the Anglo-American Bible revision now going on: The authorized version and English versions on which it is based, by C: P. Krauth; The English Bible as a classic, by T. W. Chambers Reasons for a new revision, by Theo. D. Woolsey; Hebrew philology and biblical science, by W. H: Green; The New Testament text, by Ezra Abbot; The proper names of the Bible, by C: A. Aiken, etc., etc. Also lists of English, American revisers. General index and index of texts, by S. Austin Allibone.

Anson, Sir W: R. Principles of the English law of contract. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 21 + 358 p. 12°. (Clarendon press ser.) cl., *$2.50.

Arnold, W. T. Roman system of provincial administration to accession of Constantine the Great. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 240 p. 12°. cl., *$1.75. Associated dairying: creameries and creamery butter, cheese and cheese-making, our dairyhouses and the best butter. Lancaster, Pa., S. H. Zahm & Co., 1879. 74 p. D. cl., 30 c.; pap, 20 c.

Descriptions of the origin and growth of creameries, butter and cheese factories in the U. S.; how to start them; the apparatus used; methods of conducting creameries and making creamery butter; about cheese, and cheese-making, and our dairy-houses.

Baker, Jos. Marion. Meladore: a tale of the battle of Saratoga. Grand Rapids, Mich.,

Eaton, Lyon & Co., [1879]. 69 p. T. pap.,

25 c.

Poem in five cantos; a love-story of which "Meladore" is the heroine.

Calderwood, H: Relations of mind and brain. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 16+ 455 p. 8°. cl., *$4. Carrothers, Mrs. Julia D. The sunrise kingdom; or, life and scenes in Japan, and woman's work for woman there. Phila., Presb B'd of Pub., [1879]. 408 p. il. D. cl., $2.

Record of seven years of missionary life in Japan; graphic descriptions of the people, their manners and customs climate, fruit-trees, flowers, etc.; at home and in school their pictures and books, games, toys, and what little children read; the progress made in missionary work, with many details of the writer's own life. Period embraced from 1869 to 1877.

Colegrove, W. Complete scientific grammar of the English language, with app. cont. treatise on composition, specimens of English and American literature, defense of phonetics, etc., for use of colleges, schools and private learners. N. Y., Authors' Pub. Co., 1879, 362 p. D. cl., $1.25.

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Author, President of West Virginia College. Claims to have thoroughly reconstructed the science from its foundation, and produced a complete treatise, simple enough for the beginner and comprehensive enough for the college student. Treats of phonetics, orthography, inflection, derivation, analysis, punctuation, etc., the logical arrangement of topics, the scientific nomenclature, classification of irregular verbs, etc. Contains charts of words, phrases and sentences. Analytical index.

Combe, G: Education: its principles and practice; col. and ed. by W. Jolly. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 77 + 772 p. 8°. cl., *$5.

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71 pieces of music with words; songs, hymns, solos, duets. choruses. etc., from Gounod, Schumann, Abt, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Bishop, Carl Reinecke, Rossini, Julius Eichberg, etc., etc. Compiler, director of musical instruction in the Boston Public Schools.

Geibel, Emanuel. Brunhild a tragedy, from the Nibelung Saga; tr. by G. Theodore Dippold; preceded by brief account of the Nibelung epics and sagas. Bost., Ginn & Heath, 1879. 39 + 116 p. S. cl., 60 c.

Emanuel Geibel's "Brunhild" "was received with signal favor in Germany, and deservedly so, as it is a truly grand production, exhibiting the characters and incidents of the Nibelung saga with rare force and clearness of delineation. As the poem has not hitherto been accessible in the English language, the attempt has been made in this volume to present a translation of this great tragedy, faithful to the original, both in spirit and in form."-Preface. Notes. Goffard, A: Ensilage: preservation of corn-stalks (maize) and other green fodder in air-tight compartments called silos; tr. and ed. by J. B. Brown. N. Y., J. B. Brown, 1879. 87 p. 8°. cl., $1.

Hamley, W. G. The house of Lys: one book of its history: a tale. N. Y., Harper, 1879. 69 p. Q. (Franklin sq. lib., no. 64.) pap., 15 C. Story of the Crimean war; hero an officer in the English army; heroine at first apparently a beautiful peasant girl, Major-General, late of the Royal Engineers. she is afterwards restored to her right position. Author

Le Gendre, General. Progressive Japan: study of political and social needs of the empire. San Francisco, Cal., A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1879. 370 p. 8°. pap., $3.

Lustige Shabbes Geschichten, hersg. v. Rebb

Mosche Hilten. 1. hft. N. Y., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, [International News Co., N. Y.,] 1879. 48 p. il. S. pap., 15 c.

Lustige Shabbes-Geschicten, hersg. v. Hirsch, Bär, Wolf u. Löwe. 2. hft. N. Y., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, [International News Co., N. Y.,] 1879. 48 p. il. S. pap., 15 c.

Mills, H: E. Treatise upon law of eminent domain. St. Louis, Mo., F. H. Thomas & Co., 1879. 72 + 404 p. 8°. shp., **$4.75.

Napier, Macvey. Selections from correspondence; ed. by his son, Macvey Napier. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 16+ 555 p. 8°. cl., *$4.

New schoolma'am (The); or, a summer in North Sparta. Bost., A. K. Loring, 1879. 34 p. Q. (Loring's Hub lib.) pap., 15 c.

A fashionable young heiress, tired of leading a frivolous life, accepts a situation at North Sparta to teach school;

she is supposed to be poor, and wins the love of an honorable but poor young man.


Nichols, W: Ripley. Filtration of potable water. Y., D. Van Nostrand. 1879. 93 p. il. 8°. cl., $1.50. Platt, Rev. W. H. After death-what? or, hell and salvation considered in the light of science and philosophy. 2d ed., rev. and enl. San Francisco, Cal., A. L. Bancroft & Co., [1879]. 8+ 209 p. D. cl., $1.25.

Imaginary conversations between a Christian preacher and a sceptical scientist; an inquiry into the condition of the soul after death (is it immortal?) and duration of punishment. Argument is in favor of the Christian 'octrines of immortality and the existence of hell.

Porter, Mary W. Poor papa. Bost., D. Lothrop & Co., [1879]. 218 p. il. S. (Idle hour ser.) pap., 50 c.

Story for children; adventures of a little boy and girl, who go to Europe with their father (a widower); the father's troubles and perplexities are amusingly detailed, as are also the doings of the children in Italy, under the charge of a strict governess.

Reynolds, J. Russell, ed. System of medicine. In 24 pts. Pt. 1. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 19+ 192 p. 8°, pap., **$1.25.

Roman Catholicism in the U. S. N.Y., Authors' Pub. Co., 1879. 190 p. D. cl.. $1.25.

Discusses the consequences which are likely to result from the increasing power and influence of the Roman Catholic Church in this country. Chapters on: Elements of national life; The spirit of Romanism; Roman Catholicism and modern civilization; Nature of the conflict between Romanism and Protestantism; Our national ideal and its relations to Romanism and Protestantism. Schroeder, J: F: Life and times of Washington, with acc't of men and events connected with Am. Revolution and founding of Republic; rev. and enl. by Benson J. Lossing. With eng., from original designs, by Alonzo Chappel. In 52 pts. N. Y., H: J. Johnson, 1879. 8°. pap., ca., **25 C.

Shakespeare, W: The American Shakespeare, from original text: col. and compared with ed. of Halliwell, Knight and Collier; with hist. and crit. introd., and notes to each play, and life, by C: Knight. With eng., por. in character of American actors. In 56 pts. N. Y., H: J. Johnson, 1879. 8°. pap., ea., **25 C. Thomson, Sir W: and Tait, P: Guthrie. Treatise on natural philosophy. V. 1: pt. 1. New ed. N. Y., Macmillan, 1879. 17+ 508 p. 8°. cl., *$4.50. Varona, Adolfo de, M.D. Sewer gases their nature and origin, and how to protect our dwellings. Brooklyn, Eagle Book Print. Dep., 1879. 157 p. pl. S. cl., 75 c. Presents in a brief manner the gleanings of several years'


Witty Jews.....

careful study, by the author, of the sewer-gas question; volume condensed from lectures on sanitary science delivered by author before various medical societies and colleges. Discusses necessity of sanitary measures; composition of sewage; sewer gases; relation of sewer gases to disease; sewers; size of; inclination, shape, ventilation, etc. Walford, L. B. Cousins. N. Y., Holt, 1879. 513 p. S. (Leisure hour ser., no. 106.) cl., $1. By the author of "Mr. Smith;" a quiet English lovestory; scenes laid in the country; plot turns upon the love of cousins for each other.

Weitling, W: Des seligen Schneider's Weitling Lehre vom Sozialismus u. Communismus. Neu hrsg. mit Einleitung v. Silvius Landsberg. N. Y., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, [International News Co., N. Y.,] 1879. In 7 pts. Pt. 1: 30 p. S. pap., 10 c. [Complete in I v. pap., 50 c.; cl., 75 c.]

Published in Germany, about 1848, under the title “Garantien der Harmonie und Freiheit.' The author, a tailor, was an extreme radical.

Wie haisst? ä Versammlung jüdischer Witze u. witziger Jüden, hrsg. v. Jennem. N. Y., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, [International News Co., N. Y.,] 1879. 48 p. il. S. pap.,

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AM. SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, Phila. Anglo-American Bible revision........


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Colegrove, Scientific grammar..

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Roman Catholicism in U. S...

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A. L. BANCROFT & CO., San Francisco.

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