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THE history of the Christian Church is fraught with peculiar interest to the statesman, the philosopher, and the divine. Viewed in its connection with the operations of God's moral government, it involves a fuller and sublimer discovery of his perfections, than the vastest objects in the material uniHerein He has abounded towards us, in all wisdom and prudence." Notwithstanding the combined opposition of earthly, and infernal powers, divine truth has in every age been gradually, yet effectually, working out the renovation of the human family, and hastening the accomplishment of ancient prophecy, when the world shall bow to the supremacy of the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Victories more brilliant, and more pregnant with benevolent results, might doubtless have been achieved had the disciples of Jesus been faithful to their trust. It is, however, impossible not to admire, how in the darkest eras, the wisdom of Heaven has been developed in raising up men of ardent piety and high mental endowments, to maintain the purity of the faith, and protest against the encroachment of error and superstition. We love to call to mind their intrepid zeal and holy magnanimity. To them under God we owe our dearest privileges, VOL. 6.-N. S.

and their names will ever be embalmed in our affections.

Wicliffe, the morning star of the reformation, diffused light and life through our country, during a period of extreme ignorance and apathy. The Reformers of the 15th and 16th centuries, curtailing the dominant power of papal Rome, still further prepared the way for the dissemination of truth, and the ultimate ascendency of protestant influence. The Puritan and nonconforming fathers introduced an epoch into the religious history of our land. Refuting the dogmas which had for ages blinded the nation, and crippled its moral and spiritual energies, they unfolded the rich treasures of infinite mercy, and in the face of the most malignant hostility, labored with unquenchable ardour for the eternal welfare of men, enduring hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. It would have been well for England, if what these holy men commenced, had been vigorously prosecuted, but for some time after their day, religion was suffered to languish, and vast portions of the empire were involved in the profoundest darkness. The previous gloom had been so dense, that the efforts of the Nonconformists, exposed as they were to constant fines and imprisonment, had but very partially dispelled it; and their


successors, not inheriting, with but few exceptions, their dauntless courage, their varied learning, and untiring zeal, the nation, as may be supposed, relapsed into a state of awful ignorance and impiety. Pulpits from which had issued the sublimest truths, delivered with impassioned earnestness, became occupied by men denying the fundamental verities of the Gospel. The Established Clergy were given up to almost every species of vice, and infidelity, and irreligion, were patronised by persons possessing from their position in society, great influence and authority. Those who were endowed with distinguished powers, felt no compassion for this wretched condition of the country, but looked upon the great bulk of the community, as a course mass of living material, the mere earthly substratum of humanity, unworthy of their notice, and "not to be accounted of in any comparison, or even relation to what man is in his higher style."


A brighter day was now, however, at hand. Men, eminently qualified for the posts of difficulty, and of honor they were to occupy, raised up in different parts of the kingdom; men, whose hearts were touched with the most poignant grief, in the contemplation of the spiritual destitution of our population. Whitfield and Wesley, by the fervor of their zeal, the pointed and pungent character of their addresses, were instrumental in exciting a deep concern for eternal things, and arousing the British Churches from their sinful slumbers. All evangelical denominations shaking themselves from the dust, and mourning over past negligence, began to move on to possess the land.

It has ever struck us that heaven in carrying on its vast and glorious purpose, as if to humble the pride of man, has generally selected instruments unknown to fame, men dwelling in some obscure nooks, working their way upward through a host of

difficulties. There are few events, perhaps, of modern times which more strikingly illustrate this remark, than those associated with the history of the Baptist denomination for the last century. At the period to which we have referred, when the Wesleys were attacking the strongholds of the enemy throughout the nation, the Particular Baptists were fast declining under the withering influence of Antinomianism, and those who went under the designation of General Baptists, were approaching the verge of death. They had forsaken the Lord Jesus, and he had given them up to strong delusions to believe a lie, and Ichabod was written on their sanctuaries. The former section of the denomination was reclaimed through the powerful labors of Andrew Fuller, originally the pastor of a small and poor church in Cambridgeshire, but a man of strong intellect, and unconquerable energy. Suspecting that there was something wrong in the narrow and exclusive sentiments entertained by a great number of Churches, and feeling himself fettered in the discharge of the functions of his office, Mr. Fuller entered into a thorough investigation of the subject. With the word of God in his hand, he read, and thought, and prayed, and however we may differ from him on some points, we believe that he admirably succeeded in removing the vast rubbish which had been introduced into the theological creed of his body, and in exhibiting the great truths of Christianity, in their beautiful proportions, and benevolent bearing on a world lying in wickedness. Nor was it long before the influence of these efforts was widely felt. Churches were brought to weep over their supineness, christian charity began looking over the blue waves of the ocean, towards distant and heathen lands, and to yearn over the miseries of dying men.

Though instruments were raised up whose energies were brought to bear


on the old connexion of General Baptists, yet their labors were not equally successful with those of Mr. Fuller's 's among his friends. The evil against which they had to contend, was of greater magnitude, and exerted a more fearful sway. A few churches, it is true, were reclaimed, but these had never been thoroughly corrupted. This failure led in the wise providence of God, to the happiest result-the formation of the New Connexion of General Baptists, in the year 1770. The leading churches which united at this period, were principally in the Midland Counties, and had been originated under circumstances the most peculiar; circumstances which strikingly illustrate the truth, that events the most momentous frequently spring from causes, which, according to human calculation, appear of no great importance. In the building up of the great spiritual temple, the excellency of the power must ever be of God, and not of man. A pious servant of the late Lady Huntingdon, feels that a necessity is laid upon him to warn his fellow-men to flee from the wrath to come. He visits the small village of Ratby, in the County of Leicester; an inhabitant of the name of Samuel Deacon, hears him proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ, and experiences the power of the grace of God. The truth becomes victorious over the hearts of others. Barton, a village in the same county is visited, and notwithstanding the most violent opposition, a christian Church is ultimately formed. This Church after passing through a variety of changes, influenced by no party, but yielding to the authority of divine revelation, gives up the dogma of infant sprinkling, and imbibes the principles of immersionists. From Barton, the glad tidings of salvation are conveyed to Melbourne, Loughborough, Kegworth, Castle Donington, and several other neighbouring towns and villages. About the same period, similar events transpired in


Yorkshire, through the ministration of Mr. Dan Taylor. He had commenced his religious career among the Methodists, but experienced the same change in relation to the ordinance of baptism, as the Church at Barton. Becoming acquainted with several Churches in the old Connexion of General Baptists, he most laudably endeavoured to arouse them from their slumbers, and bring them to a sense of their awful defection. These attempts, however, failed. Hearing of the Churches in the County of Leicester, which now had become numerous and respectable, it was not long before Mr. Taylor commenced a fraternal correspondence with them, which issued in the event to which reference has been made--the formation of our Connexion. The men who were engaged in the transactions of those days, were comparatively few in number and despised by the world; the majority of them too, were plain, unlettered persons, but they knew and loved the truth, and felt an ardent desire to make it known to others. The most prominent, and certainly the most intellectual among them, was Dan Taylor. Considering the disadvantages under which he labored in his earlier years, it cannot but be matter of wonder, that he acquired such varied information and became so well versed in theological science. Not many years elapsed before other men of no mean mental stature, appeared in the Connexion. That they were not more generally known, was simply owing to the comparative smallness and obscurity of the body to which they consecrated their labors. It is sufficient to mention John Taylor, William Felkin, Robert Smith, Joseph Freestone, and Thomas Pickering. In addition to these, several who for a considerable period were their contemporaries, some of whom have but recently left the Church on earth-whilst others still remainmay be noticed. We would wish it, however, to be understood that we

have no desire to offend the delicacy of the living. Joseph Jarrom, Thos. Stevenson, Joseph Goadby, Thomas Rogers, and Richard Ingham, will ever be held in high esteem in the Connexion as faithful ministers of Jesus Christ. They were men differing widely from each other, but yet all of them were men of varied excellencies, and would have been ornaments to any denomination of christians. Belonging to the same distinguished class, though still left among us, may be mentioned the indefatigable Secretary of the Foreign Mission, and the venerable William Pickering, of Nottingham. This is not the time to pronounce their eulogium, or it might be easily done. Suffice it to say, that few men have been so deservedly esteemed, few men have been so eminently successful in the Lord's vineyard.

For a considerable period after the Connexion was commenced, its progress was far from being rapid. In the year 1800, thirty years after its formation, it contained but 35 churches, 25 pastors, and 3,400 members. In 1810, the number of the associated Churches was 53, containing 5,322 members. In 1820 there were 87 Churches, 7,673 members. Though there was a gradual increase, yet it was but small. It may be difficult to assign the various causes for this want of prosperity. Some of them, however, may be hastily noticed. There was for some time a lurking suspicion in the minds of many, that the new Connexion was not entirely free from the heterodoxy of the old; and the effects of this leaven were so visible throughout the kingdom, amongst several denominations, that not a few systematically kept aloof from a body which still retained the distinctive appellation, of a sect eaten up with Socinianism. It was in vain that our confession of faith asserted the purest principles, it was in vain that our best ministers made the Deity of Christ, and the efficacy of his sacrifice, their

most prominent themes-prejudice is often stronger than ten thousand arguments. Another cause which must have retarded our progress, was a dearth of men qualified for the momentous duties of the ministry. Many pulpits were but occasionally supplied, and in some instances it is questionable whether the supplies obtained did not counteract, by their feebleness and inadequacy to the work, the good their labors were intended to accomplish.

Among many, too, there existed the lowest views of the ministerial office. Churches blessed with wealth, suffered their pastors, during the week, to entangle themselves with the affairs of this life, in order to be able to support their families. We defy any man under such circumstances, successfully to prosecute his labours as a minister of Christ. If congregations are to hear something beyond barren and dry generalities, the preacher must study; his mind and his heart must be filled with divine truth in its harmony, amplitude, and majesty. Though the Bible in one sense is a plain book, yet its doctrines and precepts are so varied, so associated with everything that is mighty in conception, both in relation to human destiny, and the development of the divine perfections, that they require the undivided and concentrated energies of the mind to bring them forth in their native simplicity and grandeur. It may be further observed, that there was certainly a great want of public spirit amongst us, nor are we sure that this evil has been entirely removed. Until recently few attempts were made to introduce the cause into large towns and populous districts. Such appear to us to have been some of the causes of the dwarfish character of our success for a long series of years.

Happily, an improved state of things has been superinduced. The success of the last twenty years has far more than equalled the success of the preceding fifty years. The minutes of the last Association report 17,076



members, nearly 22,000 children are regularly taught in Our Sabbath Schools, and 3,518 teachers are engaged in this momentous work. Nor ought it to be concealed, for it is a fact of vital importance, that the general character of our ministry, has been considerably raised, not a few sustaining the sacred office, are men of varied information, and well-disciplined minds. The unanimity of sentiment also predominating among the pastors of our Churches is highly pleasing. There may be shades of difference in relation to some mysterious points, which elude the grasp of the mightiest intellect but all agree, that God is in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, and all can, unfettered by metaphysical and speculative distinctions, proclaim the atonement of our great Redeemer, as the foundation of human hope, and invite perishing sinners to the Lamb of God. As the success of the cause must materially depend on our ministry, it is earnestly hoped the Churches will pay peculiar attention to the training of those who are looking forward to this important office. The first qualification is, doubtless, the possession of vital piety, but narrow and crude must be the notions of the man, who supposes that biblical knowledge can be acquired without study, and that a person is qualified, in this enlightened age, to sustain the heavy responsibilities of the Gospel ministry, without previous preparation. The Apostles were taught at the feet of Jesus; and who teacheth like him? It has been the fashion in some places to imagine that any one who can talk, however rude and ignorant, may safely ascend a pulpit. It is impossible to say what mischief has been occasioned to religion by such persons. Let it not be thought from these remarks, that we are opposed to what is sometimes designated the preaching of lay brethren. Churches may contain men who have devoted so much of their time to the study of the word of God, and whose minds


may be well stored with general information, that they may be advantageously employed in teaching men the way to heaven. There are spheres in which all may move, and promote the interest of Zion, but there have been painful instances in which this important truth has been forgotten, and the consequences have been disappointment and heart-burning.

Our Academical Institution has been removed to the Midland Counties, and established, it is hoped, on a permanent basis. Having chosen a tutor eminently adapted for his office, and who can devote the whole of his time to its duties, there can be no doubt that the studies of our young brethren will embrace a wider range than they have heretofore done. Indeed, we have been credibly informed that the plan pursued is every way excellent and effective. Will the churches now ex

ert themselves? The future welfare of the Connexion demands their united efforts. Amongst other sections of the Christian Church the importance of an educated ministry is more and more felt, and the most powerful efforts are made. Shall we ever be in the rear of the army of the Lord as it marches onward to the conquest of the world?

Another subject which calls for our prayerful attention is the Foreign Mission. According to the exertions we have made, no mission has been more abundantly blessed. But we want more Missionaries, and more money to support them. Are there no young men in our Churches, in our academy, that will consecrate themselves to this department of the Lord's service? Oh it is a glorious service! the brightest spirits with which the Church has ever been blessed have

been engaged in it. Dastardly must be the soul which trembles in the prospect of a few difficulties. Is there not a crown at the end of our toils -a crown which never fades.

Greater efforts must also be made at home. Satan maintains an undisturbed dominion over a fearful portion

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