FIG. 25. Ice-striation on the floor and side of a valley 26. Buller of Buchan—a caldron-shaped cavity or blow-hole worn out of granite by the sea on the coast of Aberdeenshire . 27. The Stacks of Duncansby, Caithness, a wave-beaten coast-line 28. Section of submarine plain. 29. Storm-beach ponding back a stream and forming a lake; west coast of Sutherlandshire. 30. Section of a peat-bog. 31. Diatom-earth from floor of Antarctic Ocean, magnified 300 diameters 32. Recent limestone (cockle, etc.) 33. Globigerina ooze magnified. 34. Section of a coral-reef 35. Cellular lava with a few of the cells filled up with infiltrated mineral matter (Amygdules) 36. Section of a lava-current 37. Elongation of cells in direction of flow of a lava-stream. 38. Volcanic block ejected during the deposition of strata in water 39. Volcanoes on lines of fissure 41. Ground-plan of the structure of the Neck shown in Fig. 40 106 107 109 118 45. Calcite (Iceland spar), showing its characteristic rhombohedral 53. Piece of hæmatite, showing the nodular external form and the internal crystalline structure 129 54. Octahedral crystals of magnetite in chlorite schist . 130 55. Dendritic markings due to arborescent deposit of earthy manganese oxide 56. Cavity in a lava, filled with zeolite which has crystallised in long slender needles 61. Sphærosiderite or Clay-ironstone concretion enclosing portion of a fern 62. Gypsum crystals PAGE 135 63. Group of fluor-spar crystals 64. Concretions 65. Section of a septarian nodule, with coprolite of a fish as a nucleus. 66. Piece of oolite 67. Piece of pisolite. 136 137 138 140 141 142 142 143 144 73. Brecciated structure-volcanic breccia, a rock composed of angular fragments of lava, in a paste of finer volcanic debris. 75. Concretionary forms assumed by Dolomite, Magnesian Limestone, Durham 156 76. Weathered surface of crinoidal limestone 159 77. Group of crystals of felspar, quartz, and mica, from a cavity in the Mourne Mountain granite 164 78. Columnar basalts of the Isle of Staffa, resting upon tuff (to the right is Fingal's Cave) 83. Cast of a sun-cracked surface preserved in the next succeeding layer of sediment 85. Vertical trees (Sigillaria) in sandstone, Swansea (Logan) 177 178 180 94. Curved strata (anticlinal fold), near St. Abb's Head 95. Curved strata (synclinal fold) near Banff 191 192 96. Anticlines and Synclines 193 FIG. 97. Section of folded and crumpled strata forming the Grosse Windgälle (10,482 feet), Canton Uri, Switzerland, showing crumpled and inverted strata (after Heim) 98. Distortion of fossils by the shearing of rocks PAGE 193 194 IOI. Sections to show the relations of Plications to reversed Faults 102. Throw of a Fault 196 197 103. Ordinary unaltered red sandstone, Keeshorn, Ross-shire 198 198 202 105. Outline and section of a Boss traversing stratified rocks 106. Ground-plan of Granite-boss with ring of Contact-Metamorphism 203 107. Intrusive Sheet 108. Interstratified or contemporaneous Sheets 204 205 109. Section to illustrate evidence of contemporaneous volcanic action 110. Map of Dykes near Muirkirk, Ayrshire 115. A, Fucoid-like impression (Eophyton Linneanum) from Cambrian 119. Cambrian Brachiopod (Lingulella Davisii), natural size 246 120. An Upper Silurian sea-weed (Chondrites versimilis), natural size 121. Graptolites from Silurian rocks. 124. Filled-up Burrows or Trails left by a sea-worm on the bed of the 140. Section of part of the Cape Breton coal-field, showing a succession 145. Cordaites alloidius . 151. Carboniferous Trilobite 155. Carboniferous Gasteropods 159. Permian Plants 160. Permian Brachiopods 161. Permian Lamellibranchs 162. Permian Ganoid Fish 163. Permian Labyrinthodont 164. Triassic Plants 165. Triassic Crinoid 166. Triassic Lamellibranchs 167. Triassic Cephalopods 168. Triassic Lizard 169. Triassic Crocodile Scutes 170. Triassic Marsupial Teeth 171. Jurassic Cycad. 172. Jurassic reef-building Coral 173. Jurassic Crinoid 174. Jurassic Sea-urchin 175. Jurassic Lamellibranchs 176. Jurassic Ammonites. FIG. 177. Jurassic Belemnite 178. Jurassic Crustacean 179. Jurassic Fish 180. Jurassic Sea-lizard 181. Jurassic Pterosaur, or flying reptile 182. Jurassic Bird 183. Jurassic Marsupial Teeth and Jaw 184. Cretaceous Plants 185. Cretaceous Foraminifera 186. Cretaceous Sponge . 187. Cretaceous Sea-urchins 188. Cretaceous Lamellibranchs 189. Cretaceous Lamellibranchs 190. Cretaceous Cephalopods 191. Cretaceous Fish 192. Cretaceous Deinosaur 193. Eocene Plant 194. Eocene Molluscs 195. Eocene Mammal 196. Skull of Tinoceras ingens. 197. Oligocene Molluscs 198. Miocene Plants 199. Mastodon augustidens 200. Skull of Deinotherium giganteum 201. Pliocene Plants 202. Pliocene Marine Shells 203. Helladotherium Duvernoyi—a gigantic animal intermediate in structure between the giraffe and the antelope, Pikermi, Attica. 350 204. Pleistocene or Glacial Shells 356 205. Mammoth, from the skeleton in the Musée Royal, Brussels. 206. Back view of skull of Musk-sheep, Brick-earth, Crayford, Kent 207. Palæolithic Implements 357 357 362 208. Antler of Reindeer found at Bilney Moor, East Dereham, Norfolk 209. Neolithic Implements 364 366 |