HORSLEY, MARKS, NICHOLLS, Sir NOEL PATON, PICKERSGILL, G. SMITH, MARCUS STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, EM WARD, and WARREN. All engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art. Edited, with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA " This book is well got... The New Paul and Virginia: Or, Positivism on an Island - Página 3por William Hurrell Mallock - 1878 - 144 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
| Henry Sampson - 1874 - 716 páginas
...GILBERT, LESLIE, ANSDELL, MARCUS STONE, SIR NOEL PATON, FAED, EYRE CROWE, GAVIN, O'NEIL, and MADOX BROWN. Engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art. Edited,...with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA Imperial 410, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, 2i.r. TOM HOOD'S NEW STORY FOR CHILDREN. From Nowhere... | |
| Henry Sampson - 1874 - 688 páginas
...GILBERT, LESLIE, ANSDELL, MARCUS STONE, SIR NOEL PATON, FAED, EYRE CROWE, GAVIN, O'NEIL, and MADOX BROWN. Engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art. Edited,...with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA Imperial 410, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, 2 1*. COURT BEAUTIES OFTHE REIGN OF CHARLESTl. from... | |
| Douglas William Jerrold - 1874 - 518 páginas
...GILBERT, LESLIE, ANSDELL, MARCUS STONE, SIR NOEL PATON, FAED, EYRE CROWE, GAVIN, O'NEIL, and MADOX BROWN. Engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art. Edited,...with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA Imperial 410, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, 2ls. COURT BEAUTIES OF THE REIGFOF CHARLES II. From... | |
| George Chapman - 1875 - 556 páginas
...Pictures by British Artists : A Gathering of Favourites from our Picture Galleries. In Two Series. All engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art. Edited, with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNRY ARMYTAGE, MA Imperial 410, cloth extra, Rill and gilt edges, 2Is. per Vol. Bcclistcin. — As... | |
| Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm - 1875 - 452 páginas
...Pictures by ARMYT AGE, FAED, GOODALL, HEMSLBY, HORSLEY, MARKS, NICHOLLS, Sir NOEL PATON, PICKERSGILL, G. SMITH, MARCUS STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, EM WARD,...SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA " This book is well got up, and food engravings by feens, Lumb Stocks, and others, bring back to us pictures of Royal Academy Exhibitions... | |
| Washington Irving - 1875 - 362 páginas
...Pictures by ARMYTAGE, FAED, GOODALL, HEMSLEY, HORSt.EY, MARKS, NICHOLLS, Sir NOEL PATON, PICKERSGILL, G. SMITH, MARCUS STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, EM WARD,...with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA Price of each Series, imperial 410 cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, 2u. Each Volume is Complete in.... | |
| Wilkie Collins - 1875 - 404 páginas
...Pictures by ARMYTAGE, FAED, GOODALL, HEMSLEY, HORSLEY, MARKS, NICHOLLS, Sir NOEL PATON, PICKERSGILL, G. SMITH, MARCUS STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, EM WARD,...with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA Price of each Series, imperial 41o cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, 2i$. Each Volume is Complete in... | |
| Herbert Byng Hall - 1875 - 346 páginas
...Pictures by ARM YT AGE, FAED, GOODALL, HEMSLEY, HORSLEY, MARKS, NICHOLLS, Sir NOEL PATON, PICKERSGILL, G. SMITH, MARCUS STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, EM WARD,...with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA Price of each Series, imperial 410 cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, 21s. Each Volume is Complete in... | |
| Blaise Pascal - 1875 - 388 páginas
...Pictures by ARMYTAGE, FAED, GOODALL, HEMSLEV, HORSLEY, MARKS, NICHOLLS, Sir NOEL PATON, PICKERSGILL, G. SMITH, MARCUS STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, EM WARD,...with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA Price of each Series, imperial 410, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, 21r. Each Volume is Complete... | |
| Wilkie Collins - 1875 - 358 páginas
...Pictures by ARMYTAGE, FAED, GOODALL, HEMSLEY, HORSLEY, MARKS, NICHOLLS, Sir NOEL PATON, PICKERSGILL, G. SMITH, MARCUS STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, EM WARD,...with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, MA Price of each Series, imperial 4t0 cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, zis. Each Volume is Complete in.... | |
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